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Temple of Hope

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The Temple of Hope is a place in AdventureQuest RPG that can only be accessed through a special quest, althogh the level requirement is low.



How To Reach the Quest

In order to get there, players must first click on the button saying Temple of Hope on the Travel Map or go to the secret room of Yulgar's Inn.

How To Reach It the Temple

Then they must battle through a large group of monsters (although they get fully healed after each battle and can get help from Galrick after the first battle). They must then activate a series of 8 runes in a certain order (1 for each element). (Hint: the first 3 are red, dark blue, and green in that order, and purple is the last one. I always guess and forget the right order of the middle ones.) Also, Galrick will help by telling the player the correct order 1 rune at a time after about 25 mistakes per hint (although this takes a long time and is not recommended).

What To Do At The Temple

Once there, players must talk to Tralin and and Nel to access the quest map. From there, players can go on the Temple of Hope Quest, with new sections of the map being unlocked after the old ones are beaten. Each quest is for 1 Elemental Orb.


Note: The first part has no battles, hence the low level requirement. However, players will want to be at least level 20 before they tackle the 2nd part, and at LEAST in the 60s or 70s before they tackle the fifth part, as this part has an extremely difficult boss. This coming from a level 80 X-Guardian.

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