
From Arsmagica

  • Lacrimadia: This thick book was a gift from her pater, bound in thick hide and set with her sigil on the cover, a Lombardic L with a dangling tear (or perhaps a drop of blood). It shows many signs of wear, as if it has been dropped or torn repeatedly.
  • Vir Mons: Description
  • Leona: A heavy tome of sheepskin vellum, bound in dark, well-worn leather. The cover bears an insignia of a flowering tree with an inverted paw for the base of the trunk, extended claws where the tree's roots should be. Inside, the dates are recorded in Ogham, and the text itself is scribed in the Gothic language. Near the bottom, in tiny letters, is scribed: "Hic sunt leones."
  • Halla: A jeweled Tome bound in silver with the Norse rune Isa in the center and no other markings (removal of any of the jewels scores you a worthless rock)
  • Zeevrouw:A leather bound jewel encrusted sea captain's log. The pages are inscribed with gold ink and the introduction states that herein lies the innermost thoughts of His Royal Majesty Zeevrouw the First
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