Eona Siri

From Ahspedia

Character created by: sam_i_am2714- Oct 2004

Name: Eona Siri Ravenguard

Age: 16

Birthday: 12-12-90

Race: Half-Avian

School: AHS

Grade: 10th



She is small for her age she stands a solid 5’ 1” with short cut hair that never stays flat. She stares at you with intense light blue eyes that look almost like a wolf’s. Her teeth are unnaturally white, which gives her an unusual smile. Her skin has a natural tan like she lived by the ocean, but this is actually from living in the high mountains, closer to the sun than most people. A dark green leather jacket adorns her muscular shoulders it looks as though it's made up entirely of pockets. There are pockets for scrolls and knifes and food and a note pad and pen and money and just about anything she can think of. She wears a black tank top underneath, a ceremonial sword adorns her belt it’s a straight ninja style with letter engraved on the hilt. The sword itself is completely useless as of now, and would break if she even drew it out. Black cotton capris hug her hips with throwing star holsters at easy access position around her waist and leather sandals, Zori, cling to her feet (she wears these no matter what the weather, whether it is 100 outside or zero)

Appearance after the white hand SL: Her appearance has altered a little since the white hand captured her she has acquired a scar on her face next to her eye pointing at her mouth and other such small scars on the rest of her body. Her hair has gotten a little longer and she grew a little bit about and inch so know she is five foot two (5’2”)

Clothing as of after the white hand SL: She has changed her pants to a pair of baggy jeans with and new pair of hybrid tenni-shoes/sandals she has acquired a few new garments a polar fleece jacket the wear under her leather one and a long sleeve shirt. She doesn’t feel the need for more clothing. she has given up with shoe all together and has officially gone back to sandals


She has a great sense of humor and gets along well with people. She is spunky. She is a dare she'll try every thing once. Eona also has an inner drive that makes her want to explore, and see everything that she can. She does the things most people are afraid to do. Eona feels most comfortable by herself. She has a large distrust of people after how the villagers treated her when her family died. When she makes friends they’ll be her friends but she wouldn't rely on them in a fight, but she would fight for them. She enjoys studying the ninja arts. In her spare time she practices her fighting technique, style, and chakra control. She likes to listen to music while studying. She has incredible artistic ability she can draw any thing she has ever seen to almost perfection. If she gets angry watch out because she will try to smack you down, no matter if you are a Tier 1 or 10...

Special Powers/Weapons


The Peacemaker:This sword is constructed from the reforged remains of Caleb Prometheus's katana (Soulraven), and a blade that his last and possibly greatest enemy used against him known as 'the sword of the living flesh'. Sense Caleb's sword purged the evil from Scythexious's blade, The metal remains of the sword no longer seek to consume everything in its path. Lance Lo'Thorum was contacted by what seemed to be Caleb's spirit and asked to forge Eona a new sword to replace the one she had carried for so long. Instead of simply replacing it, Lance has gathered the remains of Soulraven and Scythexious's sword, using his powers in the hidden forge he built on Dragoon Mt. To forge the remains into one sword. Instead of holding an evil or good alignment, this sword has been given the power to deflect either holy or evil based magics, no matter whether they are built into armor or used as light or darkness attacks. The sword will literally slice through holy or dark energy, although if that energy is rooted in armor than the sword could be blocked from completely shredding through something. Although the blade has an edge, it will listen to its wielders intent to the point where it will never accidentally cut or bring harm to someone. As for why only Eona can use this blade, the concerns the unique shape Lance has given it.

The Peacemaker is a thirty inch long curved blade to match the shape of Soulraven, but due to the combination of a black and gold metal forged in the damascus method, it can shimmer either color depending on how Eona is holding is or how someone looks at it. The the right lighting, someone may even see both colors beautifully and ornately folded into the blade. The metals in this blade have been folded over five hundred times, making two nearly unbreakable swords into one truly unstoppable blade. Lance has also used his friction fire abilities in order to sharpen the blade to extreme extents, yet due to the fact that its weilder comes from friendship and relation to the past two blades, The Peacemaker takes the intent of the wielder into consideration during an attack. As for the handle, Lance built it of blackend steel and wrapped it repeatedly with black died leather given gold trim. Being the forging genius he is, Lance gave the sword a two and a half hand handle, making it so long that in anyone other than Eona's hands it will be incredibly disbalanced and most likely too hard to wield. Since the sword will not cut or harm its wielder, Lance did not see the need for a sheath, but he did make the proper harness to fit over Eona's coat so she could wear it on her back.


Stealth: Eona knows who to use shadows and low light to her own advantage. It is not a power, however, she is much likely to be seen where there is low lighting due to her training. As with all stealth techniques, if she makes a sudden move then she becomes visible again. Although regular people will think she is part chameleon, anyone with a little training will see through this...

Although several year have past while she has been at AHS her power have shown well for it she is now able to not be seen at night at all and even in the day time she can hide rather proficiently

She has trained well and has increased her power in this area she can now move quite swiftly in stealth mode and she can hold it for far longer than before…

Chakra Control: Eona can focus the energy in her hands and feet to give her the spider like ability to actually climb up walls, trees, etc. However, since she was only at the beginning stages of her training, she cannot due this for a very long period of time (about five minutes max), and is likely to fall off smooth surfaces, and s of yet cannot climb glass or plastic.

now more than ever her ability the control her chakra is at its best she can walk on any vertical surface it is a little difficult to hang on to plastic ceilings and such but in addition to walking on hard surfaces she can now do rather well walking on top on liquid surfaces such as water...

Water walking: although she learned this ability to increase her chakra control she has perfected it to where she can walk just over a miles across choppy water and much further on smooth glassy water.

She can now go several miles across semi smooth water and a little less over choppy water...

Air Walking: Eona does this ability by gathering chakra into the soles of her feet just like with her other two powers. but with as little control she has over it she pretty much just flies into the air like a massive jump and lands up into the air she would then stay there for between 45 second and 2 minutes depending on how hard she is concentrating. While using this ability she can only go 6 feet into the air, and then her bodies chakra control just cuts out due to over use. she could do this twice and hour depending on the circumstances she is using it. For example During a battle she may need to use it more her bodies adrenalin would help with the chakra consumption.

Special Powers

Soul Flame: Caleb did kindle the soul flame in Eona's soul she has yet to ever use it nor really how to control it. It would however be let loose if she was in real trouble.



Lance Lo'Thorum: Her dearest friend whom she traveled all the way to alaska to find and he ended up falling into the hands of the white hand (more in the history section

Alara Marric: Was her first real girl friend they never really went shopping together or any thing but they are good friends none the less

Caleb Prometheus: Was Eona friend he gave her advice and provided her with a way to stay at AHS with out getting a job and such. He saved her and Lances Life Once or twice

Chrono: Was Eona's room mate for a long time

Teo: A good companion they saved Caleb's Life together (Eona didn't do a lot though)

Brian: Eona had accompanied Brian to Rome to do something she still was unclear as to the reason


Foster Father: Maesako True father: Odin Ravenguard Grandfather: Scythexious Brothers: Kinala and Havan


The White Hand: wants to Kill Eona and all of the other half avians because they believe Scythexious will use them to destroy there high and mighty race

History Before AHS/ASA

Eona began her life in a small village in the Himalayan Mountains. Although the town was on the edge of a small city, which never interacted with the village, because of the villages old traditions. Eona lived a relatively happy childhood, always having a sense of humor and being a bit of a daredevil; until she found out about the city that lay nearby. Eona had gone home and told her family about the place. She had of course not gone in just watched from the mountain at the people down below. Eona could not help herself, she was naturally curious of the town, but her family forbid her from even going near the city, thinking it would ruin her innocence. After she turned twelve, she began training under her father and brothers, all ninjas. Her father, Maesako, was a well mastered ninja, and his daughter took pride in learning the arts of stealth and chakra. However, one day, curiosity got the best of her and she set out to see the small city nearby, thinking her newly obtained skills would keep her hidden from any prying eyes inside the city. However, she never got to see the city, for as she approached it's outskirts screams from her own village could be heard coming down the mountain, and smoke could be seen arising from it's location. She ran back, only to discover her mother's body lying beneath her collapsed house. She assumed her father and brother's met the same fait, and sought comfort from her fellow neighbors. They denied her, claiming that she had sacrificed her family's honor by not helping in the battle. Depressed, she went to see the village Prophet for guidance. She did not know it, but he had dreamed of a powerful Girl that only needed to discover her powers to find those who she thought she had lost. When he saw her, he blessed her with the town sword, more a memento than anything, and told her she must complete her training in order to get her vengeance. He told her of a school called Anime High School, where those who wished to unlock their secrets would attend to find themselves, and gave her enough money for a one way plane trip and a semester there. Without another word to the rest of the villagers, she set off for AHS, saddened yet happy. For although it came at a great price, she would finally be able to see the world she had longed to see for so long.

History After Arriving At AHS/ASA

Eona arrives in the courtyard just as everyone is picking there classes for the new semester and she gets thrust into Mr. Garrisons math class. Thankfully she ended up with a few friends. On her first excursion into the lunch room She meet two extremely funny characters Lance and Caleb on that particular occasion Caleb poured sauce down Lance throat and made Eona choke on a piece of a Chip.

After that She and Lance ventured into the woods and she taught him how to run through the tree tops (which has recently become her routine for the morning) after that She and Lance when out to a restaurant down town were she encountered her first Oblivspawn luckily they were unscathed thanks to Caleb who sensed they were in trouble. After every thing calmed down Eona passed out not because she was hurt or tired because she was being contacted by her father. He had an important message for her but on this occasion she did not understand, but it did have something to do with her sword. She woke up to find her self on the subway and Caleb reprimanding Lance for using his limo that people can track.

Life went on and Eona ended up in the courtyard rather confused and yet found herself accompanying a group to an unknown realm where strong thought came to life. they where there to destroy the stone that had Cyan trapped they eventually destroy the stone and journey home

Eona has another dream about her father but she passes it off as nothing

Eona finds herself in another persons mind trying to help them remember who they are.........

She goes to her first math class where she finds out the teacher is a total, and receives the most home work she had ever seen.

Eona has another dream this time there was another person there to deliver a very important message. Here it is just for future reference:

13:01, 28 February 2007 (EST)Samiam2714 13:01, 28 February 2007 (EST)

Eona had returned to her dorm after a very long day, it was pretty involved first she had gone for a walk in the tree tops in the forest because the ground was much to dangerous to just stroll along and then when she the reached the mountain she decided to climb that to.

She was totally pooped when she got into her dorm she got a glass of water to quench her thirst. Then she got ready for bed. This didn't involve much she just took of her jacket and put on a sweatshirt and removed her sandals she climbed into her bed rolled onto her side and promptly fell into a deep sleep.


Little did Eona know that earlier tonight, her father was helped along by a new "old" friend, someone who had the messaging capabilities of almost a god, and who happened to hold her very high on his priorities list. Earlier tonight had been a test, to see if he could make her enter the dream world, and it had worked. It was now time to continue...

Her dream would feel like reality, it would look, smell, sound, even taste exactly like her old village, and she would be standing in the town square... dressed in formal gathering robes for some sort of ceremony that no one else was there to attend...

In the distance, she would see a figure walking closer, drawing near to her, but it would seem fuzzy so that she could not make it out. It called her name... "Eona, Eona...."


Eona was standing in her village, there was the prophets house and the her friends house next to it and over out in the distance was her house but where was every one, as she looked around she saw the shadowy figure looming closer

"Eona, Eona...."

"Yes, who is there," she walked a few steps towards the voice.


Eona's dream was about to get... complicated, to say the least. As she walked her few steps, her simple little village would grow and change, becoming a beautiful city made of marble, ivory, and laced with gold and silver. The street that she was standing on would look as though it were paved with crystals. Needless to say, this city was like nothing that could be found on earth... was this heaven?

The Shadowy figure was still standing there, but it no longer whispered her name. It also soon became quite clear, revealing a man who Eona probably had not expected to see-her father. "It is good to see you my daughter..." He bowed to her as he stated this, and Eona would suddenly find herself holding that broken rusty sword that she always carried...

"I would love to just talk with you, but our time here is short. That blade is a key Eona, for you are a chosen. You simply must find the power within you to remove it from its sheath... Look for the energy within yourself, within others... It is the key to the victory of light over dark.... I love you..."

He faded away, but a new figure was standing there, one who wore rich white robes, with long white hair and a long white beard. "Well dear, I hope your father was able to get the message to you. Do you understand what we're asking of you? Because now is one of the few times in your life where your dreams will create answers rather than questions..."

He smiled, and would seem quite warm to Eona. For some reason, he felt like a relation, like a grandfather or uncle...


She was amazed this new place that transformed from her village was beautiful it shined and seemed like much to fine a place for a from a village in the back woods to be standing then she remembered she was elegantly dressed her small pony tail was unbound and lay on her neck her short hair was combed down to her head and she was amazed that it stayed but this was a dream and her hair didn't have a mind of its own in her dreams, in front of her father stood with his best white robe on that he only wore on one occasion before now, "Father." she picked up her pace towards him, and stopped a few feet away.

"It is good to see you my daughter..." she bowed making a fist with one hand and putting the palm of the other against it. When she came up her old sword was in her left fist.

"...That blade is the key Eona, for you are a chosen. You simply must find the power within you to remove it from its sheath... Look for the energy within yourself, within others... It is the key to the victory of light over dark.... I love you..."

"Wait father how do I find you are you alive, are Kinala and Havan alright," But then he was gone and someone else was standing in his place he had a warm smile on his face he felt different to her not like a stranger but like she had known him for a long time.

"Answers, a message, yes I understand what I have to do with the sword now, but may I ask who you are and if I already know you."


"Answers, a message, yes I understand what I have to do with the sword now, but may I ask who you are and if I already know you."

The old man laughed a trifle, but it was a warm, welcoming laugh. It would feel comforting even to Eona, who still did not know this man's identity...

"Good, good. You are about to learn some of the most unimportant information of your life... While you ask who I am, you forgot to ask HOW you're going to get that y sword out of its sheath. You see child, you still have to learn, so when someone offers answers, it is best to think carefully..."

He looked up, waving his hands at the sky, and suddenly changing it to night. Eona would see the night sky being lit up by a spectacular colors lacing across the sky, much like the northern lights on earth. Whoever he was, it would not be quite obvious that he was in control here...

"As for my identity, you may call me . I am also known jokingly among friends as the Sandman, mainly because I communicate to them through their dreams. But I, too you, am somewhat of a godfather, just making absolutely certain that she gets the best of care, and is under good protection..." Eona would notice an image flicker out of nowhere, of someone hidden behind a white cloak, his eyes glowing bright white toward her... "He may not be much now, but your current company is some of the best. He will grow strong, with time and training, just as you will..."


"Oh you have a point I didn't ask the most obvious and important question first." she felt stupid and her cheeks turned beet red. I have so much to understand I'm very confused the sky turned dark and her eyes turned to the heavens, the northern lights was the first thing she thought of when she saw it but she didn't look for long before the man spoke again

"As for my identity, you may call me. I am also known jokingly among friends as the Sandman... too you, I am somewhat of a godfather, just making absolutely certain that she gets the best of care, and is under good protection..."

"pleased to meet you Morpheus," she bowed again "I don't want to got on a tangent or anything but why are you watching over me I'm just a human," she looked down at the ground and tried to dig a hole in the marble with her toe she tugged at a small part of her dark green dress.

That’s Caleb she thought to herself when she saw the picture why is he... then Morpheus spoke again, "He may not be much now, but your current company is some of the best. He will grow strong, with time and training, just as you will..."

Me be as strong as Caleb those last words struck her like a ton of bricks no way he was so powerful She remembered how he took out the Oblivspawn with one attack and all she did was pass out. "But how?"


laughed openly again, but this time when he looked at her, he was serious...

"Sorry young one, you already asked a question... Maybe I'll give you another opportunity in another dream, but now, it's time for you to-"

Eona would feel the world fading away from her, as if she were coming back to another new reality...


Everything disappeared, and Eona would find herself awake in bed, laying next to a cell phone... the cell phone that Lance had left her, and told her to call him if necessary...

13:01, 28 February 2007 (EST)Samiam2714 13:01, 28 February 2007 (EST)

This is where they continue on another adventure

Later in the year she is called up to the roof by Caleb but when she gets there she doesn't find Caleb she finds some one else. She ends up in yet another person’s mind, with even more questions than she had before. In Caleb’s mind she had wings and she was rather confused about this these things.

She was going out for her morning when she met another boy He told her his name was Sameth Lupus. He was from America and he was totally lost looking for his dorm room and a room mate. Eona helped him out.

Eona meets Alara

Eona and Sam planned on going out for a pick nick it didn't turn out well but she did manage to meet a new person winter the alter of Teo whom she had met when they saved Caleb’s soul but that is another story...

Eona traveled to Alaska to find Lance, who had disappeared for more than four months with out a word. Caleb sent her with a Raven who ended up driving her up the wall. She found Lance on a mountain side.

They were running back to town when they were intercepted by what ended up being the White hand they kidnapped Eona and tortured her for information she never knew to begin with. Someone inside the group made her appear dead when they finally left Alaska so Eona made her way back home the Himalayas and she visited the Village prophet who was impressed with her growth she journeyed to an alternate reality where people tried to kill her finally escaping back to the little hut. The prophet sent her back to Japan more specifically the outskirts of Tokyo. She finally reached AHS and met Neola her Guardian. Who in the end has turned out to be a good friend.

Eona went to the roof and found Brian and Alara. Eona decides to accompany Brian to Rome where she is held captive by the Chimera Angel…

Eona goes to the forest for some solitude and to mourn the loss/theft of her sword and is surprised by the appearance of Lance whom she thought was dead.

Lance hands over a handsome gift of a training sword for her. They sit and talk…

Eona and Lance where given communication crystals to speak to the spirit of the departed Caleb. He Makes the request of both of them For Lance to construct a sword for Eona and Eona to become Stronger.

The two depart from each other Eona heading up Dragoon Mountain to train to become stronger. In the doing of this she meditates encountering an ominous figure in black. Who turns into Gravin of the White Hand the people who captured her and tortured her.

After a period of time she does eventually prevail. Then her Grandfather who turns out to be Scythexious. He explains a lot to her such as who her real father was and that she is to bring peace to the two races.

"At his last words she stood fatigue showing as she wavered and caught herself. “I will fight but I will fight for peace. That will be my ultimate goal.” She said this out to the landscape. She clenched her small fists at her sides, her resolve was never higher."

Scythexious had told her that when the sword she had carried for years had been stolen and then broken it had broken the bond between him and Lucifer. Therefore freeing him to do what he wished. Eona was glad she had a small piece of her family left.

She promised to make her family proud and she would. Then she met Morpheus and her godfather did speak to her for a time about "Originally I assumed that Scythexious and myself would be at war during this time, but apparently the old evil nemisis of the Avian has turned a new leaf. Unfortunately, this brings us to the simple truth that the Avians here now, who came to this world to collect Caleb, are the real enemy. They will attempt to destroy this entire world just to end Scythexious, and unless all elements are in alignment then this world will perish."

basically the white hand had already succeeded in defeating there enemy Scythexious, they at least had dociled him and given Eona her grandfather back. But they have yet to realize this.

Morpheus said he would not see her again till the end. Till eden he had said.

then there was Lance to fatigues to see it was her and she managed to knock him down in her rush to greet him.

he then presented to her the sword he had made. The peacemaker it was called to was made to fit her hand only.

Class/Teacher: [color=black] Mr. Garrison-math

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