List of wordless Russian animation
From Animatsiya
Wordless films from Russia and other countries with Russian-speaking majorities (i.e. Belarus, Ukraine).
There are currently 101 films on this list.
-----------Film----------- | Link(s) | Year | Studio(s) | Director(s) | Animation technique(s) | Length (min) | Original name | Transliteration of Russian name |
5/4 | [1] | 1990 | Pilot | Maximov, Ivan | cel | 07:11 | 5/4 | 5/4 |
The Additional Capabilities of the Snout | [2] | 2008 | Gubernia | Maximov, Ivan | cel | 05:15 | Дополнительные возможности Пятачка | Dopolnitelnyye vozmozhnosti Pyatachka |
Alter Ego | [3] | 1989 | Soyuzmultfilm | Shorina, Nina | puppet, collage | 09:31 | Второе я | Vtoroye ya |
Andrey Svislotskiy | [4] | 1991 | Pilot | Kovalyov, Igor | cel | 17:42 | Андрей Свислоцкий | Andrey Svislotskiy |
At the Ends of the Earth | [5] | 1998 | Folimage | Bronzit, Konstantin | cel | 07:48 | На краю земли | Na Krayu zemli |
ATM | [6] | 2006 | n/a | Belov, Nikolay | digital 2D | 03:01 | Банкомат | Bankomat |
Ball of Wool | [7] | 1968 | Soyuzmultfilm | Serebryakov, Nikolay | puppet | 09:37 | Клубок | Klubok |
Battle of Kerzhenets | [8] | 1971 | Soyuzmultfilm | Ivanov-Vano, Ivan. Norshteyn, Yuriy | cutout | 10:21 | Сеча при Керженце | Secha pri Kerzhentse |
Black and White | [9] | 1932 | Mezhrabpromfilm | Ivanov-Vano, Ivan. Amalrik, Leonid | cel | 02:29 | Белое и Черное | Beloye i chornoye |
Blue Pool | [10] | 2004 | SHAR School-Studio | Bim, Yekatirina Maximova | cel | 05:30 | Синяя лужа | Sinyaya luzha |
Bolero | [11] | 1992 | Classica Film Studio | Maximov, Ivan | cel | 05:14 | Болеро | Bolero |
The Book of Shadows (pilot for feature project) | [12] | 2008 | n/a | Lavrenishin, Anatoliy | digital 2D | 05:21 | ||
The Bread's Light | [13] | 1983 | Ecran | Samsonov, Vladimir | paint-on-glass | 09:57 | Свет Хлеба | Svet khleba |
Bumblebee | [14] | 1981 | Ecran | Samsonov, Vladimir | paint-on-glass | 01:21 | Шмель | Shmel |
The Button2 | [15] | 1989 | Armenfilm | Saakyants, Robert | cel | 07:32 | Кнопка | Knopka |
Cat and Co. | [16] | 1990 | Soyuzmultfilm | Guryev, Aleksandr | cel | 09:50 | Кот и ко | Kot i ko |
Caution, the Doors Are Opening (dedicated to all the buttons lost on the Moscow Metro) | [17] | 2005 | SHAR School-Studio | Zhuravlyova, Anastasiya | stopmotion | 05:04 | Осторожно, двери открываются | Ostorozhno, dveri otkryvayutsya |
Chaffinches and Others | [18] | 2001 | n/a | Lavrenishin, Anatoliy | digital 2D | 04:44 | Зяблики и другие | Zyabliki i drugiye |
Christmas | [19] | 1996 | Pilot | Aldashin, Mikhail | cel | 13:44 | Рождество | Rozhdestvo |
Contact | [20] | 1978 | Soyuzmultfilm | Tarasov, Vladimir | cel | 09:46 | Контакт | Kontakt |
Croak x Croak | [21] | 1990 | Soyuzmultfilm | Fyodorova, Yelena | cel | 10:38 | Кважды ква | Kvazhdy kva |
Fare Well | [22] | 1993 | Pilot (Cinema Technologies Group) | Bronzit, Konstantin | cel | 02:04 | Прощай | Proshchay |
Fatum | [23] | 1992 | Soyuzmultfilm | Kirakosyan, Akop | cel | 09:04 | Фатум | Fatum |
Felt Boot | [24] | 1981 | Ecran | Samsonov, Vladimir. Ganelina, K. | paint-on-glass | 02:01 | Валенок | Valenok |
Firebird | [25] | 1984 | Ecran | Samsonov, Vladimir | paint | 09:36 | Жар-птица | Zhar-ptitsa |
Fru-89. From Left to Right | [26] | 1989 | Soyuzmultfilm | Maximov, Ivan | cel | 04:11 | Фру-89. Слева направо | Fru-89. Sleva napravo |
The God | [27] | 2003 | Melnitsa | Bronzit, Konstantin | cel | 04:17 | Божество | Bozhestvo |
Handwinged3 | [28] | 2007 | VGIK | Oborvalov, Vadim | digital 2D | 07:23 | Рукокрылый | Rukokrylyy |
Happy Birthday! | [29] | 1996 | Belarusfilm | Vereshchagin, Aleksandr | cutout | 19:17 | С днём рождения! | S dnyom rozhdeniya! |
Highlights | [30] | 1981 | Ecran | Samsonov, Vladimir | paint-on-glass | 01:40 | Блики | Bliki |
His Wife the Hen | [31] | 1989 | Pilot | Kovalyov, Igor | cel | 12:46 | Его жена курица | Yego zhena kuritsa |
How the Little Rabbit Didn't Transform Into Anyone | [32] | 2008 | SHAR School-Studio | Bim, Yekatirina Maximova | clay | 07:02 | Как зайчик ни в кого не превратился | Kak zaychik ni v kogo ne prevratilsya |
The Hunter | [33] | 1991 | Pilot | Aldashin, Mikhail | cel | 04:02 | Охотник | Okhotnik |
Hypnerotomachia (Strife of Love in a Dream) | [34] | 1992 | Pilot | Svislotskiy, Andrey | cel | 08:04 | Гипнэротомахия | Gipnerotomakhiya |
Island | [35] | 1973 | Soyuzmultfilm | Khitruk, Fyodor | cel | 09:47 | Остров | Ostrov |
Kaleidoscope-68: Hippopotamus (Singing Teacher) | [36] | 1968 | Soyuzmultfilm | Petrov, Anatoliy | cel | 03:20 | Калейдоскоп-68: Бегемот | Kaleydoskop-68: Begemot |
Kaleidoscope-71: Armoire | [37] | 1970 | Soyuzmultfilm | Khrzhanovskiy, Andrey | cutout | 04:40 | Калейдоскоп-71: Шкаф | Kaleydoskop-71: Shkaf |
Kele | [38] | 1988 | Soyuzmultfilm | Aldashin, Mikhail. Pedmanson, Peep | sand? | 06:47 | Келе | Kele |
Knock Knock | [39] | 1993 | Pilot (Cinema Technologies Group) | Bronzit, Konstantin | cel | 04:11 | Тук-тук | Tuk-tuk |
Ladies and Gentlemen: Corrida | [40] | 1986 | Moldova-Film | Gladyshev, A. | cel | 03:42 | Леди и джентльмены: Коррида | Ledi i dzhentlmeny: Korrida |
Ladies and Gentlemen: For You | [41] | 1986 | Moldova-Film | Tomband, A. | cel | 03:16 | Леди и джентльмены: Для вас | Ledi i dzhentlmeny: Dlya vas |
Landscape | [42] | 1982 | Ecran | Samsonov, Vladimir | paint | 01:53 | Пейзаж | Peyzazh |
Lavatory Lovestory | [43] | 2006 | Melnitsa | Bronzit, Konstantin | cel | 09:36 | Уборная история - любовная история | Ubornaya istoriya - lyubovnaya istoriya |
Libido of Benjamino | [44] | 1994 | SHAR School-Studio | Maximov, Ivan | cel | 07:22 | Либидо Бенджамина | Libido Bendzhamina |
Lion and Ox | [45] | 1983 | Soyuzmultfilm | Khitruk, Fyodor | cel | 09:53 | Лев и бык | Lev i byk |
The Lodgers of an Old House | [46] | 1987 | Soyuzmultfilm | Karayev, Aleksey | paint-on-glass | 09:27 | Жильцы старого дома | Zhiltsy starogo doma |
Los Dias Sin Dias | [47] | 2003 | n/a | Bakhurin, Andrey | digital 2D | 03:52 | Los Dias Sin Dias | |
Magpie | [48] | 1982 | Ecran | Samsonov, Vladimir | paint-on-glass | 01:43 | Сорока | Soroka |
The Marathon | [49] | 1988 | Soyuzmultfilm | Petrov, Aleksandr. Tumelya, Mikhail | cel | 02:10 | Марафон | Marafon |
Masquerade | [50] | 1981 | Ecran | Samsonov, Vladimir | paint-on-glass | 02:11 | Маскарад | Maskarad |
Memento Mori | [51] | 1996 | n/a | Bronzit, Konstantin | cel | 00:58 | Memento Mori | Memento Mori |
Midnight Games | [52] | 1991 | Pilot | Gazizov, Rinat | cel | 05:50 | Полночные игры | Polnochnyye igry |
Miniatures-86 | [53] | 1986 | Ecran | Samsonov, Vladimir | paint-on-glass | 08:13 | Миниатюры-86 | Miniatyury-86 |
Mood | [54] | 1982 | Ecran | Samsonov, Vladimir | paint-on-glass | 02:25 | Настроение | Nastroyeniye |
Mother and Music | [55] | 2006 | Animos | Aronova, Yulia | digital cutout | 14:15 | Мать и музыка | Mat i muzyka |
Motif | [56] | 1984 | Ecran | Samsonov, Vladimir | paint-on-glass | 02:05 | Мотив | Motiv |
N + 2 | [57] | 1993 | Ivan Maximov Virtual Studio | Maximov, Ivan | cel | 04:23 | Н + 2 | N + 2 |
Next | [58] | 2003 | n/a | Lavrenishin, Anatoliy | digital 2D | 03:30 | ||
The Nutcracker | [59] | 1973 | Soyuzmultfilm | Stepantsev, Boris | cel | 25:22 | Щелкунчик | Shchelkunchik |
Oh, Sea, Sea!1 | [60] | 1983 | Soyuzmultfilm | Gamburg, Yefim | cel, various | 09:39 | О, море, море! | O, more, more! |
Old Stair | [61] | 1985 | Soyuzmultfilm | Gorlenko, Aleksandr | cel, paint | 06:37 | Старая лестница | Staraya lestnitsa |
Pacifier | [62] | 1994 | Pilot (Cinema Technologies Group) | Bronzit, Konstantin | cel | 01:03 | Пустышка | Pustyshka |
Parable About a Mouse | [63] | 1991 | Soyuzmultfilm | Gavrilko, Yelena | cel | 15:43 | Притча о мыши | Prittcha o myshi |
The Pioneer's Violin | [64] | 1971 | Soyuzmultfilm | Stepantsev, Boris | cel | 07:40 | Скрипка пионера | Skripka pionera |
Poor Yorik | [65] | 2007 | Gubernia nonprofit social and cultural Fund | Gordeyev, Sergey | cel | 17:59 | Бедный Йорик | Bednyy Yorik |
Poumse... | [66] | 1990 | Pilot | Aldashin, Mikhail | cel | 04:46 | Пумс | Pums |
Provincial School | [67] | 1992 | Ivan Maximov Virtual Studio | Maximov, Ivan | cel | 05:09 | Провинциальная школа | Provintsialnaya shkola |
Rain Down from Above | [68] | 2007 | Gubernia | Maximov, Ivan | cel | 07:44 | Дождь сверху вниз | Dozhd sverkhu vniz |
Rendezvous | [69] | 1982 | Ecran | Samsonov, Vladimir | paint | 02:15 | Свидание | Svidaniye |
Run, Little Stream! | [70] | 1963 | Soyuzmultfilm | Nosov, Pyotr | cel | 19:00 | Беги, ручеёк | Begi, rucheyok! |
Russian Sugar (commercial) | [71] | 1994-5 | Soyuzmultfilm | Norshteyn, Yuriy | cutout | 00:28 | Русский сахар | Russkiy sakhar |
Seasons | [72] | 1969 | Soyuzmultfilm | Ivanov-Vano, Ivan. Norshteyn, Yuriy | cutout | 09:20 | Времена года | Vremena goda |
Self Control | [73] | 1989 | Ecran | Samsonov, Vladimir | paint | 01:42 | Самоконтроль | Samokontrol |
Selva | [74] | 2007 | n/a | Merkulov, Artur | digital 2D | 05:30 | Сельва | Selva |
Shaybu! Shaybu! | [75] | 1964 | Soyuzmultfilm | Dyozhkin, Boris | cel | 20:16 | Шайбу! Шайбу! | Shaybu! Shaybu! |
Slow Bistro | [76] | 2002 | Gubernia | Maximov, Ivan | cel | 07:45 | Медленное бистро | Medlennoye bistro |
The Spate | [77] | 2004 | Gubernia | Maximov, Ivan | cel | 04:21 | Потоп | Potop |
Spring Melodies | [78] | 1946 | Soyuzmultfilm | Babichenko, Dmitriy | cel | 09:01 | Весенние мелодии | Vesenniye melodii |
Stillife | [79] | 1981 | Ecran | Samsonov, Vladimir | paint | 01:19 | Натюрморт | Natyurmort |
The Stranger Forest | [80] | 2007 | n/a | Volkova, L. | digital 2D | 10:24 | Чужой лес | Chuzhoy les |
The Stroll | [81] | 1986 | Soyuzmultfilm | Kovalevskaya, Inessa | cel | 09:16 | Прогулка | Progulka |
Suburb | [82] | 2009 | n/a | Menshikov, Aleksandr | digital 2D | 02:25 | Пригород | Prigorod |
Şüräle4 | [83] | 1987 | Soyuzmultfilm | Barinova, Galina | cel | 09:16 | Шурале | Shuralye |
Switchcraft | [84] | 1995 | Pilot (3IC Production) | Bronzit, Konstantin | cel | 08:47 | Выключатель | Vyklyuchatel |
The Sword | [85] | 2006 | Soyuzmultfilm | Gavrilko, Yelena | cel | 30:05 | Меч | Mech |
Threads | [86] | 1996 | Soyuzmultfilm | Maximov, Ivan | cel | 05:33 | Нити | Niti |
Three Novellas | [87] | 1986 | Soyuzmultfilm | Barinova, Yelena | cel | 09:37 | Три новеллы | Tri novelly |
Tonnelage | [88] | 2005 | Gubernia | Maximov, Ivan | cel | 04:52 | Туннелирование | Tunnelirovaniye |
Very Small Tragedies. Carousel | [89] | 1988 | Lennauchfilm | Bronzit, Konstantin | cel | 01:31 | Очень маленькие трагедии. Карусель | Ochen malenkiye tragedii. Karusel |
Wandering Between | [90] | 2005 | n/a | Lavrenishin, Anatoliy | digital 2D | 10:16 | Блукаючи помеж | Blukayuchi pomezh |
Wind Along the Coast | [91] | 2003 | Gubernia | Maximov, Ivan | cel | 06:43 | Ветер вдоль берега | Veter vdol berega |
1Wordless except for some non-essential song lyrics
2Wordless except for some background songs that include the national anthem of the Soviet Union. This is a philosophical, political animated film about the confused and sad "perestroika" period, and the events, moods and atmosphere leading up to the August coup in 1991.
3"Handwinged" was first released in 2006. An updated version was released in 2007.
4"Şüräle" (see the Wikipedia article) is based on the poem of the same name by Tatar writer Ghabdulla Tuqay.