Aryezi People
From Aryez
Aryezi People or Aryezin are the dominant ethnic group of Aryez. The Aryezi people are also known as Aryezeden or Aryezülül (both Aryezi for "People of Aryez"). They are descended from prehistoric people who migrated from the area around Arnor to central Aryez from where they spread to northern and southern Aryez. Most Aryezin live in Aryez. They also form the majority in Aryezizdar which was founded as a colony of Aryezi migrants. There are also significant Aryezi minorities in neighboring countries. There are about 500 million ethnic Aryezin in the world, of which around 375 million inhabit Aryez, 80 million inhabit Aryezizdar, and the rest inhabit Arzdar, Arnor, Arzor, Chu, Mandoria, or Loninyazdar.