From Arinthdnd
Name: Sir Newton St. Lowsly-Evanton de Quarre
Race: Human
Age: 22
Class: Paladin / Crusader
Stats: STR18 CON16 DEX12 INT9 WIS16 CHA14
Description: Looking at Newt is like looking at a monument to knighthood. Fierce and awe-inspiring sight to behold; his it's apparent his strong body ripples with muscles even when clad in his gilded bronze plate armor, which shines with the same brilliance as his golden curls and his topaz eyes. He stands strong and steady; an immovable object of light.
Then, after five minutes or so of talking to him, one comes to realize he has the intelligence just above that of the average dinner plate. Gilded as he may seem then upon that realization, Newton is bursting with genuine goodness and a desire to protect others; he is a true paragon of Heironeous' Values, and despite first impressions, he seems to hold some respectable wisdom in that head of his despite his outright refusal to engage in any form of logic or reasoning.
One curious thing about Newt is his dialect. He speaks in convoluted sentences using unnecessarily ornate language, which seems to conflict with his apparent level of intelligence.