Session 9

From Arispemage

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Storyteller: A few floor boards have been partially pried up, though. [19:05]
Adler: "Huh. Kinda odd...Wonder how much is missing [19:05]
Adler: " [19:06]
Peter Pan: "I wonder what this all does..." [19:07]
Storyteller: It seems to be an Escher painting turned into a snowglobe. [19:07]
EMP: Brian came into the Sanctum, walking along with his spear staff clicking on the floor. He obviously hadn't slept in a while. [19:07]
Adler: "I must admit, there is a certain sense of style to the place." [19:08]
Peter Pan: "Also a certain sense of weird, I'm really glad we don't live here anymore." He shuddered a bit [19:09]
Peter Pan: "So, let's check out the clothes first. I could use some, and I'd hate to find out after I put one on that it turns me into a cephalopod." [19:10]
Storyteller: One of the upstairs rooms has a closet with clothes in it. [19:10]
Adler: I doubt that the wierd enchantments are going to be on the clothing [19:11]
Adler: " [19:11]
Storyteller: They range from normal, but loud, to manic, to things out of demented dreams. [19:11]
Peter Pan: "Well, you could always ask the book of the hour." Peter began heading upstairs. [19:13]
Adler: "In theory, I suppose. I'm pretty sure that the right pronoun is, would warn up before we touched anything TOO dangerous." [19:13]
Adler: Adler follows along. [19:13]
Peter Pan: ((Chibi Alan Tax - Pager, Paper Scource, Conversationalist, MEntor, Guide to the Dark Arts, and Lovable Companion, all in one Merit.)) [19:14]
Adler: (Well, he is a Familiar and a 3 dot Mentor...and apparently getting my sacrifical XP, I suppose) [19:14]
Peter Pan: Peter started digging through the normal clothes a bit. "Umm...none of these are curtsed or anythign rihgt?" He looked at the book oddly [19:15]
Storyteller: A pic of a fairly normal looking blue polo shirt appears. I always had bad luck in that one. [19:15]
Peter Pan: He grabbed a jacket to put on [19:16]
Storyteller: It's fairly comfortable, just a bit large on you. [19:17]
Storyteller: It also makes you look a bit like a pirate. [19:17]
Peter Pan: He quirked a brow. "So, what kinds of things are we looking for?" [19:18]
Adler: "...more clothes for you." ^_^ [19:19]
Adler: "And his library, his repository of assorted odds and ends, hopefully a few grimoires, and other assorted useful things." [19:19]
Storyteller: There's lots of clothes in the closet. [19:19]
Storyteller: Hell, the closet is rather large on the inside. [19:19] * Peter_Pan dug around for a while, looking for average-looking clothes to wear since his old ones were probably irreprably stained by magical...critte blood [19:20]
Storyteller: The most average looking thing is a light blue tee shirt and some jeans with fancy embroidery. [19:21]
Peter Pan: "Huh...I think I'm gonna need to just get a job and buy some new ones..." [19:21]
Storyteller: Most of the rest of the stuff is in bright or shiny colors. [19:22]
Storyteller: Or looks really damned odd in some way. [19:22]
Storyteller: There's even some ethnic stuff in there. [19:22]
Storyteller: Greek Soldier's uniform. [19:22]
Adler: "I dunno, I like some of this stuff...hmm.." Adler goes digging around in it [19:22]
Storyteller: Old Union commander's outfit. [19:22]
Storyteller: Fake wall. [19:22]
Storyteller: Columbus outfit. [19:23]
Storyteller: Surgical Scrubs. [19:23]
Adler: "Well, there's your problem. Fake wall, huh?" Adler taps it, ditching the tricorn hat she has in one hand and the blue rubber gloves in the other. [19:24]
Storyteller: There's some really, really odd things in there. [19:24]
Storyteller: A male and female set of traditional Aztec marriage clothes. [19:24]
Storyteller: Full set of Hoplite armor. [19:25]
Adler: "Alan, how much of this is wardrobe, how much of it is toys, and how much of it is a collection?" [19:25]
Storyteller: Scuba diving rig. [19:25]
Peter Pan: "This is just odd..." Peter stood back with a look on his face like he was watching a train wreck. Somthing terrible, but...he couldn't look away [19:25]
Storyteller: The book has a little speech bubble with an elipsis in it. I really can't remember. [19:26]
Adler: "Hmm...I wonder if there is anything in here I could wear..." [19:26]
Adler: "Other than the Aztec stuff. That's a bit...brief, I think." [19:27]
Storyteller: Mind you, there's a lot of hidden walls in there. [19:27]
Peter Pan: "Yeah..., let's check for some things to take back to the clocktower. It would be nice to spruce the place up, it's kind of Spartan right now." [19:30]
Adler: "So are we going to take the Greek Soldier outfit then?" [19:30]
Storyteller: Well, most of the books are spilled on the floor, and a lot of delicate things are in pieces because of the rough treatment by zombies. [19:30]
Storyteller: (Ancient or more modern?) [19:31]
Peter Pan: " Is there any chance the book could tell you what's important to take?" [19:35]
Storyteller: Yes, it answers, if you care to look. [19:37]
Adler: (...that was supposed to be a visual joke, off the spelling of the word Spartan, but...) [19:37]
Peter Pan: ((I know n.n)) [19:37]
Storyteller: (Well, I laughed IRL.) [19:37]
Adler: Adler checks to book. [19:38]
Peter Pan: ((Peter's not the most knowledgable kid)) [19:38]
Adler: (poor Adler. All her jokes are going to go flying way over his head ^^;; ) [19:39]
Storyteller: The book has chibi Alan saying "Yes, I can tell you what's important to take." [19:39]
Storyteller: He's also nodding, and trying to look sagacious. [19:40]
Adler: "That would be very helpful, Alan." [19:40]
Adler: "Thank you." [19:40]
Storyteller: You're welcome, it says in return. [19:41]
Storyteller: Question, it asks, how do you mean important? [19:42]
Adler: "Well, I'd like to get most of the library carried wouldn't happen to have a small Athenaeum worth of stuff hidden around here or anything, would you? [19:42]
Adler: " [19:44]
Storyteller: "Most of the really good books are hidden elsewhere. Or in the local Athenaeum. " it says. [19:47]
Storyteller: I can, though, lead you to the other hiding place. [19:52]
Adler: "That'd be sweet. there anything of perticular use here, say, anything enchanted or ehnanced. Or just some good books. I like books." [19:53]
Storyteller: Plenty of books, some nice writing tools, the Aztec stuff. Those things are enchanted. Or about magic. [19:54]
Storyteller: Also, the motar and pestil are enchanted, it adds after thinking for a bit. [19:58]
Storyteller: It then turns into a map. [19:59]
Adler: "Ok, we're going to want to grab all of these things. And some of the clothes. It'll be fun for Holloween, if nothing else." [20:01]
Peter Pan: "Ummm...K?" [20:01]
Peter Pan: "I'll go grab the pestel and mortar." [20:02]
Adler: "I'll pack up the clothes and then you can help me with the books and the writing stuff." [20:02]
Storyteller: There's about two dozen books, and some stuff that looks both aztec and vaguely religious. [20:04] *** Peter_Pan has signed off IRC (Connection reset by peer). [20:07] *** Peter_Pan has joined #arispemage. [20:08]
Storyteller: (WB.) [20:08]
Peter Pan: (Ty, what'd I miss?) [20:08]
Storyteller: (Nothing.) [20:12]
Peter Pan: Peter returned to Adler with the mortar and PEstel, and a precariously balanced pile of books [20:14]
Adler: Adler had managed at some point to dig out a clothes-carrier and has some stuff hanging in it, including the Aztec stuff." [20:19]
Peter Pan: "Anything else form here?" [20:19]
Storyteller: "... Take the cd player." It says. [20:20]
Adler: "Thank you Peter. Hmm..." Adler ponders for a moment before snaging a few more outfits from the ones she had collected and putting them into the carrier, shutting it up. "ok" [20:20]
Peter Pan: PEter ran to get it. "Why the CD player?" [20:20]
Storyteller: The CD in it is very good. [20:20]
Storyteller: And it's got a nice resale value. [20:22]
Adler: "Because we don't have one in the tower yet?" [20:22]
Storyteller: The player, not the disk. It adds. [20:23]
Peter Pan: He came back. "Is that all? We should take this stuff back soon and make another trip back if there's much more we need to get" [20:23]
Storyteller: Well, most of my enchanted stuff was hidden seperately. [20:24]
Adler: "Unless you see a nice outfit or two you'd like to see me in (and I havn't seen many girls clothes in here anyway, she adds) I think that's it." [20:24]
Peter Pan: (Say, what do you reckon I should do first, buy Wits up to 5, or start developing Fihgitng Style - Two Weapons?)) [20:24]
Peter Pan: "If I did that we'd have to take most of the closet. You look pretty good in most clothes." He smiled happily. "But for the meantime, let's jsut take what we've got." [20:25]
Adler: (uhh...C, drop 8 points on Gnosis 2) [20:27]
Adler: Adler blushes the only way she can. Cutely. "Ok" [20:29]
Peter Pan: (x.x I don't really need more gnosis right now.)) [20:29]
Storyteller: Well, you guys do have some of the most important stuff. [20:30]
Peter Pan: "Let's head back to the clocktower and figure out what all fo this stuff is." [20:30]
Adler: "I'm suprised that we have so few books, to be honest. I expected to have a few crates of them." [20:34]
Storyteller: Other hiding place. [20:35]
Peter Pan: "We'll get them after we figure out what this stuff is." [20:37]
Adler: "Right...or before. I think we should get as much stuff as we can and then catalog it all." [20:37]
Peter Pan: "That works to I suppose" [20:38]
Adler: ((Ahh, the Mysterium approach: Grab as much as we can hold, we can figure it out later. The important thing is that WE have it.)) [20:39]
Storyteller: (Heh.) [20:39]
Peter Pan: "Let's go at least drop it off first."

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