Why we Need God

From Aryez

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Book of the Aryama

Why We Need God

I've heard a lot of people ask today in this age as to why we need God. Well, we do need God. We've always needed him and we always will need him. Just like we need food and water to sustain our bodies lest they fall into decay, we need God to sustain our souls lest they fall into disrepair. Society today is sick. Very sick, because it's collective spirit lacks one crucial element- spirituality. This problem cannot be reversed by a few righteous people. Some people feel that they should attend to their own spiritual well being and leave others alone. But people cannot remain isolated as such. For a sickness spreads no matter how hard we try to remain away from it. Thus in this age of spiritual sickness, even spiritual people who try to do well are affected by the general plague of immorality, and too fall into some bad habits. All of this is proof that people have turned away from God. Can God turn away from people? No. Can God ever create a rock he cannot lift? No. Likewise God did not create intelligent beings to outgrow him. In an age of science, many people question God. But why can we not just accept God as the force of good in the world and reject the lies people have spread about God regarding creation and evolution. Let science do its job and let religion do its job. God is the only explanation for the Big Bang and the only explanation for how animals made the sudden evolutionary jump of intelligence into human beings. But let us not attribute a million false things to God. How can one think that God deliberately created every single atom or star? When God is responsible for all of existence itself, he doesn't need to go into his own creation and create things which would have naturally come about anyhow as a result of the creation of existence itself. My God is a god of love and forgiveness. Some people say that love and forgiveness are signs of weakness, but in reality, they are signs of strength. Anyone can be cruel and merciless but only those strong enough to overcome their anger and hate can love and forgive. We do not need an angry, cruel God. We do not want one. An angry, cruel God is no better than mortal beings, a personification of our common fears and weaknesses. Such a being is not truly God. God, by definition is perfection, and a perfect God could easily overcome human weaknesses such as anger and hate. For God to be God, he has to be a God of love and acceptance. But what a world we live in. Most do not even care about God at all, and those that do see him as a God of revenge and anger. Living in the world is like floating around in a sea without any anchor. The only anchor is God. Even if God is fake as some people say, it’s an illusion that is good to have because it is powerful and gives hope. But God is not fake, he is very real, for otherwise the majority of the human population throughout human history has been insane and delusional, which is not the case. We try to rationalize God and make everything make sense in a logical fashion, but we don't need to for God. We just need to accept God and let him wash over us and then the world will be a much better place for us. When people really think about life, God actually makes a lot of sense. It is natural for human souls to strive towards God. God is the perfect being who is the friend of losers and weaklings, and there will always be those, which is why God will always be around, which is why he is always needed, lest Justice disappear from the world. With God it doesn't matter who you are or what you are, because in the eyes of God we are all equal human being, sinners in need of saving.

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