
From Aryez

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(My Covenant with God)
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=== A Great Victory ===
=== A Great Victory ===
When we give you great victories, you have sure proofs of the fruits of devotion and of our (God) power. God is great. He is the giver of all good things in your life. God blesses all that you do. Therefore, get involved in the world of God and do good deeds. Although we (God) have given you divine knowledge, do not believe you (the prophet) are exalted above other people. Such views are wrong and vain and will only lead to sorrow. Just do good deeds without boasting about them. Those who stray from the path of God will never fine what they are looking for until they first find God in their own hearts.
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Revision as of 17:20, 24 August 2007

The Aryama is a complementary holy book of the Marfat that expands on numerous ideas in the Marfat and comments on contemporary issues. Some consider it almost as holy as the Marfat.The purpose of the Aryama is to provide a series of commentaries and essays which expand upon and clarify as well as deepen the ideas expressed in the Marfat. These is no set amount of "books" in the Aryama. Any important essay written on these topics can be considered a part of the Aryama. However, there are about 20 main essays that everyone considers as Aryama.


Books of the Aryama

The Straight Path

The Voice

Why we Need God

Thoughts on Society

Various Issues

Science and God

Death, Men, Women, Sex, And Other Matters

Conversation with God

Aralanic Theory

Religion and Purpose

Essays of the Aryama

The Covenant

We should all make a covenant to God and despite all the temptations of life, derive from the Almighty the willpower to live in discipline. Temporary pleasures lead to future pain but temporary pain will lead to eternal happiness. We should all solemnly declare to the Almighty to abstain from physical relationships, lying, cheating, and live a life of focus, righteousness, courage, awareness, and discipline. Some will fall, but as long as they try hard, God will aid them and make them strong and worthy of future happiness. We must try to be perfect, like our Father in heaven is. I have made a covenant to lead a just life with God and I will keep it and I will overcome my limitations to keep it.

The Opening

Hear, hear! This scripture is the gift of God to the people of the world. The love and mercy of God is so much that He has given all the members of the human race this very own scripture that is a proclamation of the truth, guide of justice, and manual for love. Hearken to these words and live life by them so that you will be happy and the world will know peace.

The Force (Zulf)

The Force is magnificent and glorious, for it encompasses the firmament and the abyss, and everything in between. It manifests itself in void and in existence. Its aspects include the spiritual and the physical. Its forces include the light and the dark. It flows through everything for it is everything. There is nothing that is not it. By definition, it is. Its form is one, but that one form is in way of being, everything else. Its personification is God. Its law is Science. Its malevolent portion is the Devil. Its bridge to the Universe and the physical realm is the Avatar [Messiah]. It takes care of the Universe as Mother Nature. It is the master of fate and master of life. It is the master of every atom and every galaxy, for can individual cells deny the will of the brains that control them and the bodies they are a part of? Likewise, everything is a part of the Force. For the force was always there, is always here, and will always be here. Know that the Force is the highest reality. It is not a tangible physical object with emotions. No human can even imagine comprehending it. But everyone must realize it is the ultimate destination and the ultimate path. The Force is unchanging, transcendent, and infinite.

The Teaching

We [God], in our discourses with the human population have inspired many and given to them many various teachings. We do this because we are a God of love and mercy. How can any human being truly understand the highest forms of love and mercy when he is barely capable of such emotions? We give only the truth, and we give it in bits and pieces. We are never wrong. All conflicts about our words and our will are the result of human imperfection. How can we reveal the entire truth to humankind anyhow? For the entire truth is greater than the Universe itself and no human would be able to comprehend even a minuscule portion of it. So we seek to give humans wisdom and justice on their own scale, to make a portion of the Universe a better place. For we are everywhere doing everything all the time, so we are improving each part of the Universe specifically to its needs at all times. The greater good is obviously the summation of local goods, so the local good of humanity is necessary for the complete good. Just like in the past, we gave humanity some guidance, so too, in this teaching, we are giving more guidance (to you [Aryeztur] just like we did to those in the past [previous prophets]), and in the future as well, we will give guidance, with each step deepening human understanding of reality and truth. For we are the answer, the truth, the light, the savior, the hope, and the fate of all of humanity.

The Nature of Reality

Who knows what lies beyond the Universe and what was there before the Universe? Who can tell what the super-consciousness of the Force thinks? As time and space are aspects of this Universe, to extrapolate these concepts to entities beyond the spatial and temporal limits of our Universe is redundant because these qualities loose their meaning after certain bounds. The Force was always there but what it did is unknown to us. The Force manifested itself in a way relevant to us by its manifestation as the Universe. It personified itself in a way relevant to us by its form as God, whom for some purpose not yet revealed to us guides the Universe and everything within it in a positive manner. Furthermore, it made it possible for God to create a bridge between God and the sentient beings within the Universe, a personal variant of God, a Messiah that occurs again and again in many places and in many forms. Should we not give thanks for The Force and God? Should we not feel overawed by these powers, abilities, and actions beyond our comprehension?

The Arbiter

God is the standard of perfection in this world. He is the ultimate maker of laws and His laws are greater than any human law. God is the ultimate judge, the arbiter of mankind. God is the sword of justice. Whoever wields a sword in the name of God by the words of these scriptures is actually rightfully as the hand of God. Remember also that God is the Lord of Love and the Master of Forgiveness and whoever who does not show mercy and forgiveness according to these laws dictated to you in these scriptures shall dishonor God.

My Covenant with God

Dear Self, Devil, and God,

A year and a month ago, in May 2005 (9993:2), I made a covenant with God, and accepted Him as my protector, my guide, my friend, my savoir, the ultimate source of truth and justice in the world. Since then, to my anguish, I have turned away from His love and have broken the covenant. But today, May 28, 2006 (9994:2:33), I will remake the covenant with the Lord and promise not to betray Him again, for his words ring true in my heart and give me a joy like no other I have ever felt; now I understand their true meaning and purpose. Therefore, I swear myself to be the loyal and humble servant of God, my Lord and Salvation-provider, forever. So it is said, so I am bound, and so it is done, once and for all, in the eyes of the Glory of God.

-Aryeztur Mejörkhör (Akhilesh Pillalamarri)

A Great Victory

When we give you great victories, you have sure proofs of the fruits of devotion and of our (God) power. God is great. He is the giver of all good things in your life. God blesses all that you do. Therefore, get involved in the world of God and do good deeds. Although we (God) have given you divine knowledge, do not believe you (the prophet) are exalted above other people. Such views are wrong and vain and will only lead to sorrow. Just do good deeds without boasting about them. Those who stray from the path of God will never fine what they are looking for until they first find God in their own hearts.

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