The Voice
From Aryez
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Book 2 of the Anrel
The Voice
There is only one higher being in the entire universe, because anything that feels spiritual is but from one source, which is the destination of all paths. And this is God. There is only one God. This is the Lord of mercy who gives and takes according to our deeds and is the light in the hearts of all beings. This very power leaves one in absolute awe of God because of His absolute power over the lives of all beings. God is all-forgiving indeed, the light in the darkness, but only if we open our eyes to see this light. I submit myself totally to my Lord and His truth (the truth of life) and gladly await His eternal justice which shall fall on me. With all my power of thought and communication, beg the Lord to destroy my fear and give me hope so that I may do what I must for the sake of peace and righteousness. Be it on the small scale or the large scale, a good deed is a good deed and may only good deeds be done. If the Lord but guides those who are reformed and willing to be guided, I must reform myself and open the gate of my heart so that His love and power will flow in to aid me like water flows into a steam once a damn is removed. If I do not have the power to confront myself, how can I to win the war of life and defeats others until I conquer myself? Am I not vain? The Lord says: “it is for you to strive but for Me to judge and guide.” My Lord is the guider of all, and I am but a follower. To God, I must submit myself and my whole life so that He may make me perfect like He is in Heaven; so that the fogs surrounding my heart will clear away and I will do my duty and do what I must do without fear. God is the remover of all obstacles, but only if we let Him do so; we must pray and seek guidance calmly with clean hearts without selfish desires. It is not right to use God for our own sakes and then throw Him away. For God is the one who allows all things and deserves only gratitude. For God expects to be glorified by our actions and inaction and cowardice are scourges to His name. Such is how I would feel if a flaming sword were stuck through my heart. Praise the Lord and read these words to seek advice and help so that you may make a straight path for yourself. God is the one who clears all paths. The love of God is the ultimate medicine for it is the balm of broken hearts and the giver of courage. God is the conciliator. Do not forget to give thanks to God even when you are satisfied with life. God is the reason of everything good in life. God gives all things and may take away all things. He does so as He pleases based on your actions. God is all-knowing and all-doing, the giver of courage, the distributor of mercy, the scale on which the merit of your honor is weighed. God has laid out a straight path in front of all of us. The path may be hard but the destination is a comforting place. Foolish are those who do not follow the path, and cowardly too. Courage and strength are needed to travel this path, but God grants all to those who seek; for those who seek shall find. Say: “God is my refuge and redeemer.”