Kalista Berol

From Ahspedia

Character created by: LT Berlian - December 31st, 2005

Played by: LT Berlian

Age: 15

Birthday: August 15th, 1991

Race: Meta-Human

School: AHS

Grade: 10



Kalista, as far as how she looks, is average overall. She's just below five-five and has the build of a typical japanese teenaged schoolgirl. This means that she's about ten pounds underweight and is pretty bony. Her hair color is black, as is typical, and isn't all that long. She keeps it trimmed up in a neat line with the base of her neck. Her skin tone tends towards a more tanned side of pale than normal, so she sticks out in a crowd more often than not.

To keep her hair out of her face, she uses little silver hair clips to pin it in place, one clip on either side of her head. Her ears have two piercings in them, each ear bearing a small hoop and a single stud with faux-peridot set inside to show the month of her birth to those that know such things. The metalwork for both earrings is supposedly 14 karat gold, though she never actually investigated such things.

Her wardrobe is full of all kinds of items. Were she to ever pack all of it up from her primary home, the "important" items of clothing would fill no less than five suitcases. Less important items could fill no less than seven suitcases. She has a lot of clothing, to put it lightly. Amongst her myriad of outfits, she has no real particular favorite set. Everything she wears goes with another object from her wardrobe and is customized for maximum physical impact. If you name it, she probably has it somewhere in her drawers. Unfounded rumors persist that her charge card has no upper limit! It does, just not one easily attainable, even for one with her shopping habits.


As covered, Kalista enjoys shopping. The thrill of tracking down a perfect buy and acquiring it is just the same high that hunters get when in the midst of their element. To acquire these deals, she spends a lot of time at different malls, getting to know the buildings and the stores. Every mall in a three-province area is "under her jurisdiction" so to speak and she knows more than enough about any of them to guarantee maximum purchasing ability for a given amount of money. The girl knows her shopping.

Most surprising of this, however, is the fact that she hates most traditional school subjects. More than once, she's been described as an "idiot savant" regarding math. In her head, she can calculate all kinds of sales tax, discounts and etcetera, but cannot seem to (or simply will not) grasp less complicated mathematical formulae. Every teacher that she's had to this point has actually given up on teaching her anything math-related if it doesn't have something to do with her favorite "hobby" though some deem that the term "obsession" seems more fitting.

Given her choice hobbies, many would think Kalista to be rather ditzy, as "mall rats" are traditionally known to be. Any thinking that would be proven wrong the first time they ever get into a conversation with her. While she can, does and will get excited when discussing any given purchase she makes, she describes the purchase in such a way as to dispell any thought to her being an airhead.

When faced with a confrontation, she will not back down at all until it turns physical. Once that happens, she vacates the area pretty quickly and is nowhere to be found until the danger's past. She's not really a coward, given how vehemently she's been known to argue with others in the past, she just dislikes physical violence. Though every time she disappears, the same individual is quickly seen nearby, heading towards the source of the trouble, as though he or she were a guardian angel of sorts.

Special Powers/Weapons

The Stranger

Kalista has one main power: the ability to transform into a more fit version of herself. This form is taller, more lithe and has an indiscernable gender. It is basically Kalista's body were she taller and had the physique of a gymnast. This form is, above and beyond all else, faster and more agile than her normal form. She's much faster and more apt to dodge around while in this form. Where it came from, even she is not fully certain. However, it is a very useful tool that she has made use of quite a bit over her course of having it. The form's clothing is a set of skintight spandex. The color is a mixture of several darks, with deep purple and midnight blue being predominant. A mask hides most of the form's face with exception being given to the eyes, which are the only part uncovered. They are brown in color instead of the normal pale blue. Finally, instead of shoes, the form has a pair of jika-tabi the same color as the rest of the outfit.

History Before AHS/ASA

Kalista was born to a set of normal parents in the city of Osaka in the year 1991. Not much could be said about her childhood, because it was dull... drab... normal. It was boring, frankly. She occasionally would travel to the city of Tokyo with her parents to have some fun, but typically stayed in Osaka as a child and just simply "survived" through childhood, as most children are prone to do. She looked destined to be an average girl with a penchant for shopping until three months, two weeks, five days, eleven hours, twenty-one minutes and fifty six seconds after her twelfth birthday.

It was at that specified time that she was wandering through the city and happened across a crime in progress. Two muggers were holding up a poor businessman who looked ready to start crying over the fact that, well, he was being held up! She edged away from the scene slowly until the man looked right at her and drew the attention of the muggers her way. She cried out in alarm and took off running. Both of them came after her, leaving the businessman to tend to his urine-stained suit. She ran down several alleyways and eventually came face to face with a dead end.

Behind her, the two muggers advanced on her and when they caught up to her, one restrained her while the other peeled off several pieces of her clothes. As she struggled against their grip, she suddenly found her strength growing. They also didn't seem to be as big as they were before. The two of them stared at her, dumbfounded for some reason. Something told her to attack the two men, and so she did. Her body moved faster than she seemed able to control and before too long, both of them were laying at her feet, unconscious.

She stumbled through the alley and collapsed on her hands and knees near the street. Her head was swimming and when she looked up at the street, she felt her arms give out and the cold embrace of oblivion welcomed her at last. When next she awoke, Kalista was in her bed at home. She still had a light head and every muscle in her body screamed at her in protest, but she was at least safe. The ability didn't resurface again until late in her fourteenth year of life.

She was running home from the mall and as she hit the fabled "runner's high" she didn't notice that she was moving faster than before. It wasn't until she got home and opened the door to find her parents staring at her in suspicion that she realized something was wrong. As she tried to explain that she was their daughter, she unconsciously became her true self again before their eyes.

They ushered her into the house and sent her to her room for a bit. They fixed her a glass of milk, which they spiked with sleeping medication. Once she was fast asleep, they called the doctor and told him what had happened to her. He told her parents that she was more than likely a meta-human and that it was becoming increasingly common in Japan. He examined the sleeping Kalista and eventually confirmed that she seemed normal except for the odd fact that she was a fully-grown androgynous stranger not even two hours prior.

Once she awoke from her drugged slumber, they told her nothing of what had transpired and tried to go on with life as before. Poor Kalista was left confused as to what had happened and only stumbled onto her alternate form as an accident one day while playing around. She imagined herself different... and suddenly she was! The experiment was tried several different times, but the only other form she seemed to be able to conjure was the tall gymnast.

Once she learned how to transform, she started to spend time in the form, to gain some semblance of control over it. At first, she felt like she'd exercised for days straight, but she eventually lessened the toll it took. It still exhausts her, but not nearly as badly. Once the control was partially manifest, she did what any self-respecting teenager would do in her position: fight crime!

For a little over six months, she was a vigilante of sorts, finding criminals and beating the everlasting snot out of them and leaving them for the police to find. She probably would still be doing it were it not for the fact that her parents caught her in her alternate form one day. They sat her down and told her that it was dangerous to play around with special powers. The neighbors might start talking about how the most "normal" family on the street was anything but. Self-image was everything to her parents, you see.

In a bold-faced lie, she made the promise and continued to fight crime. She was caught again in late October of '06 and was forced to come clean that she had lied to her parents and almost embarrassed them. They tried to ignore the "problem" that their rebel daughter presented, but finally just decided to ship her off to Anime High School, where she could at least be amonst her own kind. Maybe she could put a leash on the school, they thought. Possibly even keep some of the troublemakers in line.

History After Arriving At AHS/ASA

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