Galactik Football
From Akillian
Galactik Football is a French animated television series, co-produced by Alphanim, France 2, Jetix and Welkin-Animation. It follows the story of a futuristic football team - The Snow Kids - as they try to win the Galactik Football Cup for their home planet Akillian, with the help of The Flux - a mystical energy, specific for every planet.
The show was first aired in English on Satellite channel Jetix UK in summer 2006, to correspond with the 2006 FIFA World Cup. It's first run was used to promote the Jetix Kids Cup 2007.
On June 20 2007 Jetix Europe announced it had acquired a second 26 episode season set to begin airing across Europe in Europe 2008. It started in United Kingdom on the 5th April 2008 with one new episodes even though the jetix uk website said it start on the 4th with two new episodes.