Page 164: What Means It Means To Be Human Part 4

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(Rina walked into the first test room which was huge a white room that was completely empty except for a medium size platform in the center of the room.)

Rina: Hello anybody here?


Rina: Hello?


Rina :( Turns to leave) Brother Image must have tricked me...

Voice: Oh you weren't tricked...

(Rina turns around to see none other then Lola).

Rina: Lola?

Imgae Lola: Well not quite. I’m another one of your conscious guides.

Rina: Must defeat you to go home?

Image Lola: You got it. Once you defeat me in battle you can move on to door number 2.

Rina: What about prize memory?

Image Lola: Once you defeat me you will gain a scpeil memory that has already happened in the real world that has you hold closest to your heart. The spceail memory is a key part of you getting home. When a opponent is defeated and after the special memory file plays your opponent ask you question about you and your friends relationship and if you answer right you'll get to move on to the next door room.

Rina: Why so hard to get home?

Image Lola: You’re unconscious right now so you no ability to go home until your creator fixes you but these tests are to see if you’re willing to go to go back.

Rina: I willing enough!

Image Lola: You have to prove it to me. Get your game on!

Rina: (Thinking) Where I hear that before...?


Robotboy and Rina sitting on a couch waiting Yu-Gi-Oh GX

Robotboy and Rina: Yu-Gi-Oh GX , Yu-Gi-Oh GX , Yugioh GX!

(Flashback ends)

Image Lola: Uhhh are we gonna do this thing or what?

Rina: Oh...Right...sorry (blushes)

Image Lola :( Snaps her fingers and her outfit changes in a ninja outfit) this test will challenge you fighting skills in normal mode so I aloud to do this...

(Puts a shock collar around Rina's neck)

Image Lola: That will stop you from Super Activating for this time. I’ll take the collar off after you defeat me that am if you defeat me...

Rina: I will!

Image Lola: Good think fast! (Throws a ninja star at Rina)

Rina quickly dodged the attack and flew up into the air to avoid the attack of several other nija stars coming her way.

IL: Oh I forgot to mention there’s a is a way to win this test and that is test the opponent must knock the other opponent out of the ring to win this test.

Rina: Ring?

Image Lola: Yep...Opps I forgot to turn it on... (Take a control panel out her pocket and hits a button on it.)

(A red out line ring begins to take shape around the test room and closes around IL and Rina).

Rina: Whooa...

IL: Another thing flying is a non prohibited in the test room were in. So I'm afraid your grounded! (Snaps fingers and Rina's thrusters suddenly stop working).

Rina (falls down hard on her bottom) Ohhh! Why you have to be so hard?

IL: It's not me, it's the rules and test room gravity. Keep your mind wide open!

IL attacks Rina with some fist attacks but Rina blocks them except one and goes falling backward due to the attack. Rina was few feet away from the red line which she quickly realized and ran back toward her opponent a fast speed. Rina rushed into IL which caused her fall backward a few feet away from the red line.

IL: You are strong. But not strong enough to match my ninja skills! (Snaps her fingers and makes Bo staff appear).

Rina: We see who stronger!

The two opponents took their battle places...

In Moshimo's lab...

Tommy: What do we do first Professor?

Moshimo: First we have to let Rina's back gears sit in bucket filled with special sanitizing removing liquids that'll rid the gears of any grim or bacteria.

Tommy: Then what?

Moshimo: Then we to spray the gears with a special spray that will remove the dirt or gunk that may got caught in there and then clean the gears completely and let them dry.

Tommy: Then what?

Moshimo: Then we install the gears back into Rina and place her in the charger and hope Rina's systems will reboot and she'll come back to life.

Tommy: And if she doesn’t?

Moshimo: Tommy I hope that doesn’t happen. I care to much to loose one of my robots.

Tommy: Should we get started?

Moshimo: Yes... Robotboy I need to take out Rina's back gears to help save her so please stand next to Tommy wile I do this.

Robotboy :( nods) I go stand next to Tommy and watch...

Moshimo: Good boy... (Starts extracting Rina's gears)

(In Rina's Mind)

Rina stared at in the eyes of her opponent who stared right back at her.

Rina and Image Lola charged at each other as if they were a cat and dog fighting! Rina matched every move IL attacked with her Bo staff and blocked every attack with high defense.

IL: How'd you get to be so good?

Rina: Moshimo trained Rina for battle.

IL: Still that won't save you from this attack!

IL split into 2 more copies of her self and attacked Rina head on. Rina ran away from the copies wile trying to attack them with her laser eyes but missed due to being under pressure!

Rina then chooses to turn around and fight so she blasted her eye beams like there was no tomorrow and surprisingly enough she mange to stun them. Wile the Image Lola copies where stunned Rina took advantage of the time and knocked the copies of the circle but he still had to deal with the real Image Lola who was just as motivated as ever now to win.

IL: You are a tough fighter but lets see if you quick on your wits.

IL: Vanished into the thin air then reappeared behind Rina and pushed her to the floor the floor.

Rina tried to blast her with her eye lasers but missed IL as she vanished again. Rina tried the same attack 2 more times but ended up with the same results but wile before Rina was attacked she could sense Image Lola's vibration movements in the air. When Image Lola attacked for a third time Rina turned around and attacked with her eye beams which hit Image Lola right on cue stunning her. Wile Image Lola was stunned Rina took advantage of the situation and grabbed IL's bo staff and spun IL round and round and then in the middle of her spin she let Image Lola go which caused her to go flying out of the ring and landed a pile of pillows which magically appeared. Rina had won.

Image Lola struggled to pull herself and ached a little from dizziness from what had happened.

Image Lola: You may have defeated me but you still haven’t won yet...

Rina :( stands her ground) Will fight again if have to!

Image Lola: No you beat me in combat but that is only a part of this of the test. Now you have to watch the memory video and let me why Lola is so important to you.

Rina: Ok...But Rina now already...

IL: Watch the video and see. You may find more then you thought...

(IL moved out of the way as a holo vid screen appeared out no where).

(The Video played the scene Rina saving Lola in SA mode after Kamazazi dropped her for the 50 story building).

IL: You in SA mode? I thought you refused to use that mode...

Rina: Someone in danger at Kamazazi's fault. Got angry and Superactived...

IL: Why did you change you change?

Rina: Lola and friends say not to live in past...That Rina have new life...So moved on and gave up doubt to start new life.

IL: So what dose Lola have to do with this?

Rina: Lola play part in helping Rina get over doubt.

IL: What does Lola mean to you?

Rina: The World...Lola my best friend, Lola teacher me about human traits and ways. Lola also takes care of Rina: looks after Rina's health and programming.

IL: How dose her treat you?

Rina: Lola treats me like real girl. Put clothes on me to walk around in public so no one discover I robot.

IL: But if you had to describe her in one word what would you say? This is part the real test...the true response is the way getting out of here...

(Rina closed her eyes for s moment and searched for a word...)

IL: Well?

Rina: There are no words...

IL: What did you say?

Rina: There are no way to describe how I feel. I love Lola more then hot grease shower!

IL: You right about that there are no words to capture your feelings for Lola and that has earned you the right to pass.

Rina: There never was word...

IL: You got it. The whole word part of the test wasn’t even really I added that in as a brain teaser...You’re free to go...

Rina: You tested me serpertly?

IL: I wanted to see if you’re strong enough with your own brain...

Rina: Grrrrrr (Zap Zap) aahhh...!

(Rina got shocked by the collar around her neck).

IL: Oh! I'm so sorry...! (Snaps fingers and Rina's collar falls off).You must have tried to Superactivate...

Rina: So?

IL: That collar was meant to shock you just in case you tried transforming in battle.

Rina: Why?

IL: You’re kidding right. Do you how powerful you are in a fight when you transform?

Rina: Sorta...

IL: You and you brother could blow anything with your powers but you two choose to protect better then destroy so I can see why you and you bro are so great.

Rina: Who next Opponent?

IL: You’ll see...A word of advice though give it all you got strength and soul...

Rina: But who is...

IL: You'll see(vanishes and the second test room door open up)

(Rina sighed and walked through to the next door and completely spat out her chips when she saw who was standing there in front of her...Robotboy!)

Rina: Oniisan?!?

Image Robotboy: Well not really...But I find it cute you thought of me that way...

Rina: You from before...

Image Robotboy: You got it...I your guide from your guide from before.

Rina: You next oppoent?

IRB: Yup...But before we get down to business I want to congratulate you on your win againest Image Lola.

Rina: Why you testing me?

IRB: To see if you are strong enough to survive.

Rina: Survive?

IRB: To see if your soul is strong enough to survive all these tests and get back home.

Rina: I tell you all I strong enough!

IRB: But how strong are you againest your own brother? (IRB Superactivates then turns his left arm into cannon and aims it at Rina.) Prove to me that you’re worth enough to defeat your brother in a fight!

Rina :( Superactivates) I prove myself to you.

IRB: Ooopps...Forgot something... (Snaps fingers on with right hand).

(The Test Room that the two robots were standing changed in a whole mountine terrine with rocky edges, snow top mountines and sharp cliffs.)

IRB: I though this would be the perfect to fight in cause it's very roomy in here.)

Rina: Thought rooms medium sized?

IRB: Opps...I forgot that too... (Snaps fingers again)

(The Test Room expanse three sizes bigger.)

IRB: Now get ready to feel the sting of what defeat! (Shoots Cannon at Rina).

Rina (Activates Arm Cannon and blasts and defects IRB's attack.)Nice move.

IRB: Thanks but flattery will get you no where!

Rina: I no flatter you just think your good blaster.

IRB:I can do then blast watch!(Changes arms back to normal and charges at Rina)

(Rina changes her arms back to normal and IRB's attacks but gets hit in a perfectly timed punch attack collision with IRB but she hit at the same time so him at the same time so she wasn't too upset.)

Rina and IRB stood for to get their bearings.

In Moshimo's Lab

Moshimo: (Filling up a bucket with special liquids that would sanitize and clean out Rina's gunked up gears.)Tommy I need you have bring Rina's back gears over here. Their on the lab table next to Rina.

Tommy: Ok Professor.(Tommy goes to get Rina's gears and notices Robotboy staring sadly at his sister).

Tommy: You ok Ro?

Robotboy: I worried Tommy. If Rina no live I don't what I do. Hoped Rina would become human oneday like me.(Sniffles and leaks oil which leaks over the back off Rina's head..(Ro was standing next to her)).

Tommy: Will save Rina , Ro...Come on you can help me get these gears to Moshimo.(Picks up Rina's back gears and gives a gear to Ro.)

Robotboy:(Huggles Rina's back gear)I help save you Imoto!

Tommy: Here are the gears Moshimo.(Tommy hands Moshimo one gear and Ro hands over the other one.)

Moshimo:(Takes the gears) Thank you boys...(puts gears in sanitizing bucket).

Tommy: Proffesor long do we have to wait for the gears to clean out?

Moshimo: About an hour Tommy..

Tommy and Robotboy: An hour!?!

Moshimo: Things like this usually take time...

Robotboy: No wait anymore (stomps foot and starts to get upset and nearly cries).

Moshimo: You better deactivate Robotboy.Deactavion might calm him down.

Tommy: Ok...

Robotboy: No de-(Ro was cut off due to being deactivated).

Tommy:(Picks up and cuddles Ro) I'll wake you up later maybe a nap will calm you.

Moshimo: Come one lets go find the others and update them on Rina.(Covers up bucket with a plastic top and left the lab.)

(In Rina's Mind)

Rina and IRB finally stopped from regaining their break and continued to attack each other.

Rina:Is there way to win?

IRB: Ohhh Yes there is and that is to knock your opponent into that mountain over there.(Points to a very big mountain over looking the all the other mountains.)Blast me into that montain and you win but that won't happen because I'll defeat you before that happens!(Activates Back Guns and shoots at Rina).

Rina dodges the attack and runs and hides behind a mountain edge.

IRB: What's the matter Moshimo or Robotboy never show you how to activate your double back guns?

Rina:...(activates double back guns).

IRB: Where are you?

Rina:...(Still Hiding).

IRB:(Hovering around looking for Rina)Hello!


IRB:(Turns and faces the left side of the test room)Where is she?

Rina saw IRB's back turned and shot up out of hiding and blasted IRB like there was no tomorrow.

IRB:AHHHHHHHH!(Rina's attack sent IRB flying in a huge mountain snow bank but it wasn’t the winning mountain).

IRB:(Groans) Your good but don’t think you've won yet!(IRB in his all his guns and shifts his hands into plaza rays and shooter Rina sends her falling backwards in a snow bank near by.)

Rina:...(Struggles to move)

IRB: Stay there awhile and think about if going back really worth to you...I mean your a great fighter but you spend most of the time in Superaction mode blasting enemies that indulger the humans wile your bother gets to beat all the main bad guys...


IRB: You know nothing about Oniisan and me! Rina protect humans to keep them safe and to help brother focus on main goal! Rina don't care if brother get spot-light all the time Rina her there to help friends and keep them safe.

IRB: Well now it's your turn to fight so either get up or get blasted(Clicks Guns as a warning) I give you to the count of three 1..

Rina:(Tries to get up and fly but her thruster seemed shot)Uh-Oh!


Rina:(Kicks her boots to start up but they don't start)...

IRB:2 and a half..

Rina:(Kick ,kick ,kick ,whoosh) Rina's boots flared up a little bit).

IRB:3! (shoots guns)

Before the plaza rays hit Rina she gave her boots one last hard bang which cause then to flare up like a hot inferno which caused Rina to blast up into they air at lighting speed which spared her from IRB attack!

Rina activated changed her arms into machine guns and blasted IRB causing him to fall backward and land in a pile of snow.

IRB: Your amazing but so am I and this is only beginning!


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