Salutaris Spiritualis Madoka Magica/Chapter 1: I wish there was another way...

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[edit] Scenes

[edit] Sacrifice


She died to save the life of One Madoka Kaname. This maiden has litterally lost her innocence, her purity and her head to this witch and all the hell raised from the experiences she has had. And what hurt the most was that she never saw it coming...


This death reminded her of another. Even the same method of Death was used to kill her by another witch, the only difference was in the witch, Reminding her how hazardous being a Puella might be...


Not to mention what she might become, A Witch. A Mindless puppet whose only purpose is cursing and killing souls until a Magical Girl comes in to defeat it and take it's grief seed.


That's right, Now that Homura Akemi was out of the picture after what seemed to be years for her, There was now no more magical Girls in Mitakihara, Kyubey wants to make a contract with her in order to change that... There should have been another way. she thought. "Quick Madoka, Make a contract with me and defeat the witch!" Begged Kyubey in pretend-fear of Walpergis Night, She looked to the Incubator which Homura would usually try to stop dead in it's tracks at any given time.

But Homura was dead and gone, Walpergis saw to that... Time Loops were impossible now, Nothing else would change.


Within that empty place where it's heart should be, the creature smiled...

"I will take the contract."

a feeling of joy would have flowed through the Incubator. "what do you wish"

"I wish...that there was...another way..." she sniffled, before gripping on the Incubator "A better path for magical girls... to ensure that my friends survive"

a twitch of it's ear as it flicked it's tail in victory "Is that your wish?"

"Yes.." she said... "Grant it for me, Incubator!"

It seemed to sigh. "then it shall be done."

And her Wish would change the lives of not just herself, but the lives of countless others.

[edit] Awakening

Her Eyes opened up to see that she was in her bedroom, Perhaps it was a dream. She got up to get ready for school today, But she saw something in her hand that has been the bane of Homura's Existance.

That is, she was holding on to her Soul Gem.

So it wasnt a dream She thought. She looked to the Calender, it read April 9th, 2011. A week from the 16th, when Homura would be transfered in.


Madoka took the soul gem, the eldritch device transforming into a ring on her finger. "I really am…"

"Madoka! You're not usually this late! Come on down!"

"I'm coming, mom!"

Madoka took one look at her mother's necklace to realise that it was much different than the ones she usually had. "That's a really nice necklace you've got on."

What she failed to notice is that her Mother looked a bit younger, around twenty two, Very Young, but still quite Mature.

[edit] Rebirth

Homura woke up once more. She groaned, her eyes still reeling from the shock of waking up. She gripped her hands. Looked into her soul gem to cure her condition once more. She clutched her neck, as if to check if she was breathing, she felt her hand move up to the top of her head. But one look into the Calendar was all it took to snap her back into reality.

She rose out of bed quickly. She looked to the date on the Calendar, April 9th, A week from when her usual begin.

The Day she met Madoka.

What did she wish for.

There was time to prepare for the coming month of torment she had to endure with Madoka. She started work on her house in the evenings and the first thing she did to test out the computer system she went to...erm...borrrow... during Madoka first school day as a Magical Girl was to hack into top secret networks in Japan.

[edit] Warning

"Prepping for second stage. Initiating LCL ionization. Setting plug depth."

Gripping the controls. Breathe in. Breathe out. This is for the best. The entire future rides on the results of this experiment. Science is the future, after all. Sacrifices have to be made for it.

"Second stage successful. Plug depth set. Preparing third stage activation."

They will understand, when that glorious future is laid out before them. They will praise and sing her name when she hands them paradise. They will love her and worship her, and everything will be right with the world.

A nervous tick crosses her lip. Tapping a button on her wrist, she brings up the video screen in her right eye. Her husband, her son. The Professor, that poor sweet man. Watching as the experiment readies, and…and her son.

Her son is smiling, watching Mommy get ready to pilot the giant robot.

Ready to get nice and traumatized from watching Mommy die.

"Ready for third stage activation in three…two…"


She pulls her hands from the controls as if they burn her, flipping open a control panel between her legs and pulling up a lever. The entire plug shakes, LCL draining from it like water down a toilet as it jerks and spins out of the monster's spine.

Undoing the belts across her chest and waist, she scrambles out of her chair and climbs out, climbing to the hatch and pushing it open.

The boots of the plug suit clang against the metal catwalk as she practically jumps out of the metal tube, not affording the restrained monster a glance as she grabs a towel from a technician and dries off her short brown hair, pushing open the door to the Control Box as everyone stares. Waiting a moment, she hands the now damp and sticky towel to another technician, who stares at it before walking off with it. Her baby runs over, leaping into her arms as she gives off a relieved smile.

"What happened?" Kozou asks.

"Someone has hacked into our systems to contact us,"

"The Town of Mitakahara is in danger and I need some help." Homura Explained. "In one Month and one week's time, A Creature known as Walpergis Night."

"Walpergis Night, I think that's what the Beastmen up in Africa are calling their big plan to expand their empire." Kozou explains, surprising and Confusing Homura to no end "They kidnapped a Mahou Onna for her especially strong Witch and has been making a bit of a ruckus as of late. We'll try to contact the UN about this development, Miss"

"Akemi, Homura..." The Time Traveler responded...

"Alright...We are to contact the United-Britainia Empire" Kozou watched as the hacker vanished from the screen "It's bad enough that something would Interrupt our experiment, Now we're giving the Yanks and Brits of the empire more clout for a marriage between Us and Them..."

"It's probably for the best..." Yui responds, "The experiment's too dangerous, We're going to have to start looking into something else. After our date with the empire, I'll get on the horn with Kihl and go over everything with him."

Her husband raises an eyebrow, turning to Kozou. He shrugs, turning back to her as he scratches the back of his head.

"Yui," he starts.

"No," Yui cuts him off, "There was a better than likely chance that-"

Rudely jerks her thumb at the restrained biomech.

"Was going to eat me. I have an idea for an alternative that will still get that thing working. Until then, we're not having any contact experiments. Clear?"

Kozou and Gendo both nod, both sighing. The technicians hide their snickers. There is little illusion of who wears the pants in the Ikari household, and it is mainly because it is easy to stay on Doctor Yui Ikari's good side that harmony rules GEHRIN with an iron fist.

"Now, come on," she says, tightening her grip on her son, "Let's find whatever hole Naoko's stuck herself into and get back to work."

[edit] Friend

Madoka is walking to school as a there are news stories about a new Underground frontier being made in the United States, but such a frontieer is another story that we shall get to at another time.

it wasn't until she made it to the bench where she would usually pass by on her usual route that she encounters a familiar face...

A familiar face she thought she would never see again.

"SAYAAKAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!" Madoka cried happily as she ran to one of her closest friends and leapt onto her, overjoyed and relieved.

"Oooookaaaay... Why are going at me with all the hugs?" asked a rather creeped out Sayaka.

"...Because." responded Madoka, she couldn't think of a better Answer.

Hitomi pops in to speak all lovey-dovey between Sayaka and Madoka and how it's never meant to be.

[edit] Alias

In class, Ms. Saotome is talking about the notorious friend zone as Madoka asks to go to the Art Studio to craft something out of paper maché.

"May I work on something at the art studio?" Madoka asked.

"Only when you are dismissed, young lady." Reminded Kazuko.

In the Art Studio, she is crafting something out of paper maché. What it is, I'm not gonna tell.

It was 10:00pm, her supposed bedtime, the mask was finished and for the next two hours, Madoka Kaname would exist no longer, but in her place someone more noble and heroic.

[edit] Fame

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