Linis Astald

From Ahspedia

Orginally Created by Linis Astald on 10/19/02 at 4:12:14pm
Linis Astald- In his natural habitat.

Full Name: Linis Lakilea Astald
Age: 20, appears 16.
Birthday: 07.28.1986
Race: Elf
School: Both AHS and ASA
Grade: Graduated AHS, Headmaster of ASA



Hair Color: bob

Eye Color: pink like my ponies mane

Stands: 2'11"

Weight: 999.1 lbs

Unique Markings: Three scars on his back in the shape of a penis

These scars came from the beatings he received as a child when molested by his grandmother.

General Appearance

He looks pretty much stoopidz.


To say Linis has a personality is to say that his player has a functioning brain: it's just not true.




He's really good at eating Cheeto's without getting the powder on his fingers. Long hours of practice gorging on snacks paid off rather well in this regard. He also knows his way around vending machines, and can repair one on the spot in mere moments.


Anything that might suggest that he's not TEH ROXORZ TO TEH XTREMEZORZ!!

Special Powers/Weapons

Main Power: Rape Horn

This appears to be the horn off of a small child's bicycle. Whenever he squeezes it, an opaque cloud of condensed rape spews forth to engulf the nearest little boy.

Penthouse Playmate

Linis is under the very false and disturbing delusion that he is attractive, and will therefore pose at random times as if for a two page spread. This causes anyone nearby to melt in sheer agony of witnessing his HAIRY NIPPLES!

Doodoo butter

Linis possesses pails upon pails of doodoo butter, which he likes to splash people with. Some say it turns him on. Others say he delights in the pain of others. I personally think he really likes doodoo butter.

Allergy to shirts

Both character and player seem to repel shirts. I believe this is caused by the pungent B.O that eminates from the core of his cold, wretched heart.

Elvish wang

Being an Elf, Linis has a tiny, Elvish wang. This wang gives him immunity to certain things. Some of these include:

  • Women
  • Friends
  • Friends of friends
  • Any social situation whatsoever

This also gives him crippling issues with his ego. To compensate, he habitually injects paint thinner into above-said wang.

Vanya Sulie

((SUPER HIGH POWER)) Fair winds.. Ever since Linis/Lavin came to Anime High School they had tried to gain control of moving energy around their body and then stopping pockets of energy. Doing this usually resulted in the pocket exploding and throwing Linis backwards. Now it has been achieved and is a deadly attack. Will wipe anything out if it is strong enough... At its weakest power, things that can protect themselves will survive. When this attack is over, he is sent to a random place in the world. It may be two feet away, or 20000 miles.

The Punch

The punch appears to be an ordinary punch, but is truly packed with a large amount of energy that is invisible to the normal eye.

The Sword of Thollan

Status: Location Unknown.

The Ring of Light and Dark

Status: Linis currently holds it.

A ring made with a metal that takes light and holds it within it, the same with darkness... If it contains light, in dark places it will shine, If contains darkness in light places it will shade...

History Before AHS/ASA

He fell on trangular shaped head...


History After Arriving At AHS/ASA



Mortal Enemy

Jaceon Flynn Summers- He tried to take advantage of Aaiiry and as a ghost, Linis witnessed this.







Good Friends

Ryu, Teo


Aaiiry Bluderaine(Current location: Unknown)
Ashlyn Astald Daughter of Linis and Aaiiry


Linis' Mommy(Current location: Unknown) 11/13/02 Started dating

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