User talk:Marius

From Ancient Ways

Revision as of 01:49, 22 January 2007 by Marius (Talk | contribs)

Lucius Marius Fimbria (Nova Roma)

[This is a draft of the LMF bio page for the Nova Roma Wiki.]

Lucius Marius Fimbria came to Nova Roma in Iul of MMDCCVI, mere months after the Founding. He brought with him the experiences and ideas of seven years as a solo Roman-about-town; having become aware of himself as a Roman during the Gulf War (what he still calls "coming into the Heritage"), he had spent the interval--in college and in the military, at Renaissance Faires and SCA events, and in other venues ranging from Boy Scout meetings and homeless shelters to a season as a Little League mascot--teaching, sharing the fierce joy of his newfound Romanitas, and helping others to discover theirs. A roleplayer for over 15 years, he created the historical-fantasy gameworld of Roma Subterranea; and he got out of a computer-science final by authoring a Web site, The Roman Outpost, whose origins and content strongly reflected his trademark spirit of playful inquiry.

[Offices] - Tribunus Militum, Nomenclator, Curator Differum, et Propraetor Americae Austroccidentali; Tavernae fabulator; dux Catilinarii; casus belli Novae Romae


[That last year]

Note to Self: Write article on Great Big Religious Fuss/the Oath/my phantom TX governorship

- Link 'Tribunus Militum' to Legion SC The Senatusconsultum (old site): (Wiki:) My appointment (old site): (Wiki:)

The Reprimand (old site):

Propraetor (old site): - Livia's appointment:

- Add Aldus Marius Peregrinus mention to catalogue of names

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