Linis Astald

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Revision as of 19:40, 6 January 2007 by Lavin (Talk | contribs)

Orginally Created by Linis Astald on 10/19/02 at 4:12:14pm

Full Name: Linis Lakilea Astald
Age: 20, appears 16.
Birthday: 07.28.1986
Race: Elf
School: Both AHS and ASA
Grade: Graduated AHS, Headmaster of ASA



Hair Color: Dark Black
Eye Color: Crystal Green
Stands: 5'11"
Weight: 125 lbs.
Unique Markings: Three scars on his back in the shape of: /|\
These scars came from the beatings he received as a child.
General Appearance:

Linis has crystal green eyes, unmared by glasses or contacts. Unsual for his race, he is five foot and eleven inches, but only weighs around 135 pounds. His normal clothing is a simple tunic and loose pants, though while traveling in the winter he wears a thick dark green cloak. While he is teaching he wears a loose shirt tucked into his pants so he has freedom of movement. His hair is about sholder length, noramlly falling in his face, though occasionally it is pulled back. While it is pulled back his Elvish ears are clearly visable, but while his hair is down only the tips can be seen. Even though he is 20, due to his Elvish blood, he only appears to be 16, and will only appear to age one year every six years. More recently he has been seen wearing dark clothing that hides who he is to the world.



Shy, Looks upon the world with a wondering eye. When he speaks, it is usually quiet and withdrawn, unless he is speaking about something he believes in. If he is speaking in what he believes, he can but the words he says into the hearts and minds of those around him. He hates everything that tries to control him. He is extremely loyal to the people he cares about. Now that he has been at AHS for a while, he takes most newcomers as people that wish to hurt the school. He will draw his sword on the weakest of students if they sneak up on him and are unknown to him. If confronted with many questions he may become surprised and forget what he is saying.

Linis’ hobbies are few, but he spends much time doing these things. He enjoys spending time with his girlfriend, Aaiiry, as well as training to become strong to defeat any threats to the school. Sometimes he will teach newer students things they will need to know to survive at the school, or be used as an example in self-defense class.


Linis’ strengths are many, but the major ones are as follows.

Linis has a mental database of every student currently attending the school, as well as any staff and long time visitors of the school(This includes people living on campus that no long attend the school. For more info, see the special abilities section ‘Database’). Unlike most people, his rage improves his technique in battle. He is able to fight with better skill and focus while enraged, then if he has no rage in him. His love for his friends and loved ones is another strength. If any harm would come to them, he wishes to seek vengeance on the harmer.

Weaknesses: Jealousy... Hurting a friend/team member, no matter what state they may be in... His rage is also a weakness...

Special Powers/Weapons

Main Power: Energy Control

He can control all life energy within 200 feet of himself. Doing this allows him to stop bleeding, create energy attacks, increased speed, increased strength, as well as other things...

Speaking with Guides

He is able to speak with his spirit guide Matthew. Doing this he can find much info on many things.. Every time a new student comes to the school, he receives an update on a database in his mind.


Within his mind he has a list of every one that is currently attending Anime High and Ankalima Shae Academy. Along with these names are pictures of them. This allows him to control his attacks on people... This power also allows him to see the persons special power and some of there history, though he cannot choose what part, and sometimes it may be something harsh.


Almost everything about Linis increases when he goes into rage, he becomes Lavin Astald. After returning from rage, he has no memory of the rage or a few minutes before rage.

Elvish Blood

Being an Elf, Linis has Elvish blood in his body. This blood gives him immunity to certain things. Some of these include: Weak poison, minor illness, and he ages slower then humans. At the age of 100 years, he would appear to be about 30... Right now, he does look about his age, as the non-aging did not kick in until he turned 16... He cannot die by old age. Can also see better in the dark, but total darkness he cannot see in.

Vanya Sulie

((SUPER HIGH POWER)) Fair winds.. Ever since Linis/Lavin came to Anime High School they had tried to gain control of moving energy around their body and then stopping pockets of energy. Doing this usually resulted in the pocket exploding and throwing Linis backwards. Now it has been achieved and is a deadly attack. Will wipe anything out if it is strong enough... At its weakest power, things that can protect themselves will survive. When this attack is over, he is sent to a random place in the world. It may be two feet away, or 20000 miles.

The Punch

The punch appears to be an ordinary punch, but is truly packed with a large amount of energy that is invisible to the normal eye.

The Sword of Thollan

The Sword of Thollan

The Ring of Light and Dark

A ring made with a metal that takes light and holds it within it, the same with darkness... If it contains light, in dark places it will shine, If contains darkness in light places it will shade...

History Before AHS/ASA

Our story begins with a war, unknown to the humans of earth, between the Elves and the Drow, the last war of its kind for earth. It had been seven long years since the Drow had attacked the Elves in their forest homes, seven years of death for both Drow and Elf alike, but it was also a time of unexpected birth.

As a child, he was given away soon after birth, since his family was unable to support another child at the time. The Elves had taken another blow as a few Drows that had been in hiding had taken an attack and killed many of the elves. The Astalds wanted to help with trying to reconstruct the lands of the Elves, but with a new child, they would not be able to. They traveled into the lands of the humans and found a young couple. They asked this couple to see if they would take care of this child for them. The couple accepted not knowing what they were getting. Since Elves were not commonly known at the time of the adoption, the Astalds had hidden their ears and gave Linis to the family in a blanket covering his ears. They did not want to frighten the family. The only request they made before leaving was that the child keep the name Linis Astald.

As the child grew older, his new parents found that he had abilities that normal children did not have, as well as his ears were like no other person. They never let his hair get shorter then a shoulder length to cover his ears. On the island of Ald, about 100 miles off the coast of Japan, the people known as metas were hated. Though they were less common when Linis was younger, they were still hated with extreme passion. His foster parents were no exception. When Linis first displayed he had the ability to control the life energy around himself they scolded him. And every time after that he was punished with worse punishments. By the time he was five his foster parents beat him for the first time. Inside of Linis’ head, something changed; a new personality was formed. This personality had no name yet, but it would later be known as Lavin. There would be two more instances of beatings in Linis’ life, and each time another personality was created, though only Lavin ever took control, it was only once or twice. The beatings also left Linis with scars on his back, one for each time he was beaten.

By the time Linis was ten, he had received his share of hate from these people and decided to leave. Only taking what he could carry he left and lived on the streets for two years, scrounging for food in trashcans or begging people that lived nearby. As he grew older and his powers began to show themselves without control more and more he was forced to try and find a way off the island of Ald. Making his way to the coast he slowly began to teach himself how to swim. It was long and tiring for Linis, but he had made up his mind to get off the island for the first and last time.

Linis was now 15, and his looks were beginning to set in as what he would look like for the rest of his life. He was a skinny, but strong young man; his oily black hair had grown to slightly past his shoulders. It stuck to its self and made long thick strands that went everywhere. His ears now could be seen quite easily as the hair feel behind them, the tips of the ears holding the hair. His deep crystal green eyes shined now that he was to be free of the island’s dark grasp on his life. He stood tall at almost six feet, looking down at many people he crossed in the street, helping him avoid trouble since they could not see his ears from where they stood. His body posture was tensed as he walked, and more laid back when he rested, seeming like he was waiting for someone to attack him. He knew he could not live like this forever.

Linis felt that he was ready to try to swim for another nearby island. He had been trying to see if anyone was living on it since he had begun his training for swimming. Not seeing any activity on it for the length of his training he decided he would be able to go there and feel at home. The island was covered with a thick trees, nothing like Ald was. Waiting until a clam day, Linis was excited and nervous about making the trip off Ald. The day came when the waters were calm and there wasn’t a cloud in the sky. He found a pier jutting out into the ocean towards his destination. Running out on to at as fast as he could, he jumped over the railing at the end, diving into the deep turquoise waters and began his long swim.

As Linis reached the shores of the other island, he was completely out of energy. He felt as if someone had tied 20-pound weights on to his legs and made him run 5 miles. He pulled himself further onto the beach and passed out. A young woman walking on the beach saw him pass out and rushed over to him. She had no idea how he had gotten to the beach or why, but she picked him up and carried him to her home on the island. He name was Knoatta.

As Linis woke up, he found himself in a small cot in a cabin. He slowly got out of the bed and began to look around the place, hoping to find out who owned it, and how he got there. His search of the house came up empty, there was food and supplies here for someone, but who ever it was, was not around. Since he could not find who ever it was, he began to look over the house in more detail. A one story tall log cabin, built close to the water, but far enough into the trees that from off the island it would be hard to see. Inside there were only five rooms: A bedroom, bathroom, kitchen, a living room, and a room that Linis was unable to figure out its use. The last room had nothing in it, and the bamboo covered walls seemed to be padded lightly. Suddenly a low rumbling sound erupted from Linis’ stomach and Linis realized he had not eaten much since he had left Ald. He didn’t even know how long ago that was, but it had to of been at least half a day.

Linis made his way back to the kitchen and searched for something that he could stomach eating. It was not hard as there was more then enough food here to feed an army for a month. He found some fruit and some sandwich meat, and without bread ate until he was full, nearly eating three pounds of food. He sat in an oak chair, leaning back letting himself rest from eating so much, and as he was doing that, someone stepped through the doorway. She was a young lady, no older then 25, with long blonde hair and crystal blue eyes. She stood no higher then Linis, and carried herself in an almost Elf-like grace. Linis couldn’t take his eyes off her as he brought himself into an upright position ready to run incase eating her food was a mistake. She laughed, seeing the tension is his posture.

“Welcome to my home, I am Knoatta…”

She said a smile on her face. Linis relaxed and leaned back slightly again, seeing that she was not about to hurt him for eating.

“Who might you be?”

She asked a new look appearing in her eyes, almost a look of confusion. She reminded herself of how he came to be on the island. Linis looked at her with a funny look. He wasn’t sure if he could trust her, he did not know if she would accept him as an Elf. He looked from side to side.

‘My name is Linis Astald… I ran away from my home, my parents weren’t nice to me.’

He slowly uttered, he did not want to bring up the memories of what he had gone through with his parents. The long days being beat because of the strange things that happen when he felt a strong emotion; the beatings making more things happen, a viscous cycle that happened almost every day of his life, until he had escaped from his parents.

“How were they mean, if you do not mind me asking?’
“They hurt me, beat me sometimes. All because I have strange abil--“

Linis stopped short in that sentence his eyes quickly looking to Knoatta, his body ready to run. He had forgotten that no one on Ald liked people with powers, and he wasn’t sure if she cared for them. He did not move an inch as he waited for her to react. She made no act to move, only stood there listening to what he was saying.

“Its ok, you don’t have to talk about it. ‘
‘No, no... Its just I am unsure of how you will react to me… I can do things. I don’t know how I do them, or what they are, but it is like a glowing light around me.’

The conversation continued for hours as Linis explained what had happened to him. To his surprise, Knoatta did not seem to mind that he had these strange abilities. As Linis was finishing his story, something he could never expect happened. Knoatta rose from the seat she had taken, placing her right hand in front of her and a blue ball of light appeared above it.

“I too, have ‘strange’ abilities. Although we call them powers.”

Knoatta said as the ball disappeared and she pulled out her chair and took a seat again.

“Powers? We?”

Linis asked so fast the words slurred together. His eyes were wide, the green glowing with excitement and wonder. How was it possible that other people with abilities existed? His mind filled with questions, but his mouth would not move as if it had come down with a sudden case of lockjaw. Knoatta nodded to Linis.

“There are many people in the world that have special powers. The populace calls them Metas, but we try to call ourselves what we feel we are. Ourselves.’

Knoatta told Linis of all the people in the world that she knew of. One place in particular, Anime High School, a school that young metas went to learn how to control their powers and get an education for the future. It was located north of Japan is a beautiful setting of forests, lakes, and meadows. All underneath the protection of a mountain filled with caves that students could practice their abilities in. She told him of how the teachers there had powers too, and that they went through the same things that he was going through. Linis couldn’t believe his ears, an entire community of people like him; it was too good to be true.

Knoatta continued, explaining to Linis that even with this school, metas were still misunderstood, and hated by many, and the school had been attacked before. With this Linis’ heart hung low, he wished to be free of the hate, but it sounded like this would be a good place to learn about himself and finally be accepted for who he was. He now had a new goal to achieve, to reach Anime High School, and enroll. He quickly thanked Knoatta for all her help and rushed out the door to find Anime High School. His journey in life only just beginning.

History After Arriving At AHS/ASA



Mortal Enemy

Jaceon Flynn Summers- He tried to take advantage of Aaiiry and as a ghost, Linis witnessed this.







Good Friends

Ryu, Teo


Aaiiry Bluderaine(Current location: Unknown)


Aaiiry Bluderaine(Current location: Unknown) 11/13/02 Started dating

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