Wendy pt 1

From Arispemage

Storyteller: Currently, it's a relaxed few days before event X, which we don't know what it is yet. Sun is shining, rain is falling, and it's one of those days that only happens around Corpus. [20:26]
Storyteller: Warm rain is falling. [20:27]
Storyteller: Thankfully it's light. [20:27]
Storyteller: And you have this odd feeling that you must find Wendy again, now! [20:27]
Peter Pan: Has school started yet, or is that still in the future? [20:27]
Storyteller: It's going to start soon. [20:27]
Peter Pan: K [20:28]
Adler: we're talking moving-in-to-dorms in a day or two levels of soonness, right? [20:28]
Storyteller: Yes. [20:28]
Storyteller: Although, it's more like 4 days. [20:28]
Peter Pan: Hanging around the clocktower, Peter'd been fidgetting all morning. The periodic sprinkle of fairy dust in the air, and the lurking around the ceilin that followed did little to help-out. There was a feeling of urgentness that tugged at him, though he did not wish to speak of his motivations, and he didn't have an excuse to go out searching. [20:30]
Storyteller: It's like a litle voice is telling you to get out there, and find her. [20:30]
Storyteller: Although, that could be Tink. [20:32]
Peter Pan: He glanced around as he crept to the edge of the balcony to look down and see if anyone awas watching [20:32]
Peter Pan: ((Oh, real fast spell throw)) [20:32]
Peter Pan: ((Roll a chance die for paradox if you wouldn't mind)) [20:32]
Storyteller: !ex 1 [20:32]
Storyteller (1), 4, Successes : 0 [20:32]
Peter Pan: !ex 2 [20:32]
Peter Pan (2), 4, 8, Successes : 1 [20:33]
Peter Pan: ((Fantastic, I've got my Acceleration up for the next 12 hours)) [20:34]
Storyteller: (Yays?) [20:34]
Peter Pan: ((Ack, jsut 2 actually)) [20:35]
Storyteller: (Well, that's still some time.) [20:35]
Peter Pan: ((H8 regular porol;onged) [20:36]
Peter Pan: (So, anyone around down on the ground?) [20:36]
Storyteller: (One guy, he's distracted by something that he's reading.) [20:36]
Peter Pan: ((How close is he?)) [20:37]
Storyteller: (He's a bit away, almost 30 feet.) [20:37]
Peter Pan: ((Cool)) [20:37]
Peter Pan: ((Can I still have flight up? Or do you want me to roll that too?)) [20:38]
Storyteller: (Say that it's up.)| [20:38]
Peter Pan: With a grin, Peter hopped over the edge of the railing, narrowing himself out to make sure he was aerodynamic. Then, about 4 feet away form the ground, he surged upwards as he felt the thrill of flight. He did it just enough to avoid hitting the ground and then lightly dropped to his feet [20:39]
Storyteller: Reading guy is still reading; he doesn't notice you or your flight. [20:40]
Peter Pan: Peter ran off at a dash, he reached into his pocket and pulled out a coin, flipping it to see if the Winds Of Chance woudl blow his way today. [20:41]
Peter Pan: ((Rote casting Winds of Chance, -2 penalty to make it last the day)) [20:41]
Peter Pan: !ex 4 [20:41]
Peter Pan (4), 2, 1, 5, 6, Successes : 0, Botch [20:41]
Peter Pan: ((x.x Fail, it comes up tails to me heads)) [20:41]
Storyteller: Luck is not with you. [20:42]
Peter Pan: He chewed his lower lip nervoisly, unsure of where he was running to. Where did you even start with these kinds of things? [20:44]
Storyteller: Roll dex+ath, someone ran into you, and might knock you over. [20:44]
Storyteller rolled someone ran into you, and might knock you over. --> error: malformed expression [20:44]
Peter Pan: !ex 6 [20:44]
Peter Pan (6), 7, 5, 1, 8, 3, 7, Successes : 3 [20:45]
Peter Pan: ((1)) [20:45]
Storyteller: You almost go ass over teakettle, but you get your balance. [20:45]
Storyteller: The person that hit you almost apologises, gasps, then runs. [20:46]
Peter Pan: He rolled to the side a little bit, his fingertips lightly dancing along the ground as he moved. He turned back and yelled out somthing quickly. "Sorry!" He pushed himself up again and started runnign full-tilt once more [20:47]
Adler: Adler, meanwhile, was wrestling with the manifestation of the administration named the Registrar's office, who were making her jump through hoops (metaphorically speaking) because of her age. [20:48]
Storyteller: Alder, as you get out of the office, finally, make a perception roll. [20:49]
Adler: !ex 6 [20:49]
Plentimon: Adler (6), 2, 4, 4, 2, 6, 8, Successes : 1 [20:50]
Storyteller: You know, that looks a bit like Peter, running by there. [20:52]
Adler: her eyes go o.O and she tries to figure out where he's...uhh...going? Running away from? What in the five is going on here? [20:53]
Peter Pan: The park...that'd be a place to start...he'd look in the park [20:54]
Storyteller: Adler, do you follow immediately? [20:56]
Adler: Adler mentally glances over her schedule for the day, pondering if she has the time to keep track of her wayward...uhh...crush/cabal-mate/student(sorta) or if she should just figure out what in hell is going on later [20:57]
Storyteller: Roll a chance die. [20:57]
Storyteller rolled chance die. --> error: malformed expression [20:57]
Adler: !ex 1 [20:57]
Plentimon: Adler (1), 7, Successes : 1 [20:57]
Storyteller: Your schedule has a bit of an opening now. [20:58]
Adler: "Ok, what is that goofball up to now?" Adler grimaces. [20:59]
Adler: She flickers her eyes closed for a moment, opening them to view not only the physical world, but its meaning. [21:01]
Adler: and then she begins trotting after Peter, trying not to break into a run in a hopless attempt to keep up [21:04]
Storyteller: Peter, at the park, you catch a glimpse of someone that very well might be Wendy, but she's getting on the bus that's leaving. [21:06]
Peter Pan: "Ah! Waaaaaiiiiit!" He dashed forewards as fast as he could, literally throwing himself at the bus when he got near to it [21:06]
Storyteller: Roll, dex+ath again. [21:06]
Storyteller rolled again. --> error: malformed expression [21:06]
Peter Pan: !ex 6 [21:06]
Peter Pan (6), 6, 5, 3, 3, 7, 2, Successes : 1 [21:06]
Peter Pan: ((Wtf?)) [21:07]
Peter Pan: ((I can't roll for shit tonight)) [21:07]
Adler: ((damn you too, Plentimon) [21:07]
Storyteller: Almost, almost, you almost make it. [21:07]
Storyteller: A second faster, and you would have been able to make it. [21:07]
Peter Pan: He winced as he tasted gravel, scuffing up his face a bit as he slid forewards. [21:08]
Storyteller: The bus leaves slowly, but quickly picks up speed. [21:09]
Peter Pan: He sat there for a few seconds, his hands balled up into fists, his eyes shut tightly, and his lips drawn back with his teeth clenched. He wouldn't cry, he wouldn't cry, he wouldn't cry... [21:09]
Storyteller: Adler, you don't arrive to see Peter's big spill. But you do see him after the fact. [21:11]
Adler: the concept of not being obvious goes out the window as she trots over to him, "Peter?" [21:11]
Peter Pan: He sniffled just once before he looked up and forced a smile. "Hey...how're you doing?" His voice shook when he said hey, but he reigned it back to normal for the rest. [21:13]
Adler: She frowned, "The administration seems to be obsessed with tying me up in red tape, but I'm clear of it for now. Are you ok?" [21:13]
Peter Pan: "Yeah...just messed up trying to fly..." He pushed himself up and started trying to brush himself off. "You want me to walk you back to the school?" He smiled for her benefit as best he could [21:16]
Adler: The frown stays for a moment, "No, its fine...I have to get over to the bookstore now anyway. Be careful though, ok?" [21:16]
Peter Pan: He nodded a little bit [21:17]
Adler: She gives him a quick squeeze before starting the walk back, extremely puzzled. [21:20]
Storyteller: Alder, make a perception roll/ [21:22]
Adler: !ex 6 [21:22]
Plentimon: Adler (6), 1, 2, 4, 2, 4, 1, Successes : 0, Botch [21:22]
Adler: (...the FUCK is with Plentimon) [21:22]
Storyteller: (Yeah.) [21:22]
Storyteller: You feel this oily presence on the way back. [21:23]
Storyteller: But, you can't seem to locate it. [21:23]
Peter Pan: ((Is plenty on a 1-8 scale? We haven't seen a 9 or 10 all night)) [21:23]
Storyteller: Roll 1#1d20 [21:23]
Storyteller rolled --> 12 [21:24]
Storyteller: (Still no 9 or 10...) [21:24]
Peter Pan: Ok, the chips were down, and he needed to get his mojo going, he took his coin out againa nd squeezed tightly for good luck before flipping it. [21:25]
Peter Pan: ((Winds of Chance, -2 to alst the day)) [21:25]
Peter Pan: Roll 1#4d10 [21:25]
Peter Pan rolled --> 21 [21:25]
Peter Pan: Roll 4#1d10 [21:25]
Peter Pan rolled --> 2, 7, 6, 8 [21:25]
Peter Pan: ((Well, success at least!)) [21:25]
Storyteller: (...) [21:26]
Storyteller: (Yes.) [21:26]
Peter Pan: ((Hang on, pointless roll)) [21:26]
Peter Pan: Roll 20#1d10 [21:26]
Peter Pan rolled --> 6, 3, 10, 4, 3, 10, 1, 4, 3, 8, 9, 6, 5, 3, 1, 7, 10, 4, 8, 8 [21:26]
Storyteller: ... [21:26]
Peter Pan: ((There, that's better)) [21:27]
Peter Pan: ((It's giving us a variety of results)) [21:27]
Peter Pan: ((Wanted to make sure Plenty wasn't scaled to low results or anything)) [21:27]
Storyteller: SO, Peter now has luck on his side. [21:28]
Peter Pan: ((Anyways, Winds of Chance succeeded, and now I'm going in a random direction for a casual walk)) [21:29]
Storyteller: Left, right, left, left. You find yourself heading back to the Del Mar campus. [21:30]
Storyteller: Still walking? [21:30]
Peter Pan: He smacked his forehead and sighed. It seemed that even when luck was with him it was against him. Maybe he'd just head back up to his clocktower... [21:31]
Storyteller: And then walking out of the Student center, you see, unmistakably, it's Wendy! [21:31]
Storyteller: She, however, doesn't see you. [21:32]
Peter Pan: He stopped and stared. His jaw dropped and his skin prickled. HE felt like an electric surge had jsut gone down his spine. For a few seconeds all he could do is stand and stare at a dead stop wherever he'd been when he saw her [21:32]
Storyteller: A bird lands on your head. Wendy's walking off to one of the other buildings on campus. [21:33]
Peter Pan: He turned his head slowly, watching her move. He didn't snap out of it until she'd walked into a building. "...Dammit!" He broke into a run all of a sudden, taking a deep breath before calling out. "WENDY!!!: [21:34]
Storyteller: Some people turn and stare at you. [21:34]
Storyteller: You head into a small, arch topped building. [21:34]
Storyteller: It says that it's the art building. [21:34]
Peter Pan: He looked around, trying to spot her, where could she have gone to? [21:35]
Storyteller: Well, there are some stairs to the second floor, and the main floor. [21:35]
Peter Pan: He started walking at a swift pace about the first floor, looking wehere he coudl,a nd evewn attempting to open a few doors and peek inside [21:36]
Storyteller: No classes are in, but you do see some interesting landscapes in the display room. [21:36]
Peter Pan: ((Such as?)) [21:37]
Storyteller: There's one of the forests in Canada in the winter. [21:37]
Peter Pan: (Rockin'.) [21:37]
Peter Pan: He grimmaced as he began walking about, heading for the stairs to floor number 2 [21:37]
Storyteller: Most of the rooms are locked. [21:37]
Storyteller: But there's a T-junction. [21:38]
Storyteller: Ahead is the lone open classroom, to the right is a little area with lockers and some vending machines. [21:38]
Peter Pan: He headed up to the junction and becan spinning about, stopping when he felt too dizzy to spin anymore and heading in the direction he faced. [21:39]
Storyteller: Vending area. [21:39]
Peter Pan: He headed in and sat down to clear his head after his vision spun in circles [21:40]
Storyteller: At one of the other little tables, Wendy sits, sketching something in coal; she's looking out the window. [21:40]
Peter Pan: Every couple of minutes, he'd get up and move a little bit closer, blushing a bti as he chewed his lower lip. [21:40]
Storyteller: She's wholly absorbed in her drawing. [21:40]
Storyteller: You're practically back to back now. [21:41]
Peter Pan: Eventually, he sat down at the same table. For a few minutes, he was quiet, before speaking up. "Ummm...hey there" [21:42]
Storyteller: She tries to communicate, with only facial motions, "I'm doing something here, can you wait?" [21:43]
Peter Pan: He nodded and laced his fingers together in front of himself. His face turned darker and darker shades of red as he sat there, his face a grim expression of absolute terror. [21:44]
Storyteller: She then finally finished, and turns to you with a dark expression that turns into one of utter shock once she sees your face. [21:44]
Storyteller: A shaky finger comes points at you. [21:44]
Peter Pan: He opened his mouth for just a second before closing it again. Then opened once more. "Y-y-y-y...yes?" [21:44]
Storyteller: "Y-y-yyou? You're... real?" [21:45]
Peter Pan: He pinched himself and winced, the redness in his face quicklys tarting to lighten. "Ummm...it woudl seem like I am?" [21:45]
Storyteller: "But, then, the bag, how?" [21:46]
Peter Pan: "Bag?" [21:46]
Storyteller: "Er. Nevermind." [21:46]
Storyteller: She's a bit embarassed. [21:46]
Storyteller: Fortunately, there's nobody else around. [21:47]
Peter Pan: He blinked and tilted his head, looking embarassed as well. He held out a hand. "Ummm...hi" He tried his best to smile in a friendly way. [21:47]
Storyteller: "... Is your name Peter?" [21:47]
Peter Pan: He nodded. "And you're...you're really wendy?" [21:47]
Storyteller: "...Yes." [21:48]
Peter Pan: He started looking embarassed with his hand just hanging in the air waiting for one to shake, so he began to withdraw it. "So...come here often?" HE looked down and away a bit [21:48]
Storyteller: "Yes. It's a good place for drawing. Do you really fly?" [21:48]
Storyteller: She looks embarassed to have asked that. [21:49]
Peter Pan: "Sometimes...other times I fall..." He still had a bit of a bruise and a scratched up cheek from his incident with the bus earlier. [21:50]
Storyteller: "... So, why now?" [21:51]
Peter Pan: "What do you mean why now?" He looked up, seeming a little afraid that he'd say the wrong thing and she'd run away. His ankles were bent, and his feet were tensely against the floor, ready to break into a run at any moment. One hand gripped the edge of the table so hard his knuckles were stressed white. [21:51]
Storyteller: "...Why are you here now. I'm fairly certain that you only showed up in childhood dreams, but here you are." [21:52]
Storyteller: "Am I dreaming, or should I have not eaten that shrimp yesterday, I wonder...." [21:53]
Peter Pan: "I don't think shrimp has anythign to do with it..." He sighed a little bit. "I've been looking for you for as long as I can remember...I just couldn't find you ever, or I'd see you and you'd run away, or the bus owuld pull out, or the plane would take off just before I could get to you..." [21:53]
Storyteller: "Bus?" [21:53]
Peter Pan: He looked down and there was a sound in his voiuce like he'd almost cry. "I was starting to think I'd never find you..." [21:53]
Adler: (I see crazy people!) [21:54]
Storyteller: SHe's totally at a loss as how to take this. [21:54]
Peter Pan: He nodded a bit. "I thought I saw you earlier, and you got on a bus, I ran for it, but it started driving away too soon" [21:54]
Storyteller: "I've been here, on campus for several hours." She says slowly. [21:55]
Peter Pan: "Then I guess it was someone else...I've just been looking for so long, and then I saw you just a little while ago. I was standing outside, and I saw you and I just knew. There you were, just...just Wendy. No crowd of people, no vehicle, nothing to trick me up...just...just Wendy." [21:55]
Storyteller: "What's so important about me being Wendy?" [21:56]
Peter Pan: "Because you are. Wendy is Wendy, just like I'm Peter, and Tink is Tink" [21:56]
Adler: Adler sneezes ineplicably when Peter says 'Nothing to trick me up." [21:56]
Peter Pan: ((XD)) [21:56]
Storyteller: "..." [21:56]
Storyteller: "So, if my name was Jane?" [21:57]
Peter Pan: "But it isn't, and it owuldn't be because your wendy" [21:57]
Peter Pan: "Or if your name was Jane, I'd have been looking for Jane, and Jane would be Jane?" [21:57]
Storyteller: "You Tarzan, me Jane?" [21:57]
Peter Pan: "Me not Tarzan, Tarzan was strong." [21:58]
Storyteller: "Are you sure I'm not dreaming?" [21:58]
Peter Pan: "Would I know if you were?" [21:59]
Storyteller: "I'm not certain, but I see a fairy outside the window." [21:59]
Storyteller: "And I'm pretty certain that it wasn't there before." [22:00]
Peter Pan: "Oh, is that Tink? I thought she was sleeping int he tower." He leaned over to look out the window. [22:00]
Storyteller: It's Tink. [22:00]
Peter Pan: He waved merrily and grinned. "See, you're definately Wendy, most folks can't notice Tink" [22:01]
Storyteller: "..." She looks down at the drawing. Looks up at Tink. She does this a few times. [22:02]
Peter Pan: He attempted to gesture toward's te building's door and mouthed 'Quick! Come here!' without saying anything [22:04]
Storyteller: Tink flies off. [22:04]
Peter Pan: "So...wanna go back home?" [22:04]
Storyteller: "What?" [22:04]
Storyteller: She looks surprised. [22:05]
Peter Pan: "Home, neverland, let's go home." He smiled. "I don't know the way back right now, but I'll know, and then we can all go back, and we can even bring Adler along" [22:05]
Peter Pan: "And then everything will be alright again." [22:05]
Storyteller: "But if you don't know, what are we going to do? Wander around aimlessly?" [22:06]
Peter Pan: "Doing that found you." [22:06]
Storyteller: "I don't trust in luck that much. And I still have some things to do." [22:06]
Peter Pan: "...oh...." [22:06]
Peter Pan: He suddenly seemed like he'd lost his path, having jsut run into an obstacle he hadn't banked on. [22:07]
Peter Pan: "So...now what?" [22:09]
Storyteller: "Err, we wait?" [22:09]
Peter Pan: "For what?" [22:09]
Storyteller: "For me to be finished with my things, and you to remember the way. Besides, don't you have something that you need to do?" [22:10]
Peter Pan: "Ummm...I just have to make sure Adler's ok, I promised her I'd do that" [22:10]
Storyteller: "Nothing else?" [22:10]
Peter Pan: "Not really...I'm not the most active person I guess...I've just been trying to find you and make sure I did right by everyone else" [22:11]
Storyteller: "Well, uh, meet again later? I need to get some supplies and then move in to the dorms." [22:11]
Storyteller: She looks a bit anxious. [22:11]
Peter Pan: "Do you need some help?" [22:11]
Storyteller: "No, no, I'll be fine..." [22:12]
Peter Pan: "Oh...ok" [22:14]
Storyteller: "Next week, around the same time?" [22:14]
Peter Pan: "Yeah, that sounds good..." He seemed to be a bit hazy all of a sudden [22:16]
Storyteller: "Later." And she walks off just a bit faster than you think is probably normal. [22:16]
Peter Pan: ((At this point, Peter's going to just sit there all entranced until somthing pulls him out of it)) [22:16]
Storyteller: Tink comes up to you. [22:16]
Peter Pan: He blinked. "So...Wendy..." [22:17]
Peter Pan: "How do we go back to Neverland Tink?" [22:21]
Storyteller: You hear an ugly voice laughing in the distance. [22:24]
Peter Pan: He perked up at that, standing up and starting to walk towards the source of the noise [22:25]
Storyteller: There's a man, dressed in something between a viking and a pirate outfit, and he's laughing. [22:26]
Peter Pan: "Ummmm...hello?" [22:26]
Storyteller: "I wonder, does she really want it?" [22:26]
Storyteller: His voice sounds like steel scraping steel. [22:27]
Peter Pan: Somthing felt wrong, his hand slid into his coat pocket to the wooden knife he'd made himself, just in case. He felt a bit defenseless without his usual rapier. "Is there somthign I can help you with sir?" [22:27]
Storyteller: "I couldn't help but hear your conversation with the girl. And I do so wonder." [22:28]
Peter Pan: He cocked a brow. "It's not nice to eavesdrop sir..." His grip on teh wooden handle tightened. [22:28]
Storyteller: "If I gave'r a way out, would she take it's what I'm wondering." [22:29]
Peter Pan: "What are you talking about? Why wouldn't she want to come with me?" [22:29]
Storyteller: "Well, you've lived your life knowing this, right?" [22:30]
Peter Pan: He nodded [22:30]
Storyteller: "Consider this, she's only really known about this for what, a few days?" [22:31]
Peter Pan: He bit his lower lip a bit. "...s-s-so?" His ovice became very defensive [22:31]
Storyteller: "You're proposing fer her ta just uproot everthing she knew, and for what? Stories, a posiblity?" [22:31]
Peter Pan: "We're going back home. Back tot he way things used to be." [22:32]
Storyteller: "Ooooh. So you knows the way home now, does you?" [22:32]
Peter Pan: "I'll find it. It's just....been a while." [22:33]
Storyteller: "Ahh, but what if you don't remember, or if you happen to die against that thing?" [22:34]
Peter Pan: "I won't. I'm /clever.'" [22:34]
Storyteller: "Bah. So was Tax. Look at what happened to him." [22:35]
Peter Pan: "He hangs around Adler all the time, not such a bad lot.' [22:35]
Storyteller: He turns on you "WHAT?" he roars, sounding a whole damn lot like a train wreck. [22:36]
Peter Pan: He smiled. "You heard me. What's it to you?" [22:37]
Storyteller: "Well, it's not every day you hear of that loon managing to fake anything that well." [22:37]
Storyteller: He's got a nervous sound to his voice. [22:38]
Peter Pan: "I think you should go now. I think you should stay away from my friends too." [22:38]
Storyteller: "Hhnhhn. You're interesting. I think I have a new toy." And he walks down the stairs with that. [22:39]
Peter Pan: "Hey!" He ran after the man, standing at the top of the stairs. "I mean it! If you touch them you'll regret it!" [22:39]
Storyteller: "Hhn. You know, he said that too." [22:40]
Storyteller: And the oil looking man in black exits the building. [22:41]
Storyteller: oily. [22:41]
Peter Pan: Grimmacing, Peter started heading back to the tower, hoping Adler might be there [22:41]
Storyteller: Make a perception roll peter. [22:42]
Peter Pan: Roll 6#1d10 [22:42]
Peter Pan rolled --> 10, 1, 10, 9, 3, 9 [22:42]
Peter Pan: roll 2#1d10 [22:42]
Peter Pan rolled --> 9, 3 [22:43]
Peter Pan: ((5)) [22:43]
Storyteller: The guy's following you, just to make certain that you don't double back. [22:43]
Peter Pan: HE turned around. "What are you doing? I thought I told you to leave." He drew his wooden knife [22:43]
Peter Pan: "Who are you?" [22:44]
Storyteller: "Nobody of consequence. Now get outta here, things are going to happen that aren't for young eyes." [22:44]
Peter Pan: "I'm not going to let you hurt people." [22:45]
Storyteller: "Hhn. Really kid, leave. You boddame." [22:45]
Peter Pan: "Boddame?" [22:45]
Storyteller: "You ain neva seen any o' dose old gangsta movies?" [22:46]
Peter Pan: "Not a cinema fan." [22:46]
Storyteller: "Eh. Like I said, get outta here, things that you don't want to be a part of are going to happen." [22:47]
Peter Pan: He grimmaced and turned to walk away, heading back tot he tower [22:49]
Storyteller: On the way out, you see some really rough looking types pass by yout. [22:54]
Peter Pan: ((Is Adler back at the tower?)) [22:54]
Storyteller: (Adler?) [22:54]
Peter Pan: ((Or did she go home for the day?)) [22:55]
Peter Pan: ((Was asking DS, and yeah, Adler)) [22:55]
Storyteller: (I know. I was seconding your question.) [22:55]
Adler: ((by now? probably, yes) [22:55]
Storyteller: (Which question did that answer?) [22:58]
Adler: (she's at the tower, I would think. She needs to do an oblation there anyway, to get her daily point of Mana. Might as well do her legacy oblation at the same time.) [22:58]
Storyteller: (Ah.) [22:59]
Peter Pan: Peter came into the tower lookingt concerned. [23:00]
Peter Pan: You'd notice somthign he usually didn't have out, a wooden knife, finely crafted [23:03]
Adler: Adler immediatly frowned and set aside the book of crossword puzzles she was working on. "What's wrong Peter?" she asked, her voice full of concern [23:04]
Peter Pan: "Adler, do a favor for me, and please don't ask why. I need you to be very, very careful, and keep yourself very safe. If somthing happens, please contact me asap. And avoid people in black besides Ken." [23:11]
Adler: "But...But..." she's definatly worried now. [23:12]
Peter Pan: He went over ot the cot and laid on it face-down [23:15]
Adler: She stands up and walks over to him, touching one hand against his shoulder. "Are you ok Peter?" [23:16]
Peter Pan: He looked up at her. "I met Wendy today." [23:19]
Adler: Adler tries to control her suprise, but a tiny amount leaks through, "Really? Isn't...that a good thing, though?" [23:20]
Peter Pan: "It was...sorta...then I met a creepy black guy who wants to hurt people, and I think he's after you and Wendy." [23:24]
Peter Pan: "I never wondered what I'd do after I found WEndy..." [23:25]
Adler: Adler keeps her mouth shut, but she keeps her hand on his back and sits down on the edge of the cot. [23:30]
Adler: after a bit, she gives a sort of encouraging "Hmm?" [23:30]
Peter Pan: He sighed. "Why aren't things simple anymore Adler?" [23:32]
Adler: "If you don't mind me going all psychobabble on you for a moment, I honestly doubt they ever were that simple. You just didn't notice how complex they were. I understand how you're feeling, though." [23:34]
Peter Pan: He nodded. "IF not for you and finally finding Wendy, I'd wish things went back tot he old ways. I remember when I was Peter, and I had Tink, and I was lucky and really fast when I needed to be." He sighed again. "I used to think I was an investigative genius too when I could figure out what happened somewhere."

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