Page 144: Questions and Theories

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Super Smash Brothers: ONLINE LOGIN #7: Questions and Theories


-Donut Hills-

Marth and Jigglypuff raced down the seemingly endless flights of stairs, in a desperate attempt to make it to the bottom and find their friend Link. "Marth... There are no monsters in here, either." Jigglypuff pointed out as the two continued to run.

"No duh." Marth replied as he turned a corner... and slamming into a wall. "Oof!" Went his character as Marth fell to the ground.

"Marth!" Jigglypuff cried, running to his side. "Are you okay?"

"Did my HP Bar go down?"


"Then I guess I'm okay?"

Jigglypuff let out a light gasp and she looked away in embarrassment. "Sorry... I sometimes forget that this is a game."

"No biggie." Marth replied, standing up. He placed his hand on the stone wall he had just run into and frowned. "Looks like we went the wrong way, Jigglypuff. We better head back."

The two retraced their steps and found themselves running around in circles once more. "This is very confusing..." Jigglypuff muttered as the two ran into another dead end. "Maybe this is why Link asked us not to come in here."

"I don't think so..." Marth said as he headed down a new path. "I think the reason is..." He trailed off, thinking back to the weird event that he and Daisy had encountered back in Lava River. "Could it be something like that?..."

"Something like what, Marth?" Jigglypuff asked.

To her question, Marth shook his head. "Nothing. Let's hurry!"

Meanwhile, Link was standing in the purple chamber, his sword and shield at the ready. The rift he was facing slowly began to open, and a creature was beginning to crawl through. The Hylian let out a gasp once the figure complete emerged from the rift. "Oh my..." Link took a few steps closer. "Aren't you just the cutest thing ever!"

It's face and body appeared to look much like the monster Marth and Daisy had first encountered - a bunch of purple wires. Except this one only reached to about the height of Link's boot. It was a small little one, with pointed ears and a small tail. It's face was covered by the same symbol, and when Link placed his mouse of the monster it read: 'WirFra./PICU.

The little beast didn't find Link's comment flattering, as it jumped and rammed the approaching Link right in the chest with a headbutt. The blow sent the Hylian tripping backwards in recoil. "Ahaha!" He laughed. "What a nice attack little guy!"

WirFra./PICU didn't answer of course. It simply held out its arms and let out a light growl, as a bolt of lightening came crashing through the roof and slamming into the ground behind him. Link gasped in shock at the power of the Thunderbolt, but then couldn't help but smirk. "Hah... Why is it the cute ones are always the strongest fighters?" And with that, Link charged at the monster.

As he reached attack range, his swung his sword at the beast. But the monster simply rolled up the sword swipe and moved in close to Link. Link didn't have time to react to the monster's approach, so he was unprepared when the little wired monster jumped up wards, slamming its head right into Link's chin. Link stumbled back and took a few points of damage, but he quickly recovered himself and ran back in for another attack. After Link's swipe this time, WireFra./PICU didn't move closer, but instead moved backwards. Link swung at it again... and it moved back again. This pattern continued until Link had cornered the little monster against the wall.

"No where for you to run now." He spoke, lifting the sword above his head. Just as he was about to bring the blade down, however, the monster disappeared in a flash of light. "What the-"

Little did Link know, but the monster appeared in a flash behind him. It went down on all fours and let out a cry that sounded like, 'PIEKU!'. Link turned around at the sound and was zapped with a thunder jolt. The Hylian stumbled back and hit the wall, taking a total of 50 Damage.

"Oof!" Link's character cried as he slide downwards. After a few seconds, Link jumped back to his feet and pointed his sword at the wired monster. The beast let out a high pitched hiss, and disappeared in a flash of light once more. "Hehe. This is going to be fun."


Dr. Mario appeared in a flash of light on the outside of a large circular building, behind Bowser's main castle. Ontop of the building, six towers shot into the dark sky, thunder cackling about them. He entered the chamber and walked over to six hooks. All but one of the hooks was empty. The one that was still in use held a long, black cloak with the number four upon the hood. Dr. Mario reached up and threw the cloak over him, covering himself from head to toe.

Any player seeing the cloaked healer would have a hard time guessing just who it was. After adoring his cloak, Dr. Mario began to march down the hallway, his footsteps echoing eerily through out. The hallway was long and plain, with the only light coming from a exit a bit away. As he approached the doorway, he came to a stop noticing that there was another person standing in his path between himself and the exit. The figure was also wearing a long, black cloak and hood, giving no details of who he or she may be. The only real detail was the fact that there was a large number two on his hood and that this figure was slightly bigger then Dr. Mario It's shape could lead one to believe it was a Hylian or Human. "...What do you what, Blade?" Dr. Mario hissed, his speed picking up once more.

"Hey, hey! Thats no way to treat you're friend!" Spoke the figure in a cheerful male voice. "I've been waiting here for you so that you didn't have to walk into the meeting all alone and get your ass chewed out by Lord Bowser."

Dr. Mario walked right past Blade and continued to walk towards the exit. "Lord Bowser knows better then to do that. I'm too precious to him."

Blade dashed a bit to catch up to Dr. Mario. "Oh, get off your high-horse Euthanasia! You know that he wouldn't think twice about deleting you. Or any of us, at that matter."

"Heh... What was the last thing YOU did for Lord Bowser?" Blade paused for a bit and thought, but after a few seconds, he shrugged and continued to follow Dr. Mario. "I recently delivered him a very, very important item. So I doubt me being late will have any impact on his feelings towards me."

"If you say so." Blade answered with a little laugh. "Oh, by the way, Deceiver won't be joining us tonight. I heard he was sick or something. But then again, who knows! He didn't get that name for nothing, after all!"

Dr. Mario rolled his eyes, although it couldn't be seen under the thick hood. "You're in a happy mood today."

"Yup! I heard from Devil that we might finally be getting an official assignment to do! It's really exciting!"

The two cloaked players wandered into a large room. The only light was coming from a long pillar of purple light in the center of the room. Within the purple light there was a large throne, in which Bowser himself was sitting in. Around the throne were six other chairs. Three of those chairs, the third, the fifth and the sixth where filled with another cloaked figure. "You two are late!" Boomed Bowser as the two walked to their seats.

"Hehe, sorry!" Blade apologized, sitting down in the second chair. "I got caught up trying to find a good weapon for my Buffer. You know I like my items legit."

Bowser turned and looked at Dr. Mario, who simply shrugged. "I was busy."

"...Hmph." Bowser muttered. "Regardless, it's nice to see that five of my Warlocks have gathered. I'm sure you're wondering why I've called you all here..."

"Not really..." Came a bored voice from the third seat. The small, round figure was cloaked much like the others with only two differences - his's head could only reach up to Dr. Mario's waste, and there was a large number three on his hood.

"Silence Devil!" Boomed their Leader. "That was a rhetorical question!"

"Was it?" Came a female voice from the fifth seat. She was cloaked from head to toe like the others. On her hood, the large number five was painted. Her slim figure could only point to her being a graceful Hylian. "I thought a rhetorical question would be... 'Do pigs fly?'... or something along those lines."

Bowser slammed his fist down on his throne. "DOES IT REALLY MATTER?!"

She nodded. "I'd rather not be in a guild where my leader isn't literate."

"What does me littering have to do with rhetorical questions?!" The five Warlocks couldn't help but giggle. "ENOUGH!" Bowser slammed both his fists onto his throne, causing two large pillars of fire to burst out from behind him. The five figures stopped laughing and began to pay attention. "Before I go on, is there anyone here who does not know about the 'Event'. If there is, I'll explain it."

Not one of the Warlocks spoke up.

"Good. Recently, one of our Warlocks came into the possession of a very rare item." Bowser very quickly glanced at Dr. Mario, but looked away soon after. "It was called, 'The Stone of the Void.'"

There were a few 'Ooh's in the group after hearing the name of the stone. "Isn't that the stone used in the 'Event'?" Asked the fifth warlock, to which Bowser nodded. "I remember reading a post on the forums about someone finding a stone called that. I figured they were just trying to scam someone."

"No, it was real, Maiden." Bowser answered. "So real, to the fact that we just recently had players break into this realm to try and steal it. Luckily, my troops took care of them."

"Your troops didn't even show up till they had been finished off." Dr. Mario spoke up. "I went there to stop them from entering. By the time your troops arrived, they were dead and on they're way back to where they last saved."

Bowser raised an eyebrow. "Really, Euthanasia? May I ask who it was?"

Dr. Mario was hesitant to tell. But after a few moments of fighting with himself, he figured that since he was never truly going to keep his side of the deal, he would tell. "Sheik and Pit... of Zelda's guild, SSBM."

"I see..." Bowser said, stroking his chin. "I see. But regardless, we shall deal with that later. Back to the topic on hand. As we speak, my best technical hackers are working on finding out where this stone was made and who made it. But as of right now, I believe it has some connection with the 'Corrupters'."

"Aren't those the 'Broken Characters'?" Asked the sixth warlock. His body proportions were about the same size as Blade, just slightly taller. On his hood was the number six.

Bowser nodded. "Yes. Call them what you will, but I believe that they are not 'Broken'. They are instead, characters - or AI, rather, who have the power to delete anything and anyone."

"But what do they have to do with the 'Event'?" Asked the warlock in the third chair.

Bowser began to explain what had happened by hacking into the game's logs. He explained what Daisy and Marth had faced, how the 'Broken Character' arrived there and how with the death of the wired beast brought about the creation of the stone. "...So, what I am thinking is, these wired monsters, which I call 'Wire Frames', are part of the 'event', as the death of one brought about the creation of that stone. And where ever these Wire Frames show up, a 'Corrupter' shows up, as well."

"And you're point?" Asked Dr. Mario.

"What my point is... we all want the power that the Corrupters hold, correct?"

The power that Bowser was talking about - it was absolute deletion. No matter how good the hacker was in Super Smash Brothers: ONLINE, you could not delete a character. It was too well protected. The same goes for other areas of the computer world - there is always something that even the greatest hacker can not break. However, the 'Broken Characters' go against that rule. As far as anyone, gamer, hacker, or programmer could see, these characters had the power to delete anything at all. This was the power that Bowser was searching after.

"My theory is..." Bowser began to explain. "If we can find these Wire Frames, we can find the 'Corrupters'. If we can find them... we might be able to capture one and exploit it's data. You know, learn how it does the things it does. And learn how it can delete anything."

Blade rose his hand. "But what about the 'Event'? Aren't they tied in with it? Wouldn't taking the character mess it up?"

"Who cares! The 'event' is not important! The only reason any of you should keep that 'event' in mind, is just in case you find any more items that are mentioned in it." The Koopa shrugged. "Although I am as amazing as they come, you must understand... I do not know if we'll be able to catch these 'Corrupters'. So to cover all the bases, we should collect any of those items. Perhaps when we gather them all, we can complete the 'event', find out what makes those things and exploit it for ourselves."

The Maiden gave a shrug. "I don't quite understand..."

Bowser sighed. "Alright, here is what I want you guys to do. Devil, Maiden, Blade. I want you three to go to various locations I tell you. These locations are prime spots of where these Wireframes may show up. Currently, five wireframes have been found. Only one has been destroy, however. I will send you the location via the forums later tonight. Serpent and Euthanasia, I want you two to keep your eyes on Zelda's guild."

"Why?" Hissed the Serpent. "They're nothing to us. It seems foolish to even pay them any mind."

"But you see, Serpent, they too are after the 'Event'. It would be very troublesome if they keep sticking their noses in where it does not belong." The hacker stood from his throne. "Do what you will to them. Just make sure they do not meddle with us."

The five Warlocks stood and bowed. "So, Lord Bowser..." Began Maiden, crossing her arms. "Once you get that power, you're still going to share with us, right?"

"Of course. What good is a reward if you can not share it with the people you work with?" He said with an evil "Bwahaha!" following.

"Heh. And once he does, there will be no one that could stand in our way!" Blade said, thrusting his fist into the air.

Maiden gave out a giggle. "Yes, yes! We will be the best hackers in the entire game!"

"You mean, 'even better hackers'." Devil corrected. "We already are the best."

The group shared a collective laugh as Bowser boomed, "Warlocks, DISMISSED!" After his announcement there were five flashes of white light. The Warlocks had logged off. Once he was left alone, Bowser couldn't help but chuckle. "My, my, my... they really are children." He said, giving a smirk. "What fools. They simply believe this power only contains to this game, don't they?" Bowser's eyes grew wide as he began to dream about what he could do with that talent. "The power of absolute deletion... not only would I be able to destroy this game... but... hack into so many more things. The bountiful world of the Internet... all of it's knowledge... Security Vaults... Banking Records... Even hack into national defense computers... without anyone noticing until its too late... it will all be at my very finger tips!"

The mad player gave another laugh. "BWAHA! This internet, all this information... this world - not just this pathetic game - will soon be MINE!"


-Donut Hills-

"Is that it?"

Marth looked over to see Jigglypuff pointing down a long flight of stairs. "The exit?" Marth asked, running over to his friend.

She nodded. "Yes. Look."

From the exit there was the same eerie purple glow emitting. But there was also something else... two shadows constantly moving back and forth. Marth leaned a little closer and tried to listen in. "Could that be..."


Marth jumped after hearing that scream. "Thats him! Link's down there! Jigglypuff, lets go."

The two ran down the stairs and were about to enter the room until Marth saw what one of the two figures was. His eyes wided and he remembered back to the time he and Daisy had encountered a similar foe. He grabbed onto Jigglypuff before the little mage could run into the room, causing her to look up at him. "What's wrong? It's Link! We need to help him!" She said.

Indeed one of the two figures was Link. He was standing in the middle of the room, his back turned to the two. But on his side was his challenger, the small, wired beast. WirFra./PICU was what this one was called. In that moment, Marth was trying to think of a good reason to stop the pokemon from charging into battle. After a moment he answered, "We can't beat that thing..."

Link stood in the center of the room, his eyes focused on the wired monster at his left side. The Hylian began to very slowly turn to face the monster, but as soon as he moved his avatar, it disappeared in a flash of light. "Here we go!" Link readied his shield for an attacked. As he did, the monster came crashing towards him at top speed, slamming head first into his shield. 20 DAM! Appeared above its head as the small creature fell to the ground. Link too this chance to bring his blade down upon the monster, striking it for a good deal worth of damage.

But the mouse-looking creature wasn't done just yet. After Link removed his sword from it's body, it disappeared in a flash of light once more. Link lifted his shield once more, expecting the monster to slam head first into his shield. But instead, the glitch appeared behind the Hylian. It spun around, using it's tail to knock the swordsman off balance. "What!?" Link called out as his avatar began to fall.

As Link fell, WirFra./PICU jumped into the air and over the falling figure. As Link slammed onto the floor, the monster landed onto his chest. It dug it's claws into the Hylian, dealing about 2 damage. But then came the real attack. It let out the scream 'PIEKU' once more, causing a very powerful thunderbolt to come from the sky and strike the two of them. Link's character screamed in pain as the two of them took around 200 Points of damage.

"LINK!" Marth and Jigglypuff called out at once. Marth ran his mouse over Link, who was currently not in the party, and saw that his HP bar had fallen to a light red. "Oh, no!"

"Marth, we need to heal him!" Jigglypuff said, lifting her staff. "He could die!"

Marth couldn't answer. He was too confused. "This monster... is it just like the other one?"


Jigglypuff's scream shook Marth out of his trance. "Wha? Oh... No, Jigglypuff. It's too dangerous..." Jigglypuff's sadden look worried Marth, but it was better then risking her running into battle and becoming another victim of the beast.

Link pushed the small creature off him and stood up. His avatar turned to run, but due to all the damage, he's speed had suffered greatly. So instead of running away, he took out one of his Maximum Tomatoes, healing about half of his HP bar. "Damn, thats not enough..." He muttered, reaching for another one.

But the monster wasn't planning on waiting for him to finish his healing. It began to scamper across the floor of the dungeon, heading in Link's direction. As it reached attack range, it jumped into the air and did a somersault, preparing to strike the swordsman in the back with its tail. Luckily for him, however, the Hylian saw the approaching beast and managed to turn around and lift his shield at the last moment. There was a flash of light as the monster's tail collided with the shield.

Once the light settled, Link pushed his shield forward, also pushing the little mouse back with it. As the mouse landed, Link too this chance to go on the offensive. He swung his sword at the monster, dealing a good 40 damage. The monster took a step back as Link pushed forward. He slashed at the beast again, but this time it dodge and began to retreat once more. Soon the speed between the two picked up. Link was wildly slashing his sword left and right, chasing the dodging monster backwards towards the right side of the room.

Just as they reached the end, Link thrust his saber forward, narrowly missing the wired monster, who had disappeared in a flash of light at the time of the thrust. But by now, Link had expected this move from the monster. Link's sword began to glow as he called out, "YAAAA!". His avatar began to spin around in a circle, slicing anything and anyone who was near by. And just his luck, the monster had reappeared right behind Link at the wrong time - taking a direct hit from Link's spinning blade. WirFra./PICU took around 110 Damage from that attack itself, knocking it back towards the other side of the room.

Marth was watching the battle with a surprised look upon his face. "No way!" He said, looking on in awe. "Why... Why couldn't she hurt it, but Link and I can? Is it a different class of monster, maybe?"

Jigglypuff looked up at Marth again. "Who couldn't hurt what? Marth, you're confusing me..."


The two looked back towards the battle just in time to see Link get hit dead on with a small thunder jolt. Although he only took 53 damage, Link dropped his sword and shield and fell to the ground with a thud. "What now!?" Jigglypuff cried out.

Link's body began to pulsate a yellow ring. "Nononononononono!" Link cried out. "WHY DID I HAVE TO GET PARALYZED NOW!!!"

Marth and Jigglypuff gasped in shock after hearing what happened. "Marth, we need to help him now!" Jigglypuff said, lifting her staff once more.

"I... I..." Marth was still too confused to think straight. But its in those times that true hero's are born. "Yes!" He cried, taking out his sword and running into the room. "Heal Link! I'll take that thing!"

"Got it!" Jigglypuff said, bouncing off towards the fallen Hylian.

WirFra./PICU began to close in on the helpless Link. It gave a motion that seemed to be it laughing, although no sound came out of it's mouth. Link watched helpless as the monster kicked his sword and shield to the side and slowly close in on him. "Damn it..." He muttered. "So close..." But just as it seemed lost, Marth ran up and slide in between the remaining space there was between the fallen elf and his opponent. "M...Marth?"

"Hang on, Link!" He heard Jigglypuff cry. "Life Up Alpha!"

"Jigglypuff? Didn't I tell you two to leave!?"

Marth smiled. "I've been told alot of things. But if you haven't notice, I rarely listen."

"How do I cure your paralysis?" Jigglypuff asked, leaning down by Link's face.

"At you're level, you can't..." Link explain. "And at your level, Marth, you can't fight that thing!"

Marth didn't answer. He gripped his sword's hilt tighter and prepared for the monsters first move. However, instead of running forward, the beast hopped backwards a bit and lifted its small fists. "Want me to make the first move? Alright then." Marth charged forward, his sword readied to strike. But the blade was never meant to meet with the mysterious monsters body, as a gray rift opened up in the middle of the charging swordsman and the wired monster.

"What the?!"

"Um, thats not normal, right?!"

"Is that...?"

From the gray rift came a paper-looking man, much like the one Daisy had described during their last encounter. It fell from the void and looked around the room by facing all different ways. "What kind of monster is that?" Marth asked Link, taking a step back. "It's completely 2D!"

"Thats not a monster..." Link explained. "That's a 'Broken Character'..."

"A what?" Marth didn't know what Link had meant, but figured he'd have to ask more of it later. The newly introduced 'Broken Character' was walking right towards the wired monster. As it moved, it let out an 'beeping' noise as it approached the foe, who was busy backing up towards the wall. WirFra./PICU coiled down on the floor and let out a cry PIEKU as it sent another jolt of thunder heading towards the new person. The mysterious figure, however, was too thin for the attack, and it sailed right past him and slammed into the waiting Marth.

"YAAAAARGH!" Screamed Marth as his character took around 130 damage - only slightly less then his total HP at 150. Marth fell to the ground, smoke raising up from his charred body. "Figures..." He muttered.

"Life Up Alpha!" Jigglypuff called out shortly after Marth's damage.

The Broken Character took a few more steps closer to WirFra./PICU. As it did, it lifted a bell from its side and held it above it's head. The monster growled as it brought the bell crashing down onto it's forehead, causing a bright white light to fill the entire room. "What's going on!?" Jigglypuff and Marth called in unison as their screen went completely white.


I shielded my eyes from the exceeding bright light. "ACK!" I couldn't help but yell. The light was as powerful as if I had just stared into the sun. After the light reached it's peak of brightness, a loud vacuum sound shot out through my speakers. The vacuum continued for all but a few moments and as it stopped, the bright light disappeared, returning my screen to the normal.

"Link? Jigglypuff?" I asked, not yet bringing my hands down from my face. "Are you two there?"

"Is that you, Marth?" I heard Jigglypuff's small voice call out. "My screen... I think it broke... for a second, anyway."

"I'm here, Marth." That was Link. Good, the two seemed fine...

Slowly I lowered my hands and took hold of my controller. Glancing around the room, I noticed the paper looking player had gone missing. However, I saw that the wired monster remained. It was standing there, motionless, staring into space. "It's still there?!" I called out, pushing up on my control pad. Marth charged forward at the beast and swung his sword across it's torso.


"PIEKU!" It called out on last time. The slash mark Marth had dealt grew larger and larger, until it consumed the entire monster and it disappeared into little square pieces of data, blowing away in the simulated wind.

Marth stared at the empty spot in shock. "Uh... wow? It's dead?"

The following answer was a few grumbles from Link as he stood up and walked over to his weapons. "Finally... I hate getting paralyzed." He said, picking up his sword and shield.

"Um, excuse me..." Jigglypuff said quietly. "I know this might be a bad time but... what type of monster was that? It's name... it looked more like a computer file then a monster I've seen."

Marth was watching Link walk over to him. "Link... I've got more questions, my dear..."

The Hylian didn't answer as he approached. He simply pointed back towards where the monster had just been standing. "Look. You're the MVP again, Marth!"

The blue haired swordsman turned around and saw a large chest sitting in the place where the monster had just been killed just as the words began to flash across the screen announcing him as the MVP. "Oh." He walked over to the chest and flung it open. Two orbs of light shot out and struck himself and Jigglypuff.

>You've found #1nX03S$ !

"What the!?" Marth shouted after seeing his item. "What kind of prize is that?"

Jigglypuff seemed to get a similarly strange gift. "This treasure... it's made up of numbers, symbols and letters..."

Link looked glanced between the two with a worried expression. "What do you mean? Let me see."

"Here..." Marth opened a trade window with Link and he put up the odd item for trade. "I may not have been playing for so long, but I don't think there are any type of items called that, are there Link?"

The Hylian shook his head. "Not that I know of... Marth, let me borrow the item. I know someone who will want to take a look at it."


This sounds all to familiar I thought as Link accepted my trade. "What if I don't WANT to, hmmm?" I answered, making Marth cross his arms in a huff.

Link shrugged. "I might answer your questions if I can borrow it?" He replied with a smirk.

"You should answer them regardless..." I muttered. Link gave another one of his laughs. What a happy elf...


"You can have mine, if you want." Jigglypuff offered, walking up to the Hylian. "I owe you for saving us back against that Boo and killing the monster so I could get my item. So here, please, this is the least I could do."

Link canceled his trade with Marth, causing the blue haired swordsman to get upset. "Hey!"

"Why thank you Jigglypuff!" Link said, patting the pokemon on her head. "Atleast someone here is kind enough to help lil ol' Link out once in a while. Here's my GID. I'll remember that the next time you need help."

A moment past and the two apparently had finished trading items. "You're welcome..." Jigglypuff said softly, looking away as a blush crossed her face.

Link stood up and laughed. "Well, that sure was fun!" He gave a quick yawn. "I don't know about you two, but I sure am beat. I'm gonna head off for the night! It's been real fun!"

"Hold it."

"Yes, what is-" Link turned around to face Marth, but his sentence was cut off by coming face to face with the point of Marth's sword. The Human was pointing his blade directly at the Hylian's face, with a look that demanded answers to questions. Link closed his eyes and gave a giggle. "You don't really think you can hurt me, do you?" He said with his grin.

"Not really." Marth took a step closer, forcing Link to take a step back. "I just want some answers. I've got alot of questions. And you always run away from answering. So how about we answer some of them, okay?"

Link's happy face turned to one of hurt. "Marth, I'm surprised at you! All you had to do was ask me. There was no need to get so violent."

"First question." Marth said, withdrawing his sword. "How were you able to attack that monster? It looked and acted just like the other one that I encountered... and according to my friend, I was the only person out of hundreds that was able to land a blow on it. Does it have something to do with that super move you used a while back?"

Link didn't answer. "Uh... What are your other questions?" He asked with a smile.

"Why do these wired things leave such weird items. Is this an event? I don't think so."


"Is this the reason you brought us to this area? Or was it by chance that we just found ourselves on this level."

"Uh... sorry, the next one please."

Marth began to grow frustrated. "Why don't you just answer my questions!"

Link looked down at the ground and sighed. "To be honest, Marth... most of those questions I don't have an answer too." Marth stared at him with a puzzled look on his face. "Remember in my mail I mentioned a person who wants to meet with you?" He nodded. "Well... she's the one you should ask these questions. I don't fully understand this whole thing, myself... so it would be better to get it from here, then someone who isn't completely sure on the matter."

"When can I talk to her?" Marth asked.

"When you reach level ten. You need to be level ten to move onto the Hyrule Server, which is where she spends most of her time. But hey, you're almost there! A few more kills and you'll be ten before you know it. But until then... I'm no help! So, my friends, I shall be off for the night. I'm sorry we didn't get to much power leveling. Maybe next time!"

"Hold on! Thats not the answer I want!" Marth called out. But it was too late. Link had already taken out his warp pipe and disappeared down the green tube, returning back to the Mushroom Kingdom. "ARGH! AGAIN!"


I was at the point where I was about to throw my controller at the screen in frustration. Why did he keep doing that!? ARGH! "Maybe he really didn't know the answers, Marth..." I heard Jigglypuff mutter.

"PSSH! Yeah right! And somewhere right now, someone is plotting to take over the world!" I snapped back, making Marth place his hands on his hips. Quickly after saying that comment I noticed that I could have picked a better one.

"...Someone most likely is, Marth. Try again, maybe?" Jigglypuff said with a giggle.

"Yeah, and pigs fly!" There we go.

"There we go!"

I typed in a /sigh as Marth looked around the empty room. "I guess there isn't much for us to do here anymore, huh Jigglypuff?"

She shook her head. "So, do you want to... Oh! Oh no!"

"Jigglypuff? What's wrong?!"

"The time!" She said as she began to panic. "It's very, very late! I have an orientation tomorrow for highschool! Ooooh, I'm sorry Marth, but I think I should go to bed!"

Glancing over at the clock by my bed I nearly fell out of my chair in shock upon seeing what time it was. "Four... FOUR IN THE MORNING!?" I screamed, shocking the little mage. How did THAT happen!? "Oh no! Ugh! It's very late! We better log off, then."


Jigglypuff nodded. "Um... I take out the Warp Pipe item, right?"

"Yup!" Marth said with a grin.

The two took out their own sperate warp pipes and disbanded the party. As they were about to head down the pipe, Jigglypuff asked, "Say, Marth... will we ever see each other again?"

Marth looked over at the pokemon in surprise. "Of course! Oh, did I ever send you my Gamer ID? Here, in case I didn't..." The two quickly exchanged their GIDs and were about to warp back to town. "We can play again tomorrow, if you want."

"Really?!" Jigglypuff's eyes lit up like stars. "That would be so awesome! I... I had a real fun time playing with you today, Marth. I'm sorry if I dragged you down at any time... but it still was very, very fun."

Marth smiled and gave a thumbs up to the little pokemon. "Trust me, you never did. And yeah. It was fun. And we'll have even more fun tomorrow, okay?" Jigglypuff nodded. "Alright then. I'll see you tomorrow, Jigglypuff!"

"Have a nice night, Marth!"

Jigglypuff was about to head down her pipe when Marth suddenly remember something. "OH! Jigglypuff, wait."

"Yes? What is it, Marth?" Jigglypuff asked, tilting her head in confusing.

Marth opened up a trade window. Jigglypuff let out a confused mumble, but accepted the trade with no problem. Marth search through his items for a bit and came across the item he had sought for. "Here, this is yours." Marth put up the shield they had gained back in the other field, The Star of Twilight.

"Oh... Marth. Its not mine, you got it from that chest, right?" Jigglypuff asked.

Marth laughed and clicked accept. "Yeah, but I don't need it. You can have it, Jigglypuff."

Jigglypuff was hesitant at first, but finally clicked accept. As the trade window disappeared, Jigglypuff's smile grew even wider. "Thank you, Marth... I'm sure he'll love this. Well... I'm heading off now. Good Bye."

Marth nodded. "Good Night, Jigglypuff."

And with their good byes said, the two disappeared down their warp pipes, heading straight for the server town Mushroom Kingdom...


-Mushroom Kingdom-

Marth appeared infront of the fountain in a flash of light. The town, unlike during the daytime, seemed to on the verge of being empty. The calming background clearly was playing in the his earpiece, while the voices of chatting players was kept to what sounded like a simple whisper. "Wow, if only it could be this quiet all the time. Either way... time to hit the hay."

As Marth disappeared from the game, Link, who was watching from the side, let out a loud sigh of relief. "Phew, I thought he almost saw me... Ah well, looks like he's off to bed." He paused for a second to check his GID List. "Hmm... I don't think Zelda will be on this late, so I'll have to wait till tomorrow to show her that odd item." Link couldn't help but smile. "Hehe! The 'Event' is finally starting! So exciting!"


I logged off from the game and closed down the character select screen. It brought me back to the main menu, asking me if I wanted to load my character, visit the forums, etc. However instead of closing the entire game down, I found myself clicking on the forums button. "So... where would it be... aha, here!"

I moved my mouse over to a button that read 'MAILBOX'. Clicking it brought me up my current mailbox, which was empty, and the option to write mail. "If I couldn't get any answers out of Link... maybe someone else might know."

Opening the 'Write Mail' option brought me to a blank page with only the words; 'Recipient' at the top and a button on the side reading 'Gamer ID Booklet'. I clicked on the GID Booklet and selected the name of the player I was going to send my message too. I began to type and before I knew it, I had a nice message to send.

TO: Little Princess Me FROM: Dragon's Return SUBJECT: Similar Monster

Hey Daisy, it's me Marth. How have you been? I'm trying to gain levels, but it's pretty hard. There hasn't been a single day where I could just go on and play how I wanted too haha! Anyway... I have a few questions for you. You remember that monster you and I ran into back in Lava River, correct? Well... today, my friends, Jigglypuff, Link and I ran into a similar monster. 'Cept this one looked more like a mouse then a dinosaur. I think it was called WirFra./PICU. Regardless, it's body texture looked the same - purple wires with that weird logo on its face. But if that isn't weird enough... remember how you couldn't harm it at all, and neither could any of the other people who tried? Yeah, well, apparently my friend Link not only harmed it, but managed to put up a big fight against it. And after Link was hurt, things got even MORE strange! This thing... it looked like a piece of black paper came out of the sky and watched the monster on it's head! NO I'm NOT making this up! But anyway... Daisy, I'm pretty damn confused on the matter. I think Link also has some secret talent or whatnot which may have let him hurt the monster. At the moment I'm real sleepy so if I'm not making any sense, sorry. But the purpose of this mail is: Daisy, if there is anything you know about the thing we fought and if there is any connect between that and this one, could you let me know? Infact, just tell me anything you know! Thank you! - Marth

I clicked send and watched my letter whiz off to Daisy's computer. If anyone knows anything about those things, I have a feeling it'd be her. Yawning, I closed down SSB:O and began to shut down my PC. The sun was already starting to turn the dark night sky a light blue by the time I managed to crawl into bed. "So... to get those questions answered, I need to reach level ten? Heh... tomorrow is going to be fun..."

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