Page 64: Growing Relationships

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SARA: and now, Back to Your Regularly Scheduled Fanfiction!

"Oh, THAT'S why." said Kimi in the darkness, only seeing her eyes. She finds a light and clicks it on, showing the setting inside the monster's stomach. "Eww, gross! Kimiko better have a plan for this."

"I better have a plan for this." Kimiko said as she dodged, trying to not get eaten by the monster. "Now where did I place that...Ah! Here it is!"

She took out a black and white walkie-talkie, the one from her flashback (a/n: Sorry I didn't mention this in the first place sweatdrops). It opened and showed a screen with an article of the monster. She reads, "'Creature: Savondor. Can eat anything in his path. Warning: Don't disturb home cave.' I told Kimi not to go in, but nooo!

Just then the Savondor opened his mouth and takes a bite, but Kimiko jumps enough to miss it.

"Man, that was close! I need to kill this dude, but save Kimi! Oh being a superhero's hard...that's it!"

Kimiko thought of an idea, then transformed again, only with first using her possession, and saw an x-ray in the stomach, where Kimi is. It goes off and she flies, going directly into the Savondor's mouth with a GULP.

"Over here."

"Huh?" asked Kimi and turns to see Kimiko. She yelped, startled by her.

"Look, I'm here to save you." Kimiko said.

"Why? With the whole getup?"

Irrirated, she calms down and lets out a mushroom cloud sigh. "Do you wanna get outta here before we get digested or not?"

"Digested?!" exclaimed Kimi. "I don't wanna be coming out of a monster's hole!"

"First, the monster's called a Savondor. Second, there's only one weakness to stop a creature so fearsome like this."

"And that would be..."

"Uh, you might wanna close your eyes. Literally. 'Cause when I pull you out, you ain't gonna like it."

"Huh?" Now Kimi was confused.

"Just close them."

Kimi obeyed and shut her eyes as Kimiko smirks. This part will be gruesome for all your young folks out there. So, the Savondor felt a rumble in his tummy and blasted. Kimiko holding Kimi brusted out through the stomach, covered in blood, even a kidney.

"Yuck! Remind myself when I go out through a demon's innings again." Kimiko said and spat out her tongue.

It roared in pain, but instantly, the hole grew back to its body. Kimiko places Kimi down who wakes up.

"Wha..." she started puzzled. Then she looks at herself. "Why am I covered in blood?" she sniffed under her armpits. "And why do I smell bad?"

"Long story," replied Kimiko. "Now, I have some business to take care of." she blasted into the air like a rocket, and stops floating staring at the Savondor. "Bring it on, baby!"

The Savondor roars again in response and fight. Kimiko does a battle cry and punches, kicks, and tickles it to death. However the monster comes back for more.

"What was the weakness again? Oh..." Kimiko groaned. Next the demon WHACKS her with its spikey tail and knocks her to the ground.

Kimi gasps. "My friends back home are SO not gonna believe this! Whoever you are, watch out!" Cut, she was gonna know who her was in the next moment while Kimiko changed back. She gasps again. "What the...? MY FRIEND'S A SUPERHERO?!?" She was going to go closer, but the Savondor wouldn't let her as it stepped in her path. "Hey! You can't stop me!" she then violently kicked it. After a pause, it quivered and cried, gallons of tears pouring out. It ran away, scared like a cowardly baby. "Ok...ay." Weird," she checks Kimiko for any scars, scrapes, etc. Then she finds the walkie-talkie and picks it up. "A walkie-talkie?"

Kimiko woke up from the mess and gets up. She sees an angry Kimi, standing beside of her, glaring. "What?"

"Don't what me!" Kimi snapped. "How did you...the powers...Savondor..." she stammers, stuck to think of anything else.

Let's face it. She knew. She blew it. She saw everything. Kimiko sighs and says, "Look, I know it's really, really hard, but..." Just then she spots her personal object Kimi was holding. "Give me that!" she snatches it from her. "Don't you ever touch this! Don't you ever touch it again!!!" she yelled in frustation.

"Me?" shouted Kimi. "I'm not the one who lied! I thought we were friends."

"But we are."

"Well, you're not gonna keep it up if you do stuff like this." stated Kimi as she turned back, arms crossed. Kimiko was about to say something, but stopped and sighed, in defeat.

"Fine. If you wanna know..."

She explained to her about being a universal traveler, why the walkie-talkie was important, and chosen as the 'one'. One down, two to go.

"So, when you were little, about six months ago, you were chosen to like, save the entire galaxy and have all the superpowers known to man, but have to keep it a secret because it's too dangerous and only tell three people not more nor less?" questioned Kimi. Kimiko nodded.

"And don't think this is a dream, sister!" Kimiko said. "Want a rerun?"

"No, no. I'm fine."

"Great. Then let's get the heck out of here. I think staying here longer will get us into more danger."


With that, both start to walk out. But, something catches their eyes. It was a glowing green object. Kimiko picks it up, and it turned out to be a stone. It stopped glowing.

"Now how come we didn't see this before?" asked Kimiko.

"I don't know," said Kimi. "Why would a rock be glowing?"

"They're lot of strange things on this island. That I like, and that I don't. Fortunately this is one of the things that I like."

"You're not gonna bring that with you?" Kimi quired flabbergasted.

"Duh! Who knows, it might even contain a power. A power that we'll need." Kimiko smiled.

Later, Danny, Jake, Jenny, and June are eating mangos and peaches as lunch.

"Since you're a robot, how do you eat?" asked Jake.

"Easy. I packed some lug nuggets." Jenny replied as she pulled out a bag of lug nuggets and started crunching on them like popcorn.

"You came prepared?"

"No, my mom had to pack these. She says I'll be out for a long time."

"So she was right." Danny said. Jenny nodded.

"Danny, how did you become half ghost anyway?" questioned June.

"Uh, well, it started in my parents lab a year ago. The next thing I knew, I'm Danny Phantom!" Danny replied. June chuckled at this.

Jake turned to Danny. "Uh Danny, can I talk to you?"

"Sure." Then Jake grabs Danny to a corner. The girls, stop and stare eyes open, then continue eating. "What's up?"

"You're not trying to hit on June, are ya?"

"! June's nice, but there's someone else I like." Danny said, gazing at Jenny. Then he turns to Jake again. "Wait, do you like June?"

"Well..." Jake blushed. "She's nice. And beautiful. I know there's Rose, but we met like like we knew each other since babies." he explained.

"Besides you two are magical warriors?"

"Yeah dog. Give me five." they high fived each other. "No I mean your money. Eh, just kiddin'."

"Danny's wonderful, isn't he?" questioned June.

"Ohh, you like him, don't you?" said Jenny curious.

", uh..." June blushed. "...he's cute."

"Cute? Don't you mean, handsome?"

"Totally!" June blurted.

"Then ask out out!" Jenny said.

"Oh yeah. I'll just walk up to him and say, 'I like you a whole lot. How about we hang out?'" June snapped sarcastically.

"No. I mean, talk to him more. I bet you two have lots in common."

"You're right," said June. "You're right."

The boys walk over again and June gets up, ready to ask Danny her question.

"Hey June." Jake greeted.

"Danny can I talk to you?" June ignored him.

"What?" Danny asked. He looked at Jake who gave him a 'must-be-for-you' head gesture. "Okay."

June grabs Danny as they run off. Jake and Jenny blink.

"Uh, what just happened?" asks Jake.

"I don't know." Jenny spoke as she sipped from her mango cup.

"What's up?" Danny asked.

"It's" June smiled.

"Huh?" he said puzzled.

"Think about it. In a movie/reality show, the people get stuck on an island and have...romance."

Now Danny understands. "Whoa whoa whoa. This isn't like you. You're more like...tough. And...and..I like it." he admitted.

She grins. "I knew you would."

Both look into each other's eyes lovingly and soon stop.

"So...You wanna hang out? Just the two of us?"

She says eagerly, "Yes!"

"That's great! Come on!" he grabs June's hand and they go off.

In a montage, Danny and June walk through the jungle, holding hands. Then they sit behind a tree, and do a toast with their mango cup, and sip. Both see a strange little monkey being chased by others, but bigger. Danny puts out his index finger and shoots the big monkeys chasing him. June smirks and the little monkey climbs on top of them, as they laugh. Next Danny dives wearing only his boxers into the water, near the waterfall where him and Jenny battled and found the blue stone. June gets splattered and laughs, only wearing a pink bikini and sunglasses. Finally at the end of the day, the two fall down and have their eyes looking at the sky. End of montage.

"Wow, today's been great, hasn't it?" asked Danny.

"And it's only 4 o' clock." June joked even though it was true judging by the sun direction. "I wonder what Jake and Jenny are gonna think."

"Jake!" Danny yelled. He forgot about how Jake lies her, not vice versa. "Oh man! We gotta get back."

"I was thinking the same." replies June.

When they return back, the two see a frowning Jenny and Jake lazily reading a comic book.

"I knew you two would come back!" Jenny shouted in their faces. "I had to do all the work! I hate it when machines do all the work."

"We're sorry Jenny, we understand." Danny apologized.

"What were you guys doing anyway?"

"Uh..." stuttered June and Danny. They didn't want Jenny and Jake to know what they've been doing. "...nothing." both smiled innocently. Jenny raises an eyebrow as Jake peeks over, puts the comic down, and walks over.

"You two haven't been hanging out, have you?" he asked suspiciously.


"Well would you look at the time!" Danny said. "We must really get going."

"But it's only 4:00, and there's no monsters." Jenny stated.

"Look! A cyclops behind you!" June pointed.

"Where?" Jenny and Jake asked, turning around. After seeing no cyclops, they turn back to see no Danny or Jake.

"Aw man!" Jake groaned.

Mac, Lilo, Stitch, and Bloo hike some more continuing from yesterday.

Finally, Bloo snaps. "I'm sick of walking! I'm sick the silence! And I'm sick of looking at your guys' behinds! Especially Stitch's."

Stitch growls. "Naga questa! Let me at him!" he snarled, and began to attack Bloo. Luckily, Mac and Lilo broke the fight holding their 'simblings'.

"Calm down, Bloo! Everything will be alright!" Mac said.

"But my feet are getting tired of walking!" said Bloo.

"You don't have any feet." Lilo corrected.

After a pause, the imaginary friend says, "I know."

Suddenly, Stitch sniffs out something like a hound dog.

"What is it Stitch?" asked Lilo.

"Monster!" Stitch responded.

"What? More black creatures?" Bloo asked.


The three look at one other until a group of monsters that look like wolves, but are on natural. This, is natural (a/n: There are some monsters I make up, and others from companies, since one guy is soon gonna appear), and called, Hiolnes.

"What are they suppose to be?"

"I don't know." Mac said to Bloo.

"Good, 'cause they're UGLY!"

"You said that last time."

"All monsters are ugly! Just look at them."

"Back at the wolf creatures, how do we fight them?" asked Lilo. "Stitch can't because they'll burn him to a crisp."

"True, but what about...

Mac got cut off when one threw a fireball at Stitch, who blocked it. He climbed up the nearest tree, pulled some bark off a tree, and throws it at them. However, this only makes them stronger and larger.

"Never mind." he sighed.

The Hiolnes threw fireballs at the trees, burning them. Stitch jumped off, and now there was a forest fire! Mac, Bloo, Lilo, and Stitch hunch together, scared, surrounded by the Hiolnes and getting closer by the second.

"We're doomed." Stitch squeaked.

"DOOMED!" howled Bloo. "Hey wait a sec? Mac, remember?" he winked.

"Bloo, I can't." he said sadly.

"What is it?" Lilo butt in. "Is it gonna help us?"


"Mac, if it is, now's the time!" she pleaded.

Mac looked at her and Bloo, then he took out the yellow stone from his backpack. With that, it glowed and a giant thunderstorm appeared. Thunder clashed and so did lighting, as it started to rain. Before the Hiolnes layed a paw on them, the rain made the fire disappear(same for the trees) as so did they, who burned into ashes, saying their last howl. Then the stone glowed some more and the sun came out. All was left around the four were ashes and burnt trees.

"Ooooh." Stitch said in amazement.

"It was cool, wasn't it?" asked Bloo.

"Really." Lilo thanks Mac by hugging him. "Mac, you totally saved us!"

"Actually it was kinda obivous." said Stitch. Lilo punches him on the shoulder. "Ow!"

"Heh, it was no problem." said Mac easily.

"Where did you find that, anyway?" quired Lilo.

"It was attached to this note." Bloo replied, as he pulled the note out and gave it to Lilo.

"'Yellow Stone: Ability to change the weather.'" she read.

"Yeah, we know."

"Interesting." Lilo smirked, looking directly at Mac. i"Mac's pretty good after all."/i

Is Lilo really impressed? Does Danny really like June? Is Kimiko actually important? Where are the others? And why do I put down questions at the end of every chapter? Cause I wanna. The Rest of The Ansers to these Questions and More Next time

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