Overdoing Things

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Book 46 of the Marfat

46: Overdoing Things

1. The worthy prophet Lao Tzu once

2. said: “Brim fill the bowl, it will

3. spill over. Keep sharpening the blade,

4. you will soon blunt it. Nobody can

5. protect a house full of gold and

6. gems. Wealth, status, vanity

7. are their own ruin. To do good,

8. work well, and be modest. This is

9. the way of the blessing, the way of those who follow God.”

Commentary: This book states that too much of a good thing will lead to a bad thing. People should know when to step back, because to seek anything recklessly, without caution, could lead to ruin. Excesses will attract attention and lead to destruction. Always be humble. And never overdo things.

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