List of wordless Russian animation

From Animatsiya

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Wordless films from Russia and other countries with Russian-speaking majorities (i.e. Belarus, Ukraine).

-----------Film----------- Link(s) Year Studio(s) Director(s) Animation technique(s) Length (min) Original name Transliteration of Russian name
Alter Ego [1] 1989 Soyuzmultfilm Shorina, Nina puppet, collage 09:31 ��о�ое � Vtoroye ya
ATM [2] 2006 n/a Belov, Nikolay digital 2D 03:01 �анкома� Bankomat
Ball of Wool [3] 1968 Soyuzmultfilm Serebryakov, Nikolay puppet 09:37 �л�бок Klubok
Battle of Kerzhenets [4] 1971 Soyuzmultfilm Ivanov-Vano, Ivan.
Norshteyn, Yuriy
cutout 10:21 Се�а п�и �е�жен�е Secha pri Kerzhentse
Black and White [5] 1932 Mezhrabpromfilm Ivanov-Vano, Ivan.
Amalrik, Leonid
cel 02:29 �елое и Че�ное Beloye i chornoye
The Book of Shadows
(pilot for feature project)
[6] 2008 n/a Lavrenishin, Anatoliy digital 2D 05:21
The Bread's Light [7] 1983 Ecran Samsonov, Vladimir paint-on-glass 09:57 Све� Хлеба Svet khleba
Cat and Co. [8] 1990 Soyuzmultfilm Guryev, Aleksandr cel 09:50 �о� и ко Kot i ko
Caution, the Doors Are Opening
(dedicated to all the buttons lost on the Moscow Metro)
[9] 2005 SHAR School-Studio Zhuravlyova, Anastasiya stopmotion 05:04 ���о�ожно, две�и о�к��ва���� Ostorozhno, dveri otkryvayutsya
Chaffinches and Others [10] 2001 n/a Lavrenishin, Anatoliy digital 2D 04:44 ��блики и д��гие Zyabliki i drugiye
Contact [11] 1978 Soyuzmultfilm Tarasov, Vladimir cel 09:46 �он�ак� Kontakt
Croak x Croak [12] 1990 Soyuzmultfilm Fyodorova, Yelena cel 10:38 �важд� ква Kvazhdy kva
Fatum [13] 1992 Soyuzmultfilm Kirakosyan, Akop cel 09:04 Фа��м Fatum
Firebird [14] 1984 Ecran Samsonov, Vladimir paint 09:36 �а�-п�и�а Zhar-ptitsa
Happy Birthday! [15] 1996 Belarusfilm Vereshchagin, Aleksandr cutout 19:17 С дн�м �ождени�! S dnyom rozhdeniya!
Highlights [16] 1981 Ecran Samsonov, Vladimir paint-on-glass 01:40 �лики Bliki
Island [17] 1973 Soyuzmultfilm Khitruk, Fyodor cel 09:47 ����ов Ostrov
Kaleidoscope-68: Hippopotamus
(Singing Teacher)
[18] 1968 Soyuzmultfilm Petrov, Anatoliy cel 03:20 �алейдо�коп-68: �егемо� Kaleydoskop-68: Begemot
Kaleidoscope-71: Armoire [19] 1970 Soyuzmultfilm Khrzhanovskiy, Andrey cutout 04:40 �алейдо�коп-71: Шка� Kaleydoskop-71: Shkaf
Kele [20] 1988 Soyuzmultfilm Aldashin, Mikhail.
Pedmanson, Peep
sand? 06:47 �еле Kele
Landscape [21] 1982 Ecran Samsonov, Vladimir paint 01:53 �ейзаж Peyzazh
Lion and Ox [22] 1983 Soyuzmultfilm Khitruk, Fyodor cel 09:53 �ев и б�к Lev i byk
The Lodgers of an Old House [23] 1987 Soyuzmultfilm Karayev, Aleksey paint-on-glass 09:27 �ил��� ��а�ого дома Zhiltsy starogo doma
Los Dias Sin Dias [24] 2003 n/a Bakhurin, Andrey digital 2D 03:52 Los Dias Sin Dias
Masquerade [25] 1981 Ecran Samsonov, Vladimir paint-on-glass 02:11 �а�ка�ад Maskarad
Miniatures-86 [26] 1986 Ecran Samsonov, Vladimir paint-on-glass 08:13 �иниа����-86 Miniatyury-86
Mood [27] 1982 Ecran Samsonov, Vladimir paint-on-glass 02:25 �а���оение Nastroyeniye
Motif [28] 1984 Ecran Samsonov, Vladimir paint-on-glass 02:05 �о�ив Motiv
Next [29] 2003 n/a Lavrenishin, Anatoliy digital 2D 03:30
The Nutcracker [30] 1973 Soyuzmultfilm Stepantsev, Boris cel 25:22 Щелк�н�ик Shchelkunchik
Oh, Sea, Sea!1 [31] 1983 Soyuzmultfilm Gamburg, Yefim cel, various 09:39 �, мо�е, мо�е! O, more, more!
Old Stair [32] 1985 Soyuzmultfilm Gorlenko, Aleksandr cel, paint 06:37 С�а�а� ле��ни�а Staraya lestnitsa
Parable About a Mouse [33] 1991 Soyuzmultfilm Gavrilko, Yelena cel 15:43 ��и��а о м��и Prittcha o myshi
The Pioneer's Violin [34] 1971 Soyuzmultfilm Stepantsev, Boris cel 07:40 Ск�ипка пионе�а Skripka pionera
Poor Yorik [35] 2007 Gubernia nonprofit social and cultural Fund Gordeyev, Sergey cel 17:59 �едн�й �о�ик Bednyy Yorik
Rendezvous [36] 1982 Ecran Samsonov, Vladimir paint 02:15 Свидание Svidaniye
Run, Little Stream! [37] 1963 Soyuzmultfilm Nosov, Pyotr cel 19:00 �еги, ���е�к Begi, rucheyok!
Russian Sugar (commercial) [38] 1994-5 Soyuzmultfilm Norshteyn, Yuriy cutout 00:28 Р���кий �а�а� Russkiy sakhar
Seasons [39] 1969 Soyuzmultfilm Ivanov-Vano, Ivan.
Norshteyn, Yuriy
cutout 09:20 ��емена года Vremena goda
Self Control [40] 1989 Ecran Samsonov, Vladimir paint 01:42 Самокон��ол� Samokontrol
Selva [41] 2007 n/a Merkulov, Artur digital 2D 05:30 Сел�ва Selva
Shaybu! Shaybu! [42] 1964 Soyuzmultfilm Dyozhkin, Boris cel 20:16 Шайб�! Шайб�! Shaybu! Shaybu!
Spring Melodies [43] 1946 Soyuzmultfilm Babichenko, Dmitriy cel 09:01 �е�енние мелодии Vesenniye melodii
The Stranger Forest [44] 2007 n/a Volkova, L. digital 2D 10:24 Ч�жой ле� Chuzhoy les
The Stroll [45] 1986 Soyuzmultfilm Kovalevskaya, Inessa cel 09:16 ��ог�лка Progulka
The Sword [46] 2006 Soyuzmultfilm Gavrilko, Yelena cel 30:05 �е� Mech
Wandering Between [47] 2005 n/a Lavrenishin, Anatoliy digital 2D 10:16 �л�ка��и помеж Blukayuchi pomezh


1Wordless except for some non-essential song lyrics

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