Robin's Workshop/Bub and Bob

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[edit] Script

Inspiration can strike you at the most random of times, sometimes when you're hard at work, others when you're hardly working. For instance, Sakurai's mind wandered about in search of the best newcomers he can find for the next game in the series. What he found this time around was the urge to add a pro wrestler, Incineroar, instead of the obvious choice Decidueye. Also chosen among the fan-favorite hopefuls like Ridley, K.Rool and the two-in-one team of Banjo and Kazooie was something completely unexpected designed to be a Super-Skrull amongst the Piranha Plant gene pool. In my case, whilst I was putting together the first wave of Echo Fighter Ideas for the previous episode, I came up with a new third party rep which was set to be among such Echos but the more I thought about their potential, the less it made sense for them to be mere Echoes of the Ice Climbers. So I removed the two-in-one aspect to these fighters and replaced them with Miss Pac-Man, A much easier fit for an Echo Fighter. So here they are, not as mere doppelgangers, but as full-fledged fighters.

First appearing in Taito's Bubble Bobble in 1986, Bub and Bob have had quite a career throughout the fifteen years that followed the release before slowing to a crawl as their home company sputtered and fissiled away before meeting the same fate that befell Hudson Soft in that same timeframe and was absorbed wholesale into a much larger company. But the fact of the matter is that this dynamic duo has had quite a lasting history throughout the third generation of consoles up to the seventh and thus, they deserve a spot amongst gaming's most memorable icons in the biggest celebration of the art form. With all that said, Time to tip the scales!

Now the key to a good moveset design is to do as much as you can to make this fighter seem as if he or she just stumbled into Smash from the game whence this perticular combatant came. Fortunately, they've been in a diverse pool of games, not just the '86 classic. From puzzle games to platformers, they've been in quite a few titles over the past thirty years and we're going to be sampling these games for their moveset. Stat-wise, their weight'd be between Yoshi and Pikachu as some tilts and arials could feasibly be echoed for them but leans closer to Yoshi in terms of Run Speed. Their scales are soft and squishy so they'd take more damage and can get knocked back further as a result. But their jumps are on point with the plumber if not higher and have plenty of projectile attacks for Mixup opportunities. (I'm beginning to notice a pattern here...) One such projectile is their jab wherein bubbles are blown that are charged with electricity.

Going into Smash Attacks and Grabs, Bub and Bob promptly put their decades of experience to good use. Starting with their grabs, they break out their rainbow magic to collect items from afar or ensnare opponents in a ribbon of many colors for throws. Horizontal throws include a jump kick up front for Forward Throw and a twirling toss behind them for Back Throw. Vertical throws trap their opponents in bubbles with the Up Throw launches the foe in any angle between 45-135 degrees. These two throws represent the games they've been in from Bubble Bobble to Puzzle Bobble. The nods to their games continue into their Smash Attacks, with the Up Smash launches a projectile orb of elemental energy with full 180* of control, the elemental power depending on the color: red orbs being an explosive attack, yellow causes stun damage, et cetera. Side Smash launches a bigger bubble forward with electric stun damage, Down Smash is a sweeping strike with either the tail or with rainbow magic if their human forms appear as reskins that deals less damage but more knockback.

Closing in on Special Attacks, we have more references to their games and the toolsets they allowed to them. For the standard special, Bub and Bob blow their signature bubbles that can be knocked in any direction, used as platforms, as well as trap opponents for a pop launch as the duo do with them in their games. Side Special generates a Rainbow Bridge that can deal damage to opponents as well as a swift sliding horizontal recovery. For Down Special, we have a counter so hear me out: -Bowser's Dash Attack- And the Up Special conseals your bubble dragon into a bubble you can aim in full 360* for as long as you keep holding onto the B Button then launches upon release. Now comes the Final Smash: Bust-a-Move! You have seven marbles to launch in any angle between 45-135 degrees like in their up throw. The Catch: all of their opponents are ensnared in chains of marbles that the marbles in your posession can burst apart and blow said foes away in an instantaneous KO. So take aim and launch away!

But for every Bandana Dee, there is a Son Goku. Where exactly would Bub and Bob land on that spectrum? If the world were kinder to this twosome, I'd reckon they'd fit right in... but not every fate is paved with good fortune. Like I said before, their company, Taito, was purchased and folded into a larger company: Square Enix which has plenty of IPs to pull from. Why would they bother with some bubble dragons they got in a buyout when they've got a Slime that can get the other half of their union in on the action. In my humble opinion, their odds of getting into the next game are as Assist Trophies at best and Spirits at worst and this should depress the gen X-ers in the Smash Community very much...

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Codename: Bubbly Beasts

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