Page 142: Hackers, Bowsers and Boos - Oh My.

From Accct Wiki

Marth ran as fast as his character could through the dark field, searching endless for his runaway party member. "Jigglypuff!" He called out as he ran. "Jigglypuff, are you there?"

"You can just hold down the ALT button, you idiot." Came a voice from another player.

"You can just hold down the blah, blah, blah." Marth muttered, taunting the unseen player. He did just that and a group of names appeared. "Let's see... Wart... Toadette... Paula... Linlina... Pepper... Hector..." He sighed. "No Jigglypuff..."

He picked up speed again. As he did, however, a white orb appeared infront of him. "Uh-oh..." He muttered, taking a step back. The orb had not take shape yet when Marth remembered the shopping spree he did earlier in the day. "Oh right! I have this." He reached into his back pocket and pulled out a flat gray item. As he did, it vanished in a flash of light and with it, so did Marth.

Just as the orb turned into a Boo, Marth had completely vanished from sight. The newly created Boo stared at the stop where the swordsman once stood, looked to the left, then the right, then floated off in search of a new target. "Ha! So it works!" Marth exclaimed. A small image of an I appeared in the corner of his screen with a small green bar slowing decreasing in size. "That must be my timer... I better hurry!"

In his now complete invisible glory, Marth raced across the crunchy field, stopping every now and then to check the names in the area. "Oh no, Oh no!" Marth muttered as he noticed the green bar almost reaching the end. "Jigglypuff, where are you!"

Marth's avatar began to flash in and out of invisibility. Cursing to himself, he continued to mad dash through the field. Atlast the cloaking spell ended and Marth was visible and was able to be attacked by monsters. He reached for his sword and stood in a battle ready position, his eyes darting around the emptiness in search of any on coming monsters. When no monsters came he once again began to run.

He had only gone a few more feet when he saw in the corner of his eye a white orb floating up from the ground. "Oh no!" He said aloud, running in the opposite direction of the spawning monster. As he ran, Marth made sure to check behind him to make sure no Boos were following. "Good... ah!" He skidded to a stop as infront of him another white orb was floating up from the ground. Marth took a few steps back then began to run south towards what he thought looked like a lake.

Marth made it to the waters edge and glanced behind him to see if anything had chased him. When nothing was seen floating out of the darkness, he let out a relieved sigh and sat down on the grass. He looked out over the lake, the dark water was reflecting the image of the moon and his own. In the distance a forest of dead trees lined the lake, giving it a very haunting appearance. "Sure is spooky here..." He muttered, looking into the black water.


I put down my remote and sighed. I didn't really know what to do. I had a warp pipe left over from earlier... should I warp out? "No, I really don't wanna leave Jigglypuff here alone..." I mutter. But if I couldn't find her, whats the point of me wandering around and getting myself killed.

I looked up at my computer screen and saw what Marth was seeing. The dark lake with the haunting moonlight shinning over the forever dead trees. The water in the lake was still. It didn't even seem that the programmers had added, um, NPC Fish, I suppose they'd be called.

Suddenly, the still dark water was disturbed by a wave of ripples. In my headset, I heard the sound of something small plopping into the water from a distance. Picking up my remote, I made Marth stand up and turn in the direction of the sound. "Well, what do you know?" Sitting there on the lake's edge was the very person I had just spent ten minutes chasing after. "Jigglypuff!"


Jigglypuff turned to see the swordsman running towards her. She picked up her staff, which had been resting on the ground next to her and gave an uneasy look as he approached her. "Hey, why'd you run off like that?" Marth asked.

"I'm- I'm sorry." She whispered. "I'm just... not good at this game. Or anything I do..." She let out a sad sigh. "I couldn't even get myself killed... and I made it all the way to the edge of the map without running into a single monster."

Marth twitched an eyebrow. "Really? Huh... and you call that bad luck?" He replied, remembering his close encounters of the 'too-close' kind.

She nodded. "Yes... well, atleast I see it as bad luck. I can't even get myself killed? How pathetic is that..." Before Marth could answer, Jigglypuff turned and was about to wander off.

"Hold on!" Marth cried out, reaching forward and grabbing the little pokemon's arm. "No running this time." Jigglypuff turned around and gazed up at him with confused eyes. "Sit. Now."

"Okay..." She muttered, taking a seat on the grass.

Marth joined her and crossed his arms. "First off, why did you get so upset over that? It's just a game you know. And you're still new... heck, I'm still new."

"You are?!" Jigglypuff asked. By the tone of her voice, Marth was able to guess that Jigglypuff really couldn't tell he was new.

"Uh, yeah... I'm only level seven, you know."

"Those men said-"

Marth rolled his eyes. "Those men are jerks who lie and make fun of you for being new." Jigglypuff let out a low, 'oh' as Marth continued. "I may not be that used to online games yet... but I've learned this: Just because its a game doesn't mean its gonna be perfect. Honestly, I thought it was gonna be perfect, since most games seem to be. But these characters are still being played by people. And these characters are being played by those real life jerks. And if you run into those jerks online, you'll have to deal with them like you would in real life. 'Cept, in real life, you can't just hit a block button..."

"This game has a block button?"

"Um... I'm not sure..." He gave a nervous giggle. "See, I'm still pretty new too." Marth quickly went back on topic, "But why did you get so upset over a game?"

Jigglypuff sighed. "Well, I... it's not just in this game that I can't do anything right." She paused. "See... all my life, I've tried so hard to do things right. But I've always come up short. I've never could get that A on my grades... I could never finish any of my chores without being scolded... I could never do anything right. Everyone always told me I was wrong and stuff... and well... I'm just sick of messing up."

"I see... go on."

"However... my brother was the only person who really understood how much I tried. He was the only person who stood up for me, since I couldn't do it. When I was with him, I felt like I could mess up and not be made fun off. Not be punished. I felt happy and safe... but then my parents got a divorce and... I never see him anymore. And I keep messing up and up. One by one... all my friends left me because I couldn't do anything right! Now... I don't have anyone to stand by me, to make me feel safe..."

Marth nodded and let out a faint "Mhm". He thought he heard the faint sound of crying, but he kept his mouth shut, letting the mage continue her story.

"When I heard he played this game, I bought it so that I could not only be with him, but help him. In real life, I couldn't help anyone... not one person. But I thought in this game, maybe I could... I could do something more with my life. Which is why I choose to be a mage... I wanted to be be a healer, so I could help more people. And yet... even in this game, I still can't do anything right. Anything!"

"Well, obviously!"

Jigglypuff's tearful eyes turned to stare at Marth. "Oh... I... Uh... I didn't think you'd just blurt it out like that. I guess I really am useless." Her voice trailed off at the end, obviously shocked at Marth's blunt confession.

"You are!" Marth continued. Jigglypuff's gaze fell downward. "But not because you can't be useful. It's because your still new. See, you just started the game. You barely know how to play, right? You can just assume all the skills of the game will fall in your lap like that. Sure you're going to mess up... and you may even die because of it! But its not the end of the road."


"Of course!" Marth exclaimed. "When I died for my first time, I didn't want to give up and quit. I wanted to get revived and get back to ass-kicking!" He chose not to reveal the whole story of his first adventure in the game. "If you get knocked down a few times, just stand back up and be a stronger person because of it. If you mess up, well, thats okay. Atleast you tried." He turned and looked Jigglypuff right in the face. "But if you run away, you'll never get a chance to try. And if you don't try, how do you ever expect to help people in the first place!"


I felt like a motivational speaker... how weird.


Jigglypuff didn't answer right away. She remained quiet for sometime, letting the blue haired swordsman's words sink in. "I think... I understand. But... I'm just not strong enough to do that on my own."

"Well, you don't have to do it alone, you idiot!" Marth yelled, scaring the little puffball. "I'll help you, you know."

"You will?" She asked, her eyes lighting up.

But after a few seconds of thoughts, Marth took back his words. "No. I won't help you..." He saw her look of hope fade. "But not because I don't want too. Because I can't. I'm still new to this game myself. So I can't help you... but." He turned and smiled at the mage. "We can help each other. Is that okay?"

Jigglypuff's smile return. She stood up and nodded. "Yes, thats okay! I'll... do my best to help you, if you do your best to help me..."

Marth nodded also with a smile. "Alright then. So now that we've got cleared up... theres been something else thats been bugging me."

"Yes? What... what is it?" Her voiced was already trembling in fear of more rejection, causing Marth to sigh. "Oh..."

"It's nothing bad!" He exclaimed. "I was just... wondering what you were going to say before that Boo attacked up."

Jigglypuff gave a surprised face. "Oh! Well, um... I was wondering... can we be friends?"

Marth looked over at the little mage and was about to answer when a loud cackle rang out through the field. "What was that!?"

Jigglypuff almost fell to her knees with the shock wave of the cackle. "I'm... I'm not sure!"

The sound of dry branches snapping off trees boomed through the two players headsets. Each second the cackling and breaking got closer and closer, till out from the dead trees emerged a huge boo, almost ten times the size of the other boos the group had run into. Marth let out a gasp in shock as the very boss of the area had just found the two of them. "Jigglypuff, join my party!"

She did just that and the two began to back away from the floating monster. It was glancing back and forth, not yet having found a target to strike. "It hasn't seen us yet, has it Marth?" Jigglypuff asked.

He shook his head. "No, it hasn't. We need to get out of here, there is no way we can take..." He rolled his mouse of the distance boss. "The Big Boo... huh?" Marth then noticed something was different about this boss. It's HP gauge was already showing, something that shouldn't be shown unless your in a battle with it. What's weirder still is that it's HP was far, far down in the red. "What the..."

"Marth, look!" Marth looked over closely at the Boo and he saw on the ground three bodies of characters who had apparently fought the monster and fallen in combat. "Thats the monster thats supposed to drop the shield!"

"You serious?!" Jigglypuff nodded. "...Great."


I sat there, my hands shaking as I looked over the approaching boss. I hit a button on my control and Marth took out his sword. "It's already been weakened..." I say, gulping once I finished my sentence. "Maybe... we can take it."

"We don't have too, Marth!" I heard Jigglypuff's voice cry out in my headset. "It's too tough. Let's just get out of here."

I gave a smirk, although I knew I hadn't done the same for Marth. "Heh, Jigglypuff..." I muttered. "Didn't you hear anything I just said? You won't be able to help anyone if you don't try!"

With that, I pushed my control stick forward and charged Marth into battle. I heard Jigglypuff called out to me, but I ignored her cries as the Big Boo noticed me and the battle music began. "Just stay behind me and heal!" I said, hoping she heard me.


Good. She did. I made Marth grip his sword and ready himself for the first attack. "Okay then! Let's start helping others by helping your brother get the best damn birthday gift ever!"

In game, that is.


Pit fell from the purple vortex and crashed onto the stony ground with a thud. "Ouch..." He muttered, although not really feeling the pain.

"What took you? I had time enough to have a full whisper conversation with Zelda in the time it took you to get here."

He didn't need to look up to know who had said that. Pit stood up and brushed off some dirt from his robe. "I like to make sure I'm not jumping into a pit of hell before I charge into a random portal."

Sheik rolled her eyes. "If you haven't noticed, we're in hell."

The angel glanced around his surroundings. "My oh my, it seems we are."

The area was much like 'Lava River', with red molten lava flowing in a sea around floating black stones. The sky was clouded and purple, the sounds of thunder bursting in their headsets. One difference was that there was a large mass of solid stone right across a stone bridge. And built upon this stone mass was a large, gothic looking castle, with a headshot of the very player they came looking for - Bowser. Behind the castle, six small towers emerged from the landscape. Although they could not see it, all six of these towers were connected to a circular building behind the castle. On the other side of the stone bridge was an archway was erected with the words carved in: 'Abandon all hope, ye who enters here'.

"Isn't that plagiarism?"

Sheik shrugged. "Who cares. Lets just go."

The two ran over to the stone bridge, under the arch and right up to the gates of the castle. Sheik got to them first, and outreached her hand to grab the two handles on the door. But as she did, an electric wave shot through her body and sent her flying backwards. 600 DAM! Appeared above her head, dropping her HP bar far, FAR into the red and almost nothing.

Pit let out a low giggle as he took out a tomato shape item and threw it over to Sheik. It exploded half way towards her and raised her HP bar back into orange. Sheik then stood up and brought her right index and middle finger up to her face. "Life Up Gamma!" She called out, healing the rest of her wounds in one shot.

"I forgot you were a healer." Pit remarked as Sheik walked back up to the doors.

"Me too." She replied, examining the doors. "Bowser must have some sort of... lock on the doors."

Pit nodded. "Yes. How do you suggest we get in?"

"You don't."

The two turned around to see a rather chubby man standing there. His clothes looked very much like that of Luigi - having overalls and a shirt. Besides the fact that he was clearly heavier, his shirt was yellow and his overalls were a purple. He had a Z shaped mustache and a huge purple nose, and on his head he wore a yellow cap with a W.

Character: Wario Race: Human Level: 60 Class: "BombThrower" (Hacked) HP: 590 MP: 210

Sheik raised an eyebrow. "Um... just who are you? One of Bowser's lackeys?"

Wario gave the assassin a glare. "NO I AM NOT!" He exclaimed. "My name is Wario the Great! I am Lord Bowser's personal safety vault." Wario said, pointing to himself proudly. "He allows me to hold onto his most prized items and trusts me with guarding them!"

Pit couldn't help but give a giggle. "So, you're a mule?" Mule is a term that referred to characters created by users with their only purpose in the game being to hold extra items they could no longer store.

This 'insult' sent the plump man into a rage. "I AM NO MULE!" He screamed. "AND JUST FOR THAT COMMENT, I'LL MAKE SURE YOUR DEATHS ARE SLOW AND PAINFUL!"

"Not like we could feel that pain..." Pit added, rolling his eyes.

Wario let out a loud growl and reached into his pocket. Pit and Sheik both let out shocked gasps at what he had just pulled out. "A Bab-omb!" They exclaimed in unison, getting into battle ready positions.

"Bwahaha, and thats not all!" He cackled, reaching into his pocket once again. He then pulled out another bab-omb and smirked. "I've hacked my character so that the only attack skill this buddy needs is the power to throw Bab-ombs. So, say goodnight!" He flung the two bab-ombs at the duo, who both managed to jump out of the way in the last second. But their escape was not foolproof, as the two large explosions rocked the board, sending stone and lava flying everywhere, dealing over 200 Damage to each of the three.

Up on the top level of the castle, a large turtle sat in a throne. There was an extremely loud explosion, followed by the rocking of his castle. "What the!" He called out. Startled, Bowser stood up and ran over to the window. His surprised look turned into one of amusement. "I see. We have visitors. Bwahaha, this calls for a reception party!"

Little did Bowser know, but his most faithful servant Dr. Mario had been hiding behind one of the many pillars, listening to what the Koopa had to say. "Heheh. Not if I can get to them first." He whispered, disappearing a flash of white light.

Outside, large stacks of black smoke were rising up from two craters, now beginning to flow with lava. Sheik landed next to one of the craters with ease and rubbed some dirt off her. Pit floated down from the sky soon after, having used his wings to escape the bab-omb blast in time. "I forgot I could fly." He said as his feet touched the stone.

As the smoke cleared, the outline of the large man could be seen standing across from the duo, his hands cupping two more orbs. "Alright Pit... here is how we'll do this." Sheik spoke, bending her knees and taking out some needles as Pit readied his bow.


The sound of blades slashing through the air echoed over the odd background music of the area. Marth jumped around the field, each move swinging his saber at the beast, dealing small amounts of damage.

2 DAM! 3 DAM! 2 DAM! Appeared above the Boo's head as it prepared its next move. "Ahahaha!" It cackles, launching a powerful punch at the nimble swordsman.

"Jump, Marth!" Jigglypuff called out from the sideline.

At the last second, Marth jumped into the air as the fist collided with the earth. He lifted his sword over his head and brought it down right on the face of the beast. 4 DAM! But he wasn't done yet. As he was falling, Marth's blade began to glow blue. "DOLPHIN SLASH!" He called out, jolting upwards through the air and striking the boo with his saber. MAJOR HIT! 6 DAM!

The boo floated backwards and readied another punch. As Marth landed on the ground it let it's fist fly, hitting the human dead on. "YAAAARGH!" Marth's character screamed, flying backwards and slamming into a tree. His HP went from bright green to dark red in a matter of an instant.

"Life Alpha!" Jigglypuff called out, healing the swordsman slightly. "Life Up Alpha! Life Up Alpha!" She cried twice more, returning the swordsman to his full health.

But the healing attracted the gaze of the Big Boo. It gave another cackle and began to charge at the small Jigglypuff. As it reached the puffball, however, Marth gave a few hard slashes to the side of the boo, each dealing around 3 Damage. The boo turned back to Marth and tried to punch him once more, but Marth rolled under the fist, sprung up and sliced the Boo from close range.

Slowly but surely, the Boo's HP was going down. Jigglypuff took this time to dash away from the battle scene and find a safe place to wait till Marth needed more healing. It didn't take long for Marth to need it, as the boo delivered a quick punch, knocking Marth onto his back once again. "Life Up Alpha!" She called a few more times, healing the swordsman.

And this, in turn, attracted the Boo's attention to the pokemon. The patern of Marth attacking, being hurt and Jigglypuff's healing attracting the boo till Marth entered combat again continued for about three minutes. "How much longer?!" Jigglypuff called out, her MP almost on the verge of nothing.

"He only has about..." Marth jumped backwards, narrowly avoiding another punch from the boo. "30 HP Left!" He cried.

The boo swung its small fists a few more times, Marth dodging each swing. He slashed the Boo a few more times, dealing around 10 damage. But as he prepared to strike again, the Boo landed a direct hit on the blue haired swordsman, smashing him downward into the ground. "Yaargh!" He cried out, slamming into the dirt. His HP bar dropped to almost nothing.

"Life Up Alpha!" Jigglypuff called, rasing her staff in the air. The pale green aura surrounded Marth and his HP raised slightly. "Life Up- Eh?" The Boo turned and looked at her and as it did, its eyes shot wide open and a yellow ring shot out from them. Jigglypuff froze with her staff in the air, her body shaking all over and her spell not casting. "Wha-Whats going on here!?"

Marth stood up and took out a maximum tomato. It disappeared quickly and his HP rose to normal. "What happened?"

"My spells wont cast! My character isn't moving! Nothing is working!" She exclaimed.

Marth quickly opened the small text window at the bottom of his screen. He scrolled up slightly and read what the Boo had done to her.

>BIG BOO used SCARY GAZE on JIGGYLPUFF! >JIGGLYPUFF has become fearful! JIGGLYPUFF can not move or use skills!

"Well isn't that just lovely!" Marth cried out as the Boo brought another punch down on him. He managed to dodge and lifted his sword, preparing for his next strike. "This isn't good..." He muttered.

The Big Boo moved in closer, it's eyes set directly on Marth. Marth took a step back. "Marth..." Jigglypuff whispered, her character still frozen. "If he hits you just once... its over! I knew it! I knew we shouldn't have tried too-" Before she could finish her sentence the sound of someone running filled her headset. The Boo had apparently also heard the footsteps, having turned away from Marth and facing the approaching runner as it picked up speed. As suddenly as it began, however, it stopped. "Eh?" Jigglypuff looked up just in time to see a flash of green jump out of the trees, it's sword lifted and ready to strike.

The Boo had readied himself for the upcoming attack. The new fighter had jumped from the woods and brought his saber down on the boo's arm, blocking the attack. The swordsman pulled back his sword, flipped in the air and landed with a smirk on his Hylian face. "Link!" Marth called out, shocked to see his friend.

His smirk turned into a happy smile. "Hello Marth! Sorry I'm late, I got caught up with dinner." Before Marth could answer back, Link had gone back to fight. He swung his blade three times, but each strike was blocked by one of the Boo's hand. On the fourth and final strike, the boo brought both of it's hands down to block the sword's swing, causing a stalemate between Link and the Big Boo. Link gritted his teeth as the Boo began to slowly over power him and push the sword away from his body. But as it did, Link's body began to glow red. A few moments of glowing ended with a star flashing over Link's head. "I know I'm not supposed to use this... but oh well!"

Marth and Jigglypuff stood on and watched in awe as Link suddenly gained enough power to not only thrust his sword upwards out of the Boo's grip, but also send the ghost soaring into the sky. Link quickly jumped up after it and caught up to the beast in mid-air. As he did, two triangles formed around the giant beast which held the monster in place. Once they formed, they began to slowly rotate, spinning the Big Boo as Link began to wildly swing his sword, striking the beast from every angle. 500 DAM! 200 DAM! 420 DAM! 300 DAM! 500 DAM! all rose up from the sight, leaving the two on the earth speechless.

"Is that... a hack?" Jigglypuff asked, her character still frozen. "Or is it possible to become that strong?"

Marth was in took much shock to even answer. "Link..." Was all he could mutter.

His wildly strokes was finished off with three slashes, one going from the upper right to bottom left, one going from the upper left to bottom right and then one final jab right through the center of the boo. MAJOR DAM! #$ DAM! Appeared as the two triangles began to die down. "What the?!" Marth and Jigglypuff cried out, shocked at the 'number' given for it's damage.

Link and the Boo began to fall back towards the ground. Link landed, first, his sword glowing yellow slightly, followed by the huge body of the Boo slamming into the earth. It's body quickly exploded and disappeared and as it did, a flourish was heard on both Marth and Jigglypuff's headset, showing that they had both gained a level. Or two in Jigglypuff's case. As it disappeared, it also left behind a chest with the words flashing across the screen:


Marth and Jigglypuff were speechless as Link turned around with a smile. "That boss was pretty tough, huh?" He asked, giggling slightly.

"Uh..." Marth couldn't muster any words.

"Marth, isn't that your chest?" Go open it!" Link pointed to the treasure left behind. "Hurry, hurry! I'll heal your friend here while you do it."

"Sure..." Marth replied uneasy. He walked over to the large chest and kicked it open. Out floated two orbs of light, one of which struck him and the other which struck the now healed Jigglypuff.

You've found 600 Gold and a STAR OF TWILIGHT!

"What's a warp pipe?" Marth heard Jigglypuff ask randomly, followed by Link's hour long explanation.


I wasn't too sure what to say at that moment. What the hell had Link just used? That didn't look too normal...

"Thank you uh... say... who are you?" I heard Jigglypuff ask.

"Link. It's a pleasure to meet you, Jigglypuff!"

I had so many questions to ask Link right now. "Liiiink!" I cried, my mind still confused. "How did you know we were here? What the hell was that skill? Why am I the MVP? How did you attack that monster, I thought you couldn't unless you were in a party? Are you early or late? Why is this game so weird? And how can I learn to do that?"

Link burst out laughing. "Haha. You're funny, Marth." He replied, holding his sides. "One question at a time please."

Something told me that laugh was very staged. But oh well...


Marth nodded and began to walk back towards Jigglypuff and Link. "Um, okay... How did you find us?"

"I overheard some players talking about how they tricked a newbie into going up to another newbie and heading to a high level area for some item." He smiled again. "I figured it was you, so I just came on a hunch!"

"I... don't know if I should be flattered or insulted by that..."

Link gave a laugh. "Well, I'll explain answer the rest of your questions when we get back to town. C'mon, invite me!" Marth did just that and once he did, Link pulled out a red version of a warp pipe item. As it began to take shape, however, it appeared to be much bigger then a normal warp pipe, having surrounded all three of the party members. "This is a Travel Pipe." He explained after seeing the confused look on Marth's face. "It'll take us back to town as a party, not one by one. Everyone ready? Off we go!"

And with that, the three disappeared into the travel pipe, leaving behind the very spooky world.


"Oof!" Wario yelled as he fell to the ground with a thud. His body was bruised and beaten, and his HP bar showed he was very, very close to death. Standing behind the fallen man was Sheik, who was busy dusting off her hands and Pit, who was letting out a yawn.

"As Bowser's personal 'safety vault', I expected more from you." Pit said in a bored tone, floating into the air.

Sheik crossed her arms. "Really? I'm surprised you even expect anything from something as pathetic as a 'mule'."

Pit let out a giggle as Wario cursed the two under his breath. "This fight..." He muttered weakly as his character began to get up. "Isn't over yet!"

"Oh, but it is." Sheik said, stepping on Wario's back, pushing him back down to the stone. "Now, you've got two choices my friend. One, open the door and we let you walk away with what little HP you have left..."

Wario gave a cackle. "I'd never do that."

"Or two..." Sheik looked over at Pit, who nodded and landed over by Wario's head and pointed a readied arrow right at his skull. The human gasped momentarily as the assassin continued, "We kill you now and take all your goodies that 'Lord Bowser' has entrusted you."

Faced with two painful choices, Wario let out a low growl and agreed, "Fine, I'll open the door..." There was a few seconds of silence before a loud 'CLICK' was heard as the doors began to open.

"Wow, he did it." Pit said, slightly shocked that Wario would give in so easy.

Sheik smiled, although it couldn't been seen under her armor. "Ah, thank you." She spoke. Sheik began to walk away, but after she took a few steps she turned around flung her arm across her body. A few small flashes of light was all that could be seen as five of her needles quickly embedded into Wario's body, killing off the hacker. Just as suddenly as he had died his body disappeared.

"Haha, he's sure in a hurry to get back on!" Pit gave a laugh. His laugh quickly faded as he saw a large amount of rare items form where the fat man had just been killed. "Oooh, Sheik, look! The Sonic Arrow! Can I keep it, please?"

"Of course not! Those are all hacked items, you twit!" Sheik exclaimed, walking into the castle.

Pit let out a low pout. "Hmph, you don't have to be so mean..." He muttered, following her into the castle. The two walked into the dark castle. No lights were lit, and the only light that came from the programing. "Its pretty dark."

"You afraid of the dark?" Sheik commented, not stopping once in her march into the castle.

"Of course not. I was worried that you might get lost, though."

Just as the two reached about midway into the castle, the doors behind them slammed shut. Pit and Sheik spun around at the sound, watching helplessly as they were locked in. As the door shut, a large light shone down infront of them. The two turned back around and saw four shells resting infront of them. One red, one yellow, one green and one black. "What the hell are those?" Sheik muttered, walking towards the shells.

Before she could reach them, the red one jumped into the air. Sheik took a step back and readied some needles, preparing for an foe. As the shell flew into the air, yellow arms and legs shoot out of four holes in the shell, followed by one head from the final hole. It was a red shelled Koopa, with a red mask covering his eyes. "Not so fast dude!" He called out, pointing to the assassin. As he did the other three shells jumped into the air and performed likewise acts till there was a black koopa, yellow koopa, and a green koopa standing behind the red.

"Like, this is Lord Bowser's castle!" Exclaimed the yellow koopa. "Only members of Bowser's guild are allowed in."

The Green Koopa let out a gasp. "You mean these dudes aren't?"

"Of course not!" Yelled the black koopa. "Why would Lord Bowser let such an ugly woman into his guild!?" Pit let out a low cackle as Sheik shot him a death glare. "And that thing called Sheik? Horrible!" The two switch rolls this time.

"I don't think you should be so harsh on them Black." Spoke the Yellow Koopa, strolling up past Sheik.

"Hey! Don't ignore me!" Sheik bellowed, shocked the turtle would just walk by so calmly.

But the koopa didn't look back. It stopped infront of Pit and smiled. "Hey baby. Hows about you and me go cook up a little something something behind the castle? Maybe some pizza?"

Pit's angry glare could have even scared Sheik away. "...Get away. Now." He muttered, the words coming out of his mouth as a snake spews its poison.

"DUDE!" Exclaimed the Green Koopa. "Did you hear that? I think thats a dude, dude."

Yellow looked back at Green confused. "Seriously?" He turned back to Pit with a confused looked on his face. "Dude... are you a dude?"

There was a flash of golden light, followed by the thud of the falling koopa's body. Pit was standing there, his bow having just fired and steam shooting out of his ears in angry. "I DO NOT EVEN REMOTELY LOOK LIKE A GIRL!"

"Uh-Oh!" The Black Koopa said, taking a step back. "Dudechick just killed Yellow! Man, we gotta do something!"

"ALRIGHT! No more playing around!" Exclaimed the Red Koopa. "KOOPA BROS... ATTACK!"

The three remanning Koopa's joined together and jumped in unison towards Shiek and Pit. Shiek bent down and prepared some needles as Pit readied another arrow in his string. "Here they come!" Sheik called out as the turtles approached.


Before the three koopas could reach the two heros, they exploded into big bursts of confetti. Sheik and Pit exchanged confused glances as the confetti fell to the ground. "Sorry about that." Came a familiar voice from the shadows. "Those were Bowser's second line of defense. They're pretty weak, but I didn't feel like waiting around for you two to take them out."

Pit lowered his bow and Sheik gave a growl. "Well, look who it is." She hissed.

Dr. Mario stepped into the spotlight used by the Koopa's before and gave a smirk. "It's wonderful to see you too, my dear." Sheik tensed up, clueing to the healer that she was about to attack. "Relax... I'm not here to fight." The two didn't seem to ease up on their weapons at that statement. "Heh. I don't blame you for not trusting me. But this offer I'm about to make is in your best interest. You see, at this very moment, Lord Bowser is gathering his best hacking troops and heading our way."

"So?!" Pit exclaimed. "We'll take him down, no sweat!"

Sheik shot Pit a glare that told him to be quiet, then looked back to Dr. Mario. "And you're point? We did come all this way to meet with the big guy himself."

Dr. Mario let out a giggle. "And I'm sure you didn't come all this way to have your characters become deleted either, right? Even though the rumors go around that Bowser can't delete players... those rumors were started by the admins to calm the gaming population."

Pit was about to send a hotheaded answer when he noticed a message appeared on his screen.

>SHEIK: Don't say anything. >SHEIK: Let's listen to what he has to say. >PIT: HUH!? WHY?! >SHEIK: First off, I'm the leader so what I say goes. >PIT: You are? >SHEIK: Yes. >SHEIK: And secondly, what good will we be if we get deleted? >PIT: I... guess...

"If you're done whispering, I'll continue with my offer."

Sheik lowered her arms and Pit flung his bow onto his back. "Alright, we'll listen. For now." Sheik answered.

Dr. Mario gave a smile. "Good. I see you're not always as dense as they say, Sheik."

"No games." Sheik spoke firmly. "What's the offer?"

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