Vader's Demise

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Xion: This Pain, So Familiar. I never felt it before, but this pain is that of a survivor of a...Hell TARDIS...

Vader: My Family's sins, connected to you...

Xion: (Catches Vader in her Arms, Roxas helps her and Opens a Corridor of Darkness as Vader Fades away into the Light) Why would you choose this? To go away now...

Vader: To get you to pay a favor I ask of you...

Xion: You lost your son, Didnt you?

Vader: I have...To the last of the Timelords...All those hearts you've captured...Kingdom Hearts...You've done it for him...Set them free...I'll be there, with you.

Xion: That's the perpose of the Jedi...To set things right. If It'll Help soothe the pain, It'll surely help our spirits

Vader: Thank you...Another thing I Ask...Help me take...this mask off...

Xion: Take off your Mask?

Roxas: But you'll Die! (Sees Vader's Legs Crystalizing)

Vader: Nothing...Can stop that now...Just for once, Let me look on you with my own eyes...

(Xion unmasks Vader. 3rd Degree Burns Scar his Face...)

Vader: Now...Go...Xion...Leave Me... (We see that to Vader, Xion Resembles the Late Padme Amidala)

Xion: No! I cant Leave you Here to fade! I've got to save you!

Vader: You already have...You accepted my heart....Xion... (Xion looks down and feels the pain the dark side had left on her heart) You were Right... You were right about me... when he frees us... Tell the Avatar, you were right... (Fades back into nothing. Leaving behind a seashell and his Lightsaber, now pure blue, Roxas takes the Seashell and Xion, the lightsaber. A Memory of Anakin plays)

Xion: Anakin...

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