Page 78: Shadow and Ms. Harrington

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In Brandy and Whiskers' wooden home, Brandy takes out an eyelash curler from her vanity and starts curling them. Whiskers hops in the house on his pogo stick. In the show, he never had one, but in this fic, he does. He giggles obnoxiously as usual. Brandy simply ignores and continues curling her fabulous lashes, trying to keep her cool. Whiskers continues hopping on his pogo stick, still giggling. He stops.

MR. WHISKERS : Hey, Brandy! Wanna try out my new pogo stick?

BRANDY HARRINGTON: Your pogo stick? That thing's for like, little kids. If you think I'm gonna make a fool of myself now, which I have many times, you thought wrong.

WHISKERS : It can jump really high.

BRANDY : I said no, Whiskers. Why not ask Ed?


In a flashback, Ed fails miserably to jump well enough to keep balance on Whisker's pogo stick. The flashback ends.

WHISKERS : He couldn't stay on it.

BRANDY : I rest my case.

Brandy resumes curling her lashes.

WHISKERS : You know, I sometimes ask myself why you get all these fashion accessories.

BRANDY : To make myself look beautiful; duh!

WHISKERS : But you don't have a boyfriend to look good for. That's what I mean.

BRANDY : I just like to. Now just leave me alone and let me do this.

WHISKERS : Sometimes I ask myself if you'll ever find love again. I mean, I did.

BRANDY : Really, now? What's her name?

WHISKERS : Gina. I found her when Isabel swallowed me.

BRANDY : Where is she?

WHISKERS : Back home with her family. You know, you were right, Brandy. I shouldn't have taken the risk of falling in love with someone who can eat me.

BRANDY : Good for you. When can I meet Gina?

WHISKERS : Right now if you want.

BRANDY : Uh... OK.

Brandy gets up from her vanity chair. As Whiskers and her approach the door, a bright purple flash fills the house.


The light disappears and Shadow the Hedgehog has landed in Brandy and Whiskers' home.


BRANDY : [Screams]

Shadow turns around to Brandy. A slight grin crosses his muzzle.

WHISKERS : [In His Occasionally Deep Voice] Stay back, Brandy! I'll get rid of him!

Whiskers picks up his pogo stick and brandishes it like a sword at Shadow.

WHISKERS : [Deep Voice Continuing] Get back, fiend! Back!

SHADOW : [Scoffs] Pathetic.

Shadow grabs the pogo stick and throws Whiskers behind him. Brandy backs away towards the edge in fear.

BRANDY : W-who are you?!! What’re you doing here?!

Suddenly, she gets too close to the edge and falls off. But she grips the wood with her hand, hanging on for dear life.

BRANDY : [Screams] Help!!

Shadow reaches out to Brandy.

SHADOW : Grab my hand!

BRANDY : Why would I do that?!

SHADOW : Because I never meant to scare you and your friend! So please, just grab my hand.

Brandy hesitates, but ends up trusting Shadow and grabs his hand. He pulls her back up. She gasps for air.

BRANDY : You-- you saved my life. Thank you.

SHADOW : I'm so sorry for just barging in like that. I really am... uh--

BRANDY : Brandy. Brandy Harrington of the Florida Harringtons. And I'm very sorry for screaming.

SHADOW : Shadow the Hedgehog. I don't have any family. There's no need to be afraid, canine. I'm not gonna hurt you or your little bunny friend. I'd just like to know if there's a tour guide around here.

Mr. Whiskers gets back up from his impact, looking virtually unscathed.

WHISKERS : You need a tour guide? Why didn't you just say so? We can show you around this jungle!

SHADOW : Brandy looks trustworthy, Mr.--

WHISKERS : Whiskers. I don't have much of a family either.

SHADOW : Really, now? You are a rabbit, so why aren't you multiplying?

BRANDY : He wouldn't know multiplication if it hit him in the head.

SHADOW : I meant like making more rabbits.

WHISKERS : I'm the only one in this whole jungle. So, how about that tour, huh?

The scene shifts to bottom of the tree. Brandy is standing in front of Shadow and Whiskers is beside him.

BRANDY : As you can see Shadow, this is the tree we built that shelter on top of. That's where you somehow appeared and scared us.

SHADOW : Again, I didn't mean to frighten you, Brandy. I thought the world was familiar with my ability to warp using Chaos Control.

BRANDY : Chaos Control? What's that supposed to be?

SHADOW : It is a high-speed teleportation ability that only hedgehogs from my homeland are capable of doing.

WHISKERS : Teleportation? Isn't that the ability to disappear from a certain area and reappear in another area, sometimes farther?

SHADOW : Wow. How did you know that?

BRANDY : He read it in a dictionary.

SHADOW : How old did you say Whiskers was again?

BRANDY : He's only seven.

SHADOW : You mean he's a kid? Then what's he doing out here all alone?

BRANDY : He's not alone. He has me to watch over him. Sometimes I really don't enjoy it.

SHADOW : OK. How long have you and Whiskers known each other?

BRANDY : Well, a long time ago, we fell from an airplane and got stuck here. Whiskers tried looking for a light switch, but he instead opened the cargo hatch and we fell out. So, here we are. I'd say we've been stuck here for almost a year.

SHADOW : Wow. And you managed to survive so long without any help from the U.S.?

WHISKERS : During that time, we've had all kinds of adventures. There was a time when Brandy introduced fashion to the jungle and in no time at all; I became a fashion king.

BRANDY : And that was so not a good idea after all. There was even a time where I promised Whiskers I’d go see some fireflies with him, but I really wanted to go see SugarToad.

SHADOW : SugarToad?

BRANDY : It’s the first rock band to play here in the Amazon.

SHADOW : Where I come from, fashion is not something male hedgehogs take seriously. I mean, I just wear casual clothes along with my gloves and shoes. Brandy, if you say you're from Florida, why doesn't your accent have a southern drawl to it?

BRANDY : Well, I’m the family pet and I wasn’t actually born in Florida. Where were you born?

SHADOW : The Space Colony ARK. That's all I can tell you. I'd rather not discuss my deep background at all. It's not all that good, if you know what I mean.

WHISKERS : You mean you're a.... criminal?!

SHADOW : Well, let's say I wasn't liked. But I didn't care. If they want to be that way, they can be. But after I destroyed the home of an evil alien race, I earned the respect I didn't particularly care for.

WHISKERS : You saw aliens?! What were they like? Why were they trying to invade earth? Did they destroy anything? Did you have any trouble fighting them?

Brandy covers Whiskers' mouth. He continues to mumble his questions.

SHADOW : What's the matter with him?

BRANDY : Forgive him. You see, he’s very annoying. When you say stuff about aliens and comics, it drives him wild.

Brandy kicks him away, out of sight.

SHADOW : Well, pardon me for ruining your bunny's funny. [Chuckles] Is he always like that?

BRANDY : All the time, Shadow. He, like, drives me nuts every day. You won't believe the trouble I go through to get moment’s peace when he goes off.

SHADOW : Brandy, do you, like, have friends here besides Mr. Funny Bunny?

BRANDY : Sure. Would you like to meet them?

SHADOW : If it's what’ll make you happy… Brandy.

BRANDY : What?

They walk off. Whiskers gets up from the bushes, rubbing his head. He sees Brandy and Shadow walking off. He follows.


As Shadow is walking, he takes a long, dreamy glance at Brandy.

SHADOW : [Thinking] Could she be a resemblance to Maria? Her hair is blonde and her eyes are blue. Oh, how I treasured those sparkling, magical eyes.

In his daydream state, he can see a transparent image of Maria align with Brandy. It seems to fit almost perfectly.

BRANDY : [Echoing] Shadow? Shadow!

Back in the forest, Brandy snaps her fingers and awakens Shadow from his fantasy. He wiggles his head, hoping to clear everything.

SHADOW : Oh! Sorry, Brandy. It's just that.. I realized something.

BRANDY : What?

SHADOW : Your eyes... your blonde hair... they look vaguely like that of... Maria.

BRANDY : Maria?

SHADOW : She was the only family I ever knew. She gave me happiness, comfort and sympathy. She was a beautiful little girl and GUN killed her because of something my creator did.

BRANDY : Someone shot her?

SHADOW : Well, yes. GUN is the abbreviation for the Guardian Units of the Nation, a military agency that monitors the U.S. for terrorist activity. The only images I can really remember from that day is one of the agents firing a shot into Maria's fragile little heart. I just couldn't bear it.

BRANDY : I'm so sorry for your loss... that must've been awful.

Shadow is stunned. What he just heard was something nobody's ever told him since Maria died.

SHADOW : No one's ever said that to me before about Maria. Thank you very much, Brandy. I heavily appreciate your sympathy.

BRANDY : You’re welcome, Shadow. I didn’t know she meant SO much to you. You two must've been committed to each other... like me and my ex-boyfriends once were.

SHADOW : Love is very powerful, Brandy. But greed is sometimes more powerful. GUN always used to put their greed before their consideration of others' feelings. Anyways, who are we gonna meet first?

The scene shifts to an area where Cheryl and Meryl usually hang out.

BRANDY : Cheryl, Meryl?

The sassy toucan twins popped their heads out of the leaves of a tree.

CHERYL : Yeah?

MERYL : Yeah?

SHADOW : Hey, there. I'm Shadow the Hedgehog.

CHERYL : Uh... nice to meet ya. What's with the hair?

SHADOW : Oh, that's permanent. I can't change it, really.

CHERYL : How'd you end up here... with Brandy?

SHADOW : Let's just say it was a coincidence.

MERYL : A coincidence? I think it's much more than that, Shadow boy!

SHADOW : What do you mean?

MERYL : You're probably one of those suckas who keeps tryin' to ask Brandy out.

SHADOW : Hmph!

They walk off.

CHERYL : Oh, look what you did!

MERYL : Me? You did it!

They engage in one of their stupid fights again.

SHADOW : What’s with them?

BRANDY : They’re always like that. They fight and it annoys me.

SHADOW : More than Whiskers?

BRANDY : Not really. Whiskers is more annoying. Why don't I take you to meet my more... social friends?

The scene shifts to an area where Ed the Otter is speaking with Lola Boa. The two have been dating since the end of 'A Really Crushing Crush'.

SHADOW : Hey, you two.

Lola freaks and wraps herself around Ed, squeezing him tightly.

ED : [Choking] Lola...! You're... crushing... me....!

Lola loosens her grip and unwraps herself from Ed.

ED : [Gasping]

LOLA : So sorry, Ed.

BRANDY : Lola, Ed, I'd like you to meet Shadow the Hedgehog. He's from America, just like me!

LOLA : Uh... nice to meet you, Mr. Hedgehog.

ED : Well, Mr. Hedgehog, what exactly are you supposed to be? I mean, the hair seems a tad odd.

SHADOW : I'm a hedgehog. Without a hairstyle like mine, I can't defend myself against enemies.

ED : I see. Anyways, I'm Ed the Otter.

LOLA : And I'm Lola Boa.

SHADOW : [Chuckles] I see. Nice to meet you both. I hear you two have helped Brandy survive her stay here in the rainforest. I can only imagine how a domesticated animal like herself can stand these conditions.

ED : On occasions, we sort of messed things up a bit for her.

LOLA : Like the time we were going to a resort and I wanted to go some place else instead.

ED : When we finally got to the resort after such a stressful adventure, it was closed.

SHADOW : You guys were played for saps.

BRANDY : That’s about it, but my reaction was not of anger, but out of laughter - hysterical laughter.

SHADOW : The advertisement you heard about the resort from was probably a bait and switch.

ED : What’s a 'bait and switch'?

BRANDY : It’s where some jokester with a lot of money sets up a convincing ad and when you answer it, what he offered you is gone. A lot of people fall for it. I know we once did.

LOLA : So, tell us a little about yourself, Mr. Hedgehog.

SHADOW : Well, I'm a loner, so I've spent most of my life alone.

ED : You never got lonely?

SHADOW : Well, sometimes. But overall, I like it.

ED : What do you do for a living?

SHADOW : I'm assisting a detective agency back in America.

LOLA : Sounds like a lot of work.

SHADOW : I can get things done in a snap. Well, that's about all there is to say about me, so have a nice day.

Back at the treehouse...

BRANDY : Shadow, I have some questions to ask you.


BRANDY : For one thing, how exactly does this "Chaos Control" work?

SHADOW : If you obtain a Chaos Emerald, you can teleport yourself by simply yelling "Chaos Control". Only hedgehogs with special abilities like myself are chosen by the Chaos Emeralds to have access to their powers.

BRANDY : You mean only those with good souls can teleport themselves?

SHADOW : Well, it's complicated. Anyways, I need to get back to the U.S. Since you've been stuck here and every attempt you've made to get back failed, if you want, grab onto me and I'll take you there.

Brandy becomes stunned by this offer. She has been offered a chance to go home that looks fail-safe. Even though she has been offered this before, this is a chance that can’t fail like it did when Whiskers built a friend that tried to puree him. Brandy’s eyes widen.

BRANDY : What did you say, Shadow?

SHADOW : I mean, if I knew what city you lived in, I could take you both there in no time flat! Simple... as that.

BRANDY : But if I can never see you again, how will I ever thank you?

SHADOW : I don't really know, but do you care for your friends down there as much as you care about getting back home?

BRANDY : To be honest, Shadow, not really.

SHADOW : Well, then, both of you, hang on to me really tight.

WHISKERS : Yes, sir, Mr. Hedgehog!

SHADOW : Don't let go of me until we get there, because this could be a bumpy ride. Chaos... Control!!

A bright purple aura surrounds the group. They disappear from the jungle and are now heading back home.


In Palm Beach, Florida, people hang and lay around the beach to catch rays, swim or just take a coastal drive. The sun is shining brightly on the state that looks like a -- Well, you know what I mean. In the downtown area, people go about their business. Some walk while others take taxi cabs or buses. Some even drive cars. In a secluded alley, a bright purple light shines the side buildings. Brandy, Whiskers and Shadow appear.

SHADOW : This is Florida, right?

Brandy's eyes widen as her number one dream to get back to her home finally comes true.

BRANDY : [Squeals Loudly] Thank you, Shadow!! Thank you, thank you, thank you!

She hugs him tightly and kisses him on the cheek constantly (not by his mouth, of course). Shadow struggles to loosen her grip. Strangely enough, his chest fur is standing on end with each kiss, as if he actually wanted it...

SHADOW : OK, OK! Please let go.

WHISKERS : So long, Shadow the Hedgehog. Thanks for everything.

SHADOW : I'll be sure to keep in touch... Brandy Harrington.

Shadow blows a kiss to her, then leaves. Whiskers gapes. On a rooftop with a view of that alley, an egg-like figure watches.

DR. EGGMAN : So, Shadow has made himself a new friend, eh? Well, let's see if he really cares about her, then. [Maniacal Laughter]

Down below, Brandy is stunned... again. It's become apparent that Shadow is smitten with Brandy.

WHISKERS : I think I see how it is... [Singsong] He likes you...

BRANDY : OK. So I'm beautiful. How different could this be?

WHISKERS : I heard him say you remind him of his ex-girlfriend.

BRANDY : You know, I can't believe you remember that. Let's get home.

They walk into the city together. The scene shifts the front gate of a multi-million dollar mansion. Brandy and Whiskers walk up to the porch. Brandy knocks. The door opens.

DORY HARRINGTON : Brandy?! Is that you?!

Dory Harrington is a character that I made up as Brandy's owner. Even though she's a mother in her late thirties, she is in very good shape and looks beautiful. Anyways, she sheds tears of joy.

BRANDY : Dory?!

Brandy sheds tears as she is reunited with her owner. They hug.

JACK HARRINGTON : What's the big occasion?

DORY : Our Brandy is back home!

Jack Harrington is a character that I made up as Dory’s husband. He is well-built and is handsome. They all hug and shed tears.

JACK : Oh, Brandy! I thought I'd never see you again!

BRANDY : Well, here I am!

All of a sudden, Shadow shows up.

SHADOW : Hey, everyone.

JACK : Who are you?

BRANDY : He's the one who found me and brought me back home. Mom, Dad, say hello to my hero, Shadow the Hedgehog.

DORY : I'm Dory Harrington, Brandy's owner.

JACK : And I'm Jack Harrington, Dory's husband. You know, you actually are a hero here, Mr. Hedgehog.

SHADOW : I know I am, Mr. Harrington. Those humans out there don't get it.

DORY : Well, people can be stubborn.

JACK : But how... did you find her? I mean, where was she?

SHADOW : It was... just a coincidence. I found her in Brazil.

DORY : Well... thank you very much for reuniting us with our Brandy. We owe you a huge debt of gratitude.

JACK : Shadow the Hedgehog...? You're the one who saved the world from the Black Arms, aren't you?

SHADOW : You heard about that, huh?

DORY : Why not come in for some relaxation and pampering? A big hero like you would deserve it.

SHADOW : Sure, Mrs. Harrington.

JACK : Well, come on in. You can explain the rest at the table.

Shadow, Brandy and Whiskers enters the mansion. Inside, Shadow looks around at the sparkle of the clean, tidy house.

SHADOW : Very nice place, Brandy.

BRANDY : Thanks, Shadow.

SHADOW : My pleasure entirely, Brandy.

The scene shifts to the table. The Harringtons, Brandy and Shadow are all sitting enjoying a lunch prepared by the butlers.

DORY : Shadow, these are my sons, Adam and Fred.

Adam is a tall, cool fellow and Fred is a little boy, but looks hip.

ADAM HARRINGTON : How's it goin'?

FRED HARRINGTON : How ya doin'?

SHADOW : Uh.. hello.

WHISKERS : So, you have kids, Mrs. Harrington? Cool!

DORY : Yes, Whiskers.

As they walk along the wide corridors, they talk.

JACK : Brandy, would you mind explaining to your owner and I how you ended up getting stuck in the Amazon?!!

DORY : Jack!! Please calm down. I'm sure it was an accident. Let's not get fussy.

They all stop.

JACK : How could something like this have happened?! How could my beloved Brandy just get lost like that?!

Whiskers begins quivering and sweating with fear and guilt. Jack is very angry and very bewildered as to how his pet ended up going overboard. Jack instantly notices Whiskers' expression and comes face to face with him.

JACK : What's with you? Is there something you'd like to tell me about what happened to Brandy?

WHISKERS : [Sobbing Loudly] It was me, Mr. Harrington!!

DORY : What?

WHISKERS : I did it! I got her stuck in the Amazon! I was just trying to help Brandy out!! I didn't think clearly! Please forgive me!! [Sobbing]

JACK : You? You did it? But... you're just a kid. How could you have done it?

WHISKERS : Brandy and I were roaming around the cargo hold of an airplane. I was trying to find a light switch, but opened the cargo bay door instead. I didn't mean to get her stuck like I did!

Jack is stunned as Whiskers' pupils enlarge.

BRANDY : It's not like me to say this, Jack, but he's right. He didn't mean to.

Jack's rage suddenly dissapates.

JACK : [To Whiskers] But you could've killed her... or even yourself.

WHISKERS : We had a raft to cushion our landing, so we made it out all right.

BRANDY : Jack... please forgive him. Please!

Jack is now in a troubling position. He must chose between his own beliefs and his family's.

JACK : OK... I'll forgive him.


BRANDY : Thanks, Jack. That meant a lot to me. Let's go in the living room. I'm gonna tell you about the adventures Whiskers and I had together.

In the living room, Brandy and Whiskers discuss their adventures.

BRANDY : You see Dory and Jack, me and Whiskers had a lot of crazy adventures in the Amazon. Like the time Tiffany Terlington found us.

In a flashback, Tiffany and Brandy walk down the Mall-aria. It immediately ends.

BRANDY : She found me and we became friends instantly.

DORY : Oh... That must've been a nice little experience.

JACK : To have a new friend in the Amazon.

BRANDY : It didn't last long, because Whiskers built this damn machine and it was going to attack him.

SHADOW : What did you do?

BRANDY : I saved him, but I also missed by chance to get home.

WHISKERS : And I thanked her very much for that.

ADAM : For sure. You're a hero, Brandy.

BRANDY : I guess I was. Thanks, Adam.

WHISKERS : Hey, Brandy, what about the time me and Gaspar were trying to stand up for our rights?

BRANDY : What?

WHISKERS : I was trying to get on that one ride, but I was too short and fought until I got to ride on it.

FRED : How did that turn out?

WHISKERS : I learned a painful lesson there.

BRANDY & WHISKERS : [Together] Height regulations are for a person's own safety.

ADAM : Well, they are. What other crazy adventures did you two have?

WHISKERS : Well, there was the time Brandy discovered she is not a pure-bred Harrington spaniel.

JACK : It's true, Brandy. You, indeed are not pure-bred.

BRANDY : I almost let it take over my life, but it was Whiskers who told me...

BRANDY AND WHISKERS : [Together] "It's not what you're born with; it's what you do with it."

WHISKERS : Right. She won the beauty pageant, but didn't go to Palm Beach. It was a trick.

BRANDY : Actually, it was more of a misunderstanding.

WHISKERS : Right. Including our adventures, there have been many chances for Brandy to go home, but they failed.

DORY : Like what?

WHISKERS : The time we met this Russian monkey who crash-landed in a spacecraft.

BRANDY : He said to us the emergency rescue button would send out a signal that would tell NASA where he is. I thought if I pressed the button, I could go home.

WHISKERS : But there was no equipment to send out a signal at all.

BRANDY : There was also the time where Whiskers swallowed a meteor and it gave him the ability to transmit radio signals through his mouth.

WHISKERS : That was quite a scary experience, indeed. I got a lot of attention... too much attention.

BRANDY : Then I discovered that Whiskers was a two-way radio and tried to call for help.

WHISKERS : But I spit it out before she could tell the rescue copter where she really was.

DORY : Wow. That must've been disappointing.

BRANDY : You think that's disappointing? Me and Whiskers met a pair that looked almost like us.

WHISKERS : Their names were Sandy Carrington and Mr. Frisky.

BRANDY : We had some fun until they proved to be better than us.

SHADOW : At what?

BRANDY : Everything. I mean, Sandy was better at fashion than I was.

WHISKERS : Frisky was better than me at doing stupid things without injuring anyone and/or destroying property. We were jealous, so we tried to force them out of the Amazon.

BRANDY : But they understood and before we could do anything, Whiskers accidentally activated our tree house removal machine and we never saw Sandy or Mr. Frisky ever again.

ADAM : Well... if you really cared about them, you two would've thought before even building that thing.

BRANDY : You're right, Adam. We would have. Yeah, guys. Me and Mr. Whiskers had some pretty crazy adventures together. And I will always be thankful for it.

WHISKERS : So will I, Brandy.

SHADOW : So Brandy, now that we're done discussing your advdentures, maybe you'd like to go outt?

BRANDY : Gee, Shadow... [Nervous Chuckle] I don't know what to say.

Whiskers grabs Brandy's ears and leans her towards him.

WHISKERS : If I were you, Brandy, I would agree because he is one HOT hedgehog. He did get you back home, right? So, go on! Show some gratitude.

BRANDY : I'd love to, Shadow. You know... for being black and sinister-looking, you're actually kind of cute.

Shadow blushes.

SHADOW : You really think so?

BRANDY : Yes, I do. You kind of remind me of Melvin.

WHISKERS : I'll say, Brandy. I mean he's a dark color, his voice...

BRANDY : Can I, Dory?

DORY : Well, he did bring you back to us. He would deserve it.

WHISKERS : Can I go with you guys?

SHADOW : I'd recommend against it. She needs time with me.

So, they left to go have a good time out in the city.


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