Words from Aryeztur

From Aryez

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10. more complete Aralan. Some of these books have already been written and are of
10. more complete Aralan. Some of these books have already been written and are of
11. equal weight to the Marfat, such as the Aryama, Sheheziruz, and others to come.  
11. equal weight to the Marfat, such as the Aryama, Sheheziruz, Anrel, and others to come.  
12. They have new ideas and topics not mentioned in  
12. They have new ideas and topics not mentioned in  

Current revision as of 00:04, 20 March 2007

Book 66 of the Marfat

66: Words from Aryeztur

1. Looking back, I have some final things to say, as I’m compiling these

2. writings into a book. This book was written by a human, and the ideas of

3. this book were human ideas, inspired by God, but not directly the writing of

4. God. Of course, how can I claim to know the mind of God any better than

5. any other thinking human being? I’m not so vain. Nor is it true that the

6. Marfat is the final book or the complete truth. It is just step one in an evolving

7. religion, a brick that has laid the foundation. The Marfat itself has evolved

8. and presents many ideas, which can be interpreted in a variety of ways. More

9. books of Aralan will come afterwards to change, add to, subtract from, and make

10. more complete Aralan. Some of these books have already been written and are of

11. equal weight to the Marfat, such as the Aryama, Sheheziruz, Anrel, and others to come.

12. They have new ideas and topics not mentioned in

13. the Marfat, as well as some old ideas confirmed or revisited. The Marfat is the

14. root from which the tree of Aralan shall grow, and some of its wisdom is timeless,

15. but it is not the final tree that reaches to the heavens. Through life, I have realized

16. that if people followed their hearts, the world would be a better place. I have

17. come to believe that he who administers justice should carry it out. I have come

18. to believe that government and religious will corrupt each other and should be

19. left mostly separate. I have come to believe that as Einstein said, “religion without

20. science is blind and science without religion is lame.” I have come to advocate

21. a personality in which a person is stern and coolly just and yet warm and loving.

22. I have learned to be moderate, kind, and patient, rejoicing in giving, and rejoicing

23. in being sweet to people.

24. I have developed various views on problems in the world today. These will be

25. further developed in future writings. I would like to say that the basic

26. metaphysical teachings of Aralan are these:

27. The supreme concept and force in the Universe is existence (in Aryezi: Zulf) and

28. that the Universe is a manifestation of that existence. Science is actually a quest

29. to describe this existence and true reality. While the Zulf is distant and removed,

30. it has a personification, God (in Aryezi: Iru). Unlike the Zulf, Iru is an

31. active player in the spiritual Universe, is the highest conception and absolute of

32. goodness, truth, and justice, and is responsible for our moral and ethical

33. wellbeing. There may be lesser spirits/angels/semi-gods who are actually all

34. spirits higher than humans and lower than God. They can be praised and semi-

35. worshiped. There is also the supreme nature spirit and the devil, who are just one

36. notch below God and personifications of neutrality and evil respectively.

37. All things are part of the Zulf. There is also the Kwestadz, God in human form

38. who mediates between humans and God. Anyone can convert to Aralan by just

39. saying he or she is a part of Aralan and a believer in its basic values and goals.

40. Aralan wasn’t really founded, but it was grown from my conceptions of reality,

41. and it is still being grown, and it will be for a long time by many people.

42. The best way to worship is to be in nature or among music, but these are the times

43. that the depth of one’s soul is truly revealed, and divine power is felt. These are

44. my thoughts on Aralan, and I hope that it will have a bright future as many people

45. utilize it to find the path towards meaningful spirituality. And now, to end with

46. a poem:

47. Now it is spring and the sun is shining;

48. The ice is melting;

49. The flowers are blooming,

50. And the birds are humming.

51. My heart is light and jumping

52. Because I’m just so happy and

53. I’m in love, lalala....

54. I want to grab her by the arms,

55. And hold her hand, and

56. Tell her that I love her, and

57. Plant a kiss on her lips, and

58. Show her that she means the world to me;

59. I want to be with her forever.

60. There are so many ways and paths, but everything that exists is a reflection of the

61. oneness and unity inherent in the Universe.

62. For God and the spirit are one,

63. Humanity is one, living on one planet going around one sun in the same one

64. galaxy. No matter the language, we all love in the same way, with the same

65. passions and desires. No matter how expressed, we all have the same hopes,

66. to be free from poverty, war, and hate, and to live in a world of peace, truth,

67. love, plenty, hope, justice, freedom, and understanding.

Commentary: As the founder wrote: “There is more to this world than you can see and feel. There is more purpose to your life than your next test or your girlfriend/boyfriend. You can feel this wonderful feeling, a mystical feeling indicative of a higher purpose when the wind blows through your hair or when you smile with a loved one, when you look at nature. The current fall is as beautiful as always, with the leaves turning crimson and falling. Cherish life.”

This book contains the final words of Aryeztur before he completed the Marfat. He warns that the process of religion is not complete and that religion will continue to grow, as religious thought and human intellectual thought is a never-ending process. The founder asks people to follow their hearts to make a world a better place and to be kind to everyone. The founder claims that the Marfat is the root and the beginning of Aralan but Aralan will continue to branch from the Marfat in many ways. Aralan is then summarized (lines 27-39): “The supreme concept and force in the Universe is existence (in Aryezi: Zulf) and that the Universe is a manifestation of that existence. Science is actually a quest to describe this existence and true reality. While the Zulf is distant and removed, it has a personification, God (in Aryezi: Iru). Unlike the Zulf, Iru is an active player in the spiritual Universe, is the highest conception and absolute of goodness, truth, and justice, and is responsible for our moral and ethical wellbeing. There may be lesser spirits/angels/semi-gods who are actually all spirits higher than humans and lower than God. They can be praised and semi-worshiped. There is also the supreme nature spirit and the devil, who are just one notch below God and personifications of neutrality and evil respectively. All things are part of the Zulf. There is also the Kwestadz, God in human form who mediates between humans and God. Anyone can convert to Aralan by just saying he or she is a part of Aralan and a believer in its basic values and goals.”

The founder then ends the book with a poem, a light, joyful, hopeful poem of love because he is happy because religion makes him feel free and light and fills him with hope. For the founder realized that humanity is one, God is one, united in seeking happiness and truth forever and ever.

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