The Straight Path

From Aryez

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'''The Straight Path '''
'''The Straight Path '''
God is great for He is stream of justice, mercy, and love. This book is for believers and truth seekers; but it is also for the faint-hearted and unjust for it shall guide the evil to righteousness and provide a way for the good and just. It is a manual for a correct life. In it, one shall find a straight path. The words of this book are for everyone, for those who seek God with all their hearts shall walk upon a straight path and will be forever aided by Him; but for those who do not open their minds to the truth of God, a woeful way is prepared. For those whose are good shall succeed and those who are evil shall fail. Those who are evil and truly repent shall be admitted to the mercy of God for He is ever merciful. As for those who persist in their wrongful ways, calamity after calamity shall befall them unless they turn aside from their ways. It is not for he who has written this  to prove or disprove these words. Those who wish to believe them are wise and do so to their benefit. Those who do not wish to believe will learn in time. For the world of today is a different world from the world of those that came before him  and many go on incorrect paths. Although it is to be wished that everyone goes on a correct path, we  can only try. Many will go on a correct path but others will not. It is for the individual to decide which path to take and God willing, he will choose well. It is only for me  to guide, show and teach; it is up to others to follow. The path of righteousness is not always an easy one, but those that endure will be rewarded. God is pleased with those that have faith in Him. For faith is the basis of religion, not ritual; without faith and love, there can be no true worship of God. The most important temple is not one that human hands can build for the true temple is the soul and the self. Those of you are pained, angered, and made sad by life, I  assure you that your problems are like nothing of many others who have suffered worse than you. The lot of the evil-doers shall be worse. And the lot of those afflicted by murder, war, and hunger is worse. May they be saved and may peace come to those who suffer through such deeds and may those that cause such things be punished. God is watchful of all things and keeps a record of all things. God will help those who suffer. Take heart if you are struggling, for God will aid the downtrodden. He has a human form just for this reason, so he can demonstrate a right path, destroy evil and injustice, guide people to his persona as God, and provide salvation to those who need a respite from their suffering. It is not a lie that God is perfect. God keeps a record of all your  deeds and will give and take accordingly. God gives and takes as he pleases, for only in Him is the ultimate power to give and take. Do good deeds and good things will happen to you ; work hard and for the benefit of all mankind and God will bestow his bounty unto you . God is the infinite everything and because of Him, the Universe began. God in his greatest form is the infinite Force, the Spirit that dwells in everything and is everything. Who knows what the Universe means to Him in all this? This way of thinking of God is easier to see if the following analogy is considered: every single cell in the human body is a part of that body and is essential in the makeup of the entire body; yet each cell by itself is not the whole body, but a part of it. That is the way it is with the components of reality and ultimate reality, God. God is also there as the Lord of the Universe, the source of all good, the maker of the soul and custodian of the afterlife. And then also, God is there in a human form, so us humans can learn and follow the perfect example of God; in this form, he is the Messiah, the guide of all of humanity. This book is no lie, it is the absolute truth. God himself guided Akhilesh in these words. Thus He  said to Akhilesh: “People should always do good deeds, not just because they want to serve Me and receive a reward, but because they love truth and justice. I tell you right now for the benefit of all the people in the world that anyone who serves anyone else serves me. And it may well be that every person in the world will in their lives meet me in disguise; and how they treat me will weigh heavily on their scale of deeds. But fear not, all humans will come to me eventually, whether they desire it or not. Akhilesh, do not think that just because I have given you this inspiration that you are better than all other men. I gave it to you because it was my will to do so and because you wanted to receive it and open your heart to me. Had another been more worthy, I would have given it to him. Love me and obey me and instruct every other person to do so. I love the humble. For me, all humans are equal. I gave them all souls of equal merit; they have equal power to do good and evil. I made no person superior or inferior to other. I raised up the low and threw down the mighty for I am justice. I caused humanity to evolve from animals. I gave humans souls and advanced thought. I did this because I am God almighty and do things according to the plan that was made by my highest self long before anything existed.” Hear me, my fellow human beings. God is in your hearts, and you will hear His wisdom if only you open yourself to Him. This scripture is but a conformation and expansion of the truths that have been given to numerous people before me . It is given to you  in simple and convincing language, so that everyone can understand and believe. Yet, it is sad how so many people do not believe. Yet be patient. Every human must show love, kindness, and respect to every other human no matter the hate or disagreements between them. The wise award the good for their deeds even if there is personal animosity and punish the evil for their deeds even if there are strong connections between them. God has given to all of us a path of righteousness. Would it not be correct and wise, understanding and beneficial for all people to follow it? “Akhilesh,” said God. “I have given you this scripture so that you may find answers and guide others to find answers. Surely, I will also converse with others and recite their ideas to you as well. Akhilesh, you are a fool and coward because for your whole life you have been trying to acquire a solution to your problems only from me, but without your own action and will-power, nothing shall happen in your favor. You are a fool for your laziness and a coward for your inability to take the initiative.” God continued: “Do not doubt me or my absolute power over everything, but I do not give guidance to the lazy and decedent unless they believe in me with all their hearts and work towards their fulfillment. I want total faith in me, but not blind faith.” A skeptic of the book [the Marfat] said: “I believe in the rational and logical. God must be approached in a logical fashion. Whether He exists or not is not as important as whether the idea of His existence makes sense and is good for the world.” The skeptics are so that people will not be corrupted by those who corrupt religion and thus constantly seek for themselves a true path. The skeptics warn those to seek for themselves the true light so that they can feel for themselves the true power of the Almighty. Destroy all evil at once, because if it festers and grows, bad things will happen. Be firm in your  faith. If someone asks you a question about your religion, answer it. Are you  too weak to successfully argue and debate your religions? If so, then you have no right to call yourself a believer. Only if you can successfully argue all points of the religion and still believe will you truly believe and be enlightened. “Practice what you preach, mean what you say,” God warns everywhere. Every person is equally entitled to the love of God and the entire Universe is the temple of God, so why are some people and places designated as more sacred than others; why are superficial boundaries and manmade laws created, when only the Lord God is the supreme, sovereign lawmaker and judge? “God is great,” said all the great sages. Yet, this is an understatement. God is not only great. He is the greatest.  
God is great for He is stream of justice, mercy, and love. This book is for believers and truth seekers; but it is also for the faint-hearted and unjust for it shall guide the evil to righteousness and provide a way for the good and just. It is a manual for a correct life. In it, one shall find a straight path. The words of this book are for everyone, for those who seek God with all their hearts shall walk upon a straight path and will be forever aided by Him; but for those who do not open their minds to the truth of God, a woeful way is prepared. For those who are good shall succeed and those who are evil shall fail. Those who are evil and truly repent shall be admitted to the mercy of God for He is ever merciful. As for those who persist in their wrongful ways, calamity after calamity shall befall them unless they turn aside from their ways. It is not for he who has written this  to prove or disprove these words. Those who wish to believe them are wise and do so to their benefit. Those who do not wish to believe will learn in time. For the world of today is a different world from the world of those that came before him  and many go on incorrect paths. Although it is to be wished that everyone goes on a correct path, we  can only try. Many will go on a correct path but others will not. It is for the individual to decide which path to take and God willing, he will choose well. It is only for me  to guide, show and teach; it is up to others to follow. The path of righteousness is not always an easy one, but those that endure will be rewarded. God is pleased with those that have faith in Him. For faith is the basis of religion, not ritual; without faith and love, there can be no true worship of God. The most important temple is not one that human hands can build for the true temple is the soul and the self. Those of you are pained, angered, and made sad by life, I  assure you that your problems are like nothing of many others who have suffered worse than you. The lot of the evil-doers shall be worse. And the lot of those afflicted by murder, war, and hunger is worse. May they be saved and may peace come to those who suffer through such deeds and may those that cause such things be punished. God is watchful of all things and keeps a record of all things. God will help those who suffer. Take heart if you are struggling, for God will aid the downtrodden. He has a human form just for this reason, so he can demonstrate a right path, destroy evil and injustice, guide people to his persona as God, and provide salvation to those who need a respite from their suffering. It is not a lie that God is perfect. God keeps a record of all your  deeds and will give and take accordingly. God gives and takes as he pleases, for only in Him is the ultimate power to give and take. Do good deeds and good things will happen to you ; work hard and for the benefit of all mankind and God will bestow his bounty unto you . God is the infinite everything and because of Him, the Universe began. God in his greatest form is the infinite Force, the Spirit that dwells in everything and is everything. Who knows what the Universe means to Him in all this? This way of thinking of God is easier to see if the following analogy is considered: every single cell in the human body is a part of that body and is essential in the makeup of the entire body; yet each cell by itself is not the whole body, but a part of it. That is the way it is with the components of reality and ultimate reality, God. God is also there as the Lord of the Universe, the source of all good, the maker of the soul and custodian of the afterlife. And then also, God is there in a human form, so us humans can learn and follow the perfect example of God; in this form, he is the Messiah, the guide of all of humanity. This book is no lie, it is the absolute truth. God himself guided Akhilesh in these words. Thus He  said to Akhilesh: “People should always do good deeds, not just because they want to serve Me and receive a reward, but because they love truth and justice. I tell you right now for the benefit of all the people in the world that anyone who serves anyone else serves me. And it may well be that every person in the world will in their lives meet me in disguise; and how they treat me will weigh heavily on their scale of deeds. But fear not, all humans will come to me eventually, whether they desire it or not. Akhilesh, do not think that just because I have given you this inspiration that you are better than all other men. I gave it to you because it was my will to do so and because you wanted to receive it and open your heart to me. Had another been more worthy, I would have given it to him. Love me and obey me and instruct every other person to do so. I love the humble. For me, all humans are equal. I gave them all souls of equal merit; they have equal power to do good and evil. I made no person superior or inferior to other. I raised up the low and threw down the mighty for I am justice. I caused humanity to evolve from animals. I gave humans souls and advanced thought. I did this because I am God almighty and do things according to the plan that was made by my highest self long before anything existed.” Hear me, my fellow human beings. God is in your hearts, and you will hear His wisdom if only you open yourself to Him. This scripture is but a conformation and expansion of the truths that have been given to numerous people before me . It is given to you  in simple and convincing language, so that everyone can understand and believe. Yet, it is sad how so many people do not believe. Yet be patient. Every human must show love, kindness, and respect to every other human no matter the hate or disagreements between them. The wise award the good for their deeds even if there is personal animosity and punish the evil for their deeds even if there are strong connections between them. God has given to all of us a path of righteousness. Would it not be correct and wise, understanding and beneficial for all people to follow it? “Akhilesh,” said God. “I have given you this scripture so that you may find answers and guide others to find answers. Surely, I will also converse with others and recite their ideas to you as well. Akhilesh, you are a fool and coward because for your whole life you have been trying to acquire a solution to your problems only from me, but without your own action and will-power, nothing shall happen in your favor. You are a fool for your laziness and a coward for your inability to take the initiative.” God continued: “Do not doubt me or my absolute power over everything, but I do not give guidance to the lazy and decedent unless they believe in me with all their hearts and work towards their fulfillment. I want total faith in me, but not blind faith.” A skeptic of the book [the Marfat] said: “I believe in the rational and logical. God must be approached in a logical fashion. Whether He exists or not is not as important as whether the idea of His existence makes sense and is good for the world.” The skeptics are so that people will not be corrupted by those who corrupt religion and thus constantly seek for themselves a true path. The skeptics warn those to seek for themselves the true light so that they can feel for themselves the true power of the Almighty. Destroy all evil at once, because if it festers and grows, bad things will happen. Be firm in your  faith. If someone asks you a question about your religion, answer it. Are you  too weak to successfully argue and debate your religions? If so, then you have no right to call yourself a believer. Only if you can successfully argue all points of the religion and still believe will you truly believe and be enlightened. “Practice what you preach, mean what you say,” God warns everywhere. Every person is equally entitled to the love of God and the entire Universe is the temple of God, so why are some people and places designated as more sacred than others; why are superficial boundaries and manmade laws created, when only the Lord God is the supreme, sovereign lawmaker and judge? “God is great,” said all the great sages. Yet, this is an understatement. God is not only great. He is the greatest.  
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Revision as of 00:49, 20 March 2007

Book 1 of the Anrel

The Straight Path

God is great for He is stream of justice, mercy, and love. This book is for believers and truth seekers; but it is also for the faint-hearted and unjust for it shall guide the evil to righteousness and provide a way for the good and just. It is a manual for a correct life. In it, one shall find a straight path. The words of this book are for everyone, for those who seek God with all their hearts shall walk upon a straight path and will be forever aided by Him; but for those who do not open their minds to the truth of God, a woeful way is prepared. For those who are good shall succeed and those who are evil shall fail. Those who are evil and truly repent shall be admitted to the mercy of God for He is ever merciful. As for those who persist in their wrongful ways, calamity after calamity shall befall them unless they turn aside from their ways. It is not for he who has written this to prove or disprove these words. Those who wish to believe them are wise and do so to their benefit. Those who do not wish to believe will learn in time. For the world of today is a different world from the world of those that came before him and many go on incorrect paths. Although it is to be wished that everyone goes on a correct path, we can only try. Many will go on a correct path but others will not. It is for the individual to decide which path to take and God willing, he will choose well. It is only for me to guide, show and teach; it is up to others to follow. The path of righteousness is not always an easy one, but those that endure will be rewarded. God is pleased with those that have faith in Him. For faith is the basis of religion, not ritual; without faith and love, there can be no true worship of God. The most important temple is not one that human hands can build for the true temple is the soul and the self. Those of you are pained, angered, and made sad by life, I assure you that your problems are like nothing of many others who have suffered worse than you. The lot of the evil-doers shall be worse. And the lot of those afflicted by murder, war, and hunger is worse. May they be saved and may peace come to those who suffer through such deeds and may those that cause such things be punished. God is watchful of all things and keeps a record of all things. God will help those who suffer. Take heart if you are struggling, for God will aid the downtrodden. He has a human form just for this reason, so he can demonstrate a right path, destroy evil and injustice, guide people to his persona as God, and provide salvation to those who need a respite from their suffering. It is not a lie that God is perfect. God keeps a record of all your deeds and will give and take accordingly. God gives and takes as he pleases, for only in Him is the ultimate power to give and take. Do good deeds and good things will happen to you ; work hard and for the benefit of all mankind and God will bestow his bounty unto you . God is the infinite everything and because of Him, the Universe began. God in his greatest form is the infinite Force, the Spirit that dwells in everything and is everything. Who knows what the Universe means to Him in all this? This way of thinking of God is easier to see if the following analogy is considered: every single cell in the human body is a part of that body and is essential in the makeup of the entire body; yet each cell by itself is not the whole body, but a part of it. That is the way it is with the components of reality and ultimate reality, God. God is also there as the Lord of the Universe, the source of all good, the maker of the soul and custodian of the afterlife. And then also, God is there in a human form, so us humans can learn and follow the perfect example of God; in this form, he is the Messiah, the guide of all of humanity. This book is no lie, it is the absolute truth. God himself guided Akhilesh in these words. Thus He said to Akhilesh: “People should always do good deeds, not just because they want to serve Me and receive a reward, but because they love truth and justice. I tell you right now for the benefit of all the people in the world that anyone who serves anyone else serves me. And it may well be that every person in the world will in their lives meet me in disguise; and how they treat me will weigh heavily on their scale of deeds. But fear not, all humans will come to me eventually, whether they desire it or not. Akhilesh, do not think that just because I have given you this inspiration that you are better than all other men. I gave it to you because it was my will to do so and because you wanted to receive it and open your heart to me. Had another been more worthy, I would have given it to him. Love me and obey me and instruct every other person to do so. I love the humble. For me, all humans are equal. I gave them all souls of equal merit; they have equal power to do good and evil. I made no person superior or inferior to other. I raised up the low and threw down the mighty for I am justice. I caused humanity to evolve from animals. I gave humans souls and advanced thought. I did this because I am God almighty and do things according to the plan that was made by my highest self long before anything existed.” Hear me, my fellow human beings. God is in your hearts, and you will hear His wisdom if only you open yourself to Him. This scripture is but a conformation and expansion of the truths that have been given to numerous people before me . It is given to you in simple and convincing language, so that everyone can understand and believe. Yet, it is sad how so many people do not believe. Yet be patient. Every human must show love, kindness, and respect to every other human no matter the hate or disagreements between them. The wise award the good for their deeds even if there is personal animosity and punish the evil for their deeds even if there are strong connections between them. God has given to all of us a path of righteousness. Would it not be correct and wise, understanding and beneficial for all people to follow it? “Akhilesh,” said God. “I have given you this scripture so that you may find answers and guide others to find answers. Surely, I will also converse with others and recite their ideas to you as well. Akhilesh, you are a fool and coward because for your whole life you have been trying to acquire a solution to your problems only from me, but without your own action and will-power, nothing shall happen in your favor. You are a fool for your laziness and a coward for your inability to take the initiative.” God continued: “Do not doubt me or my absolute power over everything, but I do not give guidance to the lazy and decedent unless they believe in me with all their hearts and work towards their fulfillment. I want total faith in me, but not blind faith.” A skeptic of the book [the Marfat] said: “I believe in the rational and logical. God must be approached in a logical fashion. Whether He exists or not is not as important as whether the idea of His existence makes sense and is good for the world.” The skeptics are so that people will not be corrupted by those who corrupt religion and thus constantly seek for themselves a true path. The skeptics warn those to seek for themselves the true light so that they can feel for themselves the true power of the Almighty. Destroy all evil at once, because if it festers and grows, bad things will happen. Be firm in your faith. If someone asks you a question about your religion, answer it. Are you too weak to successfully argue and debate your religions? If so, then you have no right to call yourself a believer. Only if you can successfully argue all points of the religion and still believe will you truly believe and be enlightened. “Practice what you preach, mean what you say,” God warns everywhere. Every person is equally entitled to the love of God and the entire Universe is the temple of God, so why are some people and places designated as more sacred than others; why are superficial boundaries and manmade laws created, when only the Lord God is the supreme, sovereign lawmaker and judge? “God is great,” said all the great sages. Yet, this is an understatement. God is not only great. He is the greatest.

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