Page 160: Rina (Part 2/2)

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Rina refuses to Superactivated

Lola: Why won't you change?

Rina: Rina too dangerous in Super Activated Mode...

Lola: Why do you say that?

Rina: After what happen last time...Rina no transform ever again.

Lola: What happened last time?

Rina: Can't say too horrible...

Lola: Where not getting any where with this...

Tommy: Moshimo said she might talk when she's ready.

Moshimo: Let’s forget power testing for awhile and show Rina the fun side of life. Why do you guys take Rina back to your town and show her the sights?

Kids: Ok!

Gus: How are we going get back home?

Tommy: The same way we came...

Gus: You don't mean?

Tommy: Yep! Everyone saddle up on Robotboy!

(Tommy and Gus climb on Robotboy)

Tommy: Lola aren’t you coming?

Lola: Yeah but not Robotboy...

Tommy: What do you mean?

Lola :( Holds up Rina's foot to reveal her feet thrusters)

Tommy: Ohhh... Are you sure she's safe to fly on?

Moshimo: She’s safe I've flew on her before...

Meumeu: Thats was in Super Activated mode...

Moshimo: Still I've flown on her. Go ahead Lola...

(Lola climbs on Rina)

Moshimo: Keep her safe Rina.

Rina: Hai! (Yes in Japanese)

Gus: Come on lets go!

Tommy: Ok Ro power up!

(Robotboy starts up his feet)

Robotboy: Robotboy Fly (Robotboy blasts off through An open window in Moshimo's kitchen)

Rina starts up her feet and blasts away with Lola through the same window)

Muemue: I hope she'll be ok...

Moshimo: She'll be fine.

In Midair over the ocean

Gus: Whoo-Hoo! (Dose Titanic pose) I'm the the king of the world!

Tommy: Gus. Stop that! Hold on to Robotboy!

Gus: The G-Man can handle anything even air tricks--Whoa! (Falls off)

Tommy: Gus!

Gus: Ahhh! Huh? (Rina catches Gus wile Lola hangs on to her neck)

Rina: No fancy tricks wile flying on robots. (Puts Gus back on Robotboy)

Tommy: Thiis time hold on Gus.

Gus: Fine...

(Unknown to the group who flew by Kamazi's Island, Consintine was watching them through a telcope who was really bird watching but caught the group by mistake.)

Constine: Huh? What's that?? (Changes zoom on telescopee and spots Rina)What! Boss!

Kamazi:(walks in)what?

Consintine:(whimpers in Kamazazi's ear on what he saw)

Kamazazi: WHAT?! Oh this well be infesting..

(Robotboy and Rina fly the kids back to Tommy's house)

Robotboy: Welcome to Tommy's home!


Tommy: Come on I want show my room...

Lola: Whoa! What about your parents and Donnie?

Tommy: Relax it's Sunday and after a long talk with my folks I got out of going on the Family Outing today..

Lola: If you say so...

(The group goes up to Tommy's room)

(Tommy shows Rina all the stuff in the room)

Rina(notices Tommy's fan mail to Moshimo on the wall) Tommy like Moshimo..

Tommy: Yeah he's the one who sent me Robotboy...

Rina: For save-keeping?

Tommy: Yeah and cause I'm his biggest fan..

Rina: Moshimo great man...better then Kamazi.. Way smarter..

Robotboy:Yeah Moshimo our Oyaji (Father).

Tommy: Oyaji?

Lola: Father...

Gus: So would Meumue be your mom?

Robotboy and Rina:Yep Meumue Okasan! (Mother In Japanese

Gus: Translate?

Lola: Meumue is their mom...

Tommy: Lets take Rina on a tour like Moshimo said..

Lola and Gus: Ok

Robotboy:Robotboy show Rina good side of life!

(The kids climb on the robots and fall through out the city)

(The gang shows Rina all the ups and downs of these city and then they all go to the park for a break.)

Tommy: So Rina what powers do you have?

Rina: Powers?

Tommy: Yeah what are you cable off? You know what are your abilities?

Riparian have laser eye beams, combat skills, flying abilities...

Tommy: So you basically have all the powers of your bro...

Rina: Un-huh...

Gus: You know what I'd really like to see you super activate and show off all you’re tricked out abilities!

Rina: Rina no show off and can't transform not after mistake happen...

Tommy: Tell us please what happened? Were your friends will try to help...Talking is the best way to help with your problems.

Rina: Ok Rina tell friends but must promise not to get angry at Rina...

Gang: We won't we promise!

Rina: Ok...Rina tell...

(Rina: Long time ago Robotboy and Rina go on training missions together and have run ins with Dr.Kamazazi and Consintine and on normally every mission we defeat them but one mission change everything..)


Kamazazi and Constine are trying to smuggle gold bars of a bank when they are caught by Moshimo, Robotboy and Rina and several armed forces.

Moshimo: Stop right there Kamazazi! Go no further!

Kamakazi: Or what you gonna send your robot children after me?

Moshimo: Excatly!

Kamazai: Ha! Consintine show these metal brats whose boss!

Consintime: With pleasure Boss!

Moshimo: (to Robotboy and Rina) Go easy on him but remember don't use your weapons on him it's unfair to humans because they don't have the powers you do.

Robotboy and Rina: Hai!

(The 2 robots super activate)

Consintine :( stops in his tracks due to the now giant robots in his path) Hehehe...Bosss!

Kamazai: I see we have to things the old fashion way! (Snaps fingers)

(A giant ant bot comes rushing from out inside the bank and and attacks the robots who attack back)

Armed law man: Attention all personal we need back up! I repeat we need back up!

Moshimo: We don't need more firepower my robots are state of the art battle machines!

Armed Law Man: We have no time for twisted versions of battle bots we need to act now called you’re to stop firing or else we'll take them into causticity.

Moshimo: But...

Armed Law Man: Now!

Moshimo: Robotboy, Rina stand down!

Robotboy and Rina: No we defeat giant bug! (The robots pull out their arm cannons and attack together and BOOM the ant robot blows up on contact!)

Everyone: Yay!

ALM: I guess your robots did it even though they disobey orders...

Moshimo: No they don't usually but they have feelings and probelly felt they had to prove themselves.

ALM: Well they saved the day so I'll let this go...

Kamazai: The day is not done yet!

(Kamazai is on the bank roof with a teller as a hostage)

Kamazai: Any of you move I kick her of roof!

Teller :( Screams)

Moshimo: No one moves...

Rina: Can't let Teller die

Rina flees over behind Kamazai and grabs the teller but Kamazai throws a smoke bomb at Rina causing her to loose focus and deactivate which causes her to drop the teller but Robotboy grabs the teller just in time before hitting the ground and flys her to safety.

Moshimo :( picks up Rina) Oh Rina...You have good intentions but you must learn when to be heroic and when not to be. Come Robotboy...You and your sister need a good charging.

Robotboy (Changes back into his normal mode) Where Kamazai and Consintine?

Moshimo: They must have run off...Will see them again no doubt but for now let’s go home...

Flashback Ends

Rina: Rina choose not to cause mistakes anymore so Rina ask Moshimo to deactivate her and put her away to away where she no harm to world..

Tommy: hats what you did wrong?

Rina (nods)

Tommy: So you acted on selfless impact even if you weren’t suppose to and you thought hiding away from your family and the world was the right thing to do?

Rina :( nods)

Tommy: That’s stupid! You didn't have to hide from your family or the world just because you made a mistake in trying to save someone!

Lola: Well now we know what happen when can make sure it doesn’t happen again... I'm in charge of you now so I teach about the rights and wrongs of human life.

The Group leaves the park and heads to a Snack Bar place for some muchies. Everybody got a soda and nachos except for Robotboy and Rina who got oil and metal bolts to eat. (Their robots).

Rina: Haven't had robot food in long time!

Robotboy: Hopefully Rina stick around this time to enjoy new life with friends.


Lola: Rina is going back into storge really worth more the the friendships you've made today?

Rina: No but Rina...

Lola: Don’t live in the past Rina, You've got a new life now.

Tommy: Yeah forget your past and start a new life.

Gus: Your Bro was meant to be a battle a battle bot but has a new dream of becoming human.

Rina: Human? Why want to be human?

Robotboy: Want to be Human like Tommy.

Rina: Not understand why want to be human?

Lola: Don’t worry you will one day...



Tommy: Every hit the ground!

When the earthquake ended every one got up, paid there meals and left the snack bar to investigate the cause off the earthquake)

(Some one screams)

Tommy: What was that?!?

Same person who screamed: AHHH! Run threes a giant robotic ant attacking the city!!!

Rina: Robotic ant?

Tommy: I bet Kamaizi's behind this! Come on Robotboy Power Up!

(Robotboy super activates)

Robotboy: Rina change...

Rina: Rina no change...Rina dangerous as battle bot!

Tommy: ARRGGG! We don' have time for doubtful robots lets go!

(All the kids cling to Robotboy's leg)

Lola: Coming Rina?

Rina (Just looks down in sadness)

Tommy: Come on Ro let’s go we don't have time for sad robots...

(Robotboy justs gives his sister a look of disappointment and flys off with the kids wile Rina walks away)

At the scene with the giant robotic ant

Tommy: Theres the ant!

Lola: What where’s Kamazai?

Gus: There!

Kamazazi was standing on a 50 story building wit Consintine who was controlling the bug with a control pad.

Consintine: How do I make the buggy run Boss?

Kamazai: You idiot give me the controller! (Snatches controller out off Constine's hand)

Lola: Look Kawasaki’s controlling the ant!

Tommy: We’ve got to stop him!

Lola: Leave that to me! (Clings to Ro's leg again) Ok Ro flies me up there!

Robotboy did as Lola asked...


Rina walks around the city when she spots a fireman getting a little girl's kitty out of a tree)

Little Girl: Thanks Mister!

Fireman: You’re welcome Ma'am! A fireman's duty is to serve and help people.

Rina: Fireman's job similar to robot job...

Rina then started up her thrusters and blasted off to help her friends!

Back with the ant...

Kamazazi: With this robotic ant I shall rule the world!

Lola: Not Quite!

Kamizazi: What?

Lola jumped on Kamazazi and snags the controller pad from Kamazazi but Kamazazi retaliates and grabs Lola's arm and holds her over the building!


Lola's voice echoes through out the city and is heard by Rina's supersonic hearing!

Rina: Lola?!?


Rina :( gasps then radios in on whets going on)

Kamazazi: Hold still or I'll consider dropping you!


Rina: Kamazazi!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(Rina supers activates and blasts off to to save Lola wile in raged at Kazamazazi!).


Kamazazi: I'm warning you hold still or I'll drop you!!!!!!!!


Kamazazi: I warned you!!!!!(Lets Lola go)


Lola only falls a short way until she's caught in midair by a huge robot!

Lola :( blink...blink) Rina?

Rina: (nods)

Lola: Wow! I knew you'd come over your doubt!

Rina fly’s Lola to safety and went to help fight the giant robotic ant!

Robotboy: Rina change finally!

Rina: Rina help keep people safe!

Kamazazi: Well if it isn't second great creation of Moshimo! I've haven't seen you since that big bank run in three years ago! Boy did you screw up on that!

Rina floated in midair looking doubtful

Lola: Don’t listen to him Rina you've got a new life now! He's just trying to mess with you!

Rina: Rina believe Lola!

Rina pull out her arm cannons and aimed them at Kamazazi!

Lola: Rina no! You can't hurt humans, their not able to fight back!

Rina: Kamazazi hurt public too many times! Must pay!

Lola: Yeah but not this way!

Rina: Too late!

Lola: Rina no!

Kamazazi ducks behind Constine who was cowarding on his own.

Rina charged up her cannons but blasted a target and was accompanied by her brother!


Kamazazi: I alive? Huh? AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!

Kamazazi saw what Rina had blasted which turned out to be the robotic ant!

Kamazazi: AHHHHHHHHHH! My ant!

Tommy: Kamazazi you better get out off here before Rina and Ro get annous to play target practice!

Kamazazi: They won't do that! Moshimo created them to as battle bots and to follow commands! Robots stand down!

Ro and Rina :( Click guns and get ready to fire again)

Tommy: You forgot their emotional chips!

Kamazazi: Oh...Lets get out of here! Consintine!

Consintine: Coming Boss!

Kamazazi and Consintine run off!

Gus: Their getting away!

Robotboy: Let them go...

Rina: They learn their lesson for now!

Lola: And so did you, you got over your doubt!

Rina: Yeah...Rina sleepy... (Rina's power runs out and her datives)

Tommy and Gus: Rina!

Lola:(pick ups Rina) Don't worry she's just deactive right now I'll recharge her and she'll be fine..

Tommy: Come on Ro...

Robotboy: (Datives to normal mode) Robotboy sleepy too... (Datives)

Tommy :( picks up Ro) I guess they both drained their energy...

Gus: Maybe it’s all relative?

The group walks home...

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