Saburo Hatte's Trail of Tears

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[edit] Fakir Droselmeyer

  • Princess Tutu
  • Half A Year Later, Droselmeyer warns Fakir that Ahiru, Being a Duck, Ages like A Duck (She Aged Four years over the course of the Half year)
  • Fakir Freezes Ahiru in Time in order to keep her young and alive so that he can revive her when he comes up with method of turning her back into a Human.
  • Fakir goes under the pseudonym of "Robert Holmes"
  • "Robert Holmes" Writes for Doctor Who, Begins his plans for restoring Ahiru's Humanity on "The Caves of Androzani"
  • Robert Holmes dies before completing "The Ultimate Foe"
  • His spirit haunted time and Space, taking the form of An Artificial Imagin named Metataros created from the Nostalgia Critic's old Home Movies by XANA as a Omnicidal Self Destruct Mechanism.
  • Metataros enters the Bonus Stage Cartoon as a Time Remote.

[edit] Phil Argus

  • Phil uses the Remote to Kill his past Self, causing past Joel to Kill himself.
  • Phil is Revived by Metataros as The Witch of Science Metaljo Nakamori
  • Metaljo Implants Dr. Wily with a Radio Controlled Microcomputer, effectively killing Dr. Wily forever.

[edit] Leobert

  • Leobert is Created by Doctor Jonathan Smithy as a Son to him and as A Vessel for a Powerful Witch.
  • Leobert Lives Thirty-Six Years of Life before a four Year old Girl Syncronises her Age with his. Sapping his age so that she can grow into the marring age of twenty
  • Velenex Fayed Appeals to Leobert and learns that The Boy can control hearts.
  • Velenex Fayed Takes Control of Leobert and becomes the Witch of Assimilation: "Dai Xehanort Oozaru"
  • Master Nysou Slices Velenex Fayed in Half after Dai Xehanort Oozaru Absorbs Galifrey into his Heart.
  • Dai Xehanort Oozaru is sliced into three pieces and Regenerates into
  • Leobert Channels His Heart to Van Hoenheim, He is Reborn as Edward Elric.
  • An Alternate of Edward Meets an Alternate of Xion.
  • The Edward and Xion Alternates Mate.
  • The Edward Alternate is Killed by a Toon Robotizised by Metaljo-Wily as the Xion alternate has become pregnant and contracted AIDS.
  • The Tenth Doctor feeds the Xion alternate a medicine made from the Time Vortex and the Prism Flower.
  • The Xion Alternate and her newborn daughter are now Immortal, With their bodies unable to age beyond 22.
  • The Xion Alternate and her Daughter Emily look for the Doctor, They settle in Moperville proud shard of the Tri-County Area in Maine.
  • Emily Meets Eric Davis (He is in Truth a Universe Traveling Eraqus) And befriends him during Childhood
  • Emily and Eric's Relationship matures into True Love during adolescence and early into Adulthood.
  • Emily (22) and Eraqus (23) Marry and give birth to a son named Terra (Earth Legal Name: Tyler Davis).

[edit] The Doctor

  • Emily (33) Gives Birth to Air (Earth Legal Name: Andy Davis)
  • Emily (37) Gives Birth to Magi (Earth Legal Name: Molly Davis)
  • Toy Story
  • Toy Story 2
  • Molly (4) falls ill, Drops her Bo Peep lamp on floor to break.
  • Andy (17) Graduates and Picks CalArts as his college.
  • Toy Story 3
  • Andy Follows the GPS Which leads him to the Doctor who had appeared in all of his Incarnations During his life. They them Show him the Untempered Schizm, Making him Recognise who they really are. He Promises not to be like the Doctor At All!
  • Andy (18) Hides from the Time Lords in the Mid 1910s as Walt Disney.
  • Walt Disney (Andy, 26) seemingly destroys Metaljo Nakamori.
  • Walt Disney (64) Departs for the Time Acadamy, He is Assigned the Title of "The Doctor"
  • Doctor Who
  • Everything after "The End of Time" is all a Dream in his head created by the soul of Metaljo Nakamori which causes his Soul Gem to Darken and Become Metaljo's Newest Form (Velenex Fayed, The Witch of Corruption) The Doctor's Corpse Regenerates into a Young boy and a baby Girl. The Baby Girl fell into a plot hole (Madoka) while the boy became Xehanort to play Saburo's Little Game and bide his time

[edit] Xehanort

  • Xehanort ends up on Destiny Islands as he meets his Heartless from the Future
  • Xehanort Begins Training alongside Eraqus Kadoya under the eye of Master Yen-Sid
  • They Both Pass the Mark of Mastery
  • Xehanort Clones Leobert for his new Vessel (Ventus)
  • Kingdom Hearts Birth By Sleep
  • Xehanort Regains his memories and Slaughters his collegues

[edit] Madoka Kaname

  • Madoka is Adopted by Junko Kaname.
  • Madoka (14) Becomes a Magical Girl.
  • Homura meets Madoka
  • Madoka Sacrifices herself to defeat Walpurgisnaght
  • Homura Becomes a Magical Girl and jumps to countless alternate timelines.
  • Madoka-42 becomes the Embodiment of Hope, Lady Atomisa
  • Homura Dies trying to Save Madoka, Resulting in Madoka wishing for a world where they all survive, resulting in Kriemhild Gretchen-42 being the Black Beast in the BlazBlue Saga...

[edit] Zordon

  • Zordon is born from the Doctor's Heart
  • Zordon studies on the planet Eltar
  • Zordon seals Rita Repulsa inside a Space Dumpster
  • Mighty Morphin Power Rangers
  • Mighty Morphin Alien Rangers
  • Power Rangers Zeo
  • Power Rangers Turbo
  • Power Rangers in Space
  • Zordon Channels his heart to a young woman who gives Birth to a son, Sora Strahythe

[edit] Sora

  • Kingdom Hearts
  • Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories
  • Kingdom Hearts: 358/2 Days
  • Kingdom Hearts II
  • Kingdom Hearts: coded
  • Kingdom Hearts: Dream Drop Distance
  • Sora is Posessed by Xehanort for six of the Seven Lights and Madoka makes a contract, ultimately making her into one of the lights used to create the X-Blade.
  • BlazBlue
  • Kingdom Hearts III
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