Sameth Lupis

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Revision as of 18:23, 28 February 2007 by Samiam2714 (Talk | contribs)

Character created by: sam_i_am2714-Dec 2004

Name: Sameth Lupis

Age: 17

Birthday: 1-1-89

Race: Half Wolf

School: AHS

Grade: 10




Sameth is approximately 5'9" he weights 140 lbs. Sameth wears a pair of dark brown leather pants with two pockets in the front and two pockets in the back the same design as jeans, with black metal plates on his shins, calves, thighs, and hips the metal is a new type of metal his father and his fathers brother were developing its has the same texture as linoleum with veins running around the plates. he wears black boots with steel toes (the steel is on the outside) he wears a black woolen sweater it has thick stitching lines with designs the collar is tall and thick he has to fold it down, he wears a black leather jacket with a wolf skin hanging down his back like a cape


he has shoulder length black straight hair he wears this hanging down around his face, he has grey eyes, and rather his ears are pointed with a little dog hair grown on the end tips. He also has pointed bicuspids like Dracula only not as severe on the length. He has not grown any facial hair yet,

Strange attributes

He also has a puffy grey colored tail sticking out the rear of his pants it is a good four feet long the end is white the next two inches is black and the rest is grey with the ends of all the fir black.

Wolf Form

look at the picture Wolf form when he is a wolf he is about four feet tall at the shoulders his coat is white underneath with the ends of his hair grey with black on the tips hiss face has a black stripe going from nose to the middle of his head


Sameth is a quite boy with an easily provoked temper, he keeps friends for a long long time it is the wolf in him, during the full moon he is moody he'll be happily talking one minute and be angry the next, his temper is the largest when the full moons is near, he is effected by it just like every other wolf is just a little more severe (please note he does not turn into a wolf on the full moon see history section) he is not so much a dare or explorer as he is more likely to want to research something before he goes and tries it. he loves to go on a run every morning before the sun come up he like to watch the sun rise. he has a thing with scratching the part of his head just above his right eyebrow. he tends to howl at odd and moments when he feels its necessary he also has a strange taste for food he likes his beef very rare with nothing else with it "just let it stare at the oven in fear and serve it to me." he doesn't now his own strength most of the time so he appears rather clumsy. Favorite phrase "Huff-puff." his most favorite thing to do is to train or play tag.

Special Powers/Weapons


Wolf Form: he has the ability to morph into a wolf (see picture) it takes about a minute for him to change, he can stay a wolf for as long as is necessary, he can only do this when he is in danger or afraid. If he takes too much damage he will turn back into a human. But it was said when he turns 16 he will be able to change at will. it is possible for him to perform amazing feats of strength and even call on supernatural powers when in a extreme rage or sadness.

Wolf Song: When he howls he can lull an enemy into a state of slow it takes 3 seconds to take effect, were there movements are 50 % slower than normal, he does not have to be in his wolf form to do this, it is not very effective though, it only lasts for a few seconds even then a really strong enemy can break the “spell”. it is basically a howl that lowers neurokinetic impulses (Thanks to Diluted Emotions for that one)



Eona Siri: His friend as she was the first person at AHS he had met


Mr. & Mrs. Lupus, Arlon


None As of yet

History Before AHS/ASA

When Sameth was a very small boy a Nomadic party of Inuit Indians found him wrapped up in a wolfs skin laying under a shelter of small trees that were pulled together at the top to make a small shelter. at first the people thought he was a bad omen and were going to leave him but one woman and her husband defied the "chief" and took him with them when the tribe came back to there home town they named the child Sameth and there last name was Lupus. He was a year and a half when his parents had another son, he was human, and they named him Arlon. He a Sameth were the best of friends they went to school together played in the woods together and were almost inseparable.

Sameth was a very small boy when he was young and growing up, he always looked malnourished but he ate more than a normal. He learned and played with the rest of the kids but he was different and he new it, he had a tail his ears grew a little more hairy every year. he spoke with his mother and father about it and they had only one explanation, "You are the son of the wolves," they would tell him, "You are the Volsung, the half wolf from our legends, you were sent to us by the spirits Sameth." he would sigh and wonder why he was the one with the tail.

When he turned ten he went out with his grandfather and the rest of the family on his first caribou hunt he was excited he had never been out of the village before so he was ecstatic. On the first day they found tracks of caribou and intermixed were wolf tracks. They followed them and camped that night after every one had fallen asleep Sameth woke up and could not fall asleep even when he tried, so he decided to take a walk. he walked through the forest like any other young boy would do making like he was holding a sword and hitting trees and things, after a while he came to a rather large clearing he looked around for a while then out of the dense part on the outside of the clearing a white wolf moved out of the trees and moved straight towards him. Well Sameth being a small boy and still ten the kid rules still applied he didn't run he was not afraid of anything. The wolf stopped five feet away from the boy and sat down on its haunches, tilted its head up toward the crescent moon and howled. Sameth followed the wolf’s eyes up to the moon when he saw it he let out a howl much like the wolf’s as he did this he unknowingly turned into a wolf with a coat that matched his not so large tail. When he was eye to eye with the wolf and he could not feel his hands he realized what had happened so but he kept howling at the moon.

He and the white wolf howled at the moon all night, and in the morning Sameth woke up wrapped in a wolf skin exactly the same as the wolf he turned into the previous night he thought it was strange that he had a wolf skin but after that he thought nothing of it he wore it wrapped around his shoulders all the time he never took it off the people in his village thought he was weird and his brother and family grew more distant to him until his 15th birthday, they called the day they found him his birthday, when they disappeared entirely it was nothing brutal or anything they just weren't there when he woke up all he found was a letter the said

Dear Sameth,

We know it is you're birthday today but we had to leave we cannot tell you were we went or when we will be back but we want you to catch the plane that delivers supplies and take it to the nearest city and fly to Japan from there you must go to a school up in the mountains t will be easy to find. We have left you enough money for the first year from there we will send you more money and information your loving family

P.S. Don't ever loose that Wolf skin of yours

After reading the letter he decided to pack all of everything he owned which didn't amount to a whole lot. And say good bye to the few people he cared about in the village. They all said good bye, but they didn’t know were his family went so when the plane came that day he paid the pi take him to Juno where he paid for a one way ticket to Tokyo. He soon found his way to the school after asking directions in a local restaurant called T’s the place looked like it was being remodeled. The owner was very displeased after seeing Sameth’s tail.

History After Arriving At AHS/ASA

Sam has not been very busy at AHS but she was however present when Lance arrived Back from Alaska under the control of the White hand. She first

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