Riokishini Michiru

From Angeliquemew

(Redirected from Micchi Riokishini)

Riokishini Michiru is a 17 year old human member of the Repuren. He is played by Cinna (Member)


[edit] History

[edit] Before...

For the first 13 years of his life, Micchi lived in England. He moved to Japan on his own when he turned 14. His parents were having some issues, so he moved away from them. They've been sending him money regularly for rent and such, but other than that he has no contact with them.

[edit] ...Now

Micchi has done very little in the roleplay, but he has been sticking his nose into an awful lot of places where it doesn't belong. For instance, he quickly learned of Keima's crush on Suta, and he got Suta mad a ton of times because he kept acting like her father. After a little while, Suta, Ty Lee, Keima, and himself formed a team, like Team 10, but they call themselves Hoshitachi.

[edit] Personality

Micchi is random. That's... all there is to it.

[edit] Relationships

[edit] Family

Micchi's mother and father live in England still. But they are alive. Oh yeah - and he's got an older sister, Riokishini Sumiko who he thinks is still in England.

[edit] Friends

Keima - Although the two used to be enemies, they're now sort of half-friends-half-enemies. It's starting to get worse, now that Keima knows that Micchi knows his secret.

Suta - Micchi and I will get back to you on that. He's not quite sure why she even puts up with him.

Ty Lee - Another one we're unsure of.

[edit] Lovelife

Micchi has crushes on both Kumiko Coconut and Fudou Meshi. He's talented that way. He also seems to be forming one on Suta...

[edit] Profile

  • Name: Riokishini Michiru
  • Name Translation: I'll get back to you on that.
  • Age: 17 (as of February 14, 2008)
  • Birthday: February 14
  • Grade: 10th (1st year high school)
  • Hair Color: Red-orange
  • Eye Color: Right eye is brown/purple, left eye is blue
  • Height: 5 feet 7 inches
  • Weight: undisclosed
  • Likes: Hugging people, glowy things
  • Dislikes: Fighting
  • Talents: Having crushes on multiple people counts...
  • Favorite Foods: Anything
  • Least Favorite Foods: None... well, paper, cardboard, and aluminum foil
  • Blood Type: AB

[edit] Combat Details

Micchi is a sort of peace activist... as such, he doesn't fight often. His weapon for when he does fight is a pair of gloves, which have retractable claws on them. There are four claws per glove, each approximately 4-5 inches long, half an inch wide, and extremely sharp, especially on the tips.

[edit] Random Trivia

  • Micchi is the 10th character that Cinna (Member) plays.
  • Micchi is the third "normal" human that Cinna (Member) plays.
  • Micchi is based off of Nishikiori Michiru from Kamichama Karin.
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