Reyone Military Martial Arts
From Apocalypseblade
Reyone Military Martial Arts, more commonly known as RMMA, is a martial arts program invented and taught by the Reyone Army. First implemented in 8906 AV, RMMA draws from several Etrahn martial arts but especially Drengoba, a martial art invented by Visignis around the year 2000 AV. Like Drengoba, RMMA places heavy emphasis on remaining in almost constant motion, and incapacitating an enemy with a single strike whenever possible. These basic tenets require remarkable strength and endurance on the part of the student. In spite of the difficulty of mastering the art, a fairly large number of civilian dojos, simply called "facilities", exist in the northern continent, with dojo heads (both ex-military and civilian) of varying rankings.
Ranking System
There are twelve rankings in RMMA, each signified by a unique belt. Achieving a ranking in RMMA allows the student to teach and certify others up to one level below their own current ranking, one of the main reasons for the spread of RMMA facilities.
- White Belt: The first RMMA ranking, this level shows a basic knowledge of the ideas, if not necessarily the implementations, of RMMA.
- Yellow Belt: The second ranking of RMMA, this level is achieved by proving both knowledge and practical application of basic RMMA techniques. Yellow Belts can train and certify up to White Belt in RMMA.
- Green Belt: The third RMMA ranking displays skill slightly above basic RMMA skill and understanding of intermediate RMMA tenets. Green Belts can train up to Yellow Belt students. Green Belt or higher RMMA ranking is a prerequisite of graduation from Reyone Army basic training.
- Blue Belt: The fourth ranking of RMMA, Blue Belts have proven knowledge and skill of intermediate-level RMMA. Blue Belts can train Green Belt-level and below students. Blue Belt level RMMA is considered the level of training needed for a civilian to defend their self in most civilian situations.
- Purple Belt: The fifth ranking of RMMA. Purple Belts display adept RMMA understanding and skill. Units of the Reyone Army must be certified as a Purple Belt or higher before being assigned to active combat duty.
- Red Belt: The sixth ranking of RMMA. Red Belts must possess adept RMMA skill and advanced knowledge of the martial art. Red Belts can train and certify Purple Belt or lower rankings. Unless shown to be highly skilled with weapons, Reyone Army soldiers must achieve Red Belt ranking to enter combat. The majority or Reyone Army foot soldiers are certified Red Belt or higher.
- Orange Belt: The seventh RMMA ranking is achieved by both knowledge and skill of advanced RMMA techniques. Orange Belts cannot be certified until they display the ability to knock an opponent off of their feet with one blow. Orange Belts can train and certify the first 6 levels of RMMA, and as such an Orange Belt is required to open a civilian RMMA facility.
- Brown Belt: The eighth RMMA ranking, highly advanced knowledge and skill are required to achieve a Brown Belt. Brown Belts cannot be certified until they display the ability to remain in constant motion during a 5-minute sparring session.
- Black Belt, 1st degree: The ninth RMMA ranking, and the necessary ranking to be called 'master'. Most facilities are run by a 1st-degree or higher Black Belt, and only Reyone Army or ex-military have achieved a Black Belt. Black Belts cannot be certified until they display the ability to remain in constant motion, and knock at least 3 opponents off of their feet (rendering at least one unconscious), in the course of a 15-minute sparring session. In order to distinguish from other degrees of Black Belt, 1st-degrees have a single gold stripe on their belt.
- Black Belt, 2nd-degree: The tenth RMMA ranking. Achieving a 2nd-degree Black Belt requires an intimate knowledge of RMMA, and the ability to display skill at master-level. Achieving this ranking requires remaining in constant motion for an hour, and knocking all comers unconscious, during a sparring session. In order to distinguish from other degrees of Black Belt, 2nd-degrees have 2 parallel gold stripes on their belt. This is the highest achievable level during peace time.
- Black Belt, 3rd-degree: The eleventh RMMA ranking. Achieving this ranking requires complete knowledge of RMMA, and skill approaching their level of understanding. In order to achieve a 3rd-degree ranking, a witness must observe and testify to a 2nd-degree Black Belt killing at least 3 healthy enemy soldiers, one with a single blow, using only RMMA in a combat situation. In order to distinguish from other degrees of Black Belt, 3rd-degrees have 3 parallel gold stripes on their belt. There are less than 100 3rd-degree RMMA Black Belts alive today.
- Black Belt, 4th-degree: The twelfth, and highest possible, RMMA ranking. This is the only RMMA ranking that can certify others at a level equal to themselves. Certification requires killing no less than 5 healthy enemy soldiers (at least 2 of them armed) with a single blow, using only RMMA techniques. Because of the similar requirements to a flying ace, 4th-degree Black Belts are sometimes nicknamed "RMMAce". There are only 6 living RMMA 4th-degree Black Belts, though Visignis could arguably be considered a seventh. Colonel Darzul Vorca is the only 4th-degree Black Belt no longer enlisted in the Reyone Army.