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Super Smash Brothers: ONLINE LOGIN #4: Full Moons


"What?" Just as I exited the forums, apparently I got a new mail. "That's... odd. Oh well, might as well check who it is."

I clicked on the forums button and opened by e-mail:

UNREAD: Let's level! - Timeless Hero

It didn't take me too long to realize who had sent me this message. After all, I only had three of those GID things. And I've already gotten Ness and Daisy's message so... yeah that was easy to figure out. Anyway, I opened the e-mail and read its contents.

Marth. This is Link lol. I'm sry over these past few days i've hvn't gotten much time to play with you like I promised, BUT I'm free tonight. So i was wondering, do you wanna go leveling tonight? I'll PL you :D (Power level btw). You need too gain levels fast so you can join Ness and me on our adventures. haha. plus i have a friend who wants to meet u on the Hyrule Server, so we gotta get you to level 10. I'll sign on around nine tonight & I'll be by the fountain in mushroom kingdom. I dunno if u know any... but can you grab a healer or mage if you know one? We could always use a healer on board. if not... i'll have 2 get Ness :P and i know how much fun that'll be haha. i'll see you on tonight then i hope! Bye!

I looked over at my clock and read the time aloud. "It's only a little past seven... I still have time to kill before he gets here. Maybe... I know! I should try leveling up by myself!" I let out a little giggle. That'll sure surprise him.

Grabbing my remote I clicked out of the forums and logged onto the game, bringing life to my avatar once more.


-Mushroom Kingdom-

Marth appeared in a flash of light in the same place he did when he first logged onto the game. Glancing around the busy town, he decided that now was as good a time as ever to check out these mushroom shaped stores. "Alright... which one to hit first." He spoke quietly to himself, looking around the town. The closest one to him was a red mushroomed shaped store with a picture of a sword handing infront of it. Walking up to the desk, he saw one of those mushroom 'NPCs'. "Hello there." He spoke cheerfully.

"Welcome to my store!" Spoke the NPC. On Marth's screen a item list popped up with different types of weapons of ever sort: swords, bows, staves... all were there. "Please feel free to browse and carouse. Hoho!"

Marth glanced up and down the item list. From left to right, each item was presented with it's name, it's level requirement, its base damage, and how much gold it would cost. Different weapons appeared in different colors too. That is, all of the swords appeared white to Marth, while all of the staves and bows were a dark gray. "I guess I can't use them or something." He thought out loud. At first, Marth didn't see any weapon that caught his attention. But then he noticed this one weapon that was perfect for his level. "Wow! I should buy it." He looked over at his gold stack. It cost 30 gold to buy, and he had over 200 pieces from his last two adventures.

Marth quickly clicked the 'confirm' button on the item list and another popup was displayed saying the purchase had been made. "Thank you for shopping with us!" The toad NPC quickly said, bowing its head as Marth left.

"Alrighty. That was fun." Marth said as he opened his item list. He scrolled down and found the blade he had just bought. "Okay... press A to equip and..."

Just as Marth had put on the sword, his screen froze. The freeze was quickly followed by a low pitched buzzing, that stopped only when the screen went black.


"What the?!" I exclaim, staring at the screen. The words were flashing:


I flung my head back and signed. "Geez, not again..." Why is such a glitchy game so popular?

It didn't take long for the screen to return to the normal log in screen. I entered my name and password, selected Marth and jumped right back into the game. "I wonder if it's something to do with my connection..." I wondered as Marth loaded onto the screen.


-Mushroom Kingdom-

Marth appeared in a flash of light in the same place he had just been standing. "Okay then. Now to check my item to make sure its okay." He opened his item list and scrolled through the items he had equipped. "Huh?!" Marth exclaimed upon coming to the weapon he was currently wielding. It read, 'Falchion'. "Thats weird..." Marth glanced through his items once more and was even more shocked to find that the sword he had just bought completely vanished. "What the hell is going on here?! Where did my item go?!"

"You get scammed or something, newbie?" Came a voice from behind. "Best way to learn, I guess." A few giggles followed, but this time Marth wasn't all the embarrassed. He was more confused then anything.

"What's going on here?" He asked again as he fell to the ground, his avatar crying big rivers of tears. "My Gold! My precious Gold! NO FAAAAIR!" Marth hadn't played many online games, but he did know one thing about them: gold sure is a bitch to find. After a few moments of over dramatic crying, Marth stood back up and sighed. "Alright, no biggie I suppose. I'll go shop at... that store!" He began to walk over to a blue colored mushroom store with a picture of a shirt hanging infront of it.

"Welcome to my store!" Greeted the female toad NPC with a huge smile. "Please feel free to browse and carouse. Hoho!"

Another screen with different items showed up. Apparently, Marth was at the armor shop. "How cool." He muttered, glancing at the different styles of armor. Like the items, the armor went name, level needed, its base defense and how much gold it cost. "Oooh! This is one nice!" When clicking upon an armor, it would show Marth's avatar dressed within that armor. He bought the nice looking armor and quickly went to equip it.



"What!!!" I yelled, nearly flinging my controller at the screen. "Whats going on here!?!"

It brought me back to the log in screen. I didn't put in my name and password just yet, though. I ran downstairs and leaned into the kitchen to make sure no one was using the downstairs computer. When both of the two are running, my Internet connect has a 'lovely' habit of kicking me off. But the chair was empty... "Okay... this is weird."

Walking back upstairs and into my room, I logged on one last time. If it kicks me off just one more, all hell shall break loose...


-Mushroom Kingdom-

Marth appeared in a flash of light right infront of the armor shop with a glare on his face that told the world to back off. "Welcome to my store!" Chanted the same NPC. "Please feel free to browse and carouse. Hoho!"

"No thanks..." Marth muttered, walking away from the store, triggering the NPC's farewell text. Once he had left, Marth quickly opened his item list and checked. "No! Not again!" He exclaimed, noticing both his gold and his newly bought armor was missing. "This isn't fair!" He paused for a second, trying to remember what he had read on the forums of what to do in a situation like this. "HACK!" He started screaming out. "HACK! HAAAACK!!"


"Hacker? Report him."

"That guy looks familiar..."

"Isn't he the newbie that was having a conversation with an NPC the other day?"

"Yeah, thats him alright!"

The blue haired human's patience's was just about up."You know, I CAN hear you!" Marth said back, shaking his fist. For the first time, the taunts stopped within moments. "Hmph." He crossed his arms and glanced around the circle, watching players chatting among themselves and forming parties. Soon his eyes fell upon the final store in the district, a green mushroom shaped store with an image of a mushroom hanging infront of it. "Alrighty, thats the last stop..."

"Welcome to my store!" Greeted the green headed mushroom man. "Feel free to browse and carouse. Hoho!"

Marth rolled his eyes. "You know, after hearing that four times, it gets pretty annoying."

"Get used to it." Spoke a falcon looking beast in a white jacket that stood next to him. "As long as your on this server, you've gotta deal with it."

"Wonderfuckingful." Marth replied with just a hint of anger in his voice.

The blue bird glanced over at the swordsman. "Wooooah. Temper, temper." He said before logging out from the game.

An item list popped up for Marth and he began to scroll through the many different goods. All the items were listed in the same order, name, what it does and how much gold it took to buy it. One item Marth choose to stock up on was the ever-so cheap 'Maximum Tomato', an item that heals a person's HP. Another fun item was the normal 'Red Shroom', which gave Marth an attack bonus for a shot period of time. And to end out it shopping spree, he bought an item that he thought might come in pretty handle - the cloaker device - which turned a player invisible for a short amount of time, allowing them to slip past monsters.

"Thank you for shopping with us!" Said the toad with a wave.


I took a few steps and opened my item list. "Okay..." I said quietly, my hands shaking on the controller. "This is it... the moment of truth." I scrolled down my item list and saw all of my items were there. I rolled my mouse over one of the many Maximum Tomatoes I bought and prepared to click. An uneasy tension filled the room, and the chatting of the players in the town seemed to vanish. It was a show down... me... verse the game.

"Um, mister?"

I hesitated for a moment, my thumb hovering over the A button. "Here... we... GOOO!"


It was like watching a movie, I saw my thumb fall downwards towards the A button in slow motion. What will happen upon impact? Another crash? Or will it work? Sweat began to pour down my face as I heard the click of the button and awaited the results. "I can't watch!"



Marth nearly fell over at the piercing sound of someone else's voice shouting right into his earpiece. "WHAAAAT? Who's the jerk?!" Marth yelled, spinning around to find the annoyance but nothing was there. "Huh?" He muttered, looking left and right for the player.

"Oh, I'm... I'm sorry! I didn't mean to... to annoy you." Came a much more meeker voice. Marth looked down and came face to face, or rather, knee to face with a small pink balloon looking creature with big turquoise eyes.

"Wha?" Marth glanced down at the small balloon looking creature.

"Sorry." She spoke again, turning away. "Oooh, I'm such an idiot! Sorry, I'll head off."

Marth reached out his hand to the figure walking away. "Erm, no, wait. What did you need..." He ran his cursor over her body and discovered her name. "...Jigglypuff?"

Character: Jigglypuff Race: Pokemon Level: 4 Class: Mage HP: 75 MP: 120

Jigglypuff looked back at Marth with a slight look of sadness on her face. "No, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to bother you."

"You didn't bother me." Marth replied, walking up to the pokemon. "So tell me, whats up?" The pokemon didn't answer, but instead glanced down at the ground with a sad look in her eyes. When she didn't answer after a minute, Marth began to get upset. "Hey, just tell me what you need, okay?"

She sighed and began to speak. "Well, I, um... I'm kind of new to the game and well..." The cute pokemon began to play with her stubby fingers, avoiding eye contact with the swordsman. "I heard some guys talking about you and well... I was... wondering if..." Her voice trailed off and became inaudible.

"Speak up!" Marth said impatiently, crossing his arms.

Jigglypuff let out a slight gasp. "I'm sorry! ...Well, I was... wondering if you could... teach me how to play the game?"

Marth's face changed from impatient to completely shocked. "Wha... What?"

"I heard you were a really good player... so I was wondering if you could teach me how to play?"

Marth's face went pale. "Rea...Really? Who told you that?" Behind him, a group of strangers were heard snicker and giggling, listening in on the conversation between the two. Marth noticed... it was the same jerks who nearly flattened him on day one of his gaming life.

"So, um... will you please help me?"

"Urm, well, I, uh..." Marth stuttered, trying to think of a good way to answer.

Jigglypuff sighed and turned away. "I knew it was a bad idea to ask you. I'm sorry."

"Hold on a moment!" Marth called out. "No, its not that. It's just... uh..."


I held my controller tightly, trying to think of a good way to answer the pokemon. Should I just tell her she had been tricked and that I was still new to the game too? Looking over he avatar, I could tell she was already embarrassed enough by asking me to play. But still... I needed to answer her. So I rolled my mouse over Jigglypuff's body one last time to make sure that I wasn't seeing things before.

"Why do you need my help?" I finally ask, trying to avoid the training. "It says you're already level four. Shouldn't you know how to play?"

"Well you see..." A pause. "Well, when I first logged in, this yellow mouse, um, I think pokemon, let me join his party and the two of us leveled up together. But... well, he didn't really teach me how to play the game, so I'm still kinda confused about it. Sorry..."

Sounds familiar. Maybe this mouse was Link's other character?

"Was he always happy sounding?"

"...Not really."



"And besides..." Jigglypuff trailed off. "I... well, I need to get a special item for my brother. It's his birthday today."

Marth raised an eyebrow. "Really now?"

"Yes...see, I've haven't seen him in a while, my parents are divorced, and when I found he he played this game, I bought it to play with him and... erm, well that has nothing to do with my item." She said blushing. "I just wanna get him a cool birthday gift... to make him happy." Jigglypuff turned away from Marth. "Erm, I'm sorry, I'll go find someone else."

"No wait." Jigglypuff turned back to Marth as he gave a smile. "I'll help you. Just lead the way to this area and I'll do my best."

Marth watched the small pokemon's face light up. "Really?!" She asked. "Thank you!"

A few moments of Marth fumbling with the controls ended with Jigglypuff joining his party. The duo headed towards the white portal and warped to the field that Jigglypuff had told Marth to head too.


The two loaded up into a dark plain. A full moon shone down on the field, giving it an eire glow as mist floated about the dead trees. Crickets could be heard in the background, underscoring the dark and mellow music playing in the background. Shadow's danced around the two, making it seem as if ghosts were watching their ever move. In the distance, what seemed to be an old house could be seen in the darkness, resting directly below the glowing moon. "Is... this is the field?" Marth asked, looking around the haunting surroundings.

Jigglypuff, who was now holding an odd staff that was shaped like a microphone, took a step backwards, hiding behind Marth. "Um... yes... it said so on the forums. The item... it should be in that house over there. I think..."

The air was still as Marth and Jigglypuff stood their ground. Marth gulped. "I never thought an online game could give me the creeps... Let's... let's head out." The two only took a few steps on the crunchy ground before off in the distance a crow began to caw. "Aaah!" Marth yelped, jumping into the air in shock.

"Are... are you okay Mister Marth?"

"Uh... yeah I'm fine!" Marth replied, laughing it off. "I just... thought I saw something move." He began to pick up speed and soon broke out into a run across the dark field. "C'mon, let's hurry!"

Jigglypuff nodded and the two started to dash across the dead leaves, trying to reach the house that laid infront of them. The moon's light shone down on the two, causing their shadows to grow and shrink, each time making the duo more and more nervous of what awaited in the darkness ahead of them. "So..." Marth said, trying to start up conversation between the two. "What is this item we're going after?"

"It's, um... a very rare item." She explained, running quietly behind the swordsman. "I think it's called the Star of Twilight."

"Sounds pretty strong."

Jigglypuff nodded. "Yes... I needed to get something good enough to pay him back." She slowed down and then came to a stop. "Oh... and by the way..."

Marth stopped and turned to look at Jigglypuff. "Hmm?"

"Mister Marth, um... can we be..." But before she could finish, Marth saw something whiz by him out of the corner of his eye. He motioned to Jigglypuff to stop talking and began to look around the field nervously.

"What's wrong?" Jigglypuff whispered, looking around the dark plain with her staff gripped tightly.

Marth withdrew his sword and gripped the hilt tightly. "I... I think I saw something."

The air was still as the two stood there, waiting for something to happen. Marth's eyes darted back and forth, making sure that no monsters were approaching. A minute past... and nothing came. "Well... I guess it was..."

"AAAH!" Marth spun around to come face to face with a floating white orb, it's face covered by two little stubby hands. "What... what is that?" Jigglypuff asked, backing away from the orb in fear.

Marth rolled his mouse over the creature. "It's... a boo?" Suddenly, Marth noticed something about the monster. "It's... it's level twenty?!"

"Is that bad?" Jigglypuff asked, turning back towards the beast.

Before Marth could, the monster moved its hands from it's face and let out a loud cackle. As it did, battle music began to blast through Marth's headset. He gripped his sword tightly and got into a battle position. "O...Okay... Jig-Jigglypuff..." He said, nervous about his fight real fight. "Please... stay behind and heal me, okay?" When no reply came, Marth looked behind him to check for the little puffball. "Jigglypuff?"


Marth turned around to see the little pokemon bouncing towards the floating orb, her staff lifted proudly into the air as she called out random attacks. The scene, as funny as it was, made poor Marth's face go pale. "Um... Jigglypuff?"


First came a screech from the little puffball, followed by a loud slap that echoed through Marth's earpiece, causing the swordsman to wince. "Oh dear."


-Hyrule Caste-

Zelda stood infront of the beautiful stain glass window, staring blankly up into the mysterious picture. No one was in the castle except for herself, the only sound in the entire area was that of the gothic sounding choir in the background music. But the haunting melody was soon distributed by footsteps slowly approaching the throne where Zelda stood.

"Am I late? Or am I early?" The character spoke, walking towards the waiting lady with a slow pace. "Are you even there?"

"I'm here." Zelda replied calmly, not turning around.

The approaching character let out a surprised laugh. "You answered me without me first giving the code?"

Zelda turned around to face the figure. "Well, there isn't anyone else here. I'm sure of it. The last person left here about ten minutes ago."

The figure came to a stop a few feet infront of the alter. He wore a white robe, more or less a stylish toga, with sandals that appeared to be boots from the ankle up and two wrist bands. In his hand he carried a bow, and ontop his brown hair he wore a golden wreath. The most surprising trait, however, was the pair of angel wings sprouting from his back. His blue eyes quickly examined the Hylian infront of him, and he gave a little smirk. "It's always such an honor to be in the presence of the Waiting Lady." He greeted with a chuckle.

Zelda smiled back. "And it's always an honor to be in the presence of the Guardian Angel. It's been a while, huh Pit?"

Character: Pit Race: Human Level: 70 Class: Archer/Swordsman HP: 550 MP: 300

Pit grinned and nodded. "Yeah, I know. When was the last time? A little bit after you started the guild?" His cheerful expression went to that of an annoyed one. "The guild you STILL won't let me join."

Zelda gave a light giggle, to which Pit just crossed his arms and 'hmph'ed. "You know why you can't join the guild. Trust me, I'd love to have you part of it. "

"Yeah, yeah." Pit muttered, dismissing Zelda's excuse with a wave. "Whatever gets you to sleep at night."


"So... what is it you needed me for?"

Zelda paused from a second and then began to speak. "Well... we're still waiting for one more person." She explained, gently brushing her hair falling hair back. "He should be here soon... from what I've gathered, he's not a person to be on time." The two remained silent for a bit, enjoying the rich background music, until it was shatter by the loud sound of doors swinging open and someone running down the hall. "Ah, he's here."

"Soooooorry!" A voice echoed throughout the castle as a figure dressed in a matching green shirt and hat and blue overalls came dashing up to the throne. "I'm... I'm sorry I'm late!" He apologized, lowering his head in shame. "I lost track of time and I was busy fighting this really tough boss and... and..."

Zelda let out a little sigh. "Luigi, it's okay."

Character: Luigi Race: Human Level: 67 Class: Fighter/Healer HP: 535 MP: 240

Luigi raised his head and gave a nervous laugh. "Nice one, buddy." Pit commented with a laugh. "Almost missed the meeting."

"Yeah I know I-" Luigi stopped mid sentence when he realized who had just addressed him. "Oh my gosh!" He nearly jumped across the room in surprise. "Zel-Zelda! You didn't tell me the famous Guardian Angel would be here!" His shocked expression didn't leave his face as he continued, "Is... Is he in the guild?!"

"First off...You never asked." Zelda answer calmly. And, much to Pit's dismay, she shook her head and finished, "No, he's not."

A slight blush crossed Pit's face as he gave an embarrassed giggle. "Geez, well... I'm not really that famous." He said, trying to ignore Zelda's later comment.

"Are you kidding me?" Luigi exclaimed. "You're like... second only to Mario himself!" He walked behind the angel and grabbed one of his wings. "And unlike Mario, you won these cool angel wings! ...You know, I never did find out how you won them. Care to explain?"

"Urm..." Pit looked up at Zelda to see if she was getting impatient. But she was just... staring. Like always. So Pit told the story, "Well, back during the first game, there was an event called Guardian Angel. The point of the mission was to protect a helpless princess from an evil wizard. The mission itself was easy, all you had to do was kill a bunch of monsters. It was the ending that confused everyone. No matter how many times you did it, and if you managed to get the princess to the castle, you always lost in the end. No one knew why." He gave a slight smirk. "Until I played it anyway. I beat the quest and for a reward, I got these cool wings and the title Guardian Angel. I'm glad I was able to bring my character from the first game over. Hehe..."

Luigi was in awe. "Wow. I knew I should have played that! But I couldn't get a copy..." He let out a sad sigh. "Oh well... so how did you complete the quest?"

Pit blinked a few times and gave a lost look. "Uh... well, you know, it's been so long since the mission, I've forgotten how I did it in the first place!"

Zelda cleared her throat, causing the two boys to give her their attention. "Well, I'm glad you both could make it. Let's get down to business here. First off, let me fill you in on what has recently happened. A mysterious, purple, wired like monster was seen in Lava River area of the game. I'm sure you've read the posts on the forums, right?" The two nodded. "Well, from what I have gathered, this monster is in some way part of the 'Event'. When it was slayed, it dropped a rare item that was clearly part of the story."

"What was the item?" Luigi asked.

"The Stone of the Void." Zelda replied. She continued, "This stone is the very same stone the 'Swordsman of Blue' used in the final battle against the hands. So I believe that the wired beast may be in some way connected to the hands. According to Ness, this monster couldn't be killed, or even hurt, by a character named Daisy. However, Marth, a person who is part of the 'Event', was able to damage the beast. But it seems that it was neither Marth nor Daisy who killed the monster, but one of the 'Broken Characters' that have been showing up more recently around the game."

"The black one?" Pit asked this time.

Zelda nodded. "Yes. I'm still not sure what those are. But whatever it was, it destroy the monster that was attacking Marth. From what I can understand, this broken character might be an ally of ours. But I'm not sure. That is why I need your help, Luigi."

Luigi smiled. "How can I help you?"

"I need you to get in contact with Peach for me. Tell her we need to make a meeting and talk about recent events."

Luigi looked surprised. "Well... Zelda, you know, Peach is a busy girl. She's not a normal player, she just can't meet when she wants too. Not to mention, if you wanted to get this meeting so bad, why did you call me and not Mario? You know Mario is closer to her then I am."

"I'm aware. However... the beast that I was talking about, it took the shape of Bowser." Luigi let out an 'Oooh' upon hearing that information. "Yeah. I'm not completely sure if this monster was truly a monster, or just a hack made by Bowser. So thats why I want to meet with Peach, to confirm. I didn't want to ask Mario because... well, although they are not friends now, he and Bowser were once close. I don't want to risk Bowser learning about us gathering information so quickly and as much as I like Mario, I just couldn't trust him to tell Peach and not take these matters into his own hands."

"Gotcha." Luigi answered with a wink. "Makes sense... I guess."

"And what do you need me to do?" Pit asked.

Zelda turned to Pit and spoke, "Well, the item, The Stone of the Void, was given to Daisy from Marth, since he didn't know the importance of it. I tried to get in contact with Daisy... but by the time I did, she had already lost the stone. She was PKed in the Kongo Jungle server by Dr. Mario. He took the stone and gave it to Bowser. We don't know what this stone's purpose is yet. It may have been something that his monster left behind, something that could have lead to him being caught, and thats why he wanted it back." She paused for a second. "Or... it could be that this stone truly is in some way connected to the hands. If that is the case, we cannot risk it remaining in Bowser's hands for any longer. We have no idea what power the stone could hold. He could very well take over the entire game with it."

Pit crossed his arms. "And that wouldn't be good, now would it?"

"I don't know, you tell me." She replied. "I want you to infiltrate Bowser's Castle and see if you can find and reclaim the stone."

"Uh, Zelda..." He unfolded his arms and looked worried at the Arcane. "I'm only Level 70. Dr. Mario, his best PKer, is level 90. I'm not even in the 80's. How in the world do you think I can get into his castle and make it out alive?"

Zelda smiled. "You won't be going alone. Trust me. I'll be sending someone else to assist you. Ever hear of Sheik?"

"Isn't that the super insane and crazy bitch obsessed with killing Dr. Mario?" Pit asked.

"...I wouldn't say super, but yes. Thats the one."

Pit rubbed his hands together in anticipation. "Wonderful."

"Luigi, the sooner you get in contact with Peach, the better. Pit, Sheik will be waiting for you near the portal in Pherae in ten minutes. That is all. Good luck you two."

"Thank you, Zelda." The two replied in unison, before turning and heading towards the doors.


"Well... atleast for once it wasn't me..."

Marth stood on the side near a gray body of a creature that once was Jigglypuff. Infront of him the Boo was busy battling two beast Paladins and to his left, a human healer was busy casting a resurrection spell on the fallen Jigglypuff. "Return!" She called out, bringing the fallen mage back to the world of the living.

Jigglypuff opened her eyes and glanced around the dark plain. "Oh? I was revived?" She glanced over that the human healer, who was standing with a concerned look on her face. "Thank you Miss... Elpieme."

"No worries." She replied with a smile. "But why are such low level characters here? This is a level twenty area. You were lucky that we just happened to be passing through or else you'd both be finished off."

Marth blushed in embarrassment. "Yes... erm, well..."

"It's my fault..." Jigglypuff muttered, looking down at the ground.

Elpieme shrugged. "Well, just get back to town before its too late. I have to get back to helping Eibekay and Isyupei." She turned back around and began to call out various Life Up spells, healing the two paladins battling the boo. It only took a few more moments for the boo to fall and the group of three were on their way.

The two were once again left alone. Marth let out a sigh and spoke, "Geez, I should have checked what the level for this area was... I really need to find monsters that I can kill."

"I'm sorry." He heard Jigglypuff mutter. "This is my fault."

Marth laughed and shook his head. "No, no. Not your fault. It's neither of our faults, we're just too wea-"

"No, it really is... I... I shouldn't have charged into battle like that."

"No, really, it's fin-"

"And... it's my fault we're even hear in the first place."

"Uh, yes, but-"

"And it's my fault for dragging you along! I should have just come here myself so I didn't have to put you in danger!"

"It's just a ga-"

Marth saw that Jigglypuff's eyes were beginning to fill with tears. "I'm so stupid! I can't do anything right in this world or the real world!" She turned away from Marth and her avatar began to cry. "How... how do you log out from here?"

"You can't log out from a field, you'd have to go back to town."

"GREAT! Just GREAT!" She exclaimed. Jigglypuff turned back and smiled a sad smile at Marth. "I'm sorry to have wasted your time!" She said before dashing off into the dark plain.

"Hey, wait! It's not safe to go out alone." Marth was about to give chase when the words flashed across his screen:

>JIGGLYPUFF has left the party!


I sat back in my chair and sighed. "Wow... getting all bent out of shape just because of a game." I muttered to no one, still being in party speak. My avatar was looking upwards at the bright moon. Despite how dark and scary the level was, the moon was very beautiful.

Just then, a story I heard back in English class popped into my head. We were discussing ancient literature. It was a story about a goddess who descended into the underworld to speak her were sister. When she reached there, she was captured, or something and held for three days, which is why the moon disappears for three days before returning to it's crescent form. One of her servants then asked three other gods to help save her... and thats where I lost interested since the story had nothing to do with the task at hand. I'm not even sure why it popped into my head. Random things pop into your head during these online games, huh? Go figure.

But something made me think about the little pokemon. What she had said before the Boo had attacked. "Mister Marth, um... can we be..."

Wonder what she was going to say...

"I better go save her." I muttered, moving my character away from his spot and off into the darkness that Jigglypuff had just headed in.



Pit loaded into a large, middle ages themed city with a large castle resting to the north. To the east and west buildings, stores and houses were placed, with many streets heading up and down through the maze of townhouses. At the very end of the of the streets was a large wall, a wall that surrounded the entire city except for a draw bridge to the south, which was also the white portal out of the town. It took a few seconds before the background music began to pour it, it was a royal sounding song, something that people could sing horrible opera too if they really tried. But just like on the other servers, it was drowned out quickly by chatting of players. After the load finished, he quickly clicked on an icon in the corner of his screen - labeled 'HIDE WINGS', hiding his prize. "Rather not get swarmed by fans today..." Pit spoke.

The archer took one step, paused, and then took another. He froze in his spot for a few seconds before finally moving at the speed of the other characters. "Argh... This is why I hate Pherae..." He muttered, wandering around the mass of players. "Waaaay too much lag."

Pherae was the finally server in the entire game. Only characters who reached the highest levels could make it to this royal server. Amoung the shops were the rarest items, the most expensive armors, and the strongest weapons the game could offer. Legitimately, of course. For the "Blakuro Marketo", one would have to visit the Hyrule or Kongo Jungle servers.

Pit had only take a few steps from the mass of players before he heard a voice coldly call out, "You're late."

He turned and saw Sheik standing against a house, her arms cross and glaring at the approaching archer. "Sorry." Pit apologized halfheartedly. "I didn't know showing up five minutes after I got my orders was considered 'late'."

Shiek rolled her eyes. "I'm not the one who thinks your late."


"Yes. Did you think you ment that much to me that I'd care if you were late or not? If you were late, I'd just leave..."

Pit gave a hurt expression. "Shiek. How could you? I thought we had some sort of bond."

The assassin stared and raised an eyebrow. "This is the first time we met..."

"Love at first sight, my dear."

Shiek rolled her eyes and sighed. "I thought love was blind?"


The two quickly joined parties as Shiek got off the building and began to walk down a side street on the other side. "Come, lets hurry." She muttered, heading down the path. "We've kept him waiting long enough."

Pit rose an eyebrow and followed the assassin down the street, clicking back on his wings once he was out of sight of the other players. "Him? Who is 'him'?" Pit asked as they headed into the maze of streets.

"Our tour guide, if you will." Shiek answered as they walked. Pit stared confused, clueing to the warrior to continue. "Did you really think we could just warp to Bowser's lair? It's not a normal field. There are only three ways you can get there."

"And those are?"

"One - Be a member of Bowser's Guild. Two - Be a system admin. And Three - Hacking."

Pit nodded. "So, we're joining his guild?"

Shiek sighed. "No..." She came to a stop when the duo had reached a dead end. "We're hacking our way in."

As she finished her sentence, a white orb appeared infront of the two. There was a quick flash, and when the light died down, a cloaked figure stood infront of them. "Is that..." Pit said in awe, rolling his mouse over the character. No information came up... not a name, level, class... anything. "Where did you get a CLOAK!?" But he didn't seem to care.

"It's a hack item, you twit!" Shiek replied angrily.

"Really? Cause I could use one, you know." Pit said with a giggle. "Hehe... So, who are you?"

The figure laughed. "Well, if I wanted you to know who I was, I wouldn't have altered my settings."

"I guess."

Shiek sighed again. "Why did I get paired up with such an idiot?" She wondered outloud. Ingoring the glare she received from Pit, Shiek went on to explain, "He's a hacker. Zelda got in contact with him. Only she knows who he, or she, really is."

The figure nodded. "That's correct. It wouldn't be in my best interest to be helping you two. See, I'm not really supposed to be doing this."

"What? Hacking?" Pit asked. "Well, duh, anyone could tell you that."

"Um, no. Helping you." It gave another laugh. "Oh please, like those silly admins could stop me from hacking. By the time they found my logs, they'd be altered and I'd be on my way to hacking a new item. Though that does bore me nowadays, since that crazy Hyrule Admin began to delete anyone with a hacked item instead of spending time chasing down the hacker." It sighed. "Certainly kills business, you know."

Pit gave a worried look. "Really? So, uh... Shiek, do you think we could be getting set up right now? Maybe the admins can see this and are on their way to delete us!"

"Don't worry." The cloaked player replied. "You're not typical customers. I've placed a barrier around this area. To anyone and anything viewing this ally, it would appear empty. And why would I want to draw attention to myself in the first place, if I went through all the trouble of hiding myself?"

"Enough small talk." Shiek bellowed, taking a step forward. "We didn't come hear to chat. Open up a gate to let us into Bowser's Lair."

The player laughed. "Feisty Me like." The cloaked figure held one hand up and there was a flash of purple. Once the light faded, a purple vortex appeared floating next to the cloaked player. As Shiek and Pit approached the vortex, sounds of static filled their headsets.

"That doesn't look to safe." Pit muttered. The area around the vortex was even being effected, as it looked like the very pixels of the game were being drained of their color.

The figure shrugged. "It's not." The shocked face on Pit amused the player even more. "What, did you expect a completely safe travel? The only real 'safe' way there is to be Bowser's lacky. Two words that should never be in the same sentence with each other is 'safe' and 'hack'. No matter how safe people claim it is, you can always get hurt... or caught because of it."

Shiek approached the vortex first. "So this leads right to his lair, right?" The player nodded. "You know what will happen if it doesn't, right?"

"I do..."

"Good. Well then, I'm off. Thank you for your help." Shiek dashed into the vortex and disappeared in a flash.

"She's very brave." The figure said once she disappeared. "I wonder if she even knows the risks of jumping right into the vortex..."

Pit took a few more steps towards the vortex. "The risks?"

The figured nodded. "Yes. Deletion. Infection. Corruption. Becoming labeled as a 'Hacker' by the Admins." He paused for a second and lowered his voice. "I've even had some people... die from hacking gone bad."


"Yes..." The cloaked player sighed. "You kids seem to forget that the computer is as much a 'toy' as it is a 'weapon'. Give it the right color codes to flash and you could have people falling into comas, getting seizures and dying easily. Not mention, your computer could short out and send electric currents shooting up a person body, frying their brain. And with a single press of a button... well, a computer could launch certain... things that could bring about the end of the world." Pit looked more hesitant then ever. "Don't worry, friend. It's my hack, and I've done it plenty of times before, so I'm sure its safe."

"You just said those two words shouldn't be in the same sentence together."

The character laughed once more. "Let me rephrase. I'm sure it's fine." Pit was now staring the vortex straight at it's center. "Well, aren't you going to go? Your lady friend is waiting for you on the other side, you know."

"How will we get back?" Pit asked.

"Just let me worry about that."

Pit looked over that the cloaked player, sighed and jumped into the vortex. Once he did, the mysterious player lifted his arm, causing another flash of purple. But this time when the light faded, the figure and the vortex had disappeared.


-SSB:O Headquarters-

"I see..." A young lady spoke, viewing the recent, yet very fuzzy log that took place between the hacker, Pit and Shiek. Just before she could close the window, an envelope appeared on her screen, along with the face of Luigi. It read: 'URGENT MESSAGE!' "...Things are starting to get very interesting..."

On the other side of her computer, hiding below the desk, a twenty year old looking man gave a small smirk and whispered, "Yes... Yes they are."

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