Lupis Greenwood

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''Character created by: PhasmaRok''
''Character created/played by: PhasmaRok'' [[Image:Lupis.jpg|frame|Lupis Greenwood]]
Page created by: PhasmaRok
Page created by: PhasmaRok
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'''Mortal Enemy:''' Inner Demon
'''Mortal Enemy:''' Inner Demon<br/>
'''Hates:''' Angel, Mishima
'''Hates:''' Angel, Mishima<br/>
'''Dislikes:''' Mori, Jack
'''Dislikes:''' Mori, Jack<br/>
'''Close Friends:''' Harker, [[Brian_Ronin|Brian]]
'''Close Friends:''' Harker, [[Brian_Ronin|Brian]]<br/>
'''Friends:''' Greg, Rufus, Kammryn, Jessica
'''Friends:''' Greg, Rufus, Kammryn, Jessica<br/>
'''Likes:''' Eona, Nicolas, Jason, Zoan,
'''Likes:''' Eona, Nicolas, Jason, Zoan<br/>
'''Neutral:''' [[Kalista_Berol|Kalista]], [[Suzuki_Fumiko|Suzuki]], Trinis
'''Neutral:''' [[Kalista_Berol|Kalista]], [[Suzuki_Fumiko|Suzuki]], Trinis<br/>
'''Family:''' Adam and Roslyn Greenwood
'''Family:''' Adam and Roslyn Greenwood<br/>
==History Before AHS==
==History Before AHS==
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-Met [[Kalista_Berol|Kalista]] during her attempt to either prove or disprove the existence of a monster in the Lake, and was quickly roped into helping against his will. This is also where he met Trinis.
-Met [[Kalista_Berol|Kalista]] during her attempt to either prove or disprove the existence of a monster in the Lake, and was quickly roped into helping against his will. This is also where he met Trinis.
-Lupis is currently participating in the Annual AHS Tournament, in the Low Power Bracket.
-Lupis is currently participating in the Annual AHS Tournament, in the Low Power Bracket. He won his first match against [[Suzuki_Fumiko|Suzuki]], getting thoroughly slimed in the process.
===Theme Songs===
===Theme Songs===
''Papercut'' - Linkin Park
''Papercut'' - Linkin Park<br/>
''Stay Home'' - Self
''Stay Home'' - Self<br/>
''Shine'' - Mr Big
''Shine'' - Mr Big<br/>
''Great Warrior'' - Nobou
''Great Warrior'' - Nobou<br/>
===The Demon===
===The Demon===

Current revision as of 17:06, 21 March 2007

Character created/played by: PhasmaRok
Lupis Greenwood

Page created by: PhasmaRok

Age: 18

Birthday: August 22, 1988

Race: Metahuman

School: AHS

Grade: 12



Lupis is short and stocky, standing at about five feet, six inches. He has good muscle tone, though is not overly bulked up. he has long, spikey brown hair that he keeps tied up in a ponytail of sorts at the back of his neck. His golden-brown eyes are piercing in quality, and this is only slightly detracted from by the permanent dark circles under his eyes. He usually has a calm expression, letting distractions wash over him, though it easily switches to laser intensity when needed. He usually wears jeans and T-shirts with a zippered sweater or denim jacket, and hates formal-wear -- changing out of things like school uniforms as quickly as possible.


Lupis isn't a loner, but he doesn't usually seek out the company of others -- unless he knows them very well. He never really trusts anyone until he's known them for a long time -- he prefers the company of his own thoughts, training, or books. Once he does know someone, he's fairly friendly, if not particularly open. He has a curious nature, investigating and feeling an urge to sniff out conspiracies anywhere. He is both vegetarian and pacifist, though he enjoys any type of sparring match capable of testing his skills - physical or mental. He sometimes acts eccentric, or possibly insane, but always with the goal of getting the victims of his behavior to think (if only along the lines of 'What the hell is wrong with this guy?'). He believes that truly rational thought would solve a good deal of the world's problems, and thus cultivates it wherever he can. He fears a loss of control most, and views violations of civil liberties as one of the most terrible crimes possible. In Matrix terms, definitely a red-pill person.

He has loosened up slightly since coming to AHS, regaining more of the sense of humor that left him after he was attacked by the demon. The incident in Rome, however, has left him with some fresh issues to deal with -- namely a tendency to carry his sword a lot more than usual.

Special Powers/Weapons

Chi Gauntlets

Lupis forms a solid-chi casing around his hands and forearms. These casings extend about two inches from his skin, and retain the basic shape of his hands, and are visible by the light-blue glow they generate. To Lupis, they have no weight, but to add weight to his punches, equivalent to a large cinder-block. He can keep this up for five to seven minutes continuously, though doing so leaves him feeling incredibley tired.

Demon's Mind

Not exactly a power, more like a dual personality. Lupis absorbed the memories of a demon, which now has become a constant presence in his mind. He's managed to supress it so far, but he can hear it at the back of his head. If it ever got out of Lupis' mental prison, it wouldn't do anything to his powers or strength -- just turn him into a demonic mind in human body, with the real Lupis in the same kind of 'prison' the demon now resides in.


Lupis is capable of perceiving the field of chi that every person generates as olefactory input. He can tell a person's general power level relative to him, as well as that person's extremely basic personality type. This doesn't act as empathy or telepathy in any way, but Lupis can get an idea of the one or two basic traits that describe a person. Every person's chi has a unique smell, and Lupis can usually tell who a person is by their chi-scent after a few meetings with that person. He has to be close (as in the same room) to be able to scent a person.

Concussive Blasts

Lupis can channel the energy from his gauntlets into a burst of concussive force. These nearly double the force of his punches, but leave him drained as if he had kept his gauntlets active for as long as he could -- he recovers more quickly than from his gauntlets, however. Physical contact is required to set off the blast. This power first manifested during his trip to Rome, under considerable and definite stress and danger.

Flight (not yet gained)

Basically, flight. Specifically, a pair of vaguely bat-like wings sprouting from Lupis' shoulders. When not in use, these wings can fold up into a pair of boney shoulder-pads on his back. In actuallity, these wings are a symbiote bonded to Lupis' body -- he gives it nutrients in the form of his blood-stream, it allows him to fly. The "bones" in these wings are a sort of expandible, slightly flexible substance along the lines of cartilige. The material between the bones (the actual 'wing' part) is a translucent material that is highly tough and elastic; it contracts and extends along with the bone-structure. If the boney part of the wing were to break, it would heal within two weeks, and the elastic structure would heal within a couple days.

These wings are not big enough to allow actual flight for a human based solely on their physical structure; they could slow a descent, but not give actual flight. They let Lupis fly by absorbing background energy (radio waves, heat from the sun, residual chi, whatever -- this isn't something that's going to let him absorb attacks or anything like that) and converting it to a harmless gas that is expelled through the symbiote's porous skin to create a sort of jet action. He can reach heights of around forty to fifty feet, though if he starts at a higher point, he'll glide down until he reaches the 40 - 50 range and then level off. He can reach speeds of around ten miles per hour, and can stay in the air for approximately four or five hours before the symbiote will start wearing down and he'll begin to descend.


Mortal Enemy: Inner Demon
Hates: Angel, Mishima
Dislikes: Mori, Jack
Close Friends: Harker, Brian
Friends: Greg, Rufus, Kammryn, Jessica
Likes: Eona, Nicolas, Jason, Zoan
Neutral: Kalista, Suzuki, Trinis
Family: Adam and Roslyn Greenwood

History Before AHS

Lupis was born in Colorado, to a couple that had never entirely left the sixties behind. They had joined society enough to start their own business (which eventually paid for Lupis' AHS tuition) but still clung to an ideology that gave Lupis his conspiracy theorist tendencies and his value of civil liberties. At a very young age, Lupis witnessed the killing of a small animal in the forest near his home, and was mildly traumatized by the event. It created a split personality that would later emerge during moments of extreme stress, fear, or anger. It was a more animal form, an almost pure manifestation of the ID, the human survival drive. In Lupis, it was like mentally devolving for short periods, until the threat had passed and his animal mind had satisfied itself that the source of the stress was gone.

For years Lupis studied a defensive form of martial arts that combined a wide variety of skills, and learned to adapt this style to a variety of weapons. He also aquired a love of chess and other mentally challenging games and activities at this younger age. At puberty, a second ability manifested -- Lupis found that he could smell the energy patterns, the chi of others. After a great variety of testing, it was confirmed that Lupis was, in fact, a meta-human. He was sent off to AHS, but stayed there only a very short time before he was called home due to a family emergency.

While back in the US, Lupis was attacked by a chi-draining demon, attracted to his metahuman energy. He managed to fight off the demon, but barely -- his chi gauntlets appeared in the heat of battle, landing the final blow. The demon's defeat resulted in him being exposed to a massive amount of dark energy, and absorbing the demon's essence -- resulting in the now-permanent dark circles beneath his eyes. His animal mind took on the demon's 'memories', resulting in a malevolent intelligence where there had been only instincts before (in both the demon and the animal mind). Finally, the demonic energy effectively shorted out his ability to smell chi. Lupis himself spent months in the hospital recovering. After he did recover, his parents decided to send him back to AHS, to develop his powers further, and possibley get rid of the demon residing in his mind now.

History After Arriving At AHS

-Met Kammy, Jessica, and Harker on his first day in the dorms. Soon after was nearly dry-roasted in an accident at the Gravity Chambers.

-Several weeks after arriving, Lupis was caught in a mysterious, campus-wide event that gender-flipped several students. Understandably distressed, Lupis went to the gym to vent his anger on a hapless punching bag. This display of anger drew the attention of Brian, whom Lupis had met while training on Dragoon Mountain. After a considerable amount of attempted deception, "Lucrecia's" true identity was revealed, leading to an impromptu counseling session on the roof. This event formed the primary basis of Lupis and Brian's friendship, though there was an unspoken agreement to never speak of it again.

-Lupis met Zoan while training in the gym. A sparring match ensued, in which Lupis was wounded on his left side by Zoan's claws. There is still a very light scar visible.

-Mishima showed up on campus, preaching that Mori had been secretly manipulating the students and attacks on the school for years. Lupis, despite his dislike of Principal Mori, remained skeptical. The whole matter became moot, however, as Mishima attempted to 'enlighten' the student body to his view of the world. Lupis was one of four students that were affected, and he was thus unconscious in the Nurse's office during the following assault on AHS' enemies. So far, nothing else has come of it, though the psychic assault began to weaken Lupis' hold on the demon in his subconscious.

-Shortly after Mishima's appearance on campus, Brian came to Lupis and told him that he was going to Rome, and that he had gained some information regarding the manipulations that had been occurring at AHS. Lupis agreed to come along and went to Rome with Brian, Greg, Nicolas, and Eona. One of Brian's "relatives", a chimera named Angel, told the group that their target was a metahuman cult-leader who had been using his mental powers to control his followers. Greg, Brian, and Lupis elected to go after the leader. Eona and Nicolas, doubting Angel's word, decided to stay behind; after the others left, they were gassed and imprisoned in an underground complex.

The confrontation with the cult went less than spectacular, but Lupis, Brian, and Greg managed to capture the leader and make a getaway. Upon returning to the mansion that Lillith was using as her base in Rome, they -like Nicolas and Eona- were gassed and imprisoned in the underground complex.

Lupis, deemed too weak to be worth any experimentation or "improvement", was thrown into a cell with a single shadow-chimera as a guard. The isolation began affecting Lupis' mental status, as did the guard's attempt to feed him the chopped-up body of one of the cultists. Things did not improve after Lupis managed to rid himself of the chimera -- the cell had one other occupant; a creature comprised of living mold that seemed to find Lupis as threatening as he found it. After a day or so of agonizing waiting, the mold creature manifested itself as a large, spider-like monster which attacked Lupis. Even in his weakened state, Lupis' powers proved to be something akin to kryptonite for the creature; he managed to destroy it, and the bars of his cell, though doing so thoroughly exhausted him. Upon regaining consciousness, Lupis went looking for either his friends or Angel -- he managed to find Eona first, though he then needed to go find Greg in order to remove the grating of her own cell.

The four students ended up in a huge battle with Lillith's forces, including another manifestation of the mold creature. Lupis managed to destroy it, but was again rendered unconscious by the energy expended. In his subconscious, he was forced into battle with the demon that had been growing stronger from his days of imprisonment. Lupis won the mental battle, and managed to retain control of his body. He remained unconscious for a good portion of the return trip to AHS.

-Met Kalista during her attempt to either prove or disprove the existence of a monster in the Lake, and was quickly roped into helping against his will. This is also where he met Trinis.

-Lupis is currently participating in the Annual AHS Tournament, in the Low Power Bracket. He won his first match against Suzuki, getting thoroughly slimed in the process.


Theme Songs

Papercut - Linkin Park
Stay Home - Self
Shine - Mr Big
Great Warrior - Nobou

The Demon

The demon that attacked Lupis was born of concentrated negative chi, built up over years and focussed into a small crystal that allowed it to take a physical form. It survived by draining the energy from living beings, and apparently had a special taste for metahuman-chi. During the course of his first encounter with the demon, Lupis managed to do some research, and found that the demon was a type known as a "saifon", but he has always favored the description of "the bastard love-child of a Nazgul, Dementor, and an Echthros."


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