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Book 17 of the Marfat

17: Prayer

1. Find a quiet time, in a moment of solitude, hopefully among nature,

2. and pray. Be at peace and pray to your Lord.

3. Calm yourself and do not worry for God removes all

4. obstacles and gives you strength to fight your

5. problems. Reflect on your actions and confess

6. them to God. Ideally pray at least four times

7. a day- once facing east at dawn, once facing south at noon,

8. once facing west at dusk, and once facing north at night.

Commentary: This book talks about prayer. Prayer is not mandatory, but it is an important part of religion, understanding God, and clearing the mind. While group prayer is certainly a good thing from time to time, the most important type of prayer is solitary prayer, when a person stands naked (not literally naked) before God. The purpose of prayer is not to pray only for yourself but to praise and appreciate God. Prayer is equal to an emotional cleansing. The book recommends prayer four times a day in four different directions. However, this is just a suggestion, and prayer can be done in any manner whatsoever. The founder of Aralan just happened to pray in the before mentioned manner.

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