Page 163: What Means It Means To Be Human Part 3

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Unknown to anyone wile she was being fixed Rina was semi-coma but she could still hear distant sounds from far away like...Ro and Tommy talking from some where..

Robotboy: Me scared Tommy...Me don't want to see my Imoto die...(leaks oil)

Tommy: Don’t worry Ro she'll be alright...Come here..(Hugs Ro).Rina is strong like you. She’ll pull through!

Robotboy (stops leaking oil) you right Tommy... (Looks at Rina through to the lab window)I. Love you Imoto!

The last sentence Robotboy spoke rang in Rina's hearing systems and reached her sub- conscious..

(In Rina's Mind)

Rina stood all alone staring into space when she heard her bro's voice echo through her mind.

Robotboy: I..Love you Imoto!

Rina: Oniisan!!

Robotboy: Imoto!

Rina:(turns to see an image of Ro standing behind her)Oniisan!

Robotboy: Follow me...(disappears and leaves a yellow line path for Rina to follow).

Rina: Oniisan!

Robotboy’s Voice: Follow the line...

Rina: Ok..You win..(Follows the yellow line path).

In Moshimo's Lab..

Moshimo: Now that I got your gears free I can clean out any gunk that may have gotten in there due to the coin.( Walks out of the lab into the Observation Room).

Tommy: Professor how is she?

Moshimo: Rina has been ridded of the coin that caused her shut down..

Robotboy: You cure Imoto!

Tommy: So is she alright?

Moshimo: Partly...I have to extract her back gears where the coin was to clean them from any possible dirt that might have built up in side her. I could your help for this job. I need another set of eyes to look the gears over to see if they completely clean.

Tommy: Sure I can do that. What about Robotboy?

Moshimo: He can help too. Come this way..(Leads the boys to his lab).

(The group entered the lab where Rina laid on a lab table lifeless).

Robotboy: Imoto!(flies over to Rina)

(Robotboy stares at his lifeless sister and almost cries oil)

Robotboy: Sniff..Sniff..Imoto...(holds Rina's hand)

(In Rina's Mind)

Rina:(Following the yellow line path but stops when she hears her brother's cries..)Oniisan?

Robotboy's Voice: Sniff..Sniff..Imoto...(holds Rina's hand)

Rina: Oniisan! (Tries to go follow the voice)

Image Robotboy's Voice: Stop! Stay on The path!

(Rina halts to a stop).

(Image Robotboy appears again in front of Rina).

Image Robotboy: You must not go off the path! If you want to be with your brother and friends again this the way you have to go!(Points toward the yellow line path).

Rina: How you know?

IRB: Because I am one of your coniese guides and I'm here to help you get back to where you belong.)

Rina: Where I go now?

IRB: Follow the yellow line path and you eventually come to a huge door that leads to your memory bank.(Vanishes)

Rina:(Looks around)Friend?

IRB Just follows the path..

Rina: Ok... (Continues to walk down the yellow line path).


[1] [2] [3]

(Rina continued to walk down the path which shortly lead her to a door which read Rina's memory banks).

Rina: Memory Banks?

IRB :( Appears beside Rina) Yes this is the part of your robotic brain that stores all your memories.

Rina: I wish to be with friends.

IRB: Then come with me...

(IRB enters the Memory Bank Room wile Rina follows).

The room two entered was like nothing Rina had seen before. The room was filled with all her memories lead to the time of her creation.

Rename memories...

IRB: That’s right this where everything you experienced is stored as a memory file.

Rina: Robots can remember things longer then humans...

IRB: Yes but humans have things to help them remember there past like pictures, toys, drawings...

Rina: My brother want be real boy but me unsure why...

IRB: Your brother has been around humans allot longer then you. He has spent lots of time with them and wishes to be one of them. You haven't been with humans in years you are not use to their ways.

Rina: I learning.

IRB: I know you are but you’re still unsure if becoming human is right for you right?

Rina: Yeah...

IRB: You remember how you heard your brother's voice earlier?

Rina: Yeah.

IRB: Well that was really him but he's not in here, he's in the outside world waiting for you to come home.

Rina: Oniisan...

IRB: Your brother loves and cares for you and so do all the humans that surround you now. They want you back but it's up to you if you’re willing to go back...

Rina: Willing?

IRB: Are you 100 sure you want to go back to your family and friends?

Rina: I want to see family and friends again!

IRB: Well then let’s see if you’re as determioed as you sound...

(The Memory Room's files vanished as 4 large doors appeared in front of the two robots).

IRB: Each door has an opponent behind you know in the real world, defeat them and then watch the memory screen plays a memory of that person on how they make feel and they are special in your life.

Rina: Rina except...

IRB: Good who knows maybe their influence you to want become human...

Rina: What?

IRB: You heard me being human is what everyone want you to become so you'll have learn on your own if you should join the human society or go through life as a robot and never experience eating real food (You were lucky with that pie that one time), Touch things your sensors can not feel like water (Sure your able to go underwater but you can't feel it on your hand the way a human hand can).

Rina: I decide for myself...

IRB: Good you have fire in your circuts I like that...Go on through to door number 1.

Rina: I prove me worthy of going home! (Walks through door number 1)

IRB: Will see...


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