
From Ars Magica

From Mnemosyne filia Hironius ex Guernicus to Longinus filius Mercantes ex Mercere

Salve Sodale,

I am overjoyed that my previous missive has met with such a positive response. I hope this a good omen for our future and our like minded thoughts on this matter will hopefully stand us in good stead.
I find myself in agreement with you regarding your suggestion on a potential location. I had been looking at the possibilities of a covenant in either Wales or the north west of England. It would seem that remote locations offer us the best chances to aquire vis, but yet are potentially the most dangerous. The local you have mentioned could offer a nice compromise between the two.
I am also in agreement that in order for our covenant in potentia to succeed we will need more magi than just the two of us. This had occured to me, in fact, previously and I have already contacted two other possible candidates. It would be a wise thing for you to do as you wrote and contact others. No doubt, by the time that this letter reaches you will already have done so.
In fact, perhaps this letter will not reach even you before the date of our meeting, which I am even now making preparations for.
I look forward to meeting you in person.

Mnemosyne filia Hironius ex Guernicus.

Longinus' Original Letter
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