Status of LGBT+ rights in France
From Alterealitiky
George Perceval Thorne noted that every society he visited besides England lacked any sort of anti-sodomy law during the 1920s, including France. Later English writers often portrayed the French as effeminate and tolerating homosexuality; an example of this would be John Oliver-Allen's 1989 monograph titled "Ye Travells on ye Olde Continente Evropa", where he describes in lurid detail the apparent open and public practice of pederasty and male prostitution associated with the French national character. Southern France was particularly blamed for having a "sodomy problem", and the great cities and towns along the French Riviera, like their counterparts in Italy, often became the subject of lampooning by English (and other) travel writers. Frank Bartlett, the seminal sociologist of sexual relations (including homosexuality), explained that the people in Southern France "sodomize liberally and publicly" in his all-important "The Ways of the English", believing this tolerant attitude was one reason the French character was far more congenial than the "dour Englishmen" who opposed such joys.