Catilinarians (draft)

From Ancient Ways

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[Catilinarians] was the tongue-in-cheek name of the mailing-list L Marius Fimbria set up for members of the so-called "Sullan faction" in Template:1999. This faction was only a rumor and a running chatroom gag until certain magistrates, most notably tribunus plebis Avidius Tullius Callidus (who originated the rumor) and consul L Equitius Cincinnatus (who believed it), began behaving as if such a faction actually existed. The resulting discrimination against its supposed members led them to band together in fact. They became Nova Roma's first real "dissident wing".

They advocated, among other things, opening the principal magistracies to non-practitioners of the religio Romana; changing the magisterial oath of office to mandate respect for, but not necessarily worship of, the Roman gods; and expanding the Senate to include provincial governors and other diversifying elements. Their efforts made it possible for, among others, Stephanus Ullerius Venator, an Asatruar; M Minucius Audens, a Christian; and a Jew, L Cornelius Sulla himself, to rise to prominence and attain high office in the Republic. In view of later events, this success struck some former faction members as heavily ironic.

Charter members (subscribers)

  • L Marius Fimbria, Listowner
  • L Cornelius Sulla
  • Q Fabius Maximus
  • C Aelius Ericius
  • Stephanus Ullerius Venator Piperbarbus
  • [Cicero] ...get full name
  • [Cornelia Valeria] ...get full name
  • [Tarquinius] ...get full name
  • [wuffa Cornelius Felix] ...get correct name
  • [Iulia Caesaria Nocturnia?] ...full name; invited; subscribed?
  • [Alexander Probus Macedonicus?] ...full name; invited; subscribed?
  • C Aelius Rusticus?] ...invited; subscribed?
  • Iucundia Flavia Minervina? ...invited; subscribed?
  • M Cassius Iulianus? ...invited; subscribed?
  • Patricia Cassia? ...invited; subscribed?
  • Gn Marius Asiaticus? ...invited; subscribed?
  • Q Claudia Lucentia Aprica? ...invited; subscribed?
  • M Minucius Audens? ...invited? subscribed?
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