Shadow Archiplelego

From Akillian

The Shadow Archiplelego (more commonly known as Planet Shadow) is the home of The Shadows, and the native planet of The Smog.


The planet is literally a huge hollowed out red crystal that is surrounded by hundreds of other crystals of varying sized (hence the name Archiplelego). The planet is equipt with an underground stadium and shipping dock, not much else is shown of the planet. The team first visit the planet in Black Hole where they play their final cup qualifying match.

In Fluxless, General Bleylock fired a flux bomb at the planet and caused an enormous explosion which destroyed The Smog and caused the immediate accusation of Sonny Blackbones and The Pirates. The current status of the planet is not clear as it is not shown after the episode.

Notable People who live (or have lived) in The Shadows Archiplelego

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