Steve n Nora

From Accct Wiki

[edit] Pilot

[edit] If...

(The Fortress)

Thanks, See you tomorrow! (Flies off)

(Cut to the smartest tactician of the Z-Fighters: Rick Sanchez)

Don't forget, May 12th, Day of that Shezuan Sauce, Goku, I get the fucking Sauce!
Take it easy, Banana Head! Vegeta, (quick look at Vegeta) Nice shirt. (Deflects Laser blast up to a CNN Satellite) Gonna have to do better than that.

The Castle and its peoples, with its last petal fallen, Humanity lost to a Permanence built to last until the castle rises above the clouds.
How could this have happened?
I dunno Curly Joe, why don't you ask the divine masters of all reality capable of undoing the curse within earshot of an 'I love you' but perfer to sit on their asses spamming Teen Titans Go! (Drinks from his flask) Oh, yeah. (Gets his portal gun) You can't, They blew up.


Wait! Where are you going!?
We made an agreement, we change the future, I keep up with the Time Travel stuff and keep helping you guys out as your Oracle. If it doesn't work, I drop time shenanagans forever and you can rot in a sack for all I care.
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