Page 180: Peril

From Accct Wiki

(Ran Out of Money, Could Only Afford A Spongebob Script Heavily Altered To Have Video Game Characters)

It was a peaceful Saturday morning in the spring at the Smash Mansion. Dr. Hoshi was conducting strange experiments as usual. May was in the living room, watching Yoshi and Peppy's strange act.

Yoshi laughed, as he held up two burger patties. "Hey May," Yoshi said, "Watch this! Two, highly refined burger patties. But when tossed at a right angle, they become..."

"A ONE WAY TICKET TO PAIN!" Peppy Ankylosaurus completes, as he lands on the patties Yoshi tosses and crashes into a nearby wall.

May applauds as several people outside watch in amazement. they all cheer as Mario comes out from his room.

"Momma mia!" Mario exclaims. "What are you two dinosaurs doing?"

"We're attracting customers," Yoshi says.


May walked towards Mario. "Well, they wanted to attract some people over, so they're doing several shows for the people."

Peppy nodded. "Yeah, and the only way to do that is to get hurt."

"Real bad..." Yoshi admits.

Mario snorted. "Oh please-a! What kind of idiots told ya that?"

Marth and Roy could both be seen in the background. They both nervously chuckled, and then ran out of the room.

Mario sighed. "Look, instead of killing yourselves," Mario said. He smiled as he finished, "I got something better for you two to do for me."

Yoshi and Peppy's eyes widended in excitement. "REALLY?"

Mario chuckled and nodded. "Yep. You two...get to paint the Upper Attic of the mansion!"

"YAAAY!" Yoshi and Peppy cheered loudly.

"BUT..." Mario warned. "It is to be done with PERMAMENT paint."

Mario hands both Yoshi and Peppy the cans of permament paint.

Peppy scratched his head. "But...why would we need the permament paint for?"

"So it will never come off," Mario replies. He then turns serious. "But...if I see paint on ANYTHING BUT WALL..."

Yoshi, Peppy, and even May started to tremble in fear as Mario finished, "I'M GONNA KILL THE BOTH OF YOU PEA-BRAINED DINOSAURS, AND MOUNT YOUR SKELETONS ON MY WALL!"

Yoshi and Peppy whimpered as they ran up towards the attic. When they entered into it, Mario shouted up, "So have fun with the job!"

Inside the attic, both Yoshi and Peppy looked around in awe. They were so many objects on the walls that had to be painted.

"Peppy?" Yoshi asked.

Peppy turned to Yoshi. "Yeah, Yoshi?"

Yoshi gulped. "Mario sure has a lot of stuff in this attic..."

Peppy nodded. "Yeah..."

Yoshi scratched the back of his head. "Do you think we should take the stuff off?"

Peppy grunted. "No way, Yoshi. We're not being paid to move stuff."

Yoshi lost his casual smile. "Peppy, we're not getting paid at all."

Peppy rolled his eyes. "We're not getting paid, and that's final!"

Yoshi sighed to himself. "Okay...we'll just leave the stuff on the wall."

"Good," Peppy said, "Just don't pay me."

Yoshi pondered, and then he turned to Peppy. "First, we're gonna have to set up the tarp."

"Tarp ahoy!" Peppy shouted, as both he and Yoshi released it onto the ground. It was only roughly 8 inches.

Yoshi looked at Peppy. "We're gonna need more coverage, Peppy."

Peppy nodded. "Gotcha."

Several Minutes Later...

The room was filled with several tarps. Yoshi smiled. "Now that's what I'm talking about!"

"Yeah!" Peppy cheered.

The two dinosaurs looked at the paint, and then at each other.

Yoshi trembled. "Well...time to start painting on these walls..."

"That will never, ever, come off." Peppy added, scared.

Yoshi started to shake in fear. "And if we get them on anything, Mario will kill us."

Peppy gulped. "And mount our skeletons on the wall!"

Yoshi opens a can of paint and takes out a brush. He looks at it. "I...think we should use a smaller brush." he says. He then gets out a smaller brush.

Peppy also gets out a smaller brush, but it's a toothbrush. "Oops, wrong one," He says, as he throws it away.

Yoshi walks towards the wall, with sweat dropping down from his head. "Well...time to get started on painting this wall." Yoshi says, "Without getting any PERMAMENT paint on anything...gulp...but the wall."

Peppy bites his claws.

Yoshi gulps and approaches the wall with the paint. "Well, here it goes..."

One Hour Later

Yoshi was still standing there. "Just give me a few seconds, and I'll be painting this wall!"

Two Hours Later

Yoshi gulped. "I'm getting to the painting..."

Three Hours Later

Peppy is seen holding the time cards. "Will you move along? I'm running out of time cards."

Yoshi gasped. "Not...a...problem..." He drops a smalldrop of paint on the wall; the paint starts going down. Yoshi gasps. "YIPE!" He shouts.

"Quick!" Peppy ushers. 'Stop it before it hits anything else!"

Yoshi blows the paint, in a failing attempt to have it not go down. The paint stops, and Yoshi takes out a hairdryer and blows atthe paint. Yoshi smiles as he blows the hairdryer. "Yeah. Now that's what I'm talking abou-HUH?" Yoshi exclaims.

Now a giant paint bubble is floating.

Yoshi slaps his forehead. "Aw crap! What could be worse than a giant paint bubble?"

Peppy jumped up and down in excotement. "Oh! I know!" He says. He blows another paint bubble, and looks at Yoshi. "TWO giant pain bubbles!"

Yoshi gripes. "D'OOOOOOOH!"

The two giant paint bubbles form.

Peppy stares at the bubble in awe. "Whoa."

Yoshi gulped. "Peppy..."

Peppy turned to Yoshi. "Yeah, Yoshi?"

Yoshi sweatdropped. "I don't think this can get any bigger."

Peppy laughed. "Nonsense!" Peppy pumps the paint bubble, making it larger.

Yoshi gasped. "PEPPY, NOOOOO! "

Peppy continued to pump, until the giant paint bubble was so big, it was bound to burst. And right at that moment...


The entire room was covered with paint. Ironically, the only thing in the room that was covered with paint were the walls.

Yoshi and Peppy both gasped in awe as they saw the entire attic re-painted.

"Sweet!" Peppy said, surprised.

Yoshi smiled. "Peppy, we did it! We painted the whole attic, and we even did it without getting any paint on-"

However, before Yoshi could continue, he noticed a very small drop of paint on a picture of Mario's prized star.

"SWEET MOTHER OF GOD!" Yoshi shouted in disbelief. When he squinted, he could see the paint. he wheezed, and then fell on the ground.

Peppy walked towards his dinosaur chum. "Are you all right, Yoshi?"

Yoshi cried out waterfalls as he got back up. "We're so dead, Peppy! Do you know..." Yoshi points at the painting. "...What that is?"

Peppy looked at it. "'s a picture!" He smiled. "I win!"

Yoshi blabbered. "That's not just any old painting! It's a painting of Mario's FIRST star! His most prized position...AND WE GOT PAINT ON IT!"

Peppy chuckled. "I think you're overreacting, Yoshi, cause I don't see any paint."

Yoshi gasped, and took the painting off of the wall. "Not a problem," he said. he started to wipe it, but it got messier. Yoshi wiped it harder, and the whole painting was covered with permament paint.

"D'OH!" Yoshi cursed.

Peppy's eyes widened as he saw the paint on the painting. "OH! Now I see it!"

Yoshi shook in horror. "This is not good, Peppy. THIS IS NOT GOOD!"

Peppy lost his smile. "Why?"

Yoshi tried not to breathe so fast, since he was in a major panic. "Mario is gonna come up soon, and if he sees what we DID to his painting..."

We quickly flash to Yoshi and Peppy's imaginations, where their skeletons are mounted on the wall. Mario, on his chair in front of the skeletons, sips his coffee and he looks at the skeletons.

"NOOOOO!" Yoshi and Peppy cried in horror.

Peppy came up with an idea. "Look, all we gotta do is just clean off the paint, and Mario wouldn't notice!" He shouted.

Yoshi gulped. "But Mario said that-"

"FORGET WHAT MARIO SAID!" Peppy roared. Yoshi cowered behind a nearby plant as Peppy continued, "Every paint has to come off with something!"

Several minutes later, Yoshi and a beaten-up Peppy are standing in front of a computer.

"NOTHING IS WORKING!" Yoshi cried.

Peppy thought up of something. "WAIT! We're NOT cavemen!" The yellow Ankylosaurus pointed to the computer in front of them. "We have technolodgy."

Peppy then takes the computer and smashes it on the painting. The painting is battered up, but it's still covered with permament paint.

Yoshi frowned. "It didn't work."

Peppy growled in frustration. "You know what, Yoshi? This is all Mario's fault! I mean, if he didn't hang this frickin' painting on the wall in the first place! I mean, it's not like you can't just simply take another picture of a star and hang it on the wall in the other's place! And it's not like a star isn't a common sight. WHY HANG IT? You can just use ANY DAMN STAR THERE IS IN THIS ENTIRE UNIVERSE! And you could just-"

"Hurry, Peppy, go fetch a star!" Yoshi said, suddenly overjoyed.

Peppy shrugged. "I don't know where you're going with this plan, but okay." Peppy then ran out of the attic from a window and fell to the ground. Yoshi sweatdroped as Peppy got back up. He moaned, but was able to still have enough stamia to get a star.

Yoshi prayed on the ground as he watched Peppy disappear. "I hope Peppy gets back here before it's too late..."

Peppy Ankylosaurus ran frantically as he avoided the cars on the highway. It took him several minutes, but finally, the yellow Ankylosaurus manage to make it onto the other side. "PHEW!" Peppy said to himself as he wiped his forehead with a napkin. "That was some exercise. But now, I have to find that star!"

Peppy started walking towards a nearby town, which lead to a huge city, with a huge building in its center. This was Nintendo Headquarters, the home of all Nintendo products.

Peppy sighed to himself. "Well, might as go make the best out of it." And looking back once more at the Smasher Mansion, Peppy Ankylosaurus ran to the nearby town.

Yoshi paced around in a hurry. “Gah…what is TAKING Peppy so long…gotta think of someway to maintain cool…” He got an idea and picked up a phone. Bowser picked up the phone. “Yello?”

“Is this Pizza Palace?” Yoshi asked.

Bowser fumed. “NO! This is NOT Pizza Palace for the 1, 000, 000th frickin’ time!” He hung up the phone and sighed heavily to himself.

Fox looked at Luigi. “What’s up with him?”

Luigi sighed. “We always get the wrong phone calls, and Bowser is usually the one to answer them.”

“Oh…” Fox said, as he looked back at Bowser.

Bowser sighed to himself again. “Someday, when I get older, I’m going to retire and move to New York.”

Yoshi frowned. “Aw man…wrong number. Maybe this one will be better.” He picks up the phone again.

The phone dials. “Hello, you have just reached Waluigi’s voicemail. And if you are hearing this, then flick off, ya two-eared skinny prick.”

Yoshi gasped, and he dropped the phone. “I hope Peppy is having better luck than I am…”

And speaking of Peppy Ankylosaurus, back in Nintendo City… Peppy sighed. “All right, I’m here. Now what do I do…?” He asked himself, as he looked around.

“Well…” Said a voice from somewhere, “You can maybe adjust to making a living here.”

Peppy jumped in surprise. “Wha? What are you talkin’ about?”

The voice turned out to be…Shigeru Miyamato!

“SHIGERU MIYAMATO?” Peppy shouted in surprise.

Shigeru laughs. “That’s right, Peppertino Alfredo 'Peppy' Ankylosaurus the Seventh! I am here to show you the magical world of Nintendo HQ!”

Peppy sweatdropped. “First of all, lose the details. It's just Peppy Ankylosaurus," He said, "Second of all, what do you mean...Nintendo HQ?”

But before Shigeru could reply, he was blasted by several laser shots. Peppy looked around, and he saw Bill Gates, right in front of him.

"Why hello, there!” Bill Gates said, “I’m Bill Gates!”

Peppy gasped. “Bill Gates?”

All of the Nintendo employees screamed as they ran out of the Nintendo HQ.

Bill laughed. “That’s right, Peppy! I have come to show you the greatness of Microsoft!”

Peppy frowned. “But…I’m a Nintendo fan-made character. I belong with Nintendo.”

Bill laughed. “You just wait until you see the wonders of Microsoft HQ!”

Peppy screamed, as Bill Gates grabbed him and went into the warp portal that lead to the headquarters of Microsoft…

Back with Yoshi, everyone’s favorite green dinosaur tries his best to calm down, but nothing is working as he planned. “Okay, okay,” he said to himself, “Maybe just one more called.” He got out his cell phone and started dialing. The phone started ringing, and picking it up from the other line was…

Chad the Charmander yawned as he answered the phone. “Hello? Who is it?”

“Chad?” Yoshi said, “It’s me.”

Chad yawned. “Yoshi, do you know what time it is?”

Yoshi nodded. “Yeah, but I thought it would be nice to talk to you and all. Especially since you and I are friends and such. It’s coincidental that-“

“Yoshi,” Chad said.

Yoshi stopped talking instantly. “Yeah Chad?”

“You and I BOTH know that you are just using me so that you don’t have to have a heart attack,” Chad the Charmander explained.

Yoshi gasped. “WHAT? That is NOT true!”

Chad yawned. “All right, I’m listening.”

Yoshi sweatdropped. “Uh…Marco-“

“Polo,” Chad finished as he slammed the phone.

Yoshi grumbled, and he hung up the phone. “All right, that settles it,” He said, “I need help.”

A Few Minutes Later….

“Dr. Hoshi!” Yoshi frantically shouted, as he ran down the hallways of the Smash Mansion.

Dr. Hoshi sighed as he approached Yoshi. “What is it, Yoshi?”

Yoshi gasped. “Dr. Hoshi…me and Peppy got paint on Mario’s first star…and we sorta need some help.”

Dr. Hoshi shook his head. “Tell me everything.”

Many hours later…

“So that’s it,” Dr. Hoshi said.

Yoshi nodded after his long explanation. “Yeah. Now will you help me?”

Dr. Hoshi sighed. “Oh, all right. But first, you must come to my lab.”

Yoshi scratched his head. “Um…why?”

Dr. Hoshi sighed as he and Yoshi started walking down the hallway. “I’ll explain to you later on.”

Yoshi looked at the word count. “Um, Dr. Hoshi?”

“What is it, Yoshi?” Dr. Hoshi asked, wanting to end this stupid chapter so that I won’t get into trouble and-HUH? Don’t listen to me babbling!

“We have, like, only 3 pages worth of this chapter, and we have about almost 1, 000 words.”

Dr. Hoshi rolled his eyes. “BIG WHOOP.”

Yoshi sighed. “I wonder how Peppy is doing with that star searching of his…”

Back with Peppy Ankylosaurus… “As you can see, Peppy,” Bill Gates explained, “We are using specialized robots to do all of our dirty work, and we aren’t getting dirty in the progress.”

Peppy sighed. “Oh man, the humor here is dry.”

“We also have Tom Cruise,” Bill Gates added.

Suddenly, Tom Cruise appeared out of nowhere and pointed at Peppy. “You’re a jerk!”

Peppy rolled his eyes. “Pffft! Whatever!” He scoffed.

Bill Gates fumed. “HEY! Don’t insult the great Tom Cruise! If there is a man of reason, you look up to Tom Cruise!”

“You’re a jerk!” Tom Cruise randomly shouted again.

Peppy gave Bill Gates a long stare. “Are you serious…?’’

Bill Gates nodded. “Of course I’m serious! It’s how we boost up fanfics such as these, and how we keep this chapter exceed over 1, 000 words.”

Peppy scratched his head. “How many words do we have now?”

Bill gates checked his computer. “About 1, 088 words.”

Peppy sweatdropped. “Oh man…this has been one chapter…and how many pages have we gone through?”

“Four pages, to be exact,” Bill Gates said.

Peppy gasped. “Wowzers!”

Tom Cruise pointed at Peppy. “You’re a jerk!”

Peppy groaned and looked at Bill Gates. “How many times is Tom Cruise going to say that?” He asked.

“Say what?” Bill Gates said in confusion.

“You’re a jerk!” Tom Cruise said, as he pointed at Peppy again.

“That,” Peppy flatly said, as he gave Tom Cruise a cold stare.

“Oh…” Bill Gates said. He shrugged. “Well, we accidentally dropped a bunch of anvils on his head, and thus, he became this-“

“You’re a jerk!” Tom Cruise shouted again, as he pointed at Peppy.

Peppy growled. “What the hell is your problem, buddy?” Peppy barked angrily at Tom.

Tom Cruise did nothing else but point at the angry yellow Ankylosaurus and say the same thing again. “You’re a jerk!”

Peppy placed his hands on his hips. “Ya know what? YOU’RE A JERK!” he retorted.

“No, YOU ARE!” Tom barked back.

“YOU ARE!” Peppy Ankylosaurus shouted.

“YOU ARE!” Tom Cruise shouted.

“YOU ARE!” Peppy Ankylosaurus shouted.

“YOU ARE!” Tom Cruise shouted.

Bill Gates growled, and then he shoved both Peppy Ankylosaurus and Tom Cruise into a soda machine. “YOU BOTH ARE JERKS!”

“WHY YOU!” peppy shouted, as he tried to get out.

“YOU’RE A JERK!” Tom Cruise shouted, as he was being squished.

Bill Gates sighed as he walked off. He took out a golden star, which was from Nintendo. “Stupid fools…I’m going to use this star to see what Nintendo is planning…” He cackled evilly as he walked off, and the scene faded out. Peppy moaned as he got up. He looked at the unconcious Tom Cruise, then glared at Bill Gates's shadow.

"Grrr...I'll show 'im!" Peppy said, as he opened a warp portal and hoped into it.

Bill Gates laughed to himself. "Mwahaha! I DID it! I took the star that Peppy Ankylosaurus needed to repay back Mario! AND I broke the fourth wall while doing it!" He cackled like a maniac.

Meanwhile, just outside of Microsoft Headquarters, Yoshi and Dr. Hoshi were coming close to it with a Nintendo DS radar.

"So, DR. HOSHI! Are you sure that this will get us that star faster?" Yoshi asked.

Dr. Hoshi nodded. "I'm 100 sure, Yoshi. Besides, it's not like you can find a better way to end this crappy story."

Yoshi sweatdropped. "Uh...doc..."

Dr. Hoshi looked at Yoshi. "What, Yoshi?"

Yoshi rubbed the back of his head. "You know that comment you made? It's gonna get this story bumped into K+."

Dr. Hoshi shook his head. "Yoshi, this stupid story is rated teen. Can't you just live with that?"

Yoshi shrugged. "Dah well. I can." Something then came into his mind. "Hey, have you seen that episode where May was crying?"

Dr. Hoshi shrugged. "No, not really. Why?"

"I think she wet herself or something," Yoshi said, "Maybe she was hungry or she lost to Drew."

Dr. Hoshi shook his head. "No, it can't be. May would probably get over that. But losing to HARLEY..."

Yoshi shuddered. "Oh, don't remind me about Harley. He scares the crud outta me."

Dr. Hoshi laughed. "Looks who's talking."

Just as the two dinosaurs continued to talk, Bill Gates came running out, and he collided with Dr. Hoshi and Yoshi.

"OOF!" Bill Gates grunted.

"OWWW!" Yoshi moaned.

"ARGH!" Dr. Hoshi growled.

The star Bill Gates was holding suddenly flew up, and came back down to the west direction. A wap portal appeared where the star was, and out came Peppy Ankylosaurus.

"YES!" He cheered, grabbing the star and doing a victory dance. "I got the star! I got the star!"

Bill Gates got onto his knees, and screamed like Darth Vader. "NOOOOOOO!"

Yoshi cheered. "WOOT! Great job, Peppy!"

Dr. Hoshi nodded. "You're not bad for a species that have lower intellect than primates."

Peppy continued doing his victory dance, when he heard Dr. Hoshi's heinous comment. He growled and glared at Dr. Hoshi. "HEY!"

Dr. Hoshi chuckled. "I couldn't help it," The highly intellegent purple Yoshisaurus admitted.

Yoshi shook his head. "C'mon, guys. Let's go back to the SSBM Mansion and put this star in place of Mario's First Star." Yoshi said, stepping up.

Peppy and Dr. Hoshi nodded. "Good point, Yoshi."

And with that, the three dinosaurs left Microsoft Headquarters via warp portal and somehow made it back to Nintendo City.

Bill Gates was still on the ground, mumbling how he lost the star he had. he got up and shook his fist in the air. "JUST YOU WAIT, NINTENDO!" He cursed, "I WILL GET YOUR STAR! AND YOUR CHARACTERS WILL ALL BE MINE! MWAHAHA!" He cackled evilly.

Master Chief came out and looked at Bill Gates strangely. "Okay, no more internet connections for you," He said, as he dragged in Bill Gates.

Back at Nintendo City, Dr. Hoshi explained to everyone except Mario why he went to Microsoft Headquarters with Yoshi to rescue Peppy Ankylosaurus and get the star. Yoshi and Peppy Ankylosaurus went back up in the attic, just in time to place the star back.

"PHEW!" Yoshi said, whiping his forehead with a napkin. "That was TOO close. We manage to do it, Peppy."

Peppy nodded. "Yeah. It's just lucky that we..." The yellow Ankylosaurus then spotted a snack machine, and the price for it said "1 Star Required". He looked at the newly placed star, then grabbed it, rushed to the snack machine, and put the golden object in.

Yoshi's jaw dropped. "PEPPY! NO!"

Peppy smiled, but then the star popped back out.

Yoshi sighed, relieved. "Oh, thank God. Quickly, Peppy, put that star-"

Peppy then pushed the star back in, which caused Yoshi to scream in horror.

"NO! Why, Peppy, why?" Yoshi screamed.

The golden star came out again, which caused Peppy to growl.

Yoshi sighed relieve again. "Quickly, Peppy! Get the star! Get the star!" His eyes turned red. "GET THE FRICKIN' STAR!"

Peppy Ankylosaurus then pushed in the star again, but with both of his hands and kept then there for a while. Yoshi could do nothing but cry as their only chance to save themselves was gone.

A Few Minutes Later...

Peppy Ankylosauus came up to Yoshi, with a chocolate bar. "Want a bite?" The yellow Ankylosaurus asked.

If you saw how angry Yoshi was, then you would understand. Because of his stupid yellow Ankylosaurus friend, their chances of themselves not getting into trouble lowered. And since Mario would fume if he knew his star got ruined, Yoshi didn't have nothing else in mind but replace the star.

"Peppy..." Yoshi growled.

Peppy looked at Yoshi. "Yeah, ol' buddy?" He asked his green dinosaur friend.

Yoshi started choking Peppy, exactly how Homer Simpson would choke Bart Simpson from the Simpsons.


As Yoshi let go, Peppy gasped. "I'm...sorry...about...that...but...I...hadn'" Peppy said.

Yoshi slapped his forehead, when he heard Mario humming. He panicked. "GAH!" Yoshi screamed. "Peppy, put that star back on the wall! I got an idea!"

Peppy nodded, and the yellow Ankylosaurus grabbed the tainted star and placed it where it originally was. Yoshi then stacked the star's place with tons of other pictures.

After a few minutes, both Yoshi and Perppy went to the front of the attic door, just as Yoshi turned of the light.

Mario finally came in, and he sweatdropped. "What the?"

Yoshi and Peppy both nervously chuckled as Mario turned on the lights.

"We're all done, sir," Yoshi said.

Peppy nodded. "Yeah. We did all the looking for ya."

Mario chuckled. "Sure, sure. Let's see how you did."

He looked around the attic, examining the specific items. Yoshi and Peppy nervously trembled as they sweatdropped.

Mario nodded, and he turned back to Yoshi and Peppy. "Well, there's no trouble here." He started walking towards the paintings. "Okay, you're free to go-OWW!" He crashed into the most tiled painting. He looked at it strangely. "Hey, I don't remember this painting." He examined it, and gasped. "In fact...I don't remember this...AT ALL!" He started throwing the paintings out of the stacks.

Yoshi and Peppy started worrying. Mario then stumbled at the last painting, his original star, and he fumed. "Yoshi...Peppy..." He growled, glaring at the two dinosaurs. "Did you two ruined my first star?"

Yoshi and Peppy both cried and fell to their knees. "We're sorry, Mario!"

"And did you...draw all over it..." He growled, taking a look at the painting, and them back at the two dinosaurs, "with CRAYON?"

Peppy was revealed to have a crayon. He nervously chuckled, as he also shrugged. "What? I thought he would buy it."

Yoshi slapped his forehead.

"All right, boys..." Mario said, advancing them. "You know what I'm gonna do NOW?"

Yoshi sobbed. "You mean...our skeletons?"

Peppy raised his hand. "Can I use myself one more time?"

Mario then grabbed the star, and he placed it under a sink. He turned on the sink, and water came pouring down. The star retained its original state.

Yoshi and Peppy both gasped, staring at the cleaned star. "But...but...but...but...but..."

Mario laughed. "yeah, I lied. This stuff comes off with water."

Yoshi smiled. "Oh! I get it! You just told us to paint around the objects so we could be more careful!"

Mario scoffed. "Nah, I just like to mess with ya!" He laughed.

Yoshi and Peppy growled, and the two dinosaurs stormed out of the attic while Mario laughed his head off.

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