
From Alirpg

Arasilya is a low ranking member of the Skyfire Bandits. She was often on the receiving end of practical jokes and pranks due to her trusting nature. She is often seen as clumsy and unintelligent.

Arasilya was sent with Aroshi by Raqille to assist in communication between the two parties.


[edit] Vital Stats

Race: ???

Ethnicity: Skyfire tribe

Age: -

Height: 5'11" (head to toe)

Weight: -

Hair: Blonde (long and flowing)

Eyes: Blue

[edit] Random

  • Arasilya likes to lay out under the stars and talk. She talks to herself, flowers, bugs, or anything else nearby. She wants to talk to people more.
  • Arasilya may come across as gullible but she never falls for the same trick twice.
  • Arasilya seems loyal to her people, despite how they've treated her.

[edit] Secrets

Arasilya possesses a photographic memory. She can remember every word spoken in a conversation, the position of every item in a room, and the appearance of people she has met.

[edit] Abilities

Arasilya has powerful wings that give her the ability to glide through the air. She is experienced with hiding her wings beneath clothing when needed.

[edit] Connections

While Arasilya was personally selected by Raqille to travel with Aroshi, she has no position or influence within the Skyfire Bandits. She considers Aroshi a friend, for the simple reason that he was nice to her.

[edit] Allies

[edit] Acquaintences

  • Raqille Skyfire, of the Skyfire Bandits

[edit] Enemies

  • None Known
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