
From Apocalypseblade

Half-Angels are any being who, whether through magical interference or mixed parenting, has partial angelic blood but is not fully angelic. Half-Angels are capable of a myriad of abilities, many of which are determined by the blood they share with another race. Angelic blood grants its users access to Heaven and, when at very great levels of strength, retractable angelic wings. If the half-angel has not already found a method of flight, the wings will grant them angelic flight.


It is also noteworthy that most half-angels, called nephilim, bare little resemblance to their human or angelic parents. With the exception of a very few, nephilim are prone to a handful of characteristics:

  • The Nephilim Curse: Most nephilim are born with physical abnormalities not shared by angels of humans, such as horns, fangs, or disproportionately sized limbs such as very large arms. This is cause by the will of God, who forbids angels from leaving Heaven, let alone fornicating with humans. As punishment, their children almost invariably bear the Nephilim Curse. The curse will pass over the child of an angel with leave to set foot on Etrah, as was the case with Visignis (since Pyrodeus had entered Etrah to fight the Sons of Plunder when he had met Visignis' mother, Tamina).
  • The Rule of Blood: Nephilim, like their angelic parents, stop aging physically by their mid-twenties. Nephilim physically younger than that, if they murder a human and make contact with its blood, will physically age by anywhere from 2 to as much as 5 years. Once fully realized (as physically matured as they will become within their lifetime), the Rule of Blood will still give a nephilim greater power.
  • Violent Disposition: All nephilim who bare the Nephilim Curse are violent and aggressive at birth to the point of murderous tendencies, and quick to anger. While often inherent and unlikely to change, some nephilim with potentially peaceful dispositions are shunned for their physical abnormalities. This quickly sours their disposition, sometimes permanently. As a result of their rage, many nephilim damn themselves in spite of their angelic blood.(Note: While the vast majority of nephilim are quite bloodthirsty, a nephilim raised in a proper environment can become virtuous and friendly, in spite of still carrying the physical abnormalities.)
  • Angelic power: All nephilim are capable of power nearing angelic-level. Nephilim will often be stronger than their parents who bore them, but their potential strength is shaped by the genetics of their parents. For example, an average angel and an average human who have a child will give birth to a nephilim with power much greater than its parents. However, in the case of Visignis, with a Warrior Angel for a father and a woman from a long line of warriors as a mother, will have power far greater than most other nephilim and even a great number of pure angels.
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