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Keima (桂馬) is a 15 year old alien working for the Repuren. He is played by Cinna (Member)




Keima grew up fairly normally - he's gone to school pretending to be a normal human since pre-kindergarten, so he's fully 'fluent' in human ways, unlike some aliens. At about the age of 6, he received a shogi set from someone living on the spaceship, as well as a book of strategies. He read the book through, and began teaching others in his class with it. He always remained the best in his class, though, which bothered him to no end.

At age 12, he entered the Repuren, having completed his training - he'd learned to use various kinds of weapons exceptionally well. When introducing himself to others, he made sure to inform them that he was skilled at shogi. Upon suggestion by a few members, he began to learn to play chess, although he didn't have a board of his own.

On Keima's 13th birthday, Karasu gave him a special chess set - one where the black pieces actually transformed into weapons when a small button was pushed on them. Only one kind could be transformed at a time, as Keima found - this was to prevent others other than Keima from using them - if one got into the hands of the mews, Keima could just keep one active, to prevent the lost one from being used.


The first thread Keima appeared in was in the Valentine's Day Blind Dates event, though his didn't turn out too well. Around the same time he, Micchi, and Suta were talking, while Suta was making a valentine for Meshi. After Suta got upset, he did some snooping around, learned nothing, and eventually received an apology, which he didn't take very well.

Keima's first real mission was to help Micchi find a mew aqua in the park, along with Soba. This thread has not been completed yet, however, so it is unknown how this will turn out.


Normally, Keima is a rather shy character, although he is very competitive when playing shogi or chess, and even sometimes when he's fighting he'll get a little competitive. His nature tends to be rather contradicting, and while he wants to do one thing, he'll end up doing something else exactly the opposite entirely by accident.



Keima's family consists of his mother and father, who are back on the alien planet. If he ever gave up on anything or left the Repuren, they'd be very 'disappointed' in him.


Suta Uchuu - Keima considers her to be a friend, whether she does or not. He tries hard to listen to her problems, even when some of what she says hits him the wrong way.

Mitoku Koubashii - The two play chess sometimes, though that seems to be the extent of their friendship.

Micchi Riokishini - Is he a friend? Not really - Keima doesn't like him much, because he's so mean to Suta. However, they end up hanging around each other too much for him to dislike him, now.


Keima has a crush on Suta, but not only would he never be able to say so because he's so shy, but also he just recently got her angry, so he feels that he has no chance. He's content to just keep watch and make certain she doesn't make some sort of huge mistake of some kind.


  • Name: Keima
  • Name Translation: Laureled Horse, or the knight in shogi
  • Age: 15 (as of April 4, 2008)
  • Birthday: April 4
  • Grade: Doesn't attend school
  • Hair Color: Green, with a yellow streak on the left side
  • Eye Color: Gold
  • Height: around 5'3; he's exactly a meter and 2/3 tall (about 166cm)
  • Weight: undisclosed
  • Likes: Shogi, Chess, Suta
  • Dislikes: Meshi, Math
  • Talents: Fighting with various weapons, contradicting himself and still making sense, chess/shogi
  • Favorite Foods: Tea (especially jasmine tea), mountain dew, scallops (cooked in any manner, or even raw), strawberry pocky
  • Least Favorite Foods: coffee
  • Blood Type: O (RH-)

Combat Details:The Chess Set Weapons

Remember that it was stated earlier that his weapons are chess pieces? Well, here they are:

  • Black King: Gladius Regis (translation from Latin: sword of the king), a general weapon that he doesn't have to think about how to use very much.
  • Black Queen: Kisaki no Tessen (translation from Japanese: iron fan of the queen), his favorite. He can use it as a small shield, it can be thrown, or it can be used as a blade. It's his most versatile weapon. A fan as a weapon also can represent a rebellion, just as a side note.
  • Black Bishop: Talea Pontificis (translation from Latin: rod of the priest), another general weapon. He tends to twirl it around to block multiple blows at once, and he whacks people with it as though using a hammer.
  • Black Knight: Samurai no Daisho (translation from Japanese: longsword and shortsword of the samurai), two swords, which are harder for him to use at the same time. The short sword is in his left hand, the long one in his right.
  • Black Rook: Joukaku no Tate (translation from Japanese: Shield of the Castle), merely a defensive measure. This one he uses very rarely.
  • Black Pawn: Ninja no Makibishi (translation from Japanese: Caltrops of the Ninja), he surrounds a small area with these. They grow to be the size of a bush, and are hard to jump over without scratching oneself. He tends to lay them out in a circle before the battle, keeping one with him, and then throw the last one while activating them.

Note: There will be some new weapons in his arsenal soon, specifically the white pieces. As they reveal themselves, they will be added. When using two pieces, one must be white and one must be black, and they cannot be the same piece (so no white rook black rook combination, but white king black queen is okay).

Random Trivia

  • Keima is Cinna (Member)'s 11th character in Angelique, and the second 'normal' alien.
  • Keima was specifically created to add to the drama of Meshi's demented love shape (well, what else can we call it? It's not a triangle!), and so that there would be another male for the Valentine's Day event. Regardless, he's one of Cinna (Member)'s favorite characters to roleplay.
  • If Keima were a pokemon, he'd be a Gallade.
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