From Arcadia

Revision as of 16:33, 30 October 2007 by (Talk)

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Where is the application found and how often does a moderator look at them? <a href="http://candorarcadia.livejournal.com/1034.html">Here</a>. We get to them as soon as possible, depending schedules.
  2. Where are the rules at?
  3. <a href="http://candorarcadia.livejournal.com/790.html">Located here</a>
  4. What if I wanted to know more about the sections of Arcadia? Look no further than <a href="http://editthis.info/arcadia/Arcadia">Here</a>.
  5. Where can I reserve a character and how long can they be reserved for?
  6. <a href="http://candorarcadia.livejournal.com/1034.html">Here</a>, for the time being. You may hold a reserve for at least A WEEK.
  7. What is this game about? It's up to you, the person who is placing characters in this game. They are here in Arcadia, whether it be to escape their pasts, form a new future, finding power in the deeper meanings of this place, drawn here by forces, etc, etc. The point being this place's name originates from a Greek Utopia. Formed by unknown forces, this world/city was created to be a place for people to come -- to learn, hide, escape, grow, and to flourish. Naturally, not everyone is nice that comes here, and there are some who come by a strict morale code, it really depends. That being said, not everyone is friendly and that within itself creates many issues.
  8. How does this game work? This game relies solely on interaction, via commenting, but mainly logs. Logs (aka scenes) are how characters meet up. It's either done through instant messaging (most players use AIM) or through <lj user="rpg"> or it is allowed through a character's journal. Or, if you prefer and do not have the time, assumption is allowed, but only by a player's discretion. Keep in mind assuming without asking another player is called "GOD-MODING" and strictly goes against the rules. The journals serve as...well, journals. The city is connected through a very high-powered network, wireless internet is damn near provided EVERYWHERE. Characters are given computers and communicators. Communicators are just hand held devices allowed for communicating via the network -- think of it as a fancy PDA system everyone uses, that allows voice posting.
  9. What is the city function? Who controls it? Arcadia is ruled by what is described as a "Clock-work God" government, and it is similar to that of a parliamentary government, similar to a democracy. The reason why it's called "Clock-work God" comes from the idea that like a clock-maker, it is created to run and left on it's own. Who really controls Arcadia is really debatable, not even the police forces, judicial system, government really knows. In reality, Arcadia was really created by <a href="http://editthis.info/arcadia/Deities_of_Arcadia">forgotten deities</a> of the old world, created to to have their immortality extended. Without worship or some form of mortal acknowledgment, deities of the old world were left to wither. HOWEVER, upon creating this small world, they themselves had to give up their powers.
  10. So, what is the deal with the deities or Gods? As stated above, the created this place to they could keep on living. Though in order to keep this world stable, they had to give up most of their powers to create it. In simple terms, the deities are almost like average Joes, aside from the fact most of them, aside from the oldest of the Gods, have powers. These powers can only be used at certain times, can only be used if someone gives them something to use it, and that is through trading through the deities.
  11. Are the Gods all powerful and all knowing? No. They barely have most of their original powers, therefore lost their omnipresent features. To have them all-knowing would be god-moding, and I do not approve of such a thing. To make a God all-knowing, some of them will just have to result to the low of becoming a regular mortal and hacking, wouldn't they?
  12. Are the Gods are friends? Aha, no, not all of them are. Only a few are sympathetic to the mortals here. Most of them are just really egotistic and selfish, out to get by on their own, but the sad truth is they need the characters more than they realize.
  13. Speaking of powers and abilities, what about a character's powers? A characters powers are not limited or stopped in Arcadia, therefore, they are held to their original level. The reason being is that most of the Gods WANT power to restore their own, and will try and trick characters to give their powers to them for a price.
  14. What if a character was dead and I wanted to apply for them? Look no further to the funerary Goddesses, Nepthys and Isis, whose funerary powers can actually revive dead characters upon the very MUCH alive character's memories. HOWEVER, if a dead character is brought here, they are the the exception to the power rule above -- they have no powers to speak of, and they are binded to Arcadia, they cannot leave it, unless by price.
  15. Okay, you say a character can be "bound" to this place. In what way? Being binded means you're either bounded to a section, because of a deities' orders for trading, or that you're dead. ONCE a character is binded, a silver bracelet is placed on them -- think of it as a house arrest. When the Gods bind you, it means they were given something -- a part of your character's abilities, if they are alive. If they were dead, they were given apart of their SOULS. Regardless, if you are in a bound agreement, the bracelet on your left wrist means that you're soul, your body is bounded, no matter what outcome. To try and leave that bind inflicts pain on a character and it's often wise not to attempt to leave until that bound is broken, unless you really want your soul worn down. Breaking a bound usually means getting your powers back or by trade.
  16. Do you allow original characters? No, we do not. We allow canon characters. Though there is an exception to this rule -- if you are applying for a character mentioned in CANON, but there is no detail to their personality, this would be considered an OC. These OCs derived from canon MAY be applied for, but they will go under much will be more scrutinized compared to the a regular character.
  17. How does my character arrive in this place? If they're alive and kickin' they come through the nexus, primarily in Verdandi. If they're dead, they come through the spirit world in Methuselah.
  18. Can my character leave this city? Sure, they can, by the nexus by Verdandi. If they're dead, then no, not without bargaining with a God.
  19. UGH. Not another school game. Do our characters HAVE to go to school?! Nope, they do not. Tartarus and Candor are purely optional, your character can live in the city without even so much going near the schools. And, no, this isn't a school game, trust me, we're sick of them, too.
  20. If schools are optional, why do you have them? The schools are enforced by the Gods to spy on your characters. SHH. Also, their names play a heavy roll in their creation and meaning.
  21. My character should be a mayor or a general! Can they?! Sry2say, the cannot be. They CAN gain powerful rolls in Arcadia, but for a price, naturally, backed up by a deity~
  22. Why is Arcadia divided into four sections? The four sections represent many things... Methuselah is the spiritual side of Arcadia, often thought to be the eldest, rumored to be the beginning of Arcadia. Often wildly thought to be haunted and cursed. It's connection lies in the dead Sídhe is the nature part of Arcadia, known by it's forests, beaches, and parks. This place is the less populated part of Arcadia, a connection lies between nature and connecting with yourself. Calliope is the entertainment center of Arcadia. The rich live here primarily, and is the most crime-oriented part of Arcadia, though that is wildly overlooked, covered by the government of Arcadia. The prime connection here is deception, not everything is what it seems. Verdandi is the newer capital of Arcadia, heavily populated by newcomers and outsiders. How everyone comes into Arcadia is through here, through the main stations to start anew. The connection of this place is birth, karma, and new beginnings. With each division of Arcadia, deities represent them and look over them. Because the deities are at odds with one another, so are the sections of Arcadia...
  23. Is there a money system here? Yes, there is, for the sake of sanity it's unnamed. No gil, munnies, rupies, etc, etc plz.

  24. This sounds okay so far, what's the policy on activity? We're an easy paced game. That being, we ask for journal posting, at least once a month. Though that doesn't mean you're exempt from commenting, posting, and interacting. The rule here is if you do not have ANY sort of activity, within a month, you are kicked from the game. EXCEPTIONS are school periods, if you have difficulty with life, and anything that would interfere with playing here. We're asking you to be honest, we trust that you do present these things honestly to us.
  25. Is smut/yaoi/yuri/lemons/gore/any other adult stuff allowed here? Yes, it is. Under the circumstances you LOCK anything above a PG-13 rating, due to Livejournal's new policies. Though, really, don't let this become the primary reason you RP here, otherwise you'll be warned and eventually kicked out.
  26. Anything from outside, whether it be from the original canon world or pop culture references -- are they allowed? Now, it would be stupid to tell you "no". If your character comes from a modern time line like now, you can have them talk about GWAR or My Chemical Romance. The only thing that wouldn't be allowed is things from the fourth wall.
  27. How do the schools function? Now because the focus doesn't settle on the schools, you pick classes from either <a href="http://editthis.info/arcadia/Candor_University">Candor</a> or <a href="http://editthis.info/arcadia/Tartarus_Academy">Tartarus</a>, and role with it. Dorms are the only thing that are updated, really.
  28. Since plots are so open-ended here, do player plots need approval? Player plots do not need approval, unless you wish to have it affecting the whole city or more than one section. Plots can be presented to a moderator -- we only ask for a head's up to keep the secrecy and engrossment of a plot. In fact, if you want it to be a total surprise, we recommend it. Otherwise, post all plot things to <lj user="ooc">, thank you very much.
  29. Hey! I want what's-his-face to have ties to a deity, can they? They may, just drop a line at arcadiamods AT gmail dot com. They will more than likely not be rejected, unless they're ridiculous requests...
  30. Is there any fandom forces/things/groups that can play a role here? SURE. For example, MALICE from Fatal Frame and Shadow Hearts is the prime function of Methuselah, and while that's the case, it's also the gateway to Silent Hill/things from, say, Devil May Cry. Shinigami can have secret liaisons to funeral gods. Hellsing can be working with the police force/government in Arcadia. The keyhole to Arcadia is never shut. There's no stopping you from plotting~
  31. What are logs, and how do they work? Again, logs are interaction between characters, via threading or instant messaging. OPEN scenes are obviously scenes not completed, should be marked as OPEN. Closed means...uh, well, they're done. The formation of LOGS go as the following: Who What When Where Warnings (VERY IMPORTANT): EL JAY CUT GOES HERE~ Please keep in mind warnings are very important and use them! And be sure to post logs in <lj user="rpg">.
  32. Plz to be explaining the "tag" system? Rather simple. If Yuna is meeting Usagi Tsukino in Verdandi at the Sacred Grove, you simply put "usagi, yuna, verdandi, sacred grove" in the tags. If not, a mod will run by and tag it. But please, PLEASE tag. This is done to keep an archive.
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