
From Alirpg

Sidira Majid is a lost traveler from an unknown place. She currently exhibits signs of severe amnesia, causing her to have little to no recollection of her past or her true abilities. She was found by members of a small tribe in the uncharted north, and worshiped as a sea goddess. She made a fiery escape from the strange situation and became lost at sea aboard a small boat.

Found by the Sanctuary, a White Fleet vessel, Sidira was taken aboard and physically healed. The nature of her amnesia is unknown, and nothing could be done to reverse the effects. During her time with the White Fleet, she had a series of dreams involving a man in white and the green jewel upon her bracelet.

Sidira is currently employed by Ginoro Wesclyff at his clock store. During her time working at the clock store, she has exhibited further magik potential. This includes restarting a magik-driven clock after it had been stopped, and manipulating the sand within a small hourglass.

Presently, she is working on a project involving a large clock at the Blue Manor.



[edit] Vital Stats

Race: Unknown

Skin: Dark Tan/Olive

Age: Unknown (Appears 18-ish)

Height: 5'4"

Weight: 125 lb

Hair: Black (shoulder length)

Eyes: Black

[edit] Maji Stats

Color(s): -

Caliber: -

Wand: -

Other: -

[edit] Random

  • Sidira always wears something green on her person.
  • Sidira can use magik, but her true skill and ability appears affected by her amnesia.

[edit] Secrets

Sidira is from another world. Her ship crash landed on World after being attacked by someone only identified as Saffir by Sidira herself. While she is not fully aware of this, the White Fleet staff who attended to her know she does not come from World.

Sidira carries with her an object from her crashed ship. She is not aware of its name or origin, only that it glows and shows her information on her surroundings when she asks it to do so.

[edit] Powers

Sidira's primary power is elemental in nature. It does not function on the same principles as the majik native to World, and is adversely affected due to this. At present time, Sidira is unaware of her true potential or abilities. She only knows she can use some white magik similar to those she encountered with the White Fleet.

[edit] Connections

Sidira is familiar with Wendy Ryder of the White Fleet, and briefly met Light while recovering from her ocean rescue. She has had little to no contact with anyone else outside the White Fleet and the small town whence she fled.

[edit] Allies

  • None

[edit] Acquaintences

  • Wendy Ryder of the White Fleet

[edit] Enemies

  • None Known
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