Session 9
From Arispemage
Storyteller: A few floor boards have been partially pried up, though.
Adler: "Huh. Kinda odd...Wonder how much is missing
Adler: "
Peter Pan: "I wonder what this all does..."
Storyteller: It seems to be an Escher painting turned into a snowglobe.
EMP: Brian came into the Sanctum, walking along with his spear staff clicking on the floor. He obviously hadn't slept in a while.
Adler: "I must admit, there is a certain sense of style to the place."
Peter Pan: "Also a certain sense of weird, I'm really glad we don't live here anymore." He shuddered a bit
Peter Pan: "So, let's check out the clothes first. I could use some, and I'd hate to find out after I put one on that it turns me into a cephalopod."
Storyteller: One of the upstairs rooms has a closet with clothes in it.
Adler: I doubt that the wierd enchantments are going to be on the clothing
Adler: "
Storyteller: They range from normal, but loud, to manic, to things out of demented dreams.
Peter Pan: "Well, you could always ask the book of the hour." Peter began heading upstairs.
Adler: "In theory, I suppose. I'm pretty sure that the right pronoun is, would warn up before we touched anything TOO dangerous."
Adler: Adler follows along.
Peter Pan: ((Chibi Alan Tax - Pager, Paper Scource, Conversationalist, MEntor, Guide to the Dark Arts, and Lovable Companion, all in one Merit.))
Adler: (Well, he is a Familiar and a 3 dot Mentor...and apparently getting my sacrifical XP, I suppose)
Peter Pan: Peter started digging through the normal clothes a bit. "Umm...none of these are curtsed or anythign rihgt?" He looked at the book oddly
Storyteller: A pic of a fairly normal looking blue polo shirt appears. I always had bad luck in that one.
Peter Pan: He grabbed a jacket to put on
Storyteller: It's fairly comfortable, just a bit large on you.
Storyteller: It also makes you look a bit like a pirate.
Peter Pan: He quirked a brow. "So, what kinds of things are we looking for?"
Adler: "...more clothes for you." ^_^
Adler: "And his library, his repository of assorted odds and ends, hopefully a few grimoires, and other assorted useful things."
Storyteller: There's lots of clothes in the closet.
Storyteller: Hell, the closet is rather large on the inside.
[19:19] * Peter_Pan dug around for a while, looking for average-looking clothes to wear since his old ones were probably irreprably stained by magical...critte blood
Storyteller: The most average looking thing is a light blue tee shirt and some jeans with fancy embroidery.
Peter Pan: "Huh...I think I'm gonna need to just get a job and buy some new ones..."
Storyteller: Most of the rest of the stuff is in bright or shiny colors.
Storyteller: Or looks really damned odd in some way.
Storyteller: There's even some ethnic stuff in there.
Storyteller: Greek Soldier's uniform.
Adler: "I dunno, I like some of this stuff...hmm.." Adler goes digging around in it
Storyteller: Old Union commander's outfit.
Storyteller: Fake wall.
Storyteller: Columbus outfit.
Storyteller: Surgical Scrubs.
Adler: "Well, there's your problem. Fake wall, huh?" Adler taps it, ditching the tricorn hat she has in one hand and the blue rubber gloves in the other.
Storyteller: There's some really, really odd things in there.
Storyteller: A male and female set of traditional Aztec marriage clothes.
Storyteller: Full set of Hoplite armor.
Adler: "Alan, how much of this is wardrobe, how much of it is toys, and how much of it is a collection?"
Storyteller: Scuba diving rig.
Peter Pan: "This is just odd..." Peter stood back with a look on his face like he was watching a train wreck. Somthing terrible, but...he couldn't look away
Storyteller: The book has a little speech bubble with an elipsis in it. I really can't remember.
Adler: "Hmm...I wonder if there is anything in here I could wear..."
Adler: "Other than the Aztec stuff. That's a bit...brief, I think."
Storyteller: Mind you, there's a lot of hidden walls in there.
Peter Pan: "Yeah..., let's check for some things to take back to the clocktower. It would be nice to spruce the place up, it's kind of Spartan right now."
Adler: "So are we going to take the Greek Soldier outfit then?"
Storyteller: Well, most of the books are spilled on the floor, and a lot of delicate things are in pieces because of the rough treatment by zombies.
Storyteller: (Ancient or more modern?)
Peter Pan: " Is there any chance the book could tell you what's important to take?"
Storyteller: Yes, it answers, if you care to look.
Adler: (...that was supposed to be a visual joke, off the spelling of the word Spartan, but...)
Peter Pan: ((I know n.n))
Storyteller: (Well, I laughed IRL.)
Adler: Adler checks to book.
Peter Pan: ((Peter's not the most knowledgable kid))
Adler: (poor Adler. All her jokes are going to go flying way over his head ^^;; )
Storyteller: The book has chibi Alan saying "Yes, I can tell you what's important to take."
Storyteller: He's also nodding, and trying to look sagacious.
Adler: "That would be very helpful, Alan."
Adler: "Thank you."
Storyteller: You're welcome, it says in return.
Storyteller: Question, it asks, how do you mean important?
Adler: "Well, I'd like to get most of the library carried wouldn't happen to have a small Athenaeum worth of stuff hidden around here or anything, would you?
Adler: "
Storyteller: "Most of the really good books are hidden elsewhere. Or in the local Athenaeum. " it says.
Storyteller: I can, though, lead you to the other hiding place.
Adler: "That'd be sweet. there anything of perticular use here, say, anything enchanted or ehnanced. Or just some good books. I like books."
Storyteller: Plenty of books, some nice writing tools, the Aztec stuff. Those things are enchanted. Or about magic.
Storyteller: Also, the motar and pestil are enchanted, it adds after thinking for a bit.
Storyteller: It then turns into a map.
Adler: "Ok, we're going to want to grab all of these things. And some of the clothes. It'll be fun for Holloween, if nothing else."
Peter Pan: "Ummm...K?"
Peter Pan: "I'll go grab the pestel and mortar."
Adler: "I'll pack up the clothes and then you can help me with the books and the writing stuff."
Storyteller: There's about two dozen books, and some stuff that looks both aztec and vaguely religious.
[20:04] *** Peter_Pan has signed off IRC (Connection reset by peer).
[20:07] *** Peter_Pan has joined #arispemage.
Storyteller: (WB.)
Peter Pan: (Ty, what'd I miss?)
Storyteller: (Nothing.)
Peter Pan: Peter returned to Adler with the mortar and PEstel, and a precariously balanced pile of books
Adler: Adler had managed at some point to dig out a clothes-carrier and has some stuff hanging in it, including the Aztec stuff."
Peter Pan: "Anything else form here?"
Storyteller: "... Take the cd player." It says.
Adler: "Thank you Peter. Hmm..." Adler ponders for a moment before snaging a few more outfits from the ones she had collected and putting them into the carrier, shutting it up. "ok"
Peter Pan: PEter ran to get it. "Why the CD player?"
Storyteller: The CD in it is very good.
Storyteller: And it's got a nice resale value.
Adler: "Because we don't have one in the tower yet?"
Storyteller: The player, not the disk. It adds.
Peter Pan: He came back. "Is that all? We should take this stuff back soon and make another trip back if there's much more we need to get"
Storyteller: Well, most of my enchanted stuff was hidden seperately.
Adler: "Unless you see a nice outfit or two you'd like to see me in (and I havn't seen many girls clothes in here anyway, she adds) I think that's it."
Peter Pan: (Say, what do you reckon I should do first, buy Wits up to 5, or start developing Fihgitng Style - Two Weapons?))
Peter Pan: "If I did that we'd have to take most of the closet. You look pretty good in most clothes." He smiled happily. "But for the meantime, let's jsut take what we've got."
Adler: (uhh...C, drop 8 points on Gnosis 2)
Adler: Adler blushes the only way she can. Cutely. "Ok"
Peter Pan: (x.x I don't really need more gnosis right now.))
Storyteller: Well, you guys do have some of the most important stuff.
Peter Pan: "Let's head back to the clocktower and figure out what all fo this stuff is."
Adler: "I'm suprised that we have so few books, to be honest. I expected to have a few crates of them."
Storyteller: Other hiding place.
Peter Pan: "We'll get them after we figure out what this stuff is."
Adler: "Right...or before. I think we should get as much stuff as we can and then catalog it all."
Peter Pan: "That works to I suppose"
Adler: ((Ahh, the Mysterium approach: Grab as much as we can hold, we can figure it out later. The important thing is that WE have it.))
Storyteller: (Heh.)
Peter Pan: "Let's go at least drop it off first."