Page 134: Umbilicus

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Marth spun the bottle. It landed on Orochimaru. “Hm, what to make him do? Oh, I know! It might be a little unoriginal, but it’ll humiliating just the same.” he thought. “I dare you to drink a gallon of sour lon-lon milk.” he dared.

Orochimaru raised an eye brow. “What the hell is a lon-lon?” he asked.

“It’s Hylean for cow.” Zelda explained. “Strangely enough, Marth isn’t from Hyrule, so it’s a mystery why he used the term lon-lon.”

Marth shrugged. “I don’t know why I used it either.” he said.

“Ah, yes. But if this milk is from a different dimension, then how can I drink a sour gallon of it?” Orochimaru slyly asked.

Master Hand then came out of no where with a few gallons of lon-lon milk. “Well everyone, I lost Crazy Hand again. By the way, Link, your order of lon-lon milk has arrived, but I think one of them has gone sour, so be careful.” With that, he teleported out of the room.

“I’m going to enjoy this.” Itachi said sadistically.

“Me to.” Jiraiya said ginning.

Everyone looked at Orochimaru evilly. He looked around and saw their evil faces. “Fuck.” Was all he could say.


Orochimaru gulped down the last bit of the sour milk. Everyone stared in amazement. “Oh my god, he was actually able to do it!” Falco said greatly surprised.

“Lets see how long he’ll last.” said Ganondorf smugly


Orochimaru became sick and began to puke up the sour milk, along with mice, rabbits, bird eggs, and a bunch of other stuff snakes eat.

“Dude! He’s hurling!” Ness cheered with excitement.

“I’m starting to enjoy this game!” said Samus, who was now getting into the spirit of the game.

“Arts a bang.” said Deidara, who took the liberty to make small statue based off of the event.

“D-destroy that… now… y-y-you l-little… she-male!” Orochimaru growled, who was now feeling rather weak. Haku began to cry because he thought he was talking to him.

“Hey ass-hole! You made Haku cry!” Zabuza shouted angrily. He began to chase Orochimaru around the room, attempting to cut off the snake man’s head.

“I wasn’t insulting Haku! I was insulting Deidara!” Orochimaru screamed (like a sissy girl). “I’m mean look at him! He looks like Ino, only slightly manlier! Slightly!”

“Oh. Well okay then, un.” said Deidara as he threw the statue at Orochimaru.

“No!” Orochimaru shouted as the bomb landed on him. It exploded on contact. He fell to the ground half dead. Kabuto began to poke him. No, not Kabuto his best friend, kabuto the pokemon. Okay, it was Kabuto his best friend, but he was transformed into the pokemon kabuto for comedic purposes.

“Dammit!” Kabuto cursed. But the only ones who could under stand him were Pikachu, Jigglypuff, Pichu, and Mewtwo, but they didn’t care.

Master Hand reappeared in the room. “What the hell are you all doing?!” he shouted angrily. “You spent an entire page making fun of Orochimaru and no dares! Get on with the story already!”

“What story? This is just one of those crappy, random fanfictions where the characters do nothing but do lame retarded stuff rather than act normal and be sane! This story has no plot at all!” said Sasuke.

“Ah, but what you don’t see my son, is that this story is what people call a comedy. And comedies are aloud to be stupid, especially if there a fanfiction. Because no takes fanfictions seriously. And you know what, this is a fanfiction.” Master Hand explained.

“What about Bo bo bo-bo Bo-bo bo?” asked Sasuke.

“Even though it’s real, nobody is supposed to take that show seriously.” answered Master Hand.

“What about Yugioh?” asked Sasuke.

“Okay, Yugioh is just stupid.” Master hand replied. “Now get going! That’s almost two pages we wasted!” With that, he disappeared again.

Since Orochimaru could not play for a while, they spun the bottle to see whose turn it was. It landed on Zelda. She spun the bottle herself and watched it land on Naruto. “I dare you to, hm, ah! I know! Cut off a piece of Neji’s hair.”

Neji covered his head with his arms. “Not my pretty hair!” he defended.

Naruto grinned. “I’m going to enjoy this!” he said cheerfully. He took out a kunai and chopped off a chunk of Neji’s hair.

“Damn you.” Neji growled. Then, out of no where, a bunch of Neji fan girls tackled Naruto, and it wasn’t because they were mad at him, it was because they wanted the hair sample. About five minutes later, Naruto was laying on the ground, half beaten to death. “My revenge.” Neji whispered to him self.

Naruto got back up and sat in his spot. ‘At last! The moment I have been waiting for!’ he thought to him self. He spun the bottle, and to his disappointment it landed on Tenten. “Aw man. I was hoping it was going to land on Sasuke, or Gaara, or even Ganondorf.”

“And what would you make us do?” Naruto’s trio of victims asked annoyed.

Naruto became worried. He did not want any of them to know what he would make them do if the bottle landed on any of them:

If the bottle landed on Sasuke:

Sasuke: (hugs Orochimaru) I love you master!

If the bottle landed on Gaara:

Gaara: (singing) Here comes Peter Cottontail, hoping down the bunny trail! Hippidy, hoppidy, hop hop hop!

If the bottle landed on Ganondorf:

Ganondorf: (BREAK DANCES!!!)

Naruto decided what to say: “I haven’t decided yet.” Fortunately for him, they all decided to back off. “Okay, let’s see. Tenten give up all your weapons.” was the best dare he could think up.

Lee, Neji, and Gai gasped in horror. Tenten without her weapons is very scary. To there surprise however, Tenten cooperated with out a complaint. “Wow Tenten! You actually gave up all your weapons!” Lee said with shock.

“So, what’s the big deal?” Tenten replied. Then she knocked Link out and stole all of his weapons. Lee, Neji, and Gai sweat dropped. “Mine…” Tenten whispered as she petted the bow and arrows.

And so, another painful tragedy has occurred.


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